Akaza has been summoned for a meeting. But he's not alone.
???: Well, well, well, if it isn't Lord Akaza!
A vase was talking. Actually, it was what was inside the vase. The demon emerged from said vase.
???: How lovely it is to see you in such good health! What has it been, 90 years since I last saw your face?
???: When I was summoned here, I thought for a second you might have perished, and my heart began to sing-
He fake coughed to take it back.
???: My poor, worried heart was filled with anguish at the thought of it.
Akaza: 'The only one I wish to actually lose to is Izuku. That boy is the real deal.'
He looks to his side to see...
??: How terrifying. Terrifying! It appears that in time we've been apart, you've even forgottenso much as how to count, Gyokko. It's been 113 years since we were last summoned. That's an indivisible number, an uneven number. And it's odd! Terrifying. Terrifying.
Akaza: Biwa woman! Has Lord Muzan arrived yet or not?
Biwa woman: I can say with certainty he has not.
Akaza: Then what about Upper One? Is he here? Don't tell me it was him who somehow got killed.
???: Whoah, whoah, whoah.
The lights turn off.
???: You're beginning to hurt my feelings here, Lord Akaza. Weren't you even a little concerned about me?
???: Here I was worried sick, something might have happened to you.
He squeezes Akaza's shoulder.
???: After all, you're a cherished comrade of mine. And I'd be heartbroken if I lost any of my comrades.
Gyokko laughs.
Gyokko: Greetings, Lord Doma!
Doma: Hi, Gyokko! Long time, no see. Is that a brand new pot? It's beautiful. Remember the one you gave me? I'm using it to display a woman's head. Fits perfectly.
Akaza: 'I hope Izuku kills you soon.'
Gyokko: I never intended for it to be used like that. Though I must say I'm intrigued.
Doma: You'd love it! You should come to my place sometime.
Akaza: Get it off.
Doma: Hmm?
Akaza: Get your hand off of me!
He punches Doma and literally destroys his jaw.The guy with the big bump on his head screams in fear.
Doma: Whoah. Wow. That was quite a punch. Unless I'm mistaken, you've gotten stronger.
Biwa woman: You asked about Upper One earlier? He's the first one I've summoned. In fact, he's been here all along.
She was right. In a building further away was...
Kokushibo: I've been here this entire time. It seems Lord Muzan has arrived.
There he was.
Muzan: Gyutaro is no longer with us. Meaning the Upper Ranks are now incomplete.
Doma: Oh, is that true my lord? Know you have my sincerest apologies since I was the one who brought Gyutaro in. How can I atone for this embarrassment? Let's see, I can gouge an eye out. Or maybe-
Muzan: Keep your wretched eyeballs. I have no need for them. I knew that Gyutaro would be defeated. As expected, Daki proved to be his weakness. Had he just fought alone from the start, he most assuredly would have won. If the battle hadn't gone on after he'd poisoned them... Oh, well. None of it matters anymore. How worthless. Can't you see you're falling in order of who has the most of their humanity remaining? But I guess that's fine. It's nothing new. I've come to learn that I expect nothing from you.
Doma: You're saying such tragic things again, but think about it. Really, has there ever been a time I didn't meet your expectations, My Lord?
Muzan: For starters, you have yet to annihilate the Ubuyashiki family. And what ever became of the Blue Spider Lily?
Akaza winces.
Muzan: Centuries have passed, and you have nothing to show for it! Answer me this! Why do you exist if your sole purpose has become to disappoint me?
??: Please forgive us! I beg of you! I beg of you!
Kokushibo: I have nothing to say in response. However, Ubuyashiki is a master at evading us.
Doma: I'm afraid detective work isn't my strong point, either. I'm at my wits end here.
Gyokko: Pardon me, Lord Muzan, but I have something for you. You see, I've acquired some juicy information that I think will interest you, information that can change everything! Just a mere moment ago-
Muzan: Have I ever told you lot how much I detest change? Changes in circumstance, the changes of flesh, changes in one's emotions. Most changes cause only weakness and inferiority, and I am not weak. What I'm interested in is permanence, to forever remain in perfect condition, immune to disease of change.
Somehow, he had taken Gyokko's head. Without moving from his spot above.
Gyokko: 'Ohh! To have none other than Lod Muzan's hand touching my head! How splendid. How sublime.'
Muzan: For the first time in over a century, an Upper Rank has been killed. My frustration has reached its boiling point. Don't ever give me unconfirmed information, and wipe that smirk off your face.
