Chapter 8: Battle Training

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Chapter 8: Battle Training

Izuku and the others were going through another day of classes. There were subjects like history, math, and english literature. They were all taught by professors who were also pro heroes. Izuku being the fanboy he was asked for autographs from each of them, and much to his surprise he received them. Izuku's mother also had a job at U.A as Recovery Girl's assistant.

Later at lunch period, Izuku was getting his stuff. He saw Ochako with another guy. That guy happened to be Iida. As it turned out, he had been around Ochako for a while even before the entrance exam.

"So I don't want to take much of your time Uraraka, but I have an important question to ask you," Iida said.

"Ok, ask away," Ochako said.

Izuku was listening in on their conversation.

"So what do you say we get together after class and grab a bite for a... Formal Date," he said, "My treat."

Izuku felt a strange feeling in his stomach. Perhaps, jealousy. But fortunately that feeling went away quickly when...

"No thanks," Ochako said as she walked away, "I'm sorry Iida."

"Wait... don't tell me I'm too late," Iida told her, "You like someone else don't you?"

Ochako looked at Izuku who was chatting with Shoto, then a smile formed on her face.

"Yea," Ochako said, "I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize," Iida said, "Nothing has changed and we're still friends. But let me offer you some free advice. Don't wait for the moment to ask your crush out. Do it as soon as you can."

Shoto looked at them. He then turned to Izuku about his feelings for Ochako that he clearly had.

"I'm telling you man, you gotta make your move," he said.

Truth be told, Izuku wasn't the only one who harbored feelings. Ochako also had a small crush on Izuku, but she often worried that other girls might have a better chance with him than she would. She would want to date him but at the same time, she wanted to wait for the right moment to ask him out. Mina approached her.

"Come on Ocha, make your move and get your boy," she said.

In the afternoon, it was time for the main attraction; Hero courses! Everyone was waiting eagerly for classes to start. They all heard a familiar laugh.

"I am...... Coming through the door like a normal person!!" the person saaid.

It was none other than All Might. He was going to teach heroics courses for Class 1A, much to their surprise and joy.

"Whoa, he's wearing his silver age costume!" Kirishima saiad.

"I can't believe he's teaching us how to do herowork!" Mina exclaimed.

"Well little heroes, let's hope you're all ready for today's lesson, as it will pull 0 punches!" All Might said holding up a card.

"Fight Training!" Bakugo said.

"This is gonna be good," Shoto said, "A chance to show off my true power."

"Just try not to burn up the building Sho-Kun," Izuku said with a nervous smile.

"However, one of the other parts of being a hero is looking the part, which is why we have these!" All Might said as he pressed a button.

20 suitcases were given to all of the students. They carried their hero costumes. They were all excited to see what their costumes looked like, especially Izuku. Later on, everyone was starting to change. Izuku was putting on his costume and everyone stared at him.

"What?" Izuku asked.

"Dude, you're fucking ripped," Kaminari said, "How did you get all those muscles?"

"I did a lot of training at the beach," Izuku answered.

Later on the class was outside at ground Beta. All of them were dressed up in their hero costumes. Izuku had a tactical battle suit in the color of green. It was based off the jumpsuit he wore during the entrance exams, but it had more of a martial arts kind of feel. This was not his real costume however, as the costume he asked for was still being developed.

Shoto had a costume that was made of a jacket that was designed to resist hot and cold temperatures from his quirk. There were also gauntlets that he developed for his arms, and also boots to help him walk easily on ice. Ochako noticed them and walked to them

"Guys, your costumes look awesome!" she said.

She was dressed in a skintight space themed hero costume with a visor.

"Maybe I should've been more specific about what I wanted," Ochako said, "These clothes are skin tight. Not really my style."

Izuku blushed a lot and Shoto laughed at him.

"I-I-I-I-I t-t-t-t-t-t-t-think y-y-y-y-y-you l-l-look great......" Izuku said.

Shoto saw Yaoyorozu coming up. Her costume was a bit.... Revealing. Parts of her body were exposed, but that was due to the nature of her quirk. She needed some room to create objects. On top of that, her breasts were almost exposed, if not for the leotard. Shoto saw her walking by and immediately got a nosebleed. Izuku and Ochako chuckled at his misfortune.

Bakugo came out in his hero costume. He looked pretty menacing for a student wanting to be a hero. But it matched his quirk because he was quick to anger. He looked at Izuku in his hero costume and smirked.

"I'll have fun tearing you apart," he said.

"I told my students to come out here, but all I see are a bunch of young heroes!" All Might said, "Now I will explain the scenario for fight training," All Might said pulling out a script, "The battles that you mostly see on TV are done out in the open, but the battles you DON'T see are taken indoors!"

"So basically villains who are most cunning do their plots in buildings or secret areas," Izuku said.

"Correct!" All Might told them, "This scenario will feature the heroes and villains fighting for control of a nuclear weapon. The villains have hidden a nuclear bomb somewhere in this building. The heroes must either capture the weapon or the villains. Do this and you win. The villains win if they capture the heroes."

"Looks like it came straight out of a video game," Kaminari saiad, "But it sounds fun nonetheless."

All Might picked some cards and chose who would be a part of which team. Izuku and Ochako were part of one team while Shoto and Yaoyorozu were part of another.

