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Harry felt like he was living in an alternate reality. The stranger who saved him from two scary guys in an alley is one of his mother's clients who is now staying with them and probably going to his school! It was crazy. Sure, his mum didn't see it like that, but she didn't know about Harry and Louis' previous encounter.

He wondered who Louis was. Like, what had he done to get to the point of having nowhere to go and only a social worker to care for him. Harry figured that his mum would have some files on Louis, maybe he could get to them.

He jogged up the stairs and poked his head inside the office (AKA Louis' temporary bedroom). Louis was shirtless with his back to Harry, revealing dark tattoos and many faded scars on his tanned skin. Harry eyed Louis for a moment, his lingering stare confirming that- yes, Harry thought the boy was extremely good looking. He now took notice that Louis was on the phone, sounding upset.

"I'm in London with my fucking social worker, why do you even care?" he spat into the phone. He continued on to say, "It wasn't my choice! I didn't want to. But don't worry, I'll get you what I have as soon as I can." Louis started to pace, turning around and catching sight of Harry. He quickly hung up the phone and shoved it into his pocket. "What are you doing?" he asked Harry, sounding alarmed.

"I came in here to grab something. This was my office like an hour ago," he said matter of factly, stepping past the shorter boy to dig through his mum's file cabinet.

Louis sighed and sat down on the pull out couch. "Yeah, well, sorry to intrude," he replied sarcastically.

"It's fine," Harry mumbled. "I get that you don't want to be here. Let's just be civil until you get to go back home." Sure, maybe he was a little bit offended at Louis' tone. He didn't know why he assumed that Louis would be pleased to stay in London rather than being angry. He didn't know the boy at all. Harry grabbed a file with Louis' name on it, turning around to face the boy again.

A small frown appeared on Louis' face, his eyebrows furrowed. "Home?" he scoffed bitterly. "I think you mean juvie."

"Juvie? You were in juvie?" Harry practically gasped. He knew Louis was bad, but he didn't expect him to be that bad.

"No. I'm here because a stupid cop wants to ship me off to a correctional facility and your mum stopped him. As soon as this is over, he'll try again. And it'll probably work," Louis shrugged sadly.

Harry bit his lip slightly, only managing to mumble an awkward, "Oh." He certainly felt bad, but he was more confused than anything.

"Yeah," Louis trailed off. "So, where can a guy get some booze around here?

Harry just rolled his eyes.

"Oh, come on. I was nearly arrested today for a crime I didn't commit. I think I deserve a little alcohol," the shorter boy continued, hopping to his feet.

Harry didn't know what to say. Did he try to be laid back, or did he give Louis a lecture on the dangers of drinking? Finally deciding that it was wiser to pick his battles, Harry shook his head. "Kitchen. Left side of the fridge. Just please don't let my mum catch you, alright?" he said.

"I'm not gonna get you in any trouble, Princess. About last night or about this," Louis winked with a small smile.

Harry moved towards the door, he didn't want to endure Louis' sickeningly delightful charm any longer. "First off, I'm not your princess. Second off, just go drink your beer and be quiet. I'll be down the hall if you need me," he huffed, trying not to smile.

"Thanks, Curly."

"You're welcome," he said hastily, retreating to his bedroom before he embarrassed himself.


Harry was at his desk, a blanket wrapped around his broad shoulders and numerous papers spread across the wooden surface. The file was quite thick, full of newspaper articles and police reports and photographs. Harry actually felt nervous, he wasn't sure he was prepared for what he would find.

Fugitive Troy Austin and a ten year old boy, believed to be Austin's estranged son, were found sleeping underneath the Thirty Third Street bridge. Austin evaded the police while his son was detained.

A small mugshot photo was printed underneath the article. It was of a young Louis, wearing ratty clothes and no shoes. His face was smeared with dirt and his hair was sticking up in all directions. His eyes were wide and afraid.

Thirteen year old runaway Louis Tomlinson admitted to setting fire to the Lambeth Free Library yesterday evening. Tomlinson told officers that the fire quickly escalated out of control. Damages are estimated to be up to £200,000. Tomlinson had been living inside the library for weeks leading up to the fire.

Another mugshot was attached. In this one, Louis didn't look afraid or upset; he just looked ashamed.

