Thirty Three

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Thank you for 1.5k! There's only a few chapters left. Get ready! xoxo

Louis was anxiously awaiting his final verdict. Niall came forward and changed his statement (Louis had no idea how Harry convinced him of that) and the judge had called an emergency hearing to re-sentence the teen for his alleged crimes. He was afraid, to say the least, because what if they didn't let him go? What if Niall's statement wasn't enough?" He hands were so sweaty he felt like his cuffs would slip right off and he was so fucking tired that he wasn't even able to tell if this was all real. Louis was freaking out.

The judge cleared his throat and a silence immediately washed over the small room. "In light of the fact that the prosecution's eyewitness has retracted his statement, Mr. Tomlinson you are free to go pending a two hundred thousand pound bond," the old man declared, banging his gavel with hooded eyes.

Des stared with his jaw wide open, blinking. "Two hundred thousand?" he repeated, feeling as though he must've heard wrong.

Louis felt like, for a moment, the remaining little slivers of his world came crashing down. He didn't have that kind of money. Troy didn't, Ty didn't, and certainly would never ask Harry or Des or Anne to pay it- it was just too much. Louis' stomach flipped and he truly believed that he'd be spending the rest of his life in the tiny jail cell eating slop and being harassed and watching gang violence everywhere he looked. He would rather be dead.

"This court still considers Mr. Tomlinson a flight risk," the judge solemnly shook his head, not budging.

Des seemed confused, pointing out, "But, Your Honor, my client will be wearing an ankle monitor."

The judge was unimpressed. "I am aware, Mr. Styles. But, Mr. Tomlinson is still a liability," he said simply. "Is anyone willing to post bail on his behalf?"

The room fell silent, as Louis had expected, and he felt like he could cry. He didn't want to go back to prison. He was innocent!

"In that case-"

"-I will Your Honor," Des suddenly said, face even. "Mr. Tomlinson will move into his old room at my wife's flat."

Louis felt like he could cry or scream or kiss Des on his rich lips! He couldn't believe that this man, the man who hated him, was going through all of this to save him. Louis owed Des and Harry and Anne big time, he just didn't know how he could repay them.

The judge quirked a brow, surprised. "Is that arrangement acceptable to your wife?" he asked.

Anne stood up and looked into Louis' eyes, face softening. "Yes, it is," she declared.

"In that case, Officer, please release the prisoner," the judge reluctantly announced, nodding at Louis.

Louis was smiling. He felt like a million pound weight that had been pushing on his chest and making it impossible to breathe was just lifted.

The officer's rough hands grabbed him by the arm, muttering, "We'll take you out to be processed and given back your belongings before letting you go."

Louis practically laughed, feeling like he were on cloud nine. "Thank you," he cheered. "Yes!"

Harry was cheering too. He couldn't believe it! He had no idea that his father would ever fork that much cash over to help Louis. He watched Louis be escorted out of the court room, heart racing because he'd finally be able to hold the boy and kiss him and be with him again. It was an amazing feeling.

"Dad!" Harry shouted out, waving for his father to come over.

Des looked over at Harry, smiling sheepishly as he crossed the courtroom to stand before the rows of seats. He leaned up against the waist-high wall separating the stand from the audience.

"Thank you so much," Harry sighed in relief, tightly hugging his father over the low wall.

Des patted him on the back and ruffled Harry's curls. "Well, I know how important his was to you," he responded with ease.

"It was so important," Harry replied, pulling back to look at his father with a sincere smile. "I can't thank you enough."

The moment was short lived because Detective Cowell approached from a row of seating behind them. He looked irritated, like he was annoyed with the outcome of it all. "You're wasting your money, you know," he said pointedly, arms crossed over his chest.

"Excuse me?" Harry replied sharply, face contorted with disgust when he turned to eye Cowell closely.

"We'll find that murder weapon and when we do, Louis Tomlinson will be right back where he belongs."