"Well, looks like we're in the saame team," Momo said with a smile, "I look forward to working with you Todoroki."

"Now I declare the first team to fight will be..... THESE GUYS!"

He held out two cards. Team A (Izuku and Ochako) and Team B (Katsuki vs Iida). Bakugo then looked at Izuku and glared.

"Think you can take my spot on No 1 from me?" he asked, "I'm gonna enjoy tearing you down."

Izuku and Ochako took a few minutes to analyze the room and discover the various areas of it. She noticed that Izuku seemed a bit nervous.

"Deku you ok?" she asked.

"Its just that we're up against Bakugo," Izuku said, "From what I heard he's an amazing student with a powerful quirk. I'm just a bit nervous."

"Don't be," Ochako said, "You have the power of aura, and 'your secret quirk'."

"Right," Izuku said, "I also got you by my side. You're my best friend, and my true supporter."

Ochako blushed a bit after hearing that.

"Oh stop Deku you don't have to flatter me so much."

"Heroes, enter the building!" All Might said.

Izuku and Ochako found an open window and decided to sneak in that way. As they continued walking around the building, Izuku suddenly stopped. He sensed that Bakugo was coming this way.

"Bakugo's here," he said, "Somehow I can sense...... LOOK OUT!"

He then grabbed Ochako and pulled her out of the way before an explosion was seen. Bakugo came out of his hiding spot, and had the look as if he was gonna kill someone. Izuku was determined to win and do great on this training.

"Well, looks like you know how to dodge after all," he said, "It's time to finish this, once and for all. I've been waiting for this for a long time."

"Ochako go find the weapon, I'll handle this!" Izuku said.

Ochako nodded. She then started running to another room. Bakugo turned his attention to Izuku, as he was the primary target.

"You just waltz in here, steal my spot as number 1 and you expect me to fall down to your knees and kiss your ass?" Bakugo asked, "Just who do you think you are?"

Izuku got into a fighting stance, OFA and aura at the ready.

"I am Izuku Midoriya, the future hero, Deku!" Izuku saaid, "And I'm the hero who never gives up!"

Bakugo came charging at him again.

"I'll mess you up just enough not to get disqualified!"

He then had explosions ready and fired them at Izuku. Izuku dodged out of the way and went for a punch to the face. He then grabbed him by the arm and threw him over. Izuku smirked to himself.

"We may not have had much interactions, but I've studied your movements," Izuku said, "From what I've seen you always start with a right hook. I've studied how my quirk can counter that and found some good ways!"

Bakugo only smirked.

"Well if its a fight you want, its a fight you get!!"

He shot more explosions at Izuku who continued dodging waiting for the right moment. When he saw an opening he shot a few Aura Spheres at him. People in the watchroom were watching Izuku.

"Man, that aura quirk of his really comes in handy!" Kirishima said, "Its like he's not even breaking a sweat!"

"Well, Midoriya is focusing on the fact that this is training," Momo said, "Although he could overpower Bakugo, he's considering the power of his opponent and only using a small fraction of his quirk so he doesn't injure the villain."

"I feel ashamed to have taken the role of a villain! But... this is training so I need to act the part!" Tenya said.

He started putting on an evil persona.

"BWA HA HA HA!!! I am the EVIL Tenya Iida! MWA HA HA HA!!! Tenya said, making an over exaggerated expression of a villain.

Ochako who was listening overheard his little monologue. She started to laugh.

"He's so serious," she said.

"Ocha! Have you found him?" Izuku asked on his ear piece.

"Yea, he's just doing some silly villain monologue," she said

"Uraraka! Is that you? You have fallen right into my trap! MWA HA HA HA!!!" Tenya said much to Ochako's amusement.

"Hand over the weapon and nobody gets hurt Iida!" Ochako said.

"I am not Iida," Iida said in his villain voice, "I am Rocket Lord! Mwahahahaha! And don't bother trying to use your quirk. Everything here has been removed so your quirk is rendered useless!"

"Shit...." she said.

Izuku was continuing to evade Bakugo's attacks. He checked on his teammate.

"Ochako how are things?" Izuku asked.

"Not good," Ochako said, "I got caught by Iida."

"Keep him busy for a minute, I'm on my....."

Izuku didn't get to finish as he was hit with an explosion.

"So you got some fight in you I see," Bakugo said, "But that won't be enough to stop me!"

Everyone was observing Bakugo.

"Looks like brute strength feeds his ego," Asui said.

"Stop dodging and hold still!" Bakugo said.

He shot another blast at him.

"You know, these gauntlets aren't just for show," he said, "They store the sweat that I've been saving up for one big attack," Bakugo said.

All Might suddenly realized what he was doing.

"Young Bakugo no!" All Might said, "Do not use that attack in the building!!"

"The nerd will be fine as long as he dodges!" Bakugo said.

Bakugo begun pulling the pin out of his gauntlet. Izuku then realized he needed to finish this quickly. He lunged at him quickly while channeling OFA into his hand. He got ready for a signature punch.

"Detroit..... SMASH!!"

He punched Bakugo hard in the face right before he could release the explosive. He then quickly restrained Bakugo so he couldn't move. Ochako used this as an opportunity as Iida was stunned by the explosion. She jumped over to the weapon and grabbed it.

"Heroes win!!" All Might said.

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