Sixteen year old Eleanor Calder was found dead outside of a Lambeth house party Friday evening after a fall from a second story window. Bruising on her neck and arms lead officers to believe that there may have been foul play. The only suspect in the case is sixteen year old Louis Tomlinson, the last person to see Calder alive.

Mugshot number three. And this Louis? Well, he looked like he didn't feel anything at all. His eyes were empty and his face was emotionless.

Harry took a deep breath, appalled to say the least. Did Louis really do those things? He didn't seem capable of arson or murder, but Harry didn't know enough to be sure. He shoved the papers back into the folder and hid it inside his desk drawer. Harry didn't want to read anymore. He rubbed at his face with his hands, a sudden wave of panic washing over him at the idea of having a boy with a lengthy criminal record sleeping down the hall.

Harry climbed out of his chair and changed into his pajamas, heading down the stairs for a drink of water. Louis was nowhere to be seen, leaving Harry to believe that the boy took his beer to his room.

That, or he was out setting more libraries on fire.

Harry retreated back up to his bedroom and laid down, praying for a good nights sleep despite all of the craziness going on.


The following morning, Harry felt more stressed out than ever. It was the first day back at school since the ball, and since Harry was very publicly dumped. He got dressed, putting in a little extra effort to show that he was doing just fine, and he raked a comb through his messy curls. Harry then trotted down the stairs, grabbing an apple and his backpack before heading towards the front door.

"Hey, Curly. Forgetting something?"

Harry turned around and there stood Louis, a little smirk on his lips. He wore a white tank top that hung low on his tattooed collarbones with tight jeans. He held Harry's car keys out with one hand, jingling them around teasingly.

"Thanks," Harry replied sheepishly as Louis tossed the keys at him. He caught them with ease and moved to yank open the door with his free hand. "Don't get into anything too wild today. I'll see ya later."

Louis shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. "Don't worry about me. Your mum is enrolling me to start school and then we have a meeting to get to," he said vaguely.

"Oh. Alright, have a good meeting then," Harry replied, feeling curious as he stepped outside.

"Have a good day at school, Princess."


London Preparatory Academy wasn't like other schools. Everyone that attended there was from families of wealth, believing they were entitled to whoever and whatever they wanted. It was a huge school, despite being very exclusive, and it looked straight out of a movie. Kids were always flooding the courtyard and the hallways and even the car park as they lounged with their cliques and posed by their fancy cars.

Harry was inside chatting with his best mate, Niall. He confessed everything that had been going on to his blonde friend, leaving out the details from Louis' file because, well, that just seemed to personal to tell. And besides, Niall had a big mouth.

"Oi, what the fuck? Your mum just brought this bloke in for a bloody sleepover? That's wild, bruv," Niall gaped, his Irish accent conveying his surprise.

Harry nodded and glanced around the hallway. "Yeah. She didn't give me any warning either. Knocked on my bedroom door and I was barely dressed," he mumbled.

"Well, is he hot?"

Harry leaned to playfully slap his friend on the arm. "Nick broke up with me literally two days ago. I'm not gonna make moves on Louis," he assured the boy.

"Oh, whatever! That'd be the perfect way to make Nicky-Boy jealous. You know, to get back at him for dumping you in front of every single person at the ball?" Niall mused, wiggling his eyebrows.

Harry frowned slightly, Niall's word choice bringing up some bad flashbacks to what happened. "I guess you've got a point, but I'd rather not get involved," Harry just shrugged.

Niall rolled his eyes. "Okay, just trying to help," he shrugged before quickly switching topics. "Are you going to Liam's party on Friday?"

Liam Payne was one of the richest, most popular kids in all of London Prep. He had a huge house, parents who were always gone on extravagant vacations and a girlfriend who pretty much everyone envied. Once upon a time, he and Harry were very close friends. They've drifted apart over the years, but still occasionally chat in a civil manor.

"I'm not really in the mood to party, Ni."

"But, Har, it's gonna be wild! His parents are off in Hawaii for like a month so this is the kickoff of Payne Party Season!" Niall protested avidly. "Besides, you need to loosen up and have some fun. You deserve it. And might as well bring your new boy toy too."

