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Music, cheers and happiness were all around the place, everyone was at the front of our castle, where they decided to welcome people, where they decided to welcome the first VKs, next to it would be the Auradon Academy, where all five of them would start studying along with the others.

Only Jungkook and Tzuyu do the royal classes, of course due to him having to be king and the future queen should be Tzuyu, Jungkook's current girlfriend.

The limousine the VKs are meant to be in arrived, as they opened the door five people came out, the two girls fighting over what seemed to be a game..?

"Let!! Go!!" - A grey haired girl, dressed in red, grey, black and white screamed.

"I want it!" - the shorter girl, with brown hair and what seems to be red stripes dressed in brown, yellow and red, argued.

"Do you even know what it is??!!! Give!!" They still shamelessly fought over it in front of everyone.

"I don't! But if you want it I want it!"

Everyone there went silent, except them, the VKs didn't care much about their presence until a few seconds later, when they noticed all the attention was on them.

"You'll get that later! Both of you let go of it" The purple haired boy commanded. They looked at them and left the game in the car. Everything looked a bit awkward, so trying to make the situation more comfortable, Jungkook went to welcome them, presenting himself.

" Oh.. Well, welcome to Auradon!" All the VKs smiled, looking around the place.

Junglook glanced at Taehyung. Now that he thought of it, Taehyung was more than gorgeous.

"This place will be weird you know?" They started speaking between eachother, everyone else started whispering.

" I am.. Jeon Jeongguk, Son of Belle and the Beast, prince of Auradon" Jungkook interrupted their talk again. Tzuyu grabbed Jungkook's arm and presented herself right after.

"I am Chou Tzuyu, I am daughter of Aurora, future Queen of Auradon, Jungkook's girlfriend"

"Girlfriend..." Taehyung whispered, a smirk was later spotted on his face. Jungkook payed more attention as he began to speak.

"First blue haired boy is Park Jimin, son of Hades" Taehyung presented them all. They receive a loud gasp from the crowd, Jimin waves and smiles cockily, he was really really pretty. Looking at him was addictive. "Second blue haired boy..." Taehyung continued "... Is Hoseok, Son of the Evil Queen"

Hoseok started speaking to Jimin, however, no one was able to figure out what it was. "This is Reol, daughter of Cruella De Vil"

"Before he continues, are there dogs here?" - Reol looked at Jungkook. Of course she had her fears as priorities, a cleanse of them was needed.

"Yes. Why? Do you like them?" Jungkook giggled, a bit confused at the sudden question. 

"Like?" She looked disgusted and looked around in fear "Never, NEVER, get them near me". That made the crowd laugh, Jungkook only smiled, allowing Taehyung to continue.

"Lastly this is Aks, our youngest and daughter of Jafar. And then, I am Taehyung, son of Maleficent". Whispers started once again, no one seemed to have expected this. Jungkook did think they were informed about it.

"What? Did I disgust you? Tzuyu?" Taehyung chuckled at Tzuyu's expression, it had a mix of hatred and disgust. She obviously wasn't comfortable with the situation.

"No, no, it's nothing" Tzuyu nervously said, looking away. Taehyung decided to mock her.

"I'm so so sorry if insomnia ran in your family because of my mother, I mean, it was a side effect of the spell..." Taehyung sarcastically apologized, biting his lips.

"You're going to make her cry". Hoseok laughed, Jungkook didn't know how to stop this situation. Everyone seemed to have left already.

"Anyways, how about a tour?" Jungkook just needed the day to be over, he had other activities to do.

"Was about time" Aks rolled her eyes. They were concerned about where Reiko could have landed, they didn't know Auradon properly so where he ended was unknown to them.

They all followed Jungkook, with patience. Taking all the information that was given to them. 

. . .

They were escorted to their dorms, Taehyung was to share a room with Hoseok, there were several buildings, they would all share rooms with one more person.

"If you have any more questions" Taehyung stared at Jungkook, who finished his tour" Ask me or JeongYeon"

"I'll ask JeongYeon she needs tips on her trousers" Hoseok commented, unpacking his things.

"Don't be mean" Taehyung laughed, now Jungkook seemed a bit uncomfortable, he didn't know whether this was slander or any of the sort.

"About earlier, we're... Sorry?" Taehyung smiled, Jungkook smiled back.

