Sanemi x Giyuu

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All of the hashira gathered to the Ubayashiki mansion for a meeting.  The Stone pillar: Gyomei Himejima, The Love pillar: Mitsuri Kanroji, The Insect pillar: Shinobu Kocho, The Sound Pillar: Tengen Uzui, The Flame pillar: Kyojiro Rengoku, The serpent pillar: Obanai Iguro, The mist pillar: Muichiro Tokito, The Water pillar: Giyuu Tomioka, and finally, the Wind pillar: Sanemi Shinazugawa.  Rengoku and Tengen were talking loudly, Shinobu was talking to Mitsuri about cooking tips, Giyuu was standing alone, Obanai and Sanemi were talking, Gyomei was praying with his usual tears stilling down his cheeks to his chin and dripping to the ground, and Muichiro was staring at the sky.  Obanai was listening to Sanemi rant about how annoying and quiet Tomioka was. " It's just so infuriating!  He acts like he's better than everyone else, and it's- "

"Annoying..? "

Iguro interrupted Sanemi with a slight tone of agitation in his voice.  " Exactly! " Sanemi yelled. " I just hate him so much!  He should just die! " Obanai rolled his eyes and stared up at the wind pillar. " Don't you think that's a little much..? " Obanai suddenly said in a empathetic way.  Sanemi stared down at Obanai with a glare. " what's with the attitude all of the sudden? " Sanemi asked with a confused face and tone.  Kaburamaru, Obanai's snake, pointed over, Mitsuri was walking close by.  Sanemi smirked. " Ooo~. Someone's got a crush. " Obanai's face turned bright red as a tomato. " Shut up, Shinazugawa! " Sanemi laughed with his chest out proudly as his head tilted up slightly. " Make me. " Sanemi smirked lightly.  Obanai crossed his arms and tilted his head towards the ground next to Sanemi with his eyes closed. " Fine.. ". the two Ubayashiki children walked towards the porch's edge.  The pillars formed a line and kneeled down in respect of the master's arrival.  They looked around at the pillars in unison as they said, " The master, has arrived. " Before walking back to the shade of the mansion's porch roof and one of them held the master's hand and helped him walk across to the part of the porch where the sun hit.  He looked up slightly, and then back to his blinded gaze of the pillars. " Thank you all, for gathering here today.  I deeply appreciate it, my children. " The master said clearly in his usual calm and collected tone. " it is reassuring to be seeing you in such well shape, Master. " Gyomei muttered out with a chattering of his praying beads was the pattering of his tears hitting the ground.  " Thank you, Himejima.  I am glad as well. " The master then replied to Gyomei's solemn words.  Mitsuri made an upset face. 'Awe!  I wanted to be the one to greet the master!' Mitsuri thought.  " As I was saying before, I thank you all for gathering.  It seems like a nice day.  A blue sky, perhaps?  But I have gathered you all here for one very important reason. " The master continued. " There have been a tremendous upbringing of demon reports ever since Nezuko Kamado has conquered the sun, which means that more lives are at stake, including our own.  We will have less time to graze around and take breaks.  But that also means that our lower ranked slayers also may have a less chance of survival if they run into a stronger demon as an upper rank.  We will be on our toes constantly. " The master finished. " But one last thing. " The master went quiet for a few seconds. " Please, stay safe, my children.  I cherish you all deeply and would hate for you to come to death's door so soon. " Sanemi nodded. " I understand, master. " The master nodded and held his hand out.  One of the Ubayashiki children took soft hold of his hand, and walked him back inside, most likely his bed.  The hashira all rose from their knees and stood up.  Most like Tengen, Shinobu, Rengoku, Muichiro, and Gyomei had left.  Leaving Mitsuri, Obanai, Sanemi, and Giyuu.  Sanemi and Obanai decided to continue their conversation from earlier. " So, yeah.  If you want me to shut up about your little crush, you gotta make me shut up yourself. "  Sanemi smirked loudly with a chuckle.  Obanai glared up at Sanemi with a cold glare. " Oh, I will alright.. " Obanai hissed.  Kaburamaru hissed at Sanemi.  Sanemi rolled his eyes. " Oh, please!  I eat snakes like you for breakfast. " Sanemi growled at Kaburamaru.  Obanai narrowed his eyes at Sanemi and pulled Kaburamaru away before he got too pissed off and bit Sanemi. " Fuck off, Shinazugawa. ". Iguro hissed before walking off, but then being stopped by Mitsuri to talk a bit.  Sanemi stared at Obanai before rolling his eyes and beginning to walk away before stopping himself.  He didn't want to go home just yet, as the master said, there is less time to rest around, and more time to prepare.  Sanemi just walked over to the training grounds.  He unsheathes his katana and started slicing training dummies and posts.  He continued this for a few hours before finally deciding to start heading home.  On his way, he figured he should grab something to eat.  He stopped by a nearby convenience store and grabbed some Ohagi just to take home.

