Chapter 13: Coco Pops

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The task of leaving school that afternoon was certainly a different affair for the gang. Michelle attempted to talk first but was interjected quickly by Erin and Clare who desperately wanted to ask the plethora of questions they had for Marco. The girls began to argue and debate who was going to talk first.

"Hold on, girls. One at a time?" Marco laughed, but it was a lost cause.

James stepped away and relished seeing Marco trying to referee the feisty Derry girls. As confident as Marco thought he was, he looked as awkward as James had once been and gave up trying to calm things down as they walked back to the classroom. Erin, Michelle and Clare bickered amongst themselves.

Orla regarded everyone with a content silence as she walked arm in arm with her boyfriend. She watched in astonishment as the others bickered so much, it was comical. Erin seemed to contort new facials that not even James had seen before, Clare monologued in her familiar high pitched panicky voice, and Michelle simply threatened to thump the shite out of either of them if she didn't get to talk. James and Marco laughed as they regarded each other. James then decided to brave the situation and tried his luck at talking to them. Amid the mass hysteria, Marco turned to look at Orla, who was now hugging his arm. Orla smiled as she looked at him adoringly. She then stole the chance.

"Hello." She said.

"Hello." He smiled.

"If I ask ye a question, will ye tell me the truth?" Orla whispered, smiling.

"Yes." Marco answered. Smiling at the familiar way they spoke to each other.

"Are ye really here?" Orla asked, touching his face.

"Yea. I'm really here." Marco assured her.

"How come yer said ye were gonna be here in two weeks' time?" Orla asked.

"I wanted to surprise you...." Marco answered.

"It worked." Orla beamed.

"If I ask you a question, would you tell me the truth?"

"Of course." Orla said playfully.

"You're not mad at me for telling a fib, are you?"

Orla closed her eyes and sniggered. She opened them and shook her head. Marco breathed a sigh of relief as Orla nuzzled her nose against the side of his face. Smiling contently, she kissed his cheek. Marco smiled and tilted his head to rest on hers.

"Girls! GIRLS!" James shouted.

"What d'ya want fuck face?" Michelle shouted back.

"Oi!" Erin protested.

"How about we try this... we walk home, you all talk one at a time.... Michelle goes first." James suggested.

Marco and Orla turned to see that James had managed to finally calm things down as they now stood in the classroom. Erin and Clare glanced at each other, spotting James' logic. If Michelle didn't go first, she would have moaned the whole way home. Erin and Clare agreed.

"Thank you, James! .... Orla, sorry, but I'm gonna have to nick him for a bit."

"Don't keep him too long." Orla playfully warned her. Michelle put a hand up in agreement. Orla slowly let go of Marco's arm.

"Walk with me ya little fucker." Michelle grabbed Marco's other arm who sniggered nervously as they began walking down the corridor. Orla felt Erin wrap her arm around her waist as they followed.

As they exited the school and made their way home, the fog was still present, and had only lifted ever so slightly. It was now starting to get dark. The gang walked in a straight line; the other four members stood a few feet to the side as they listened to Michelle quiz Marco.

"First things first.... what the fuck happened with Sister Michael?"

"She got sloshed on wine."

"What wine?"

"Some wine that I gave her."

"Where did ya get it from?"

"From Antonio, at the restaurant."

"Was it the same stuff ye got pished on?"

".... Yes."

"How much did she have?"

"Only two glasses, about this much."

"Ach, What a fucking lightweight! Shit! I would have given anything to see that." Michelle beat.

James quickly interjected "You'd have loved it. You should've seen her; she was going all like this." Marco laughed as James mimicked Sister Michael swaying, causing the group to laugh.

"I swear, she looked like she was gonna topple at one point." James threw in. More laughs.

"Fuck me! Ya not back one day and this happens! You're trouble, ye know that, Marco?" Michelle beat again. Marco laughed.

"Come on Michelle." James said.

"Alright! Alright! Two more questions.... Have ye got another bottle of that wine?"

"No, I don't have another bottle.... I've got a crate of it." Marco revealed. Michelle and the group gawked.

"Holy shit! Right, If ye get this apprenticeship thingamagig...We're gonna get pished on that! No arguements!" Michelle stated. The group laughed amongst themselves. Clare seemed slightly nervous, remembering the last time she got drunk.

"And the next question?" Marco asked.

".... Did ye miss me?" Michelle teased. Marco squinted his eyes at Michelle.

""... Yeah.... Of course, I missed you.... Ya big gobshite." Marco dared to say.

