Part 4

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Coincidencetally, Marley was neighbors with Nick.

Next day (weekend)

Meet Marley's mom and dad, Margaret and Simon
They all eat breakfast together on the dinning table.

Margaret: how was school?
Simon: Dont forget about the sunset.
Marley: both were nice.
Margaret: by the way we're greeting the neighbors next door. They just moved in two days ago.
Simon: we made some gifts for them. They also have a kid, so we picked out some gifts for him.

Simon gives the gifts to Marley.

Margaret: Dont forget to give it to him
Markey: right

After breakfast, Simon starts to wash the dishes. Margaret and Markey both was getting ready for the day and to meet there new neighbors. Markey didn't really have to do much but to get ready for the day. Because she of course already knew the kid next door. Simon also got ready once he was done washing the dishes. They prepared their gifts and there they went to there neighbors house.

Margaret knocks on the door. A tall brown haired woman answers the door. That's Nick's mom Nicole.

Margaret: Hi there! You must be our neighbors?
Nicole: yes we are my name is Nicole
Simon: we bought some gifts for you guys *hands out the gifts*
Nicole: why thank you *gets the gifts*
Nicole: why don't you come inside, their are still some boxes we need to unpackage so ignore those.
Margaret: didn't you ay you had a child?
Nicole: we do he's upstairs still sleeping.
Nick: *walks downstairs yawning* oh hey Marley
Simon: you two know each other?
Marley: yeah we go to the same school
Nick: I'm gonna skip breakfast I'm not hungry *goes back upstairs*
Nicole: if you say so
Margaret: why don't you go upstairs with Nick we'll be here with his mom
Marley: right

Marley goes upstairs with the gifts. She opens the door

Nick: gee know first *walks up to Marley*
Marley: sorry
Nick: nah I'm just kidding, come in
Marley: by the way my mom bought some gifts for you.
Nick: for me?
Marley: yeah, there new clothes.

Inside was a black hoodie, green t-shirt, two jeans (one was blue and one was black), and new red pairs of shoes. Nick was in aw.

Nick: man, she bought all of this? *he pulls up the green t-shirt*
Marley: yeah, she buys a lot for people.
Nick: I see that
Marley: why don't you try them on?
Nick: one day, *lays the gifts on the floor*
Nick: *flops on the bed* I'll try them on, but right now I'm tired.
Marley: *sits down beside him* I can relate.
Nick: since your here, why don't we play some video games.
Marley: like?
Nick: never mind I can't think of anything.
Marley: * lays down* are you really that tired?
Nick: I stayed up.
Marley: I figured.

They both sat down on the bed and started to chat for a while about random things that came up from the top of their head. Marley got really tired and sleepy, including Nick as well.

Marley: hey you know *yawn* I'm really sleepy.
Nick: sameee

Marley falls down on Nicks chest and falls asleep. Nick hugs her and falls asleep as well.


Simon and Margaret thought it was time to go. Margaret and Simon went upstairs to get Marley. They saw her sleeping with Nick.

Margaret: should we wake them up?
Simon: it's fine once she wakes up she can just walk home.
Margaret: okay then.

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