Chapter 12

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Jackson: Stay safe.

Jackson lamely looked at the text again. To be in the same city as SHIELD and to not be able to help rubbed Jackson the wrong way. Part of that shocked him in some way. Months ago he wouldn't mind leaving it to the agents while he focused on his own job. But now he wanted to see the case through.

"So is Quake flower girl?" Jackson jumped at the sight of Yugyeom peering over his shoulder.

"Yah! Stop being nosy!" Jackson tucked his phone in his pocket and stood from the bench that sat in the halls of the stadium.

"I tried calling you earlier but you were too wrapped up in you're text. Manager noona said we have another hour before we have to start getting dressed."

"Okay. Thanks." Jackson said distractically.

"Jackson hyung." Yugyeom tugged at the edge of his t-shirt, "Do you think anything bad'll happen if Quake can't find who did it?"

Yugyeom left out to me? But Jackson could pick up on the maknae's fear.

"Agent Johnson and her team are the best at what they do. They'll find the people responsible and make sure it doesn't happen again okay?"

Yugyeom nodded, "Just worried I guess."

"Don't be. SHIELD has been all over this since the beginning, they'll take care" Jackson's attention drifted off to behind Yugyeom.

A security guard for the stadium who was on his cellphone. Nothing seemed out of place (Jackson would have barely glanced at him any other time), yet his chest tightened in a way that said otherwise.

Jackson shifted his focus back to Yugyeom, who was staring at him concerned.

The elder nervously chuckled, "Ah, Bambam was right. Everyone in Japan is good looking. Even the security guards."

Yugyeom glimpsed at the tall man behind him with a slouch nose, then back at Jackson, and gave his hyung a slightly disgusted look, "Can you not hit on someone every five minutes?"

"How dare you hurt your hyung like this?!" Jackson cried out.

Yugyeom scoffed and strolled back into the dressing room.

Jackson glanced back to where the guard was to see that he was gone. The idol stood and peeked around the corner; seeing the man walking towards the staircase. Jackson couldn't get over the constant stream of wrongwrongwrong running through his head and it wouldn't sit well with him if he ignored it.

Just see where he goes. Probably just to check the area like he's supposed to do. Jackson tried to convince himself.

The rapper did a quick 360 of the hall to make sure know one saw him before turning invisible and followed the guard down the stairs. They kept going farther down; Jackson trying his best to mach the man's pace. By the 4th set of steps, Jackson was about to chop everything up to pre concert jitters before the security guard's phone began to ring.

["Yeah, I'm almost down there now."] The man picked up and gruffed out in Japanese, ["Your signal's already dipping in and out."]

There was a pause and a voice talking back that Jackson couldn't hear clearly.

"You all got the cameras down? Good, we're already ahead of schedule then."

Every word that came out of the man's mouth automatically raised Jackson's suspicions but it was when he got a good glimpse of the guard's usually covered wrist that set Jackson into high alert.

A dog tattoo. One only aligned with one group.

Jackson continued to follow but at a more cautious pace. They reached the last step as the fake guard opened the door to the basement level. The lights were slightly dimmed and the floor only had 3 other rooms between its long hallway. The Watchdog agent confidently marched towards the door on the left; Jackson quickly behind him. The rapper didn't have a plan in mind (and was still grasping the notion that there might be more Watchdogs around) but knew he needed to stop the man from doing whatever he was planning on-

Jackson stopped and winced at the sound of his cell phone going off. The guard whipped around with a gun pointed out at the sound; his eyes darting around to find the source. Jackson quickly shut his phone to silent and used the man's confusion. The idol decke his jaw on his left and when he stumbled, drove a kick to his torso. The Watchdog then started to shoot in Jackson's direction. He missed but Jackson could still feel the searing heat of the bullet as it nicked the calf of his jeans. The man ran backwards to the closest door, pulled out a thin red card with a black strip, and quickly swiped it over the electronic lock. The door was barely halfway open before the Watchdog darted in. He tried to close himself in but Jackson was faster and forced his knee into the man's stomach, followed by a punch square into his face; knocking the man out cold as he slumped to the ground.

