Meet my friend the Demon.

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Percy looked on with worry, as Tanjiro opened his eyes beside him.

"I heard he was a demon slayer with a demon in tow, so I was expecting someone with more flare," Tengen said, "But it's just some ordinary-looking kid? Too bad" Percy rolled his eyes at Tengen's words. 

"We must see that this boy is put on trial to be judged! So it shall be!" Rengoku yelled. 

Tanjiro lifted his head, "What who are these people?" he asked, Percy opened his mouth to answer, but the Kakushi shoved Tanjiro's head back into the ground before he could. 

"Don't open your mouth until you're told! Don't you know who you're in the presence of? These are the Hashira!" The Kakushi shouted. Frowning Percy nudged the Kakushi's hand, and as the Kakushi looked at him, he shook his head, eyes widening, the Kakushi quickly took his hand from Tanjiro's head.

"This is the demon slayers headquarters. You are here because you, Tanjiro Kamado, are to be put on trial" Shinobu said. "Before we start the trial, why don't you explain the crime you have been accu-" "There will be no need for a trial!" Shinobu and Percy looked at Rengoku who had interrupted Shinobu. " Protecting a Demon is a clear violation! We can deal with this on our own! We shall execute them both!" Rengoku shouted. Frowning Percy prepared to speak, but Tengen spoke first. "In that case, I'll decapitate them with style, I'll show you the most dramatic spray of blood ever, It'll be a spectacle" Percy deadpanned, 'Always with the Drama' "Alas, to see such a pitiful creature as this, I grieve for him for being born," Gyomei said with twin streams of tears running down his face. 'That guy is always crying' 

Ignoring the Hashira, Tanjiro looked around, "Hey you, the Hashira are speaking to you, why are you looking over there? these are the 9 highest-ranking swordsmen in the demon slayer corp" the Kakushi said, bringing Tanjiro's attention back to the 6 Hashira before him. While Percy just sighed, 'It should be ten, I just need to make a gods damn new fighting style that actually produces an element of some sort.' he thought to himself. "Let's end his misery," Gyomei said. "Right" Rengoku agreed, "And let's do so with flare" Tengen added on. Again Tanjiro looked away from the Hashira before him, "Nezuko? Where did you take her?" Tanjiro asked sitting up, "Zenitsu, Inoskue, Murata?" Tanjiro called, making Percy frown, 'Why didn't he say my name? And who's Zenitsu, Inoskue and Murata?'

"Never mind this boy, what will we do with Tomioka and Percy?" hearing the serpentine voice of Obanai Percy glared at the Hashira who sat in the tree. "Seeing them standing there without restraints is making me feel ill, from what Kocho told us they are just as guilty of breaking the Corp rules, How will we make them take responsibility? How will we make them pay?" Percy frowned, before saying, "Get down from the tree and you can try Obanai" Percy said, then for the first time, Tanjiro turned his head to look at Percy, his eyes wide, "Percy? What are you doing here?" Percy shrugged, "Protecting Nezuko" he said, then he nodded at Giyuu, and Tanjiro followed his gaze, "Both of us" Percy finished. "I think it's fine, they both did come without resisting, Let's come up with a penalty later," Shinobu said, then turning her gaze to Tanjiro she said, "What I'm more interested in, is hearing this boys story, he has been traveling with a demon, despite being a demon slayer himself, I wish to hear why, straight from the boy's mouth, what he did is unquestionably against the corps rules, you are aware of that aren't you?" At Shinobu's words, Tanjiro opened and closed his mouth, "Why are you traveling with a demon, as a fellow demon slayer?"

