•Inosuke x Reader•

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Angst and fluff
(Bf/n - best friends name)

•3rd Person POV•
Y/n dodnt understand why this had happened. Why it had to end the way it had. It just didn't make any sense to her. She'd trained and trained and trained until it felt like her body was about to fall apart with the slightest of wrong movements. Why did it lead to this.

"Bf/n!!! Where are you?" The h/c girl screamed looking for the one person she had after her family died.

A croaky voice sounded from the end of the corridor and said, "I'm here, you need to get out of here before they come back! Its too late for me I've lost too much blood." Y/n ran as fast and as silently as she could to the boy she cared and trusted with everything she had.

"I wont leave you to die, you'll be okay. I'll carey you and youll get fixed up and itll all be fine!" She hurriedly ripped one of her sleeves and wrapped it around his thigh as tightly as she could to put pressure on it, hoping it would slow down the bleeding. The demon had cut into his artery which she knew wasn't good, and deep down she knew he wasn't going to make it, she just couldn't bring herself to admit it.

"Y/N!! Listen to me, you need to go, you know as well as I do that I wont survive this one. You need to be strong and kill these demons before they kill anymore of the towns people. If it really means that much to you that you get me home then I'll do my best to stay alive until you do that but you have a mission to complete, do you hear me? You need to do this." He knew that he wouldn't make it until she got back but he didn't want her there when he did go. He didn't want her to see that even if he didn't want to be alone.

"Dont you dare die on me bf/n. I'm coming back for you!" She left him with more pieces of ripped clothing before running off to save the towns people. Once she was out of sight he slumped and accepted his fate. Thinking of the memories they made and shared. Tears stream down his face and a smile appears, before his eyes close and his heart stops.

Y/n cut off the last demons head and checked the bystanders were all okay before rushing back to her best friend. He came into view and she broke down. She saw the smile on his face and knew what he'd done. Realising that he'd sent her away before he could died so she wasn't there. She contained herself and picked up his sword and took of his patterned haori. Folding it neatly and placing the sword on top. She cradled it all the way back to headquarters.

Everyone left y/n alone after checking on her when she arrived back so she could say her goodbyes. She was hurting. She was always quite and antisocial girl and bf/n was the only one she could connect with...but now he's gone and she's alone again.

•End of Flashback•
When she was on a mission with someone she refused to let them die. She'd let herself die before anyone else had to. So since then all she did was train. She'd often end up in the recovery room after training all day but she wouldn't give up.

All the other Hashira's were worried about her. She'd become even more distant than before, so much so that she was practically mute. She just put everything she had into training. They would offer to train with her but she would always decline saying she wanted to be alone. Eventually they stopped asking but kept an eye on her to make sure she was okay.

There was one person who kept a particularly close eye on her. He didn't understand what he felt but whatever it was compelled him to want to protect her. That day he'd been called on a mission. It was a small one but he didn't like the thought of not being able to watch over y/n. He took his leave and aimed to be back as soon as humanly possible.

Y/n decided that she was going to go and train off headquarter grounds and challenge herself a bit more. Work on areas she can't improve on quite as well as when shes on the headquarter training grounds.

She headed into the thick line on trees and walked for about a mile before deciding that she was in a good spot.

She started with a warm up and then went straight into charging and dodging trees. Braking branches and tree trucks as she went. She was so invested in her training that by the time she saw the cliff edge it was too late and she slipped. She was lucky enough to have been able to grab onto a tree root that was growing out of the side of the cliff. She dangled there for quite some time before climbing to stand on the thick, sturdy root that could hold her weight without snapping. She wasn't heavy but all the others were so thin and breakable that she wouldn't have lasted a second standing on one of them.

She tried calling for help even though she knew that it was useless given she'd walked so far into the woodland, but she tried anyway.

She gave up on that idea pretty quickly and tried to think of a way out of the situation she'd gotten herself stuck in. The only option was to try and climb back up to the ledge again. She gathered her strength and controlled her breathing ready to climb.

She made it about halfway back to the top when she grabbed a ledge big enough for her to hold when it crumbled under her touch. She tried to hold on as best as she could with her other hand that was on a slightly bigger ledge but she could hear it cracking, ready to give way like the other one.

'Is this how he felt?' She thought. 'Knowing that there was no hope in getting out of this and excepting that it was the end.' Tears gathered and slowly made their way down her flushed cheeks. This was it, this was how she was going to die. Not by the hand of a demon, not defending her partner on a mission but falling off a cliff because she was too careless. She closed her eyes to try and think about falling when the ledge turned into rumble under her touch.

She expected to feel herself falling and the air being knocked out of her in the process because of the height of the drop, but it never came. Instead she felt a hand tightly wrapping itself around her wrist. She opened her eyes and what she saw was something she wouldn't have been able to make up.


He'd used his spacial awareness to her when the Hashira had told him they didn't know where she was and that she'd been gone for a long time. Thats when he saw her dangling from the side of the steep cliff. He nimbly darted through the thick brush and made it to her before she could fall.

He pulled her up and when he got her to the edge her used to much of his strength resulting in her being flung into his chest and them rolling a few feet away from the edge. Inosuke was under her tightly holding her wrist with one and and the other was wrapped around her waist, holding her close to him.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING? YOU COULD HAVE DIED!" Inosuke was always shouting but that was usually at the guys back at headquarters. Since y/n met him he'd always been quiet with her. He kept his voice low and when they would bump into each other in a hallway or on the grounds he would always be sweet, well as sweet as Inosuke could handle that is.

"I....I was training and didn't notice the cliff...thank you for catching me Inosuke." Tears rolled down her face, she hadn't realised how scared she was up until this point.

Inosuke didn't know what to do but he was quite observant and noticed that when someone is sad the other person comforts them. So he used what he'd learned and pulled the crying girl into his chest and wrapped his arms securely around her.

After a while they went back to headquarters and they didn't realise it but after the incident, their relationship was only going to become stronger from there.

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