The Mugen Train: Part 4

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Tanjiro could only watch in horror, as Rengoku battled Akaza "I am the flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku!"

Both Tanjiro, and Inoskue were in absolute shock, as they watched the explosion of fire erupt from Rengoku and Akaza. 'Where is he?' Tanjiro thought, As the dust settled, Tanjiro saw Rengoku, "There, did he win?" Tanjiro muttered to himself, when another shadow appeared, Akaza. Tanjiro's eyes shot open, as with horror he saw Akaza's arm. In Rengoku's stomach. "AAAHHH!!" Tanjiro screamed in anguish seeing the scene before him. "Tanjiro?! What's happened?!" Percy's voice shouted hearing his scream, "Akaza his arm... It pierced Rengoku's stomach completely!" Tanjiro yelled, dread filling his body like poison. When suddenly, a pressure-filled the air, and a scent, like none Tanjiro, had ever smelled before, filled the air. And softly, yet with an air, unlike anything Tanjiro had ever heard from Percy, a voice growled.


And the train exploded.

The eyes of everyone there widened, as the train cart below which Percy had been trapped, flew into the air with a sudden yet violent velocity, flying for miles, it landed in the forest nearby with a violent crash. "What?" Akaza said in shock, taking the opportunity to free himself from Rengoku. Tanjiro's eyes were wide with fear, as a shadow emerged from the dust that had been created from the cart's flight. There, glowing in the darkness, were a pair of aquamarine eyes, filled with rage so powerful it rivaled the aura of power that surrounded them. 

"I've been holding back..."

Tanjiro's eyes widened further, as he heard Percy's voice, usually light, soft, and optimistic, was now heavy, hard, seething with barely controlled anger, that threatened to erupt. "What... how" Inoskue mumbled in shock looking at the enraged form of Percy. "Incredible! Such power!" Akaza said in amazement.

"Restraining myself, as best as I could, holding in the fury, the power, that I held within me the entire time. Because I wanted to protect myself, I wanted to keep the past hidden. Why? Well... I won't hold back... not anymore..." Percy looked at Akaza, a furious look in his glowing eyes, as he raised his right hand, shouting "AND NEVER AGAIN!!" Tanjiro felt fear in him, as an aura of power, erupted from Percy, as he reached out his right arm, and for a moment, all was still and quiet. But then, the earth erupted, as Water collected around Percy. And Tanjiro's fear, turned to terror, 'What is he?'


"AND NEVER AGAIN!!" Percy shouted in rage, as he released his Powers, he didn't care, not anymore. He was going to tear Akaza Limb from Limb, he was going to make him regret being born. Raising his right arm, Percy reached out to all of the water nearby, calling it to serve him. For a moment, nothing happened, but then, the earth erupted. Raising his arm, commanding the water to take the shape of a sphere, above the ground, Percy split it apart, forming several spears, then condensing them he turned them into Black Ice, many times smaller than the original, but far stronger. 

"BLACK ICE HAIL!!" Percy shouted, bringing his arm down and firing the Ice spears at Akaza, whose eyes widened in shock. Drawing his sword, Percy yelled as he charged at Akaza, jump-kicking him in the face as he did, and sending the Demon flying. "You're going to suffer!" He screamed, rushing the Demon again, his vision blood red as he attacked him, his blade swung back and forth, nullifying any attempts the demon made to attack him. Again and again, Percy chopped and sliced, cutting Akaza's arms in half, or severing them completely, only for them to be regenerated almost instantly. 

Quicky, Akaza's excited eyes, quickly turned to concern, then to panic, as he was being overwhelmed by the Fury he had dared to awaken in his heart. With a scream, Akaza managed to knock Percy back, but it was only a temporary refuge. 

Shouting as he did, Percy slammed his left hand into the earth and filled it with his rage. Almost instantly, the earth began to shake, As Percy controlled the seas around Japan, creating an earthquake that shook the entire island. As Akaza stumbled, Percy ran him through with dozens of Dry Ice Spears, leaving gaping holes in the demon's body. 

Chocking on his own blood, Akaza began to laugh, "Incredible! Such power! You're not human, are you?" Percy shook his head, "No I'm not", Akaza smiled, "With such power, you simply must!" Percy growled, "Must what?" he asked, "Become a Demon! Such power was never meant to be wasted on a mortal body!"

Hearing Akaza's words, his offer, was perhaps, the biggest insult Percy had ever heard. Now he was PISSED!!

Baring his teeth Percy growled, "I will never, become a Demon" looking Akaza dead in the eye, he decided, to let the bastard, know just what he was dealing with. Summoning the symbol of his father behind him, Percy said. "I am mortal. But I am also Divine" Akaza frowned, confused, "I am the son of the Sea God, Poseidon, Slayer of Polybotes, Vanquisher of the God of War Ares," At the name of his father, he could see the shock in Akaza's eyes, even though he likely had no idea who he was, the Sea God was always powerful.  "And I promise you this now, I will kill Muzan Kibutsuji, and everyone that follows him!" 

With a yell, Percy charged at Akaza, water already seeping from his Katana as he did, "Now DIE!!" He shouted, swinging the blade and aiming for the Demons neck. Acting quickly, Akaza managed to redirect Percy's Katana, severing his right arm completely, as his left aimed for Percy's stomach. Growling, Percy leaped back, "That won't work on m-" Percy stopped as he saw Akaza running away towards the forest, and blinked in confusion. "eh? Why you runnin?!" Percy shouted, then he saw it out of the corner of his eye. The rising sun. Glancing from Akaza, to the Sun, Percy snarled, turning to look at the Demon, Percy let his body take over. Raising his Katana, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, 'like the ocean, let your movements flow into each other' then opening them in a split second he felt water erupt from his Katana, as he charged forward and spun in a circle.