Spotting movement Percy's eyes shot to Tengen, who had his hands on his hilts, "Who cares why?" At Tengen's words Percy stepped forward, "Now hold up Tengen, Tanjiro's a friend of mine, we trained together under Sakonji Urokodaki, and I trust him" hearing Percy's words Tengen stopped, and as Percy looked around he could tell this was news to his fellow Hashira. Then looking at Tanjiro he said, "But I think you should hear it from Tanjiro", Tanjiro looked up at Percy, and as he nodded, Tanjiro did the same and looked at the Hashira, "She's my- She's my younger-" Tanjiro broke into a sudden coughing fit, and Shinobu immediately walked forward, taking the cap of a small gourd, and giving it to Tanjiro, who after a moment's hesitation, bit the gourd, drinking it quickly, "I can tell you hurt your jaw, so please drink slowly, I added an anesthetic that should help." Finally, Tanjiro stopped chugging the water and panted for a while, "Your wounds are still healing, so you should take it easy, are you ready to tell us your story?" Shinobu said, after a moment, Tanjiro looked up at her, "That demon is my little sister, my family was attacked by a demon while I was gone, and I lost almost everyone, my sister was turned into a demon, she's never hurt anyone, she never has and never will, she'll never harm a human being no matter what" Percy smiled but almost instantly he heard Obanai speak, "Enough, spare us these absurd ramblings, if she's family its no wonder you're defending her, I can't trust a single word your sprouting, I don't believe you for a moment" Percy frowned, "So sad, he's been possessed by a Demon, let us end this child's life and free him from the cursed existence" 'When did possession come into this conversation?' Percy thought, looking at Gyomei, "He's not possessed" he said, "Please listen to me, I became a swordsman in hopes of finding a cure for her, it has been two whole years since Nezuko became a demon, she's never devoured anyone in that time!" Tanjiro shouted, Tengen looked down on Tanjiro, "Your storytelling is lacking any vibrant sparks of color, She hasn't devoured anyone, and she's not going to, if you're going to plead your case at least spice it up a bit"

Percy frowned, "Real tragedy isn't a show you can watch or some story you can listen to", but remembering his own life, the ups and downs, he wasn't sure if he was the one to say that, or if he was the perfect one to. "Excuse me, something about this concerns me, I find it hard to believe the master would've been unaware of this situation," Mitsuri said, looking at Rengoku and Tengen, "I don't think we should act without his permission, maybe it's best if we wait until he arrives." Percy smiled at Mitsuri, with a small nod of thanks, 'At least one of us is on Tanjiros side, kind of' he thought. "My sister, let my sister fight by my side! I know she can fight as a demon slayer to protect humans! So please" Tanjiro shouted, Percy looked at the others when he heard footsteps, and felt an all too, familiar aura, 'oh crap' "Well, Well, what kind of fun do we have brewing here?" Percy turned his gaze to his least favorite Hashira, "Is that the Moron who brought a demon along with him?" Percy and Tanjiro noticed it at the same time, In Sanemi's left hand, Nezuko's box, with Nezuko inside. "What the hell do you think you're trying to pull here exactly?" A Kakushi ran up behind Sanemi, "Please master Shinazugawa, I must ask you to put down that box" Shinobu stood up, and Percy clenched his jaw, 'Sanemi, what are you planning?' Percy wondered in annoyance, "Shinazugawa, please don't act out of line" Shinobu said, but Sanemi ignored her, "Run that by me again kid, She can fight as a demon slayer to protect humans was that it? You know what we call that?" Percy's eyes widened as Sanemi drew his katana, "Completely impossible you idiot!" then in a single fluid motion, he drove the Katana through the box, and when it came out the other side it was coated in blood.

Percy growled, and walked forward as Tanjiro jumped up, "Anyone that harms my sister answers to me! I don't give a damn if you're one of the Hashira!" Tanjiro shouted angrily, Percy held his arm in front of Tanjiro, "Sanemi, unless you want a new scar across your balls, put Nezuko down" he said angrily, Around him, all the men flinched, and Mitsuri giggled. Despite his threat, Sanemi didn't stop, instead driving the blade deeper, before bringing it out while he chuckled, "Go ahead and try, Percy, I'll make you regret it" But as Sanemi threatened Percy, Tanjiro yelled and rushed Sanemi. "Cease this! The Master will be arriving shortly!" Giyuu shouted suddenly as Tanjiro reached Sanemi, 'A distraction' which worked, Sanemi swung his blade, but Tanjiro evaded it, jumping into the air he once again shouted as he headbutted Sanemi, and they both fell to the ground. "Damn" was all Percy could say, Then he grinned, "I guess Tanjiro's got a harder head than Sanemi" Mitsuri giggled at Percy's insult covering her face she said, "Pardon me"

