Chapter five: First mission

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As Tanjiro and Nezuko were heading back to Sakonji's hut Tanjiro was lamenting that none of the demons he asked had responded to his question trying to kill him instead leaving him with no answer as to where his father was being prisond. When the siblings reached MT.SGIRI they were greeted by Urokodaki who warmly embraced them and pulled them into a hug as tears fell from his mask. Sakonji was relieved that Tanjiro and Nezuko had came back alive and well. Once they were inside Sakonji was impressed that it was Nezuko who killed the hand demon and that the siblings were able to clear MT.FUJIKASANE from the demons, the wise sensi then explained that Tanjiro and Nezuko will encounter different kinds of demon with different blood demon arts.


Several days later a swordsmith had arrived at Sakonji's home to deliver Nezuko's sword the man introduced himself as Haganezuka and said that he had forged a sword for Nezuko Tsugikuni, 'I'm Nezuko Tsugikuni' said Nezuko but Haganezuka ignored her and talked about the sword instead. Nezuko offered the swordsmith to come inside for tea but Haganezuka started talking about the material from wich nichirin swords are made with wich are scarlet crimson iron sand and scarlet crimson ore the swordsmith then went on to explain that the materials are gathered from a mountain that is bathed in sunlight all day and all year round, Sakonji could hear the two from inside his hut and he was annoyed that once again Haganezuka is ignoring others and is talking and obsessing about his swords. Haganezuka then turned to see Tanjiro and Nezuko shocking the demon slayers with his Hyottoko Mask, 'But we're the children of Michikatsu and Hinata Tsugikuni ' said Tanjiro the boy was confused because the swordsmith referred to him as a child of brightness. Haganezuka explained that it was because of his red hair and eyes believing that Tanjiro's family must work with fire and calling it lucky and a cause for celebration. Tanjiro and Nezuko were surprised by that fact. Haganezuka then handed Nezuko her new Sword hoping that it will turn crimson red. Haganezuka explained that nichirin swords are also known as color changing swords as they change color according to it's welder, upon unsheathing her new weapon Nezuko's blade this concerned Sakonji because black blades were very rare and uncommon and they were seen as a bad omen because no slayer with a black blade has lived very long, this made the two siblings wonder if that's how their uncle Yoriichi died because according to their father Yoriichi's katana was an even darker shade of black then Nezuko's their father described it as an obsidian black katana with the kanji (kill/destroy all demons) engraved on it but they couldn't say for sure because father never liked to talk about uncle Yoriichi that much.
Their father had told them the tale of his brother Yoriichi but he never told them how Yoriichi died, father always got sad when ever they asked that question so they avoided the subject. Father would  always  speak fondly of Yoriichi it was obvious that he loved his little brother and that he was deeply shattered by his death.


Haganezuka was infuriated that Nezuko's sword had turned black so much so that he had tackled the young girl and locked her in his legs, Tanjiro had become so confused by Haganezuka's strange antics?! Tanjiro was wrestling Haganezuka trying to get him off his sister, two kasugai crows had arrived and gave Tsugikuni Tanjiro and Tsugikuni Nezuko their first mission as official members of the demon slayer corps. Tanjiro and Nezuko must head to a village northwest where reports of young girls mysteriously disappearing have been coming from.


Author's note: thank you for reading yay Tanjiro and Nezuko are finally going on their first mission, and if you're wondering in japanese culture they refer to people by their family name first wich explains the Tsugikuni Tanjiro and Tsugikuni Nezuko thing and Hyottoko masks are the masks that the swordsmiths wear to protect their identity i hope that clears things up.

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