"Ach, that's it!" Michelle then put Marco in a headlock, Marco quickly apologised. The group laughed at seeing him beg as Michelle cinched up, unable to hide her own laughter. The feisty Michelle then straightened Marco up, threw her arm round him and smiled.

"Welcome back. Ya mouthy English prick."

"Thanks Michelle" Marco laughed.

She moved aside as Marco felt himself being flanked by both Erin and Clare. He smiled affectionately at them both.

"Hiya, Marco." Clare said.

"Don't mind if we join ye?" Erin quipped.

"Nope, not at all. As long as you don't beat the shit out of me." He quipped. The girls smiled.

"Go on Clare. Ye go first." Erin said.

"Well, how did ya get on with ya resits?" Clare asked.

"I got 2 A's and 1 B."

"Ach, well done!" Clare beamed. "That's class Marco!" Erin added.

"Well, you shouldn't act too surprised. You two practically gifted them to me." Marco laughed.

"How's that?" They both said.

"Well, I got a high mark for the English coursework, which was a big help. Thank you, Erin." He said, regarding her.

"You're welcome." Erin smiled proudly.

"And those techniques you taught me came in handy for the maths resit. Clare. Thank you very much." Regarding her as well.

"Ach, yer very welcome, Marco." Clare beamed. Wrapping both arms around his mid-section.

"I've got another question, Marco, it's... well, a bit more of a concern than a question... well, it's a big concern to be fair." Clare started to fret.

"OK... What is it?"

"Did Sister Michael talk to ye about.... About...."

"About this MadStab thing?" Marco finished the sentence.

The girls snapped their heads towards him.

"Ye.... Ye know about him?!" Erin frowned.

"Yea. J' told me. And I had a good talk with your Grandad and your mums earlier."

"They know as well?" Orla asked.

"They all know." Marco answered.

"Ach, we're fucked, then! They're gonna come down on us cos we didn't tell them!" Michelle shouted.

"Sweet merciful..." Clare started.

"Calm down girls! No one's in any trouble. J' saw to that." Marco said.

He took a moment to glance at James. Who nodded back at Marco. Clare breathed out a huge sigh of relief. While Erin and Michelle commended James for saving their skins; Orla made her way back to Marco's side. She reached to hold his hand, which Marco reciprocated.

"And yer... ok?" Orla asked sheepishly.

Marco spoke slowly; he supressed any anger he felt so Orla wouldn't worry. "... Yea. I'm not gonna lie.... When your Grandad told me about what was said.... Argh... What's the point in getting angry? All he's done is talk shit. Saying he'll be waiting for me? ... I'm not gonna let this dickhead think he can scare me, or you."

"I'm not scared of 'im, or her!" Orla stated emphatically.

"I know.... But I'm not gonna do anything that could ruin this chance I've got. If I did, I'd be letting too many people down.... Sister Michael... your family.... All of you.... And I'd be letting you down too, Orla. I couldn't do that to you."

"Ye could never let me down." Orla replied softly.

Marco turned to see Orla smiling at him. She jumped into his arms and hugged. Marco smiled and swung her legs round to carry her. The group laughed at the sight of them. As they neared The Quinn house. James put his arm around Erin, who hugged him with affection. They all looked and saw that Mary had standing at the door.

"Ach, wains. There ye are. Get yerselves in here! All of yas." She demanded, walking back inside.

The group bounded up the pathway. They had been a bit late coming home today, despite Marco's return; the group knew they had to get back to business of getting their homework done. Marco looked around but couldn't find the pup anywhere. Before he could say anything, Mary called out.

"Come in the kitchen, wains!" Mary ordered casually.

The group walked in to see the Quinn/McCool parents gathered around the table, along with Deidre and Jim from across the road.

"Ach, hello everyone." Gerry said ironically.

"So, How was school?" Sarah asked in the same tone, smiling at Orla.

Orla blushed and smiled uncontrollably as they saw her standing hand in hand with Marco.

"Welcome back, Marco." Gerry said kindly.

"Aye, welcome back lad." Deidre echoed, she rose from her chair and hugged Marco.

"Right. The rest of ya, in the living room. You two. Sit." Mary said a casual but expectant tone.

Erin and James smiled at the pair as they did what they were told. Orla and Marco sat down. Deidre returned to her seat. Mary took a moment and introduced Marco to Jim. He then turned to see Orla staring straight at the parents, her expression was blank, but she held his hand tightly.

"Well. Ye know what this is. The pair of ye?" Mary began.