Tanjiro jumped in front of Nezukos box, which had fallen to the ground when Sanemi had been headbutted. "Damn you" Sanemi muttered, "Tomioka's outburst must've been a distraction, but that boy still managed to get a blow in" Obanai muttered in his tree, "If you can't tell the difference between good demons and bad ones, then you shouldn't be a Hashira!" Tanjiro shouted, Sanemi stood up, "you no good little, I'll destroy you!" he drew his sword and put it next to Tanjiro's next, which made Percy frown and walk forward. 

"The master of the mansion has returned." He heard two voices say in unison. Immediately Percy looked at the mansion, where he could hear footsteps slowly grow louder. "My children, I thank you for coming here this day," Kagaya said, as Percy turned to look at the blind master, he was silently thankful, 'Sanemi won't do anything now'

Kagaya stretched out his hands, and his daughters took them, leading him into the sunlight, "Good morning to you all, the weather is strikingly nice today, perhaps with a blue sky? Finding ourselves here, at the semi-annual gathering with all the same faces brings me joy" Percy smiled when hearing a clattering noise behind him, he saw the others had all kneeled, and Sanemi had pushed Tanjiro's head into the ground, but he shrugged, this was better then Sanemi wanting Tanjiro's head, "Hey Kagaya, good to see ya" Percy said cheerfully looking back to Kagaya who looked in Percy's direction, "Percy, likewise, I take it you are well?" he asked, Percy nearly nodded, but stopped himself, "Alive and kicking ass, you look healthy today". 

"If I may Master before we start our meeting would you kindly enlighten us about this swordsman right here, who it would appear has been accompanied by a demon?" Sanemi asked, his usual angry tone turned formal. "But of course, I apologize for any confusion, Tanjiro and Nezuko have both been sanctioned, I would appreciate it if you all would accept this condition," Kagaya responded, and a wave of relief filled Percy. "Master, even though it is you have requested, I cannot bring myself to do it." Gyomei cried, "I am also opposed to this, a slayer traveling with a demon is unacceptable" Tengen declared, "as for myself, I shall do whatever it is you wish master," Mitsuri said smiling, "I'll forget anyway, so I'm fine either way," Muichiro said, 'Figures' "I won't trust them, absolutely not, first of all, I loathe demons," Obanai said, "Even though I respect you with all my heart master, I cannot abide this! I'm fully against it!" Rengoku declared,  "The Corps mission is to annihilate demons, I ask that you punish Kamado and Tomioka" Sanemi said, "Tanjiro is a friend of mine, and I trust him with my life, I agree with you Kagaya" Percy said, "The letter," Kagaya said to the daughter on his right, "Yes Sir", the daughter reached into her kimono and took out a letter.