Niall and Harry sat on the front steps of the courthouse, both lads feeling pretty exhausted after the rollercoaster of events they'd been facing.

"Take my phone away from me," Niall huffed sadly, getting to his feet. He started to pace before Harry, shaking his head. "I'm getting so many hate messages that I can't even handle it anymore."

Harry frowned, getting to his feet. He reached out to touch his best friend on the arm. "You did the right thing, Ni," he quietly reassured him.

"I sure hope so because right now it doesn't feel like it," Niall said bitterly, pulling his arm away

"I promise you did."

Niall pursed his lips in thought, looking as though he had something more to say. But, he stayed quiet. He just waved Harry off and stalked over to his car, hopping in and quickly speeding away.

"I guess I should say congratulations," Ty's voice called. The boy passed through the doors to stand a few steps away from Harry, a forced smile on his face. He rubbed the back of his neck and asked, "So are we ever going to acknowledge what happened in the closet?"

"No," Harry said sharply.

"Come on, Harry, you can't pretend like it never happened," Ty told him, moving closer.

"It didn't ever happen, okay?" Harry said sternly, face contorted in guilt and shame and annoyance. Then, he spotted Louis filing out of the courthouse and he forgot all about Ty. "Louis!"

Louis smiled, big and wide, as he waved at Harry. He was wearing a hoodie that was oversized and a pair of baggy jeans, presumably whatever the prison had forked over for his discharge. He opened his arms and Harry gladly embraced him into a tight hug. Louis rubbed the taller lad's back, now noticing that tears were forming in his boyfriend's green eyes. "Hey, H, what's wrong? I thought you'd be happy," he softly asked, concerned.

Harry shook his head. "I am happy! I just," he trailed off for a moment, "was scared. I can't lose you again."

Louis kissed Harry's cheek, ruffling the boys curls fondly. He wrapped an arm around Harry's waist and leaned into him slightly. "You know, your dad didn't have to do that. Your family had already done so much for me," he said, guilt-ridden.

"And Niall didn't have to retract his statement," Harry added to make Louis feel more at ease about his family's gesture. He didn't want to seem like he was the only one who had a hand in Louis' newfound freedom. He pointed at Ty and said, "And Ty! He was here when no one else was to help me with the case."

Ty looked uncomfortable watching the couple. He shrugged awkwardly and said, "I guess I have a lot of time to make up for, that's why I'm here for my brother now."

Louis scowled, clearly he was still unconvinced by Ty's intentions.

The older Tomlinson boy sighed sadly. "Look, I'm really sorry that I left. I wasn't as strong as you, Louis. I couldn't take it," he explained, sounding more like he was trying to justify his absence to himself rather than Louis.

Louis rolled his eyes, not buying it. He glanced over at Harry, who was smiling happily at Ty. Louis really didn't like how fond Harry was of Ty, it made him uneasy and irritated and many other adjectives. He had to end it. "Hey, Har," he said, giving the taller lad's hip a gentle squeeze.


"I know your dad wanted you to come right home, but can we spend some time alone together first? It's been so long," Louis asked hopefully. He was desperate for some time with his boyfriend. He had to remind Harry that he was the only boy for him. That he loved him and adored him and would do anything for him.

"Of course!" Harry eagerly cheered, kissing Louis on the cheek.


Louis and Harry strolled hand in hand through one of the prettiest parks in London. Louis felt like he could finally breathe, like the whole world was at peace. And it was clear that Harry felt the same, the boy was in a blissful state with a huge dopey smile that wouldn't fade. Louis was happy for the first time in a while.

"This feels like a dream," Harry said softly, swinging their intertwined hands back and forth.

Louis smiled, bringing their hands up to kiss Harry's knuckled. "I know, right? I never thought I'd be able to be free with you again. It seemed impossible," he hummed.

Harry leans over to grab Louis by the cheek with his free hand, pressing his lips to the blue eyed lad's. He ran his thumb along Louis' jaw, the kiss being short but sweet. "I told you not to give up hope," he said with a smile. "I promised you I'd find a way."