"It's fine, she won't be hurt by it. Uhm well, it's getting late, see you guys tomorrow at school"

"School .. How does it work?" Taehyung pouted.

"You've never been to school?" He never really imagined the fact that even school or learning was so insignificant over there.

"Depends on what your definition of school is" Now Jungkook was more confused.

"Well, it's separated to three, sixteen to eighteen year olds at 9am, then  nineteen to twenty-one year olds at 3pm, they're normally 3 hours long" Taehyung nodded and was about to close the door.

" Thank you very much, see you." Taehyung whispered and shut the door. Hoseok laughed.

"How dare you shut the door in his face, he's the prince!" Hoseok imitated what they thought AKs spoke like. 

"Wish I could literally do that" Taehyung sighed, scratching his head " Tell the others to come, I need to tell you guys something." He helped and in a couple of minutes they were there.

"We were busy playing games! Your room better have games" Aks complained.

"It does, Aks play whatever you want to play. But really..." Taehyung got their attention " I need you to help me find something out, Jungkook has been speaking to me for ages since we came, he's damn annoying. I need to find out where the crown and wand are hidden"

"Good thing I stole this laptop" - Aks said happily - "And this purse, and this lamp, and this tablet, and this headphone". She kept taking things out from her bag.

Taehyung rolled my eyes and threw everything except the laptop on the floor.

" How about you drop all this off here" Taehyung paused. "And get it back when I finish with my mission to take over Auradon" They either laughed lr smirked.

"That sounds evil, damn gorgeous" - Jimim said - "what's the plan?

" I'll figure out while we are here for a couple of days, the second I get my hands on the crown and wand it'll be game over for all these fancy kids"

"Okay, the wand and crown are currently in the royal Auradon museum" Reol explained, getting it from a quick search on the laptop "Everyone is allowed there during day time, it's closed today because of the VKs welcoming"

"Thank you, if I need to break in I'll use the spell books" Taehyung now unpacked his things, sitting on his bed.

"I'll help you, we should help" Jimin proposed, which Taehyung rejected.

" You're helping me like this, just get information while acting and behaving good, but of course you can have your fun. You'll get a lot of information while you're here"

"We should bring the information to you?" Hoseok said and I nodded with a smirk.

"Has anyone ever told you you're damn hot" Hoseok whistled and I laughed.

" Only about a million times" Taehyung innocently smiled

"But you do know that this is gonna be difficult right?" Taehyung snapped and looked at Jimin once again.

" Yes, that's why it'll be better if you get the information and I act. If I do a wrong move you'll be able to take me out of that situation. Just try to convince anyone that we're good, especially the prince" They all nodded in agreement and Reol seemed to find something new.

"Tae, there's cleaning every Friday morning while we're in classes. Everything hidden between our rooms could be found by staff"

" Ew, now that's evil." Aks moaned frustrated.

"Doesn't that mean that you have to get both crown and wand at once? You'll get caught if you steal one before the other"

" You have a point... I'll think about it, anyways thank you! Tomorrow we'll get more information while we're in school, remember this is to make our parents proud, prove that we're evil enough, prove that we're rotten..."

" ... To the core!" Everyone repeated, which made Taehyung smile. He'll always have them with him, so there wasn't any need for him to feel alone.

"Good, let's go to sleep, we can't try to rob the museum today. We'll get our hands on that wand in a couple of days. We need to find Reiko, you guys to you, me and Jimin will go search for Reiko, making sure he isnt hurt" Everyone did as they were told and went to their rooms.


"Yes, Hoseok?"

Hoseok was in his bed, feeling all the comfort in the world. "Promise you'll be careful, you know how our parents can be if they don't get their way, especially your mother"

" I would never betray my mother, I mean it's evil but it's not the right side of evil"

"Yeah... Whatever you say philosopher, just be careful."

"I will be Hobi, don't worry about it. " Taehyung smiled at his best friend's concern. 

After a couple of minutes confirming Hoseok was asleep, Taehyung got up, took the bag; full of sweets and a couple of stolen toys and went through the window. Taehyung wanted to see HyoJin before he went searching for Reiko. There was a park nearby, and he rather do this there.

I got there and thought of her, trying to summon her here.

"I beg of you HyoJin, may you come here and get your gifts" Taehyung closed and opened his eyes, and saw her on one of the trampolines, Taehyung smiled as she got off and ran towards him, he then carried her and sat on the bench with her on his lap.