["The goddamn nerve."] Jackson muttered darkly as he dragged the Watchdog into the room with the door shutting behind him.

Jackson took a minute to assess the room: a shelf with some sound equipment, several pipes criss crossing each other, and some banners that matched the sign of the stadium building. All illuminated by a purple light.

Jackson looked up to the ceiling at the dark light panels, "Lights are off, so what is-"

Jackson whole stomach curled in on itself as he turned and looked behind him. It was larger and attached to an electric panel on the wall, but the idol knew it was the bomb he'd seen back in Beijing.

Jackson's breathing started to become irregular as he slowly stepped back into one of the walls and slid down. His whole body started to shake once the magnitude of the situation started to settle in. The weapon that blew an entire top off a building, was now embedded into a wall of a stadium.

Jackson felt vibration in his pants pocket, but this one on his left side. The idol fumbled for the Stark phone that Tony had gave to him a couple days ago in case he had to reach him covertly ("And because all other phone brands are shit." He stated).

Jackson swiped left and said, "Hello?"

"How well can you hear me superstar?" was the first thing Tony asked.

Jackson had forgotten about the Watchdog's warning about signal, but could surprisingly hear Tony well, "A bit choppy but I can hear you. Tony I...there's a-fuck I can't-"

"You found the bomb." It was Daisy's voice this time, "In the stadium. Where is it?"

"I...fuck I don't know. " Jackson couldn't get past 'bomb' and the constant loop of 'fansboysstaffdanger'. "Daisy they're gonna blow this here. My members, the fans, shit there are children here!"

"I know Jackson, but I need you to calm down to think for a second."

"I can't-"

"Yes you can Jackson. We've trained you well enough to handle parts of a situation like this. You can stop it from going off and make sure everyone stays safe but you need to get yourself together first." May's voice said sternly.

Jackson slammed his eyes shut and took in huge gulps of air. The rapper counted back from 30 before his breathing evened out and his heart stopped hammering in his chest.

"Alright first things first: are you looking at the bomb Jackson?" Tony started.

"Yes. I followed a security guard down to the basement level. It turned out to be a Watchdog agent. God, there's Watchdogs probably all over the place."

"Focus Wang." Tony pressed, "What happened to the Watchdog?"

"Unconscious. I knocked him out."

"Even with the signal being blocked, they probably have a plan to rotate. Won't be long before someone else comes in your direction." Tony theorized.

"Which is why we need to act quickly. Anything out of place and they'll set it off immediately." Fitz's voice sounded frantic, "Okay Jackson I need you to get a good look at the bomb; tell me what you see."

"Fitz I don't-"

"I'll guide you through what you need to do I promise."

Jackson gathered up his nerves and steadily crept up to the device. The idol was only 3 feet away before he started surveying the bomb.

"Still round in shape. It's connected to the walls with some wires and a pipe I think."

"The pipe's a conductor for power. Do not touch it, its likely very sensitive at this point. There should be a thin tube with two wires wrapped around it. Do you see it?" Fitz asked.

"Yeah." Jackson shifted a bit closer and tilted his head. The tube ran from the bomb to a black box that had more wires on its opposite end connecting to an electrical board on the wall.

"You have anything sharp on you?"

"No I-wait," Jackson patted around his legs until he found his multi tool kit from a pocket further down and flipped out the pocket knife, "I do. You want me to cut it?"

"Cut both the wires and tube. And then you're gonna take the cut wires and connect it to its opposite ends."

Jackson shuddered at being a breath away from the bomb but he carefully stalked up to the left until he could clearly see the timer that read: 0:50:34. Jackson stuck his phone between his ear and shoulder before gently grabbing the tube along with the blue and green wires. He hesitated everytime he moved the knife close enough to the wires but eventually slit the pieces apart. The bomb started to glow brighter and started making a whirring sound.

"Fitz? What did I do?!" Jackson stepped back.

"It's an automatic trigger system kid, it'll turn off but you gotta get those wires connected." Tony placated the younger.