Once he arrived home, He sat down on his bed, and started eating his Ohagi.  Bite by bite, finished it quickly.  He decided to go back to the training grounds and train again.  He left his house, and heard screams that would scare off a whole forest.  Sanemi sprinted over to the scene and saw a huge demon.  Five eyes, all scattering in different directions, four hands, all with short, magenta fingernails, blue eyes, all with slit pupils, and the demons obese body was a dark swampy green.  Sanemi unsheathed his katana and locked his gaze on the demon.  His eyes narrowed, veins bulging from his head.  He muttered, " Wind breathing: Fourth form.. Rising Dust Storm. " He took off towards the demon and made a horizontal sweep with his sword and created multiple cyclones of slashes to defeat the demon's attacks, before jumping up and slahing the demon's head off.  He stood for a moment, and watched as the demon hit the ground with a deafening thud and began to disintegrate.  Sanemi then slightly shifted his feet to look at the family behind him. " You folk alright..? " Sanemi grunted as he rested the back of his blade on his shoulder as a glare pierced through the still terrified family.  It was silent for a good while.  The only sound being the quiet burning of the demon behind them, which only remained a charcoal-black colored half of the body.  Before one of the eldest children finally spoke. " y..yes, we're okay,.. T..thank you,.. sir.. " The young boy bowed in gratitude. " if it hadn't been for you, we would've been dead.. ". Sanemi rolled his eyes with a cold expression. " next time don't be so stupid as to go outside at night. " Sanemi scowled.  The family shuttered at the glare of Sanemi's pericing, purple eyes. " yes, sir.. " The mother shuttered.  Sanemi scoffed and sheathed his sword.  He began walking to the training grounds. " So go home, Idiots. " Sanemi snarled before finally walking out of earshot.  The family scrambled up and together and began on their way back home.  Meanwhile, Sanemi was muttering to himself. " Those damn idiots.. they should know by now not to go out at night.. " Sanemi lowered his arms to his sides and started picking up the pace with his walking. 

When Sanemi arrives to the training area, he recognized a familiar half-and-half haori that was red on one side, and yellow and green on the other.  And that person had a low, spikey black ponytail.  It was Tomioka.  Sanemi started walking towards Tomioka. " Oi, Tomioka.  what're you doing here at this hour? " Tomioka lowered his sword and sheathed it. " Oh, Shinazugawa.  I should be asking you the same. " Tomioka answered in a sassy tone.  Sanemi snarled at Tomioka's sassiness. " Answer my damn question, Tomioka.  Why are you here at this hour? ". Sanemi said, a vein sprung up and bulged in his forehead.  Tomioka just looked at Sanemi with his usual emotionless face.  He just seemed slightly annoyed. " I'm training.  Why else would I be here? " Tomioka replied.  He stood waiting for Sanemi's response.  But Sanemi just seemed upset.  Sanemi walked up to Tomioka and gripped his collar. " Yes, but why now?.. " Tomioka looked up at Sanemi.  Ocean Blue eyes met Deep purple ones.  Sanemi waited for Tomioka's response. " Well?  I'm waiting. " Tomioka just stared at Sanemi again.  He opened his mouth to speak, but he spotted a Kasugai crow flying down.  Sanemi looked up and let go of Tomioka's collar and held his arm out for the crow to land on.  It seemed to have a note on it.  Sanemi took it off and read it.  It read, " Sanemi Shinazugawa, and Giyuu Tomioka, This is a note to you from Kagaya Ubayashiki, your master.  I am afraid my state has gotten worse over the past few days.  My illness has worsened faster than I had expected.  I expect you to be at the mansion at 2:30 am Sharp. 

     - Amane Ubayashiki. "

Sanemi's eyes went from wide from rage, to wide of worry.  The note crinkled in grip. " Damn it. " Sanemi said in a raspy, raged growl. " Oi, asshole. " Tomioka looked and Sanemi. " yes, Shinazugawa? "

" Ubayashiki mansion, now.  Master needs us. " Sanemi took off in a hurry.  Tomioka following quickly after.  Sanemi didn't bother checking if Tomioka was following.  He was in a hurry to get to his master.  He didn't take a break to ponder why his master would only want Him and Tomioka.  Not Himejima, not Iguro, not Tokito.  No one else besides him and Tomioka.  But either way, if there was someone at the mansion that isn't supposed to be there, then his master would be in trouble.  Tomioka followed behind him, keeping up with his pace.  He on the other hand, wondered why master would only want them two.  He followed every movement of Sanemi's precisely.  But he still wondered, why..?

