Heyyy. I just wanted to let you all know that there will be mentions of sexual assault in this chapter.
As we sat in Seraphine's office, I started to think about what she told me.
'Don't let your past affect your present.'
It's kind of hard do that when your present is a constant reminder of the past.
We were laughing about stupid things men do when there was a knock on the door. Seraphine immediately stopped laughing and put on a cold face.
"Who is it?" She called out strongly.
"Lorenzo. I'm here to pick up Marlowe." The voice came through the door.
Here we go.
"Come in." Seraphine granted Lorenzo to come into the office.
The door slowly creeked open and my face dropped when I saw Lorenzo and Alessio standing there.
Seraphine stiffened when she saw Alessio.
"Lorenzo. You were supposed to come alone." She scolded.
Alessio scoffed. "What? You didn't want to see your favorite Angeli, Sera?"
What's with the nickname?
"Only those close to me are allowed to call me that, Angeli." Seraphine responded coldly.
Yup. They absolutely have history.
Lorenzo cleared his throat. "Well, Chevalier, you should know that I am, in fact, a horrible liar. And you already know that Alessio is like a hound dog when it comes to sniffing out dishonesty. Long story short, he found out that I was coming here to pick up Marlowe and he forced me to let him tag along."
I could feel Alessio's eyes burning a hole into my head, but I kept my gaze on the floor, not making eye contact.
I heard footsteps coming close to me before I felt a hand grip my arm, pulling me out of the chair. I lifted my gazed and glared at Alessio, who's hand was still holding tight onto my arm. I ripped my arm out of his hold and stalked past him, making sure I bumped into his shoulder on my way to the door. I walked out of the office and ran another person. This one completely accidental. I looked up and saw a boy around Dino and Antonio's age.
"Who the hell are you?" The boy asked.
"Marlowe Angeli. Who the hell are you?" I responded in the same demanding tone.
"Théo Chevalier. What were you doing in my sister's office?" He questioned me, narrowing his eyes.
"What is this? 20 questions?" I ridiculed his interrogation.
"Listen here, you-"
"Théo." Seraphine's voice stopped him from continuing. "Stop hammering the poor girl with questions. Where's Valerie?"
"She's freaking out over homework at home. Alexandre is helping her. I was just getting in the way, so I came here." Théo explained.
Seraphine nodded. "I can probably cook something up for you to do. For now, go clean up the fighting ring or something. Tonight is expected to be busy."
Théo nodded and then went back the way he came. Not without giving me a dirty look as he left, though.
Seraphine turned to me. "Sorry about him. He's been in a slump ever since our parents died. No matter what I do, he won't come out of it."
I was about to respond when Alessio's booming voice rang through the hallway.
"Marlowe. Let's go. Now."
"Wait, what about Haidyn?" I tried to make my way back into the office, but Alessio pulled me back.
"She can find another way home." Alessio said sternly.
"I can take her home." Seraphine assured me.
I nodded. "Thanks, Seraphine."
Before Seraphine could answer me back, Alessio put his hand on my back and steered me out of the gym. He led me to the car, making sure that I wouldn't be able to run.
I got into the back of the car without much of a fight. I was honestly tired from running all the way from the house to the gym. Alessio got into the driver's seat and Lorenzo climbed into the passenger seat.
The car ride home was silent. I could tell that Alessio was practically breathing fire he was so angry and Lorenzo was just trying not to poke the bear.
We got back to the house after what seemed like forever. I jumped out of the car and jogged into the house, trying to make it to my room before one of the boys caught me. Of course, as soon as I walked through the door, I ran into a hard chest. I looked up and gulped.
"Marlowe. What a pleasant surprise. Come into the dining room, dear sister. We were just about to have dinner." He turned away from me and walked into the dining room. I reluctantly follwed him.
I sat down at my usual place and slowly started picking at the food on the plate in front of me. Alessio and Lorenzo eventually walked into the dining room as well. They sat down at their normal spots and began to chow down.
After the majority of my brothers were done with their dinner, Alessio cleared his throat. "Marlowe. I would like to see you in my office after you are finished."
I nodded.
Maybe I should finish my whole plate and just take my good old time doing so.
I spent more time slowly eating my food before I couldn't even look at it without feeling nauseous. I put my fork down and looked at Alessio. "Are you ready?" He asked me.
I nodded. He looked at my half eaten plate and sighed. "Alright, then. Let's go."