He releases Gyokko's head and it drops all the way back down to his body.
Muzan: I advise you all to act with more urgency from here on out. I suppose you're not entirely at fault for your inadequacy. I've been too lenient with you because you're Upper Ranks. Gyokko, once you've confirmed that information to be true, you are to head over there with Hantengu at once.
Gyokko: Yes, Master Muzan.
Muzan: Now for the other reason for this meeting. It's about Akaza's new rival.
This surprised the Upper Ranks. Akaza has a rival.
Doma: Well, that's wonderful news! I wonder how strong this demon is?
Muzan: ...Why don't you tell them, Akaza?
Akaza: Yes, Master. My rival...is a human.
Ok, now the Upper Moons were absolutely flabbergasted...except Doma. (Cause he has no emotions.)
Gyokko: Your rival is a mere human? Oh, we really have fallen!
Muzan: Silence! Let him speak.
Akaza: Trust me when I say that this kid is no normal human. His strength is incredible. He was able to fight me at even power with less than half of his real power.
Hantengu: H-He's that powerful?!
Akaza: Indeed. His battle spirit makes a Hashira's strength seem like a baby in comparison. And all this with his bare fists.
Doma: My, my. You certainly have quite the strong rival.
Akaza: I barely even told you the stuff he can do. His power is so great, his body can't handle it at full strength. He can also create shockwaves with just his fingers, emit purple smoke from his body, shoot out black tendrils of energy, detect incoming attacks out of malice, store kinetic energy just by doing things like squats, float, even change the speed and velocity of whatever he wants while ignoring the laws of inertia.
Gyokko: A-Are you sure he's even human?
Akaza: Positive. But there is still one more thing.
Muzan: And this final thing has really piqued my interest.
Doma: If it has interested Master Muzan, it must be huge!
Akaza: It most certainly is. ...He can use Moon Breathing.
Everyone was surprised by that. Especially Kokushibo.
Kokushibo: He knows Moon Breathing?! I thought I was the only one who could use that!
Muzan: So did Akaza and I. This human would make a fine addition to us. Or even better, a great successor. With that boy on our side, nothing would stand in our way. Should you find this boy, you must be wary of him.
Akaza: Master is right. The boy will never willingly give up his humanity. The only way for him to be brought over to our side, is by force. But I want no part in that. I want to see just what his true power can do.
Muzan: Akaza. While I do not appreciate your viewpoint right here, I will accept it because I have noticed that after our meeting where you first told me about the Moon Breathing user, you have been training harder than ever before. Going as far as to now begin using your legs for combat as well as speed. This boy has been unknowingly strengthening you. So I will allow it. That is all. You are dismissed.
Hantengu laughs.
Hantengu: Yes, understood, My Lord!
Gyokko: Ohh! That's hardly fair! I'm the one who got the information in the first place. How annoying is that? But that's what makes it intriguing.
Doma gets right in front of Gyokko's severed head.
Doma: Lord Gyokko! What kind of information do you have? I'd like to tag along.
Gyokko: But that wouldn't be...
Doma: You can tell little ol me. I won't tell anyon-
Akaza kicks off the top half of Doma's face.
Akaza: I don't remember hearing Lord Muzan give you orders back there. Get lost.
But then in a split second, Akaza's hand was cut off.
Kokushibo: Akaza. You always go too far.
Doma: It's all right, Lord Kokushibo.
His face regenerates.
Doma: I don't mind in the slightest.
Kokushibo: It's not for your benefit that I chose to speak. He disrupts the hierarchy, which in turn gives heed to insubordination among the ranks. It's unacceptable.
Doma: Oh, I see!
Kokushibo: Akaza, if you're unsatisfied with the ranks, then why not back up your words and challenge him to a battle?
Doma: Come on. Cut him some slack. He's just messing around. You know as well as I do. If he were to challenge us, he'd only embarrass himself. Look, he's just angsty, that's all. Probably because I became a demon after him and still got promoted before him. I'd be upset if I were in his shoes. Don't be so hard on him. And I mean, besides, I didn't dodge his attack on purpose. It's harmless horseplay. This is just our way of nurturing our friendship. Those of us on top shouldn't be giving our subordinates a hard time. Don't you think-
Kokushibo: Akaza! From here on out, you are to show some respect. Do you understand?
Akaza: Oh, I understand. I look forward to when Izuku comes for you.
Kokushibo: Is that so?
With that, Kokushibo disappears.