"I can never thank you enough," Louis sighed, leaning his forehead against Harry's for a moment. He let go of Harry's hand to push his chilled hands into his pockets in an attempt to warm them up. He felt like he owed so much to Harry, he felt like he'd never be able to repay him for everything he'd done. Louis didn't like that feeling, but he'd rather feel indebted to Harry than not gave him at all.

"You don't need to thank me," Harry protested, shaking his head.

"Really, Har. You've changed me. I mean, from the day we met I knew my life had turned down a different path," Louis said seriously.

"How could you have known that?" Harry asked with a bashful smile.

"I felt it," Louis explained. "I've never felt anything like it before and I'm sure I never will again." He leaned to kiss Harry again, stepping closer so they were chest to chest. His hands found Harry's hips, the taller lad wrapping his arms around Louis' neck.

"I love you," Harry mumbled into the kiss.

Louis pulled back, grinning now. "I love you," he said. "I promised my mum that I'd make a decent life for myself. That I'd be a better man. And I will, Harry, because of you."

Harry shook his head, cheeks flushing a dark shade of pink. "You were always a good man, don't forget that," he quietly replied, smiling softly.

Louis stared at him fondly, taking in every single one of Harry's features. He decided that the conversation needed to lighten up, that they needed to stop being so serious and just be kids for once. "You know, I really hate to break the mood, but I'm starving," he dramatically announced.

Harry re-laced their hands together, giving Louis' a squeeze. "I'll bet after all that prison food," he replied lightheartedly.

Louis made the lad do a little twirl, spinning him around with a smile. He shrugged in response, adding, "Or lack thereof. I actually haven't eaten in two days, it was just too awful."

Harry looked concerned, stopping mid spin to examine Louis' body. "Shit, L. I knew you looked skinny," he said worriedly. "Come on, let's go stuff your face full of yummy food."


Ty, Louis and Harry were seated around a table at a local restaurant. Anne and Des were supposed to join them, but Anne had work and Des needed to catch up on another case, so it was just the trio tonight.

Louis was in heaven, he'd forgotten how amazing real food tasted. "Wow," he gaped. "I never knew how much I could miss a good meal."

"You want more chips?" Harry offered, still seeming concerned over the boy. "You still look skinny."

Louis opened his mouth to reply, but no words came out. Why? Well, his eyes landed upon the only person he hated more than Cillian.

Liam stomped up to their table, hands clenched into angry fists at his side. "Hey!" he shouted out. "This is bullshit! No way you should be out of prison, Juvie!"

"Go away, Liam," Harry said, sounding more pleading than authoritative.

Liam shot the lad a glare, shaking his head in disbelief before his eyes fell back upon Louis. "You know what your boyfriend called you, Juvie? He said you were a rat who belonged in a cage," he spat, voice like venom.

Louis recoiled, a shot of pain hitting him in the chest. He didn't want to believe Liam's words, but that seemed like a very specific thing to make up. And Harry looked completely ashamed, which only made Louis believe the brunette more.

Ty interjected now, "Leave them alone, kid. Why don't you go polish your Rolex or something?"

Liam cackled, sounding like an evil genius laugh straight out of a movie. "You mean the Rolex that he stole?" he asked, pointing a finger at Louis. "You're not getting away with this, Juvie. You killed Cheryl and I swear I'm going to prove it! You're gonna pay."

"Leave us alone!" Harry exclaimed, slamming his hand on the table.

Liam leaned down to get into Harry's face, lip curled into a furious snarl. "So you and your daddy ganged up on Niall and got him to lie? I thought Cheryl was your friend. Or were you just using her like you use everyone else?" he hissed.

Ty got to his feet now, arms crossed over his chest. He towered over Liam and looked down at him with an angry scowl. "Get your punk ass out of here before I kick it out the door," he said, voice even and face deadpanned.

Liam didn't move, though his face fell.