"I guess you're right," Harry reluctantly admitted. "Maybe I could use some cheering up. And Liam does throw good parties."

Niall started to speak, but his eyes trailed past Harry down the hall and he fell silent. His face faltered slightly and he mumbled, "Ex-boyfriend incoming."

Sure enough, the brunette senior was strolling towards Harry with his entourage flanking his sides. He didn't so much as spare a glance at the underclassman. He just walked right on by as if Harry wasn't even there, as if they didn't even know each other.

Harry didn't bother trying to hide his disappointment, it was written all over his face. He just sadly made his way to his first lesson, silently wishing for things to be different.


Louis was seated at the police station with Anne and Detective Cowell, all three gathered in the gruff old man's office.

"Listen, they don't pay me to waste hours trying to contact this kid's next of kin. Troy Austin doesn't seem very concerned with custody," Cowell pointed out, crossing his arms.

Louis just rolled his eyes because, well, what did Cowell expect? His father was a criminal. He was wanted for drug possession and illegal distribution of weapons and a number of other things that Louis probably didn't even know about. Since those days, it was no question that he'd done worse. Did they just expect him to pick up a call from a detective? And besides that, Louis already knew that the man didn't care about him enough to come forward. He was no father and apparently Louis was the only one who could see that.

"Really? You can't find him?" Anne asked, sounding concerned as she placed a protective hand on Louis' back.

Louis let out a snort, shaking his head. "Of course he can't. If Troy doesn't want to be found, then you won't find him. It's as easy as that." The teen had learned that lesson the hard way.

Detective Cowell shot Louis a nasty look. "I've called every number we've ever had for him, and every known associate's number, then left at least a dozen messages. No one is coming for this kid. But, could you blame them?" Cowell hissed.

Louis' face faltered but he quickly recovered so Cowell wouldn't see him frown. He had always tried to be a good kid, he did anything and everything his father asked, but it was never enough. Troy was manipulative and abusive and absent. Louis knew that it wasn't his fault, Troy just wasn't a reliable man, but the way Cowell spoke made him feel like it was.

"Basically, Anne, this means that you need to find a new shelter or foster home tonight or Louis here goest into the city's custody- AKA, my custody. And you both know where I'll be sending him," the man threatened, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his desk.

"I'll foster him," Anne said abruptly.

Louis nearly face palmed. Really? He was going to be living with Anne permanently? Well, as permanently as she could handle, anyways. Sure, it was nice for Louis to be off the streets. He didn't really want to be on his own anymore and he liked being around Anne. Harry too, for that matter. But if he was there, he would never be able to finish paying his debts and settling everything that Troy had gotten him into.

He would be completely and utterly fucked.

"Have you lost your mind, Anne? Do you know what you're dealing with here?" Cowell gaped in awe.

Another twinge of hurt shot through Louis. Luckily, he had become a professional at hiding his pain and burying it way down deep. So deep he barely even felt it anymore.

"Of course I do. I've been on Louis' case for years," Anne remarked, talking like Cowell was stupid.

"Breaking and entering, assault, arson, and that girl's murder just last year. After all of that, you're willing to stick him under the same roof as you? Your son?" Detective Cowell asked. It was obvious that he was trying to make Anne back out.

"You had no proof then and you still have no proof now. Watch it, Simon," Anne warned him.

Louis was done, he wasn't going to sit here and let everyone talk about him. He was going to defend himself. "I didn't do half of that shit and you know it, Cowell! And I certainly didn't murder anyone! I would never hurt Anne, or Harry for that matter. Hell, I just saved that kid's ass the other night. Stop accusing me of things you have no evidence for, I don't deserve it!" he shouted, jumping to his feet. He was fuming. So angry that he didn't even realize he'd let his encounter with Harry slip- that he had broken his promise.

Big mistake.

"Wait, what did you just say?" Anne gasped.

"Look, Anne, I found him Saturday night. He was alone and crying out in Lambeth. I had no idea he was your son and I just wanted to help him-"

"-So that's why you skipped our session, huh? To mess with a crying boy in an alley!" Cowell laughed, cutting him off. "Don't you see Anne? You don't want him in your home!"