Doma: See you around, Lord Kokushibo! Bye-Bye! I don't know how, but I feel like I got shut out of that entire conversation. Aw, but that's okay. I'm used to it.
Akaza leaves.
Doma: Wait, Lord Akaza!
He was gone.
Doma: Hey, I wasn't done talking.
Gyokko's head went up to the Biwa lady.
Gyokko: Please send Hantengu and myself to the same location as fast as possible!
With that, they just disappeared. In a rather funny way. (At least to me)
Doma: Biwa lady, send me too!
She did nothing.
Doma: Hello? I know you can hear me! You're free to join me down here if you want!
Biwa lady: I respectfully decline.
She sends Doma back into his room.
Doma: Aww. You guys are always so cold to me.
(Demon Slayer Corps)
Tanjiro had woken up, crying from something that happened far in the past.
Izuku: Tanjiro. You're finally up. Nezuko tried to heal you but she used too much energy on Inosuke and Uzui. So we had to play the waiting game. You okay?
Tanjiro: Yeah. Weird dream.
Izuku: Well, I'm not the only one here.
Tanjiro: You're not?
Izuku points to the door where Kanao was. She walked over to Tanjiro.
Kanao: Are you okay? You've been out for two months, ever since your last battle.
Tanjiro: Really? Two months? I see.
Kanao was crying happy tears and smiling.
Kanao: Thank goodness. We were so worried!
A kakushi walked in and was surprised to see Tanjiro woken up and yelled at Kanao and Izuku for not telling him.
(1 minute later)
Kiyo, Sumi, and Naho were crying in happiness that Tanjiro had finally woken up. Nezuko was hugging him. And so was Eri.
Eri: I was so worried Uncle Tanjiro!
Naho: Here! You csan have my crackers!
Kiyo: Why is there castella on the bed?
Eri: I thought this was cake.
Nezuko: Eri, sweetie, castella IS cake. A kind of sponge cake to be specific.
Eri: Can I have some?
Tanjiro: How about for dessert. You don't want the ones lying on the bed.
But then...
Then the sheet came off and it was actually just Aoi.
Eri: Oh. Oopsies.
Aoi: I was worried you weren't going to wake up. And I felt bad 'cause you went in my place! I'm sorry!
She was crying.
Izuku and Tanjiro: It's fine, really.
They looked at each other and smiled.
Tanjiro: What about the others? Are they all okay?
Izuku: Yeah. They're fine. Actually, Zenitsu left the other day.
Kakushi: He actually seemed eager. Something about wanting to go... Plus Ultra, I think he said.
Tanjiro: As for Inosuke?
Aoi: If it weren't for Nezuko, *sniff* Inosuke would have died!
???: Spider-Ham. Spider-Ham. Does whatever a-
They all look up at the roof to see...
Tanjiro: Soooo, is this just going to be a recurring thing now?
He jumps off the roof and is about to land on Tanjiro.
Tanjiro: REGRET!!!!
Thankfully, he only landed infront of him.
Tanjiro: That was close.
Izuku: Too close.
Eri: Can you please get off of him? Uncle Tanjiro's asleep again.
(Later that night)
Tanjiro was about to sleep again...but then Izuku's Kasugai crow showed up.
Kasugai: Message! Message! Izuku Midoriya, you are to go to the temple near Mt. Sagiri! There is a demon there!
Tanjiro: The temple near Mt. Sagiri? That's where I met Mr. Urokodaki!
Izuku: Interesting.
Kasugai: Izuku Midoriya, you are to go to the temple near Mt. Sagiri! There is a demon there!
Izuku gets up and grabs his sword.
Nezuko: Izu, be careful. Please.
Izuku: I will!
The Kasugai crow began to lead him to the temple. It was a long way but Izuku got there quickly with his incredible speed.
Izuku: Here I am.
Izuku went up the steps and entered the temple. It was dark. Only a single candle was lit. Beside that candle was Kokushibo. With his back facing him.
Izuku: All right, demon. Are you prepared?
Kokushibo: ...
Izuku: Uh...
Kokushibo: ...Are you... the demon slayer that uses Moon Breathing?
Izuku: Yeah. Why?
Kokushibo: ...I was waiting for you. I have a few things to do. Starting with asking you your name.
Izuku: If you want someone's name, you should introduce yourself first.
Kokushibo gets up and turns around, revealing all six of his eyes that say "Upper One"
Kokushibo: I am Kokushibo. The highest ranking
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