Jackson went back to the wires and shakily crossed them. A few sparks flared as he pushed the ends together; almost burning his fingers;but once they were together, the noise and the glow stopped. The timer set at 1:03:42.

Jackson swallowed and let out a sigh of relief, "It's done."

"Good. You delayed it for a bit. Since you hit a trigger set out, the bomb will be set in a lock mode; it can't be tampered with." Fitz said.

"Which means it has to be disabled completely or,"

"Let it blow up as it is." Coulson finished, "We're not that far from the stadium, we'll take care of the bomb."

"And the Watchdogs?" The fear of the extremists roaming around unknown to others crept back.

"It won't take long for us to pick em out. But we're still about 15 minutes away."

"And local authorities would send everyone into mass panic and would cause them to scramble before we can catch them." May added on.

Jackson had a notion of what needed to be done. But the sudden heat that rolled down from Jackson's shoulders to his gut solidified the idea.

"I'll take down any Watchdogs I come across." Jackson posed.

"Absolutely not. You don't know how many they are or what other weapons they have." Tony denied, "I can't let you deal with that on your own."

"That's the thing Tony, I don't know how many they are. Or who they are. They could be near fans. God forbid near my boys-" Jackson stopped and swallowed to keep tears at bay, "I can't sit back knowing this and not do anything. I can't let them get hurt."

There was a pregnant pause before Tony sighed, "I don't want you getting hurt either."

"We've trained Jackson well enough. He's got this." Daisy's voice came through warm and confident.

Tony grumbled but then said, "I just sent something to you on your phone."

Sure enough, the phone buzzed with a notification. A text message with Mugshots attached along with a string of info.

"FRIDAY cross reference security feed of some of these folks before the cameras went down. How Japan managed to miss them in their background checks is beyond me."

"You can kinda get away with it when your boss is the Deputy PM." Fitz snipped bitterly.

Jackson scrolled through the list of people (mainly security guards and tech staff) when he heard a stiff voice outside the door announce: ["Guests. We are experiencing possible technical problems. Please in an orderly and calm fashion, evacuate the stadium and wait for further announcements while we resolve this issue. Thank you."]

["That should be the emergency alert sent out by yours truly."] Tony boasted , "Everyone except certain security should be outside."

"Try to pick them off from the inside without tipping the rest off. Hopefully by the time they realize something's off, we'll already be there. Think you can do that?" Coulson instructed the idol.

Jackson bit at his lip but nodded, "I can do it."

"Good." Daisy affirmed, "There's a secondary loading dock on the east side meet us there if you can."

"Got it."

"And Jackson?"


"Give em hell." Jackson grinned at the fire in the agent's voice.

"I will." He stated before hanging up.

Jackson closed his eyes and ran his hands through his hair. The last time he felt this terrified was when he was with Tony in a cave full of gangsters. Back then he barely knew how to protect himself much less another person. However so much has changed in the past 3 months. Jackson knew what he was capable of; good and bad. But it was a matter of if he was willing to take action.

How am I going to do this? Jackson thought.

The heat that passed through him before came back, but this time it came with a verbal response.

"With help."

Jackson felt his magic surge through him; stronger than it had ever been before. There was a shift in him that clicked everything into place. Jackson clenched and unclenched his fist after the feeling tampered down and breathed deeply.

"There's about 15 Watchdogs still lurking in here, a bomb that's about to go off in less than an hour, and the only person who can stop them at the moment is a Chinese Korean Idol who uses magic and can turn into a dragon." Jackson muttered to himself as he searched through the unconscious Watchdog for anything that might help him.

Jackson lifted a few key cards, a pair of handcuffs that he used to lock the man to a pipe on the wall, and fingerless gloves.

The rapper strapped on the pair of gloves and rolled his shoulders back, "Let's do it then."