Sanemi maneuvered himself through all of the bushes and trees gracefully and without struggle.  Tomioka struggled very little.  When they arrived, Sanemi hopped over the wall that guarded the mansion, Tomioka followed.  Sanemi bursted into the mansion with his katana out and ready for any battle. " MASTER! " Sanemi skidded to a halt when he got to the room. " What happened!? " He yelled with his usual hot-headed manner.   The master couldn't help but chuckle at Sanemi's obvious hot-headed concern. " nothing happened, Sanemi. " The master said with a smile.  Giyuu calmly walked in behind Sanemi.  To which Amane smiled at him.  Tomioka just looked back at her then at the master.  " you needed us, Master? " Tomioka said in a low voice.  The master turned his head towards Tomioka's voice. " yes, I did. " Sanemi sheathed his katana then took his sheath out of his belt and sat down cris-cross and rested his head on his fist.  Tomioka did the same except he sat on his feet with his Katana beside him.  The mask spoke again.  His voice was weak and raspy. " I won't be able to make it to the next meeting due to my state.  But what I do know, is that you two are the most responsible and trustworthy pillars there are. " Sanemi made a weirded out face. " Forgive me for speaking over you, Master, but what about Himejima and Kocho?  They're probably much more responsible than us. " Amane decided to speak. " Tengen and Rengoku tend to goof off very quietly, and Kagaya cannot see than, nor will they listen to the children.  They are absolutely reckless, and listen to no one except for those that they know will beat them up.  And you, Shinazugawa, will be able to handle that due to your hot-headedness.  And Tomioka gets along quite well with Rengoku.  In fact, helps Tomioka out a lot in times on need.  So you two are the perfect duo for future meetings.  It's also for bonding.  You two don't get along very well at all, so this is moment to bring you two together. " Amane finished speaking.  There was a deafening silence.  Sanemi's forehead was bulging with veins. " Excuse my language, " Sanemi paused. " but what the actual FUCK! " Sanemi growled. " I gotta run meetings with *HIM*!? "

" Sanemi. " The master spoke so quietly, that not even Amane heard him.  Sanemi continued on his rant. " He won't do anything!  he won't get Kyojiro to listen!  All he does is sit and listen and stare! "

" Sanemi. " The master spoke a bit louder this time, But still no one heard.  Tomioka then added on. " I too, am slightly against this.  Shinazugawa's mean to me.  He's never treated me any better than a trash can.. " Tomioka said quietly as he tilted his head to the side and shut his eyes. " I apologize. " Tomioka added on.  There was another deafening silence but with an aura of disappointment.  The master took advantage of the silence and decided to talk. " Please, I beg of you two.  Just try to get along.  You will soon find that you two work well together.  I will notify your crows and they will let you know thirty minutes before I would like to call a meeting so you can get there on time. ". Sanemi still looked unamused.  He looked over and Tomioka with the same look that he gave Sanemi almost like they were communicating telepathically saying, " This is fucking stupid. " And " I know. ". Sanemi looked back over at the master. " Fine.  I'll go along with it to ease you a bit. ". Tomioka exhaled through his nose. " I too, will agree to the circumstances. " The master smiled before tilting his blinded gaze towards the roof again. " Good.  I thank you two for agreeing to this.  This will give you less time to carry out missions, and train, and I'm pointing this towards you, Sanemi. " Sanemi scoffed and rolled his eyes.  The master continued speaking. " But this will be a huge help towards me, and the corps.  I will assign two different hashira to deal with the lower ranks such as Kinoe meetings.  I will probably assign Kanroji and Tokito, but I'll talk to them later. " Sanemi was starting to get bored.  His eyes wandered around the room, as well as his mind.  He thought, " What will I eat for breakfast in a few hours? " And " I wonder how long this'll last.. I'm tired of hearing about Kanroji and Tokito.. this is about me and Tomioka. ". Tomioka was paying attention closely in case of any valuable information.