"Don't worry; There's nothing to be scared of Orla." Gerry assured her, noticing how nervous she looked.

"Shouldn't we wait for Joe?" Jim asked.

"Aye, where's Granda?" Orla asked. Looking around.

"What the hell do ya think ye doing in there, ye sly Southern Shite?!" Joe shouted from the hall.

"Impeccable timing, Joe." Gerry called back.

Orla beamed happily as she got up and went into the hall to see her Granda. The conversation could be heard.

"Hello Orla love." Joe said.

"Hiya, Granda, guess wh-.... OH MY GOD!" Orla shouted.

"WHAT?!" Erin shouted in alarm. Hearing Orla's cry.

She shot up from the sofa to see what was going on. She stopped and gawked at Orla as she walked into the living room, her face bore a look of utter amazement as she held Marco's pup in her arms. The group turned and saw the little dog for the first time. James, Michelle and Clare were flabbergasted at the sight of the pup.

"Wha? Who?" Erin stumbled, looking at the parents.

"I take it they've noticed something, Mary." Sarah said.

"Oh my God! Who's this?!" Clare beamed. Approaching Orla.

"Alright boy?!" Marco said. Answering their question. The pup barked happily as he joined the group in the living room.

"Marco..... Is he yours?!" Orla asked in amazement.

"Yeah, I think he's trying to say hello." Marco said, seeing the pup looking up at Orla.

"Awwww. Hello there!" Orla said, cradling the pup as she sat down on the sofa.

"Ach, he's gorgeous!" Erin said.

"Where did he come from?" Clare asked excitedly.

"He was a last-minute stowaway. Alfonso gave him to me." Marco joked.

"Ahhhh, mate. He's brilliant!" James laughed as he stroked the pup. The gang crowded around the excitable little dog, who returned their attention with obvious elation as they took turns stroking him.

"So... I'm wondering; does that pack animal thing extend to actual animals?" Marco asked, looking at Michelle.

"If he was an ugly fucker, I'd say no." Michelle laughed. Who smiled as the pup turned to her.

"Aye, that's right, I'm talking about ye... What's his name?" Michelle said, stroking him.

"He hasn't got one." Marco said.

"How the fuck does he not have a name?" Michelle shot.

"Language Michelle." Deidre shouted from the kitchen.

"Christ. I forgot she were there." She whispered.

"I don't understand. How does he not have a name?" Orla asked.

"Cos I haven't given him one yet." Marco laughed.

"Any ideas?" James asked.

"I dunno... how about you name him?" Marco said, looking at Orla. Who smiled with excitement.

"Uh, you two. Could ye please?" Mary called, beckoning them back to the kitchen.

Orla frowned as she realized they'd been pulled away from "the talk". She handed the pup to Clare as she walked back to the kitchen, she was giddy with excitement and walked backwards, not taking her eyes off the pup, which began to whine anxiously.

"Stay there, boy." Marco said as he walked off.

"Aye, good boy. They'll be back in a minute." Clare said. Hearing the pup whine again, Clare melted and hugged him.

"Ach, Dry ya eyes." Michelle said.

"Who? Clare or the dog?" Erin smirked. James laughed.

"Ach, catch yerselves on!" Clare said.

Back in the kitchen, Orla and Marco walked into another shouting match between Gerry and Joe. The quarrel had gone unnoticed while they were in the living room. While Gerry tried his best to calm things down. The young couple wondered whether anyone noticed they were there, they looked at each other and shugged their shoulders. They sat and waited whilst the shouting match continued.

"I did not try to exclude ya, Joe!"

"He wasn't Da." Mary said.

"Well, if that's so, why did ye start talkin' when he wasn't here?" Sarah shot.

"I didn't!" Gerry insisted.

"Whose side are you on, Sarah?" Mary shot back.

"I have as much say in this as you do, if not more!" Joe declared.

"OK... No one's denying that, Joe!" Gerry said.

"Then why won't ye let Da talk, Gerry?" Sarah continued to stir the pot without knowing.

"Aye, Gerry, that's well out of order!" Deidre stirred the pot further.

"Oi!" Mary shot at her.

"Yeah, Gerry!" Jim chimed in.

"Oh, don't you start, Jim!" Gerry argued.

"Don't ye talk to him like that! Mouth!" Joe barked.

"Uh.... Excuse me, everyone?" Marco spoke up.

"Stay out of it, lad!" Joe said, casually raising his palm to Marco, not taking his stare off Gerry. Marco saw Orla fidgeting in her chair.