"You think I'm messing around? Try me," Ty threatened, stepping closer.

Liam instinctively took a step backward, eyes full of panic. He looked between Harry and Louis, then back at Ty before turning and running off out of the restaurant.

Louis got to his feet now, feeling a deep ache in his wound and a sadness in his heart. "I can handle my own business," he said shakily, almost as if he were trying to remind himself instead of his brother.

"Trust me, I know. I just didn't want you to bust a stitch in that knife wound."


Louis was shirtless in his bedroom, sitting on the edge of his bed with his eyes staring sadly down at his blood-stained bandages. He knew he needed to redress the wound, but that would involve looking at it and he really didn't want to see the stitches. It reminded him of his weakness and of Cillian and of prison. Louis didn't want to remember those things.

Harry stepped into the room, an awkward aura filling the room. "Hey. I brought you some fresh towels. I put them in the bathroom," he said quietly.

"Thanks," Louis replied shortly.

"Whats the matter?" Harry asked, confused and concerned.

Louis shook his head, not making eye contact. "Nothing," he muttered.

"Is it Ty?" Harry asked shakily. "Is it because my mum invited him to stay here?"

Louis for to his feet, grabbing the roll of gauze off of the desk. His face fell and his lips formed a small frown. He was very uncomfortable about his brother's relationship to his boyfriend, he didn't like it at all. "It's weird seeing how close you two are," he said, trying to downplay his emotions.

"He's just been really helpful," Harry justified.

"I've got eyes, Harry," Louis said sadly, looking over at the boy over his shoulder.

"He just wants to help you!"

"He sees an opportunity and he moves. He always did when we were kids, he did when he left, and he will again," Louis explained with a firm shake of his head. He didn't want to have to be jealous or be worried about his brother, but he just didn't trust the older boy! He didn't believe that Ty would suddenly come back into his life with nothing but good intentions.

"It's not like that," Harry protested.

"Oh really?" Louis retorted. "Then why does he look at you like that?"

Harry rolled his eyes, which only drove Louis more mad. "I think you're upset and blowing this way out of proportion," he said calmly, shaking his head.

Louis crossed his arms over his chest, uneasy. "I just don't trust him. I don't want him living with you," he said firmly.

"I'm living with my dad, remember? You guys will be here with my mum," Harry reminded, trying to sound gentle and reassuring.

"If he doesn't leave soon, I'm telling him to go."

"He's trying to do the right thing. You need to let the past go and give Ty a chance," Harry told him, throwing his hands in the air dramatically.

Louis shook his head, not budging. "It's not up to you, Harry. He's my brother and I'm not ready to trust him," he frowned, eyebrows furrowed.

Harry sighed, moving for the door. With his back turned he muttered, "Okay, Lou. I'm just going to go wait for my dad. Need anything else? Anything else to say?"

"I'm fine," Louis said.

Harry walked out of the room.


Harry stomped outside, moving to go pace on the sidewalk. He needed to release all of his emotions but he didn't know how. He was just so frustrated and so confused as to why Louis was acting this way, he didn't get it!

Suddenly, a door closing got Harry's attention. He quickly turned around in hopes that maybe it was his boyfriend coming to apologize. But he was wrong, it was Ty. "Oh, hey," he said softly, wrapping his arms around himself and trying to shrink away.

"Hey," Ty replied shakily.

Harry furrowed his brows, sensing a weird nervousness to Ty. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Are you okay?"

"I can't do this anymore," Ty shook his head, walking down to the sidewalk to stand before Harry.

Harry was uncomfortable now, pulling his jacket tighter around his frame. He scanned the boy's face, concerned, and asked, "Do what?"

Ty rubbed his face with his hands. He suddenly stood up straight, trying to look composed. He let out a shaky sigh and said, "I can't stop thinking about what happened at Liam's. The fact is, I like you."


"-And I think you feel something for me too."

Neither Ty nor Harry knew that Louis was watching from the porch.

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