"A former Hashira, Mr. Urokodaki, Sent along to us this letter with a request, I shall read to you an abridged version. I ask you to allow Tanjiro and his sister, to accompany each other, because of her resilient mental fortitude, Nezuko has not lost her human reason, even when starved, she has never devoured a human, and that is true more than two years later, although the situation sounds outlandish, it is in fact reality, in the event that Nezuko does assault another human being, myself as well as, Tanjiro Kamado and Giyuu Tomioka will atone by committing seppuku." Percy's eyes widened at the daughter's words, and he looked at Giyuu, 'I thought he just understood who Nezuko was, but killing himself if she even attacks someone, along with Urokodaki and Tanjiro, I guess he's not the guy I thought he was' Percy thought as he looked at the stoic faced Giyuu. "Who cares how they choose to end their lives? Fire, Hanging, It's all the same! It doesn't guarantee our safety!" Sanemi shouted, "Shinazugawa is right! If she kills a human, we can't turn back the clock, that person will be lost forever!" Rengoku shouted, "You do have a point," Kagaya said, "So then?" Sanemi asked, "What do you wish master?" Rengoku said, "We can't guarantee that she won't attack humans, we can't prove it. That said, we also cannot be certain she will attack humans. Here is what we do know about her for certain, she has been abstinent for over 2 years, and there are three people who would vouch for her with their lives, If this evidence is rejected, one must offer in turn an even more convincing argument, Are any of you able to do so? Also, there is another thing I would like to tell you, my children, Tanjiro has met Kibutsuji face to face." Kagaya said. 


Hearing that name, Percy's eyes widened, 'The demon progenitor, The oldest and most powerful of the Demons, Only one Demon Slayer has ever met Kibutsuji face to face, and he failed to end the Demons life. If Tanjiro really has met Kibutsuji...' "That's impossible! Not even a Hashira has ever crossed paths with him!" Tengen shouted, as everyone turned to look at Tanjiro, Tengen pushed Mitsuri down, making her yelp as she fell on her face. "Did you really? What did he look like? What are his powers? Where did you see him?" Tengen asked, "Did you fight?" Muichiro asked, Sanemi shook Tanjiro's head, "What was Kibutsuji doing? Did you find his stronghold? Answer me!" Sanemi demanded "Shut up! I asked him first! Come on tell us what powers Kibutsuji has!" Tengen yelled, But as the Hashira's yelled, Kagaya raised a hand, in a shushing gesture, and instantly, all voices fell silent. "Speaking of that man, we know he has sent pursuers after Tanjiro, while his goal may simply be to silence Tanjiro, now that he has finally revealed himself, and I wish to seize on this opportunity, I also believe something is happening to Nezuko that Kibutsuji never saw coming. Do you agree with me now?" Kagaya asked as Percy looked at his fellow Hashira, they were all silent, all but Sanemi. "I'm afraid I don't Master, If it were human there would be no question we'd spare it, but after all we've gone through, after we've lost countless of our brethren, asking us to house a demon? It's unacceptable" Percy frowned, but then much to his shock, Sanemi drew his sword and cut his arm, letting blood spew from the wound. "Hear me master, the depravity of a demon, I will prove it to you! here and now!" Sanemi shouted, "Sanemi" was the only word that emitted from Kagayas mouth. 'Sanemi is Marechi, to demons, it's like an all-you-can-eat buffet, equal to one hundred people' Sanemi stomped on Nezuko's box, and let the blood drip into the box, "Hey demon. It's time for your dinner, Come on take a bite" Sanemi taunted, Percy clenched his fists, but stopped himself, 'If Nezuko can't resist the blood of Sanemi, here, with a single wound, she may not be able to stop herself later, there may come a time where she cannot stop herself, this is the safest, albeit not the best way, to test her will' Percy thought, turning his gaze to Tanjiro, 'I'm sorry Tanjiro, but I cannot help this time' "Get away from her!" Tanjiro shouted as the sounds of Nezuko began to emit from the box. "It's the daytime, it's no good right now, It'll only show itself in the shadows," Obanai said, "Master, please forgive the discourtesy I am about to commit," Sanemi said, before leaping onto the deck behind Kagaya, into the shade. Again, Sanemi stabbed Nezuko, and Percy's grip tightened until he felt like he would draw blood. "Stop it!" Tanjiro screamed, right before Obanai leaped on him, driving his elbow into his back. "Come on out demon! It's the human blood you love so much" Sanemi said, driving his blade into the box once more, before using the tip of the blade to open the Box. As he stepped back, Nezuko slowly rose from the box, growling, with saliva dripping down her face.

'Can Nezuko restrain herself, and prove them all wrong or will she fail, fall to temptaion, and die?'

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