We stood up at the same time. Vincenzo and Orlando stood up as well, following us as we walked upstairs to Alessio's office.
Vincenzo stayed outside the door while Orlando walked into the office with us.
Alessio sat behind his desk and Orlando stood beside him. They both stared at me. I didn't know which one to look at, so my eyes bounced back and forth between the two.
"Marlowe, do you know what you did wrong today?" Alessio asked.
I sighed and looked at the wall.
I love that color. Such a pretty shade of black.
"Marlowe, I would like an answer." Alessio's voice cut through my admiration of the beautiful wall.
"I dropped the f-bomb." I started.
Orlando nodded, and gestured for me to keep going.
"And I ran away."
Orlando gave me a look, and I tilted my head. I literally have no idea what else I did wrong.
"Are you forgetting the fact that you invited someone that you haven't seen in 3 years over to the house without telling anyone?" Alessio deadpanned.
I snapped my head towards his. "I trust Haidyn with my life. In fact, I have trusted her with my life before. And she has always came through."
Alessio opened his mouth to speak, but Orlando cut him off. "And I'm glad that you had someone to trust in our absence. But Marls, you haven't seen Haidyn in 3 years. The death of a loved one changes people, makes them do things that they wouldn't normally do. All we're asking is that next time you want to invite someone over that we haven't met, you tell us before you walk them into the house. Do you understand where we are coming from?"
I nodded. Orlando smiled. "Good. Now, it's my understanding that you know Luciano, Antonio's friend. If you don't mind me asking, where did you know him from?"
I shook my head. "I already told Lorenzo everything about that. If you really want to know, you can go ask him. I don't want to talk about it." I hoped that they would accept my answer because I didn't feel like explaining one of the darkest times of my life again.
Orlando nodded and looked at Alessio, telling him that he can start. "Marlowe, why did you run? I would like to hope that you are smart enough to not run away from the house just because you felt like it. There had to have been a reason that you were hiding."
I took a deep breath. "I was just overwhelmed. I had just reunited with my best friend and then I came home to you telling me off because my trust issues aren't as severe as yours. Things got heated, Alessio. I was yelling, you were on the verge of yelling. I started to remember how all of Sebastián's punishments would begin. And they would normally start with an argument. I couldn't take it. I had to bail. I'm sorry. I truly am."
Alessio looked at Orlando. "There's something else that we wanted to talk about. When we were at infirmary after your panic attack, the nurse noticed some severe scars. She also noticed some bruises around your hips. I know you already said that nothing happened, but Marlowe we need the truth. Did Sebastián ever... you know what I'm trying to say."
I lost my breath. I should have known that they didn't believe me when I told them that nothing happened.
That damn nurse.
I tried to speak, but my voice got lost in my throat. I tried to breathe, but my breath got caught. My chest tightened. It felt like I was going to explode.
I couldn't breathe.
Orlando realized what was going on. Before Alessio could even say a word, Orlando was kneeling in front of me. He cupped my face with his hands.
"Breathe, Marls. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. There you go, capretto." Orlando coaxed me through the panic attack.
After a couple minutes of breathing with Orlando, I was calm.
Well, not calm. But calm enough that I didn't have to go to a hospital.
Orlando grabbed a tissue from Alessio's desk and used it to wipe the tears from my face that I didn't even know where there. When he was done, he stood up and took back his place beside Alessio. Alessio looked at me, his face unmoving. "Marlowe, you can just give a simple head nod. Yes or no. Did Sebastián ever... touch you?"
I sighed. I felt another tear drop from my eye. I looked away from my eldest brothers' concerned looks.
I can't believe I am going to tell them this. I haven't told anyone this. Not even Luciano.
I nodded.
Both Alessio and Orlando sucked in their breath.
Before they could say anything, Vincenzo burst the door open.
"Guys. We have a problem."
Alessio stood up in his chair, as did I.
"Vincenzo, what's going on?" Orlando demanded.
"Xavier got arrested for fighting and Alessandro is steaming. Like might actually kill his brother." Vincenzo explained the situation as Alessio ran his hand over his mouth.
"Where is he?" Alessio questioned Vincenzo, grabbing his coat and getting ready to go calm down his best friend.
"Alessandro is in the living room with Dino and Lorenzo and Xavier is in the gym with Antonio."
Alessio's face contorted. "Why isn't Antonio with Alessandro?"