"Poseidon Choros! Riptide Strike!" 

He shouted, sending a blade of water rushing toward Akaza, when it met the forest, it sliced through the ancient wood like it was air, sending the trees crashing to the ground. Yet as Percy squinted, he stomped in frustration, the bastard had escaped.

Taking a deep breath, Percy calmed himself down, mimicking the movements of Uncle Iroh as he did. "Percy! Rengoku I don't think he has long" Percy's head shot up as he heard Inoskue's words. Turning around he rushed towards to wounded Flame Hashira and kneeled beside him. "Percy, that, was impressive," Rengoku said, before coughing up blood, "I didn't know you could do that" the Hashira continued. Percy narrowed his eyes at the wound in Rengoku's stomach, Looking up at the Hashira then at Inoskue and Tanjiro he said, "Get back, I need my space." Percy ordered, as the other slayers stepped back Percy laid Rengoku on the ground. Before taking a deep breath, Percy reached out to the water around him and commanded it to come forth. Then, gently, Percy placed his hands, now surrounded by water on Rengoku's stomach. "This is going to hurt" he warned, before rushing Rengoku's gaping hole with water, making the Hashira yelp in pain and surprise. "Percy, what are you doing?" Tanjiro asked stepping forward, Percy only glanced up at him, "I need total concentration right now, or else his chances of survival are out the window" Percy then turned his complete attention back to Rengoku, "Focus on your breathing, stop the bleeding, quickly, and don't resist" He ordered, and the flame Hashira nodded. 

Closing his eyes, Percy reached into Rengoku's body, into his blood, calling upon his fathers power, he took control of Rengoku's body, his flesh, his bone, even his very skin. A moment of resistance was all Rengoku gave him, but after that, Percy had complete control of Rengoku's body. 

Grunting, Percy commanded the water to heal Rengoku, then he focused on Rengoku's brain. This was the tricky part, slowly and gently he pulled the hormones related to growth from the brain, and manipulated the brain into thinking it was growing flesh, rather then repairing it. Using his divine healing as a basis, slowly yet surely, Rengoku's flesh began to grow, his skin stretched, and his Bones repaired themselves. 

After what seemed like an eternity, Rengokus skin patched itself back together, it wasn't perfect. But as Percy panted and let go of Rengoku's body, he knew, it would work. 

Rengoku looked at Percy with wide eyes, "How?", but Percy could only grin, "That can be explained later, for now, you're alive. That's enough" Standing up, Percy stumbled and his vision was blurry, even for a brief moment. "But I don't think I'll be doing that anytime soon"

"What are you Percy?" Tanjiro asked, sighing Percy looked at the questioning eyes of Rengoku, Inoskue, Tanjiro and Zenitsu, who had arrived at some point or another. "I guess Its time I told you guys. I'm not a human, or mortal as some would call it. I'm half God or a Demi-God, I'm the son of the Greek God of the Sea, Poseidon."


"A GOD?!?!"



As 9 crows flew from the sight of the Mugen Train, they split apart, each one traveling to their master to tell them what had happened. 


At a Market place, a crow flew down stopping in front of a pair of slayers, Shinobu and Kanao. As it told them of the events, of the battle, the eyes of Shinobu widened in shock, even Kanao's eyes, usually stoic and silent, widened with disbelief. "And he saved Rengoku? What is he? What does this mean for the corp?" Shinobu wondered.


Another Crow, flew down to a pink and green-haired girl, before telling her the story, the drama, the rage, and the truth. Mitsuri's eyes widened in shock and awe, there was no way, what it described, was impossible, and yet... a Kasugai crow never lied. Looking up Mitsuri could only wonder, "It's like a fairy tail. Could Percy be the one I've been looking for?"


In a bamboo forest, as a crow told Muichiro the tale, he didn't respond. Simply continuing his walk forward. Yet a shiver of fear crept up his spine. 


Sitting atop a building, Tengen hung off the Crows' every word, eyes wide and blood pumping. "That's incredible! To fight upper moon 3, and to heal Rengoku! FLAMBOYANT!!" He shouted to the heavens, rushing back to headquarters, he needed to see this now!


Standing on an ancient house, listening as the Crow spoke, Obanai didn't flinch, nor did his gaze waver. "That's impossible, no human can have supernatural powers like that. Breathing is reality, but what you just told me is mere fantasy"


In a clearing of a forest, sitting atop a boulder, Gyomei brought his hands together in prayer, as tears fell down his face. "Rengoku lives. Thank the Gods. Thank you Percy" he said as relief flooded through him.


In a training arena, Sanemi growled, "If Percy can control water, then he's no Human. He's a damn repulsive demon! I'll kill him! Even if he saved Rengoku, it doesn't matter!" with a yell he cut through more bamboo.


Another Crow, flew down to Giyuu Tomioka, as he closed his house door, landing on his shoulder. "Is that so?" was all he asked.


In a Garden, with water flowing gently, the final crow landed before Kagaya, and told him what happened. Kagaya's eyes widened with shock, "Can this be true? A human with supernatural abilities extending beyond the soul? He saved my child Rengoku, and fought evenly with the uppermoon demon. Percy, could you be it? The sign we have been waiting for?"

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