mha on crack state wars edition

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Izuku and afo were battling like crazy on the side of a mountain. One punch thrown after another. Izuku blocked a punch thrown his way. But was thrown back.

He was nearing the edge of the clif. He raised his arm to strike again but afo was ahead of him. Afo let his red lightning from his hand to strike Izuku. It hit Izuku's wrist, severing it.

"Aaah," Izuku yelled from the pain. He lifted up his other arm to hit but was thrown back by a punch. His arms were not the only thing keeping him up. He looked down. Scared for his life.

"Izuku," the chillingly cold voice of afo spoke. "I want you to join me. Together we will be the strongest power on the planet."

"Never!" Izuku snarled. Afo raised an eyebrow under the suit. "I can change your mind," afo said.

"Bet," Izuku said. He really didn't want to be here just talking. But ya know, villains need to tell their whole life story before saying how they'll kill you.

"Izuku, I am your father," afo laughed at the expression on Izuku's face. "Nooooo!" Izuku yelled. It couldn't be true. He looked down over the cliff.

And like the drama queens this family was, he jumped down. At the bottom was All Might. When Izuku landed in his arms they flew off.


Izuku was content. He lived with his aunt, uncle, and little cousin. His aunt and uncle were more commonly known as the waterhose heros.

That day his uncle sent him out to get some groceries. He was coming back. When he arrived at his home he started to panic. His house was torn apart. He look led inside and found his aunt and uncle both dead their blood was still red and glittery. Though some places had dried.

He looked around for his cousin and found him huddled in a cabinet in the kitchen. "Come on koda we're leaving."

They left Izuku was in tears the people he'd learn to call parents were gone. Dead. He ran down the street. He stopped when he saw a big crowd.

He looked and saw a group of villains surrounding three people. He set kota down next to him and before he could even think to what he was doing he had run into and through the crowd.

He dug through the slime that was holding a boy captive. He tried to get the boy out but failed. Until a man, all might can in to save them both.


Izuku was just walking around mindlessly. Not really paying attention. His cousin was on his back asleep.

He was strong for a kid his age. His aunt and uncle had forced him to train so that he could be a hero with them. So he had muscles. Though no quirk. That would restrain him as a hero. But he could still do well with his fast thinking brain.

He looked up when he felt someone watching him. Then all might jumped out from and ally way.

"Young man I am HERE!" He said before coughing and going into small might mode.

"W-who are you? W-wheres a-all might?" Izuku stuttered out. He was so done with this day.

(Ladidieda he tells him about the quirk izu accepts and izu nom noms the hair.)

"I'm going to be sending you to one of my old masters home. He will train you on how to use this new quirk," All might said.

And so izu starts his journey. He arrives in a broken part of town. He knocked on the door.

A short man with a cane in hand answered. "Why hello. Why are you here boy?"
"W-well first my names izuk-"
"Ah your the one toshinori told me about. Come in."

Training started. The two cousins got closer with the man. He was like a grandfather to them. Izuku started getting stronger with the quirk. Near the end torino started to get sick. (Y'all star wars fans know what's gonna happen)

The UA entrance exam was pretty soon about two weeks. Izuku found himself next to torino's bed. He was crying. His grandfather figure on the verge of deaths step. They were in the white hospital. Some of torino's friends like all might were with them when the final drawn out beep came.

Tears were passed around everyone. But too fast it seemed, it was time for the entrance exam. They were now staying with some guy with black hair called shota Aziawa. They had been staying with torino for the past th few months. Now they had a secure father figure. His cousin who he now found to be more of a brother called shota dad.

Izuku entered the school and took the exam, and ened up with flying colors.

He had a twin. HE, him, HE had a twin sister. Fun. Imagine falling in love with your twin and then kissing them!

Midoriya ochako. The heir to the midoriya family hero agency. Both parents dead and her uncle was running it even though it belonged to her. But she wasn't a hero yet.

And he now knew his dad! His enemy. The enamy of the world. Afo. So this family was fun. Yep.

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