A black hoodie and track pants, a black face mask, and motorbike gloves weren't really much of a disguise much less an outfit to defend yourself with. But considering that Jackson was able to teleport into a hallway and knock out the first (or second) Watchdog he found, the idol wasn't going to question it now. Jackson had tucked himself in of the entryway inside where the stage was set for the show. There were six guards pacing each section. Every one of them on the list of Watchdogs Tony sent. All of them seemed slightly unnerved at the sudden announcement. Jackson rolled around a plan in his head that would help him be discreet that wouldn't require being invisible; the power only being good but for so long. The idol eventually landed on an idea before taking off his mask and storming out of his hiding spot.

"Excuse me!" Jackson boistered out as he got all 6 of them to look straight at him, "Can any of you explain to me what's going on here? We have a show in 2 hours, why is everyone still outside?"

All of them glanced at each other and then back at Jackson. One of the female guards finally spoke up, "There was a technical issue that needed to be fixed. We had everyone leave the premises while it gets taken care of. You shouldn't be in here sir."

"Why does no one tell me these things?" Jackson bemoaned, "Ah, I'm so embarrassed now."

"Sir we're going to have to ask you to leave until further notice." Another guard spoke up.

"Of course. I wouldn't want to-ah! Ow! Ow!" Jackson cried out dramatically and curled over to the ground to cradle his ankle, "Ah! I forgot I broke my ankle last week. And here I am running."

Jackson peered up and saw the guards walking towards them There was an interaction between two Watchdogs; one annoyed that Jackson continued to be in their presence; before one of them leaned over to the idol.

"We'll help escort you out then." One of them stuck his hand out.

That was all Jackson needed.

The rapper latched onto the Watchdog's arm and pulled himself up; kneeing the man in the stomach and slamming his elbow down on the man's back. The Watchdogs immediately whipped out their weapons; one even holding up a walkie talkie; but Jackson was quicker than them. The idol flicked out his left hand and sent the Watchdogs slam into a wall.

"...In the arena...All black..." Jackson spun around to see the Watchdog on the ground rasping into his walkie talkie.

The man looked dead in Jackson's eyes before reporting back, "Aim to kill."

Irritation surged through Jackson as he kicked into the man's face and knocked him out.

Merely seconds had passed before the rapper heard movement from across the arena. Several more Watchdogs dressed as security guards stood at the entryway. Jackson didn't wait before backing out of the arena, slipping on his mask, and dashing down the tunnel.

The yelling and the thundering of boots fell behind him as he ran while a bullet whizzed by his neck. The rapper eyed the signs on the ceilings that clarified section numbers along with the kanji for 'east'. Jackson sped up his pace once he knew he was heading in the right direction and serpentined once another bullet flew by him. The idol curved a corner and stuttered to a screeching stop as another group of security guards jogged towards him. A dog tattoo stood out promptly on one of the guard's neck. Jackson was surrounded on both ends; guns and knives drawn and pointed at him.

"Take the filth down to the basement. He'll be a fall back in case anything happens to the bitch we got." The Watchdog with the neck tattoo spat.

The terrorists started to close in when Jackson started to glow a light blue before disappearing right in front of their eyes.The group looked around in befuddlement trying to find the enhanced. One of the Watchdogs spun around behind him and suddenly spotted the idol, but before he could get a sound out, Jackson did a swift spin kick on the man and knocked him down sideways. Before Jackson's foot landed back on the ground, the rapper threw out a large mass of magic that put a chunk of the Watchdogs out on the floor.

One of the few agents that were left standing fired his gun at Jackson, but the idol twisted and leaned right to dodge it. Jackson then grabbed and pushed up the man's wrist and twisted it until he cried out in pain. The Watchdog used his other hand to punch, but Jackson grabbed his fist in time, grasped firmly at his arms and brought the Watchdog's face down hard on his knee. Another Watchdog came charging at the idol with a blade; swiping at him horizontally. Jackson leaned back and managed to miss it, but was still nicked on his shoulder once the woman flipped the knife in her hand and swung down on Jackson. Jackson blocked her with his forearm and pushing it aside, grabbed it, and flipped her over his shoulder. One of the more larger men barreled towards him now. Jackson ran towards him as well, but as soon as he was a foot away from him, Jackson turned to the wall, put one foot up, and pushed himself to run across the concrete. He only took two steps before shoving his foot into the Watchdog's face,

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