"Hello baby... Sorry I couldn't bring you in a normal way, but you'll be here sometimes okay?" She nodded and looked around. " It's safe.. don't worry, take this" He gave her the toys, which she accepted" Now try the sweets"

Taehyung said as he tried to feed her a chocolate cupcake. She looked hesitant. Taehyung smiled and ate another cupcake." It's good, I promise it's good, it won't hurt you"

She slowly ate it at first and widely smiled, she left all the toys aside and started eating it, faster.

" Be careful, don't eat fast or you get sick, it's good isn't it? I promise to give you a lot more" A promise, a promise to give her so much more.

. . .

"I don't think this is a good idea Jungkook". Tzuyu spoke through the phone. As they always did before sleeping.

" Just give them a chance, they get to choose whoever they are, they're not like their parents, I know that." Jungkook was a bit tired of explaining the same thing over and over again.

"Let's assume you're right. But we definitely know the son of maleficent and the son of Hades are up to no good." Tzuyu was simply paranoid.
AKs and VKs were not meant to be together, it was just simply wrong for her. Especially the biggest villains

"You never know, Tzuyu, give them a chance first" She whined, Jungkook laughed and smiled.

" Taehyung just wants a better life for the youngest generation in the Isle of the lost, so did I Tzuyu. We both have that dream and I want It to happen, if this goes well, if the first six go well, imagine we could bring the entire Isle together with Auradon, a happy ever after for everyone"

"I understand but what if anything goes wrong..."

" Let's hope it doesn't. Right? Isn't what we have been thought since children? Have hope in everyone"

"It's Villain Kids we're talking about but you might have a point.  Ugh, okay Kookie, goodnight darling, I'll take my mask off and go to sleep."

" Have sweet dreams...". Jungkook smiled and hung up the phone. Laying down again and thinking about today. He sighed as he thought about Taehyung and his wish to bring everyone together, it was the same as his. No one else has ever spoken about it or even seemed to have that dream, but at least be was trying.

The effort was worth it.

He didn't understand if Taehyung was good or bad... Or both? It was better for him to not assume, he'll probably be good. Someone with such dreams is good.

He couldn't help but think about Taehyung's beauty too, he was just gorgeous, such beauty deserved to be in the royal museum gallery.

Jungkook wanted to speak to him tomorrow, maybe try to be friends. Just maybe.

.  .  . 

Reiko didn't know where he was, his landing wasn't exactly perfect, he did hurt himself. One of his wings caused him pain.

He cursed himself, now there wasn't a way of him getting too far from there.

The place around him, Reiko felt cold, but that cold was comfortable for him. It was him, his wings were cold, shedded ice falling from them. In front of him was a small lake, a really beautiful, small lake. Small animals played in it, and the moon's light turned everything blue. There was also a wall, a huge, tall wall, with what seemed to be a balcony high above the trees.

He wouldn't mind being there. But it appears, his landing wasn't exactly quiet.

"Nabu?" Reiko could hear a thin, excited voice. That same voice asked for the person over and over again, Reiko walked away from the voice, or at least he tried to.

The girl still caught up with him, hair dark as butterfly locks. With a torch in hand. "Oh, you aren't Nabu, who are you? You are really pretty".

Reiko stared back at her and frowned, not knowing what to do next. He formed a sharp object with his power, Ice, in case she tried to do anything that hurt him. "I'm, Reiko", he slowly whispered, the girl nodded and put the torch on the floor.

"Are you hurt? Aren't you meant to be a home?"

Reiko couldn't reveal that he was a Villain Kid, that was the last thing he should say. "I had something to do, I come from the moors, but i hurt myself while flying"

"Okay." The girl nodded, helping Reiko get up.

"Princess Ezra! You're not in bed yet, is everything okay?" Another voice was heard from the distance.

The girl covered Reiko's mouth and smiled. "I'm fine! I'll be back in a sec, I'm just swimming in the lake! Naked! So please give me my privacy."

Once she made sure that person was gone, she uncovered his mouth. "Sorry, I'm Ezra"

"Princes..." Reiko snickered.

"Yeah, i know, corny. I can't have a mad King" Ezra giggled. "Where are you hurt?"

Reiko was confused. "You're not going to hurt me?"

"Why would i do that? I don't want a war, and i have no reason to, now" Ezra looked up, making their way to inside the castle. "Now, let's go"

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