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"Honestly? Not really. But I guess that's kinda noticeable as you walked in on me crying." She said hoping to lighten the mood with a slight chuckle but failing miserably when her slight smile turned back into a frown.

She burned holes into the blanket underneath her, not wanting to look Jaemin in the eyes again, not after how close they just were.

Her heart was beating fast, he was always hot, but he looked way better centimetres from her face. His eyes a deep pool of brown that sparkled under the moon light that shun through the window beside them.

"What's on your mind Hyun?" His deep voice cut through the silence, making Hyuna close her eyes and drop her head with a sigh.

"I-I don't know what I regret more; being scared of going out and actually being a teenager, or being scared of not working hard enough for my parents and loosing my teenage years to endless hours of studying." She admitted, finally looking back to Jaemin with eyes that were shimmering with tears.

"You know the other day when you told me you wanted to show me something and it ended up being my house? Well I said pain, and I don't know if you heard it or not because I basically whispered it. But I said pain."

Jaemins eyes softened more, if that was even possible, as he watched the girl, "I heard."

Hyuna sighed once again, looking down at her lap as she now sat cross legged.

"Everyone thinks my family is perfect, but it's far from that. My dad is always at his work, I rarely see him, and despite how much my mother wants the world to believe she stays at home and takes care of us, it's not true.

She always runs off to the country club, I swear she's there more than she's at home." Hyuna stated, running a hand through her hair as she finally verbalised what she's been holding in for so long.

She love Myunghee, don't get her wrong, and she knew about her family situation, but Hyuna never told her everything. Which she knew was bad, you should be honest with your best friend, but it always felt as if her family life didn't matter when they hung out.

The two only usually talking about boys, or Myunghee trying to get Hyuna to rebel against her seemingly strict parents.

But that's as far as what she knew, that they were strict. Not that they mentally damaged her from a young age.

"I don't know why I'm telling you all of this, I've never told anyone this before." She said again, leaning her head back up against her wall.

"You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to, but I'm here for you Hyun." He said comfortingly, adjusting himself on the bed so he was now in the same position as the girl. Head resting against the wall as he sat beside her.

There was a pause of silence as Hyuna thought, thinking about everything she's ever done- and it wasn't a lot.

"I regret not living." She said, making Jaemin look over to her, head still against the wall. Hyuna felt his gaze from beside her, so she also turned her head to look at him.

His eyebrows had a slight furrow to them as they looked into each other's eyes, their company becoming more comfortable under the moonlight.

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