"What's wrong with you?" Marco asked her.

"I left my WHAM bar in my blazer pocket."

"Here you go, have these instead." Marco smiled. Pulling the WHAM bars from his pocket. Orla beamed a smile at him as she took them.

"Right! I am calling time on this! You two are doing my absolute head in! I need to get dinner going, the wains need to do their homework. I swear! Ye can both argue as much as ye like after. But for the love of God! Let's get this over with!" Mary shouted. Everyone fell silent at Mary's heightened voice.

Mary and Sarah turned to face Orla and Marco. Sarah moved around to sit next to her daughter. While Mary took a deep breath and began.

"Right. Well, first things first, Marco, we're glad you're back, ye know this. We're gonna say the same thing that we said to Erin and James about school coming first; But Orla, this means more for you because of.... A certain situation that we ARE aware of...." Mary raised her voice, looking towards the others in the living room.

"We just need to know that ye going to be responsible. That's all love." Sarah said slowly, making eye contact with Orla.

"By that, we mean; focus on school, this is an important time of ye.... and no more fighting." Mary said.

"I didn't start any fights though Aunt Mary!" Orla protested.

"We know love. Ye just need to make sure ye don't get pulled into anymore." Sarah said.

"Aye. Especially with this cousin of hers sticking his nose in." Gerry said calmly.

"It's alright Orla love. I've spoke with Marco earlier. He knows that ye both have more important things to worry about instead of some eejit thon boy making stupid idle threats." Joe said, who was now standing behind her.

"Can ye promise us ye'll stay focused on what matters, love?" Sarah asked.

Orla had begun to feel her head throbbing. Marco reached out and held her hand to sooth her. She looked at him, the throbbing pain subsided as he smiled at her. Orla took a deep breath of her own. She shuffled herself to lean on Marco, he wrapped his arm around her, comforting her.

"Aye.... I promise.... I promise." She said, looking at everyone.

"Alright then love." Sarah said with a smile.

"Right. Well, that's settled then." Mary said cautiously.

"The next thing we need to sort out is where Marco's gonna stay." Joe says.

"Ah no, don't worry. I'll get that sorted tomorrow at the interview.... if I get it." Marco said, trying not to sound too confident.

"What? Did ya think ye were gonna stay in Strabane, Marco?" Sarah asked.


"Ye'll do no such thing lad!" Joe said. "We've already sorted something out for ya." Joe said. Marco turned to Deidre.

"As much as I'd like to have ye, Marco. We just don't have the space." Deidre said unfortunately.

"Which is why Jim from across the road is here." Gerry said.

"Aye lad. I have a spare room ye can have." Jim said.

"Are you serious?" Marco asked, Orla gawked happily at the news.

"Ach, Marco! Ye gonna be right across the road!" Orla hugged him with excitement.

"Are you sure?" Marco asked again, pleasantly surprised.

"Aye, of course lad. Strabane is only 20 minutes' drive. It'll save ya money. If ye can shoot me £100 a month?" Jim asked.

"Yeah, I think I can manage that. Thank you, Jim." Marco sighed, smiling as he shook Jim's hand.

"No problem son. Just need to know something.... Ye don't have any bad habits, like walking around with ya gear all out or anything?" Jim quipped.

"NO!" Marco laughed at the odd question.

"Ach, then we're good." Jim replied.

"You know that cuts both ways, right?" Marco quipped.

"No worries there, son!" Jim laughed.

"Right on that note. We need to shift." Mary said.

"Aye, see ya later, Mary.... Michelle. James. Clare. Up and out the door." Deidre ordered.

As Marco stood up, He smiled as he saw the elation on Orla's face. She jumped into him, wrapping her arms around his neck. The parents smiled with approval. Marco picked her up and carried her into the living room.

"Ach, for god's sake ye two!" Michelle laughed.

Erin and James flanked Marco while Orla jumped down and bounced towards the pup who was sitting with Clare and Michelle. The girls smiled at Orla's giddiness.

"Ach, I hear we got a new neighbour across the road, hi?!" Erin smiled.

"Yeah, looks like it." Marco laughed.

"Ach, class!" Erin said.

"This is like the best day ever!" Orla beamed, now holding the pup in her arms.

"You must be on cloud bloody nine!" James quipped to Marco.

"I just hope it all goes well tomorrow." Marco chuckled.

"Ach, catch yourself on, Marco. You'll do great!" Erin smiled.

"Oi, you three. Come on now. See ye later, Marco." Deidre said as she headed towards the door. Marco

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