After that, Sanemi stood up with Tomioka and put his katana back into his belt and began to walk with his hands behind his head.  Tomioka was walking normally.  Tomioka looked over at Sanemi. " Hey, Shinazugawa? " Sanemi didn't bother looking at Tomioka. " What is it, dork? " Sanemi replied in an intentionally rude tone. " Do you remember what Master said about us? " Sanemi kept walking and didn't bother looking at Tomioka. " I don't know.  Something about running meetings..? " Tomioka looked at Sanemi with an unamused face. " No.  He said have to live in the same estate. " Sanemi froze and his hands dropped to his sides. " He said what now..? " Sanemi said as he head slowly turned to face Tomioka while his eyes bolted to Tomioka.  Tomioka raised an eyebrow and repeated his statement. " He said he wanted us to live together.  He said it would make it more convenient than to notify both of the crows because he knew that mine was older and sends messages later than your younger one does. ". A few veins bulged in Sanemi's neck.  He didn't say anything for the rest of the walk home.  When he got home, He immediately sat down on the couch.  When Tomioka entered, Sanemi immediately snapped at him. " Shut the door and lock it. ". Tomioka did exactly that.  He stayed standing and muttered, " Can I.. sit down? " Sanemi looked up at him then back to wherever he was staring at. " Yeah, yeah whatever.. we live together now, so go ahead.. ". Tomioka sat down on the edge of the couch.  The silence grew into an uncomfortable and awkward moment.  Sanemi decided to break the silence. " So uh.. how was.. your day..? " Sanemi spoke quietly.  Tomioka looked over at Sanemi with wide eyes.  He shifted his gaze beside him and muttered, " Good.. I guess.. " Sanemi's face turned slightly red.  The silence commenced once again. " how was.. your day, Shinazugawa?.. " Tomioka finally asked.  Sanemi looked over and out a hand on the back of his neck. " Fine I guess.. couldn't really get a break.. " Sanemi sighed before sitting back in the couch and arching his back to crack it a bit. " Kind of stressing if I'm being honest. ". Sanemi grunted out before completely ragdolling on the couch.  Tomioka decided to sit back a bit.  He was getting hot and wanted to take his haori off, but he didn't want to be rude. " Can I take. My haori off?  It's a bit hot in here. " Sanemi put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. " Go ahead. " Sanemi said as he actually felt how hot it was in there before sitting up.  He seemed a bit hot-headed again. " Hiw hot is it in this fucking house!? " Sanemi stormed over to the thermostat and checked it " 76°!? " Sanemi yelled from the other room.  Tomioka took his haori off and neatly folded it and put it to the side.  He felt a bit cooler, but his uniform still had long sleeves.  He was still hot.  Sanemi walked back in taking his own haori off.  Sanemi's uniform was sleeveless.  Tomioka blushed a bit at the sight of Sanemi's now even more revealing uniform.  His muscles were visible and all of his battle scars were visible as well.  Sanemi noticed Tomioka's face. " Oi, assface? " Tomioka didn't respond.  He couldn't take his eyes off of Sanemi's body.  His nose started bleeding the slightest.  Sanemi noticed this and grabbed Tomioka a tissue. " Oi, assface, here.  Your nose is bleeding. " Tomioka snapped out of his trance and took the tissue. " Oh, thanks, Shinazugawa. " Tomioka said before taking the tissue and keeping it in his nose so his blood didn't drip anywhere.  Sanemi grinned a bit. " Thanks for the compliment. " He walked over to the couch and flopped down on it and put his feet on the table. ( Of course their shoes were off ) Tomioka looked over at Sanemi. " What do you mean, 'Compliment'? ". Sanemi smirked. " You know what I mean.  Think about it. " Tomioka sat there and thought for a second before realizing.  He gasped loudly and dramatically. " Hey! ". Sanemi laughed.

( Time Skip: 30 minutes later )

Sanemi seemed upset. " Why is it still hot!?  I turned it down to 70°! " Sanemi scowled.  Tomioka was fanning himself with Sanemi's haori, because it was smaller than his own.  " I know.. it's so hot.. " Tomioka agreed.  Sanemi took his shirt off and threw a shoe at the fan remote to turn it on.  The fan turned on and Sanemi relaxed a bit as the fan's cool air hit his bare upper half.  Tomioka was still hot.  So he decided to take his shirt off as well.  He wasn't getting any air. " move over, Shinazugawa.. " Tomioka said as he scooted closer to Sanemi to try and get some air.  Sanemi glared at Tomioka playfully. " Hey!  you're an ass! " Sanemi growled as he was shoved aside by Tomioka's bare upper half.  Tomioka smirked, but was quickly cut off by Sanemi pulling him ontop of him. " We'll both get air this way. " Tomioka was surprised, but still a bit playful.  His head was laying on Sanemi's chest right next to his nipple.  His stuck his tongue out and licked over Sanemi's nipple.  Sanemi flinched with a smirk. " So it's that kind of night, huh? " Sanemi said as he pinned Tomioka down.  He unbuckled Tomioka's belt and threw it aside.  Sanemi unbuckled his own belt, but just kept it open.  He pulled Tomioka's pants down and took his boxers off.  Sanemi licked his lips and his eyes glared with lust.  He seemed to like what he was seeing.  He moved down and put Tomioka's tip in his mouth.  He sucked lightly.  Tomioka let out a quiet gasp as he felt the warmth of Sanemi's mouth as the light suction feeling of Sanemi's sucks.  Tomioka bucked his hips forward eagerly, causing more of his throbbing, erected cock to push into Sanemi's mouth.  Sanemi gagged lightly.  He glared up at Tomioka with an icy glare,

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