Might not write for a couple of days. I'm going camping with my family.
"Welcome back everyone!" Amelia says. "Today I found something special. Let's get into it!"
The scene opens showing two kids playing. They look to be the age 5. One throws the ball to the other. "Catch it izu!" The boy yells. "Don't worry shoto I've got it!" She throws the ball back. They lay down on the grass next to each other.
"Aww there so cute," the girls say.
The toddlers have multi colored hair. Half red, half white. Then a man with a small beard made out of fire came out of the house. "Hello my children," the man says. "How are my twins today?"
"My father," shoto says unemotional. "That's him!?" Some kids ask.
The little shoto lifts his left hand. He opens it flat to revile a small flame. "You got your quirk!" His father says proudly. "Do you have you quirk my little izuku?" He brushes some hair out of her eyes.
"No, I don't have it yet. Mommy says it could take a while. No one knows when it will come." He looks at his child with a displeased face.
"Why does he look like that?" Sero asks. "My father only made me and my siblings to get strong quirks on his side. He wants to beat all might using us." People look at shoto with shock. Then they look at endeavor with anger.
"That's too bad." He pulls his daughter by the arm to a room. Then the screen switches to after. "Are you sure your okay?" Shoto asks. He takes of her shirt reviling a row of scares. There are a few new bleeding ones. The little girl was trying to stay from crying.
"Poor izuku," some people say. Aizawa jumps out of his seat and goes over to endeavor. "Do you do this to you children irl!?" He asks enraged. Endeavor looks at him with some fear in his eyes. But he stays silent. "Shoto! Endeavor! We are going to have a chat." They all leave the room. "Lets continue then," Amelia said.
It cut to a point when he's training them. A voice of older izkuk says,"I got my quirk a few weeks later. Dad would train me and my twin till we were unconscious." It cut to a scene of izkuk and shoto lying on the ground. There was barf on the ground next to them.
"Stop working them so hard there only 5!" He turns to the woman. Shoto gets up a little bit. "They can take it," endeavor said. Then endeavor slaps her. Leaving a red mark. It shows after shoto putting his right hand on his moms face to try and help her.
"This one's so sad." Momo said. Some people nod in agreement.
It shows the twins walking past kids playing. They try to go but there father holds them back. "They have a different life then you," endeavor says.
It skips to shoto in the kitchen with mom on the phone. She turns around just as the teapot boils. The high pich scream stops as it's lifted off.
Shoto is terrified. He is curled up in his seat shaking. Momo is trying to comfort him.
It shows izuku coming to the kitchen and see her brother on the ground holding his. She puts her right hand over his eye to try and help.
It skips to the twins racing in the entrance exam. "I win!" Izuku called out. "No I do!" Said a boy using wind. Who had passed her before.
"You didn't fight robots?" Mina asked. "No we raced anyone with recommendations did anyway." Shoto says still a bit shaken.
"We got in!" Me and my sister shout. "and we didn't even use your quirk!" My sister shouts at my dad. It cuts to them at the school gate walking in. They enter the classroom. "We got in now we prove to my father we can become hero's without his quirk.
"Now it's time for some todoroki memes!" Amelia says.
Everyone is laughing. "Next!"
"You looks like a Canadian flag." Some of the class said. "Ready to be embarrassed Shoto and momo?" People look at Amelia. "Why do you use there first names?" Amelia looks at them. "I'm from America. We use first names not sir names. "
Shoto and momo blushed. "Shoto do you want to leave for these next ones? They might trigger things." Shoto nods his head and I snap him out.
"That would traumatize him so much." Someone said. "Well that's all today. Godbyeeeee!" Amelia says snapping her fingers.
Hope everyone enjoyed. :D
(774 words)
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