Lonnie : Evie , calm it down. Evie : I WILL NOT I CAN'T BELIVE THAT MONSTER IS GONNA MAKE ME LOSE MY JOB. Lonnie : You don't even know if he made a decision yet. Evie : It will obviously be Mal. Lonnie : You still have your store. Evie : I guess .*Pov ; And I still have my entire life to ruin mal's. *
Other Dorm.... Maddy : Mal put the spell book down! Mal : No! Maddy : *takes it. * Chill out ! Mal : What if he chooses her ?! Maddy : It's Ben, Mal. Mal : HE LET SHRIMPY SPELL HIM! Maddy ,I have a chance at loosing him. *Pov : And if I do , you best belive I will make Blueberry's life a living hell.*