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Paul pov

Uhh my sister i really feel terrible i haven't eaten i arrive back at base and see red walls witth blue floor titles and red roof why i fall down but someone catches me ahhh why now well actually i don't mine anymore "never knew you look this handsome now""thanks""oh my you don't love me any"fake tears "fine come here"she smirks and hugs me and we kiss (now this story has incest so leave if you want)it felt good "well good news were getting married and you can have a harem""wait whatwwww""yeah mom agreed ""so you want to do the ceremony now sure we have a guest here""i know did you let her follow on purpose""who knows"i say

Koneko pov

They knew i was here i got to go

Paul pov

"Oh don't run grunts"100 grunts appeared and held the guest down hmmm a neko cute"hey i must approve of your other wifes ""ops forgot we can read each others mind""you baka thats why i love you""hahhaha very funny""so want do we do with her""let some soldiers have fun and raise morale ""no she won't last much ""your right"well want to go eat something ""i brought your favorite because i always show up when your eating like in the past""uhh so what did you bring""red wine ,salad, sushi""well lets eat but what about her hmmm?"

So what should they do with her


2-set free

3-eat with them

4-kill her

5- torture her for information

Hope you enjoy peace out

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