Anne's face went cold. "Detective Cowell, I would like the papers to sign for custody. Now," she declared, ignoring the snarky old man's comment.

Louis was relieved that she wasn't angry, she didn't even acknowledge what he had said. That was a good sign, right? He told himself that maybe she didn't even hear him, but knew that it was unlikely considering he was shouting like a maniac.

"I'll go draw up the paperwork. You'd better hide your jewelry, Ms. Styles," Detective Cowell advised bitterly, glaring at Louis. He got to his feet and left the room.

"Now Louis," Anne said as soon as the door closes behind Cowell, "What the hell were you doing with my son?"



Harry was in his room, obnoxiously singing to his music (which was at full volume) as he finished his homework. He was alone, he didn't care how bad he sounded or how lame his playlist was. His dark curls were pulled into a loose bun and he wore baggy joggers with a Rolling Stones tee shirt. He looked like a mess, but he didn't care about that either. He was just enjoying the solitude.

"Well, well, well! I had no idea that I was in the midst of a karaoke stud."

Harry nearly tumbled out of his chair, surprised by the sudden voice. He hastily turned his music off before looking to face Louis. "What are you doing in here?" he asked, trying to catch his breath.

"Definitely not admiring your Hairspray soundtrack playlist, Mr. Link Larkin," Louis teased, grinning from ear to ear. "You're a good singer though, I mean, to people who are into that."

"Into what? Music?" Harry retorted playfully.

Louis opened his mouth, presumably to make some kind of sassy remark, but he was cut off. "Harry Edward Styles!" a booming voice shouted, echoing through the entire flat.

Harry looked at the blue eyed boy in a panic, his mum's angry tone sending shivers through his body as he hoped for some hint as to what was going on. Anne sounded beyond pissed, clearly out for blood, and Harry knew from experience that his mother was terrifying when she was mad.

"Oh, yeah, right. I actually came in here to tell you that you're in huge trouble. It's bad. I'm really sorry, Princess," Louis said awkwardly, a genuinely apologetic look on his face. He disappeared out of the room and headed down the stairs.

Harry stared blankly for a moment at the place where Louis previously stood. He knew what this was about. Harry darted out of the room as fast as he could, trying to avoid hearing his name screamed again.

His mother was in the kitchen with Louis. The boy was seated on a stool, looking extremely out of place, as Anne glared at him. They both looked up when Harry entered. "Harry Edward, what in the world were you doing in Lambeth Saturday night?" Anne instantly asked, voice dripping with annoyance.

"Mum, please, I can explain. I snuck out to go to the ball with Nick but then he broke up with me in front of everyone and I kind of freaked out and started to run and-"

"-And he ran right into me," Louis finished for him. Harry was definitely grateful. He didn't know if he would've finished that sentence before exploding with guilt.

Anne moved to put her hands on her hips, unconvinced. "Harry, you're grounded for a month. No going out, no phone, and no Niall," she stated firmly.

Harry felt his heart sink. He was never the type of kid who made his mum upset, he'd never even been in trouble before! He had tried his hardest to be the perfect child for as long as he could remember. He felt awful for letting her down.

"Anne, hang on a second. Harry had a really awful night and he never meant to end up in Lambeth. He went straight home, I can vouch for him! He really didn't mean for any of his to happen," Louis stepped forward, trying to defend Harry.

Anne shook her head, unwilling to budge on her decision. "I appreciate your efforts, Louis. Sticking up for Harry is very kind but it doesn't change the fact that he snuck out and lied to me about it," she scowled.

Sure, Louis was trying to help Harry out. It was a nice thing to do, something that pleasantly surprised Harry. But it wasn't enough to make the curly haired forget that Louis was the reason he was in trouble in the first place. If the lad would've just kept his mouth shut, Harry could've gotten away scot free.

Now deep down Harry knew he shouldn't be blaming Louis, but he didn't want to blame himself since that would be admitting to lying and sneaking and everything else Harry never wanted to do.

So, he was blaming Louis.

"Harry, before I send you to your room, I need to tell you that Louis is going to be moving in with us. Permanently. I'm taking custody of him," Anne added as an afterthought, speaking matter of factly.

Harry squeezed his eyes closed. This couldn't possibly be happening. He didn't sneak out. He didn't get

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