"Because Xavier is currently punching the living shit out of anything that moves. I guess Alessandro brought up their parents and that set off Xavier. Antonio has him under control, but the other two are going to need more man power." Vincenzo explained.
Alessio and Orlando rushed out the door with Vincenzo to go calm down the two fighting brothers. I was left standing my oldest brother's office alone.
I guess this means I'm off the hook for now.
I walked down the stairs, past Lorenzo and Orlando trying to get Alessandro to do deep breathing, and into the kitchen.
I had just grabbed a cup from the cupboard when I heard someone walking into the kitchen. I stayed turned around, expecting it to be one of my brothers. Once I filled the glass up, I turned around and jumped when I saw Xavier standing there.
Holy shit. When did he get there?
I jumped and then stayed still, not moving.
He's like a dinosaur from Jurassic Park.
"Will you move? I need ice from the freezer."
I didn't move. I just stood there.
"Are you ok?" Xavier started walking towards me with a very concerned look on his face.
Before he could call my brothers into the kitchen, I doubled over laughing. "Your face! I was all like 'I'm not moving' and you were all like 'Ahhhh!' Good times. Good times." I laughed while making weird movements.
Xavier's face scrunched up. "You have problems."
I laughed then sighed. "I know." We stood there for a minute before I remembered he needed ice, so I quickly jumped out of the way. "Sorry. I was too busy laughing at myself."
Xavier looked at my with annoyance.
We are going to be the best of friends.
"Why did you freeze like that anyway?" Xavier asked me while he filled up a bag of ice.
"Funny story. I was in Alessio's office talking to him and Orlando when Vincenzo came in and said that you were punching anything that moves. So when I came down here and saw you, I made sure that I didn't move so I wouldn't get punched." I explained to him quickly.
"Wow. So funny." He said sarcastically.
I faked a laugh. "I know. I'll be here for the foreseeable future."
Xavier looked at me like I needed to be in a mental hospital, then a devious smile crossed his face. "I have an idea. And I need your help."
10 minutes later, we were all standing back looking at the door. Well, looking above the door. As it turns out, Xavier's idea was a prank. And I was all in. He got popcorn bowl and filled it to the brim with water. We put it above the door just right so that whenever someone opened the door, the bowl would tip over and the water would spill on the head of whoever ran to the kitchen the fastest. Our plan was ready.
Xavier shouted out to the living room. "Alessio! Orlando! Someone! It's Marlowe! I need help in here!"
It was like all the moms at Walmart on Black Friday. All of my brothers, including Alessandro came bursting through the door. Alessandro was the first to come through the door.
I wish I would have recorded the whole thing. Because after Alessandro got an unwanted shower, he started chasing Xavier throughout the house. And Xavier pulled me with him. So now we were running throughout the endless maze of hallways with the consigliere of the Italian mafia hot on our tails. And behind him were my brothers, making sure that he didn't kill us.
Alessandro eventually caught up to us. He tackled Xavier but I kept running. Antonio had caught some of the water, so he had a bone to pick with me. He continued to chase me until he finally caught up to me. He grabbed me and pulled me over his shoulder. He started walking towards the back door.
I realized where he was going to take me.
I started yelling. "No! Please! Someone help me! Ant, don't do this man! We can talk about-"
I was cut off by Antonio throwing me in the pool.
Why was it so cold?
After I was able to regester what happened and my body unfroze, I pushed up to the surface. Antonio and Dino were laughing on the side of the pool. I swam over to them. "Haha. Real funny. Now, help me out. Please?" I gave them puppy dog eyes which I don't normally use, but sometimes I have to pull them out for special occasions.
This was one of those times.
Antonio reached his arm out for me to grab. I made sure I had a good hold on his forearm before I yanked it, pulling him into the pool with me.
Antonio surfaced and splashed me. After a couple seconds of watching us splash each other, Dino backed up to get a running start and jumped into the pool. He landed beside Antonio and I, engulfing us with a wave of water.
While we were laughing in the pool and splashing each other, I saw the rest of my brothers looking at us from the back door admiring the youngest Angeli's frolicking in the pool without a care in the world.
Depsite the ups and downs, today was a good day.
hiiiiiii. sorry for such a late update. this was supposed to be the Sunday update, but I started reading The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and the time I would have spent finishing this chapter, I spent finishing the book. But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I do hope to get more into about the initial deal soon, so that's something to look forward to.
alright. question of the chapter: What is your favorite book genre?
That's all I have! Byeeeeeee
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