chapter 10

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"I can't forgive you, Alisha," she whispered, I don't know if I can ever forgive you for this."

Alisha's heart shattered into a million pieces, the pain of her mother's words cutting through her like a knife. She sobbed uncontrollably. Unable to contain the torrent of emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.

"I'm sorry, mama," she sobbed. "I'm so sorry."

But her mother's face remained impassive, her eyes closed against her daughter's pain.

Just as Lina's words hung heavily in the air, the door to the hospital room opened once again, revealing a figure Alisha recognized immediately.

Zafeer stood there, his expression soft and gentle as he stepped forward, his gaze locked on Alisha's tear-streaked face.

"Alisha," he murmured, his voice low and deep. "I'm here."

Lina looked up in surprise, her brow frowning in confusion."zafeer?"

But zafeer ignored her, his eyes still fixed on Alisha as he reached into his pocket. 

"Alisha," he said, pulling out a small velvet box, I know things have been hard. I know you've been through a lot. But I want you to know I love you."

He got down on one knee, holding out the box to Alisha as his voice trembled with emotion. "Alisha, will you marry me?"

Fatima gasped, her hand flying to her mouth as tears of joy filled her eyes.

"Zafeer," Alisha whispered, her voice breaking with emotion.

Alisha pulled away from zafeer's embrace, her eyes filled with sorrow and regrets.

"Zafeer, I'm sorry. I can't marry you," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

Zafeer's face fell, his expression a mix of confusion and hurt. "Why? Alisha, what are you saying?" He asked, his voice pleading.

Alisha met his gaze, her face a mask of pain. "I can't marry you because you are already engaged to ikram," she said, her voice breaking with emotion.

"I know you were there at the party, zafeer. I know you saw what happened between ikram and me. And I know you were planning to propose to her that night."

Zafeer's face paled, his eyes wide with shock and denial. "Alisha, you are wrong.

"I....I didn't mean to propose to ikram. I was planning to propose to you."

But Alisha shook her head, her voice firm. "Zafeer, I can't take that chance. I can't risk breaking ikram's heart.

"Even though she betray me, I can't do the same to her."

Zafeer's expression was a mixture of disbelief and frustration, his voice tight with emotion. "Alisha, you don't understand.

"I never loved ikram. I was planning to propose to you that night, not her

Alisha's heart ached with longing, but she knew she couldn't give in.

"Alisha,"zafeer said, his voice thick with emotion, "I know you don't believe me. But I have to make you understand.

"I love you, Alisha, I've loved you from the moment I fist saw you.

"I know I made a mistake at the party. I know I should have spoken and defended you.

"But please, Alisha, don't let this be the end of us. Don't let my mistakes ruin our future."

Alisha s heart pounding in her chest, her mind racing with conflicting emotions. She wanted to believe zafeer, to accept his proposal and start a new life with him.

But how could she be sure he was telling the truth? How could she risk her heart, and ikram's, on the slim Chance that zafeer was being honest?

"Zafeer," she said, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I..... I'm not sure I can do this."

Zafeer reached out and sat beside her, his face a mask of raw emotions. "Alisha, please," he said, his voice pleading. "I'm not asking you to forgive me, or to forget what happened.

"I'm asking you to take a chance for us. To trust that I love you, and that I will never stop loving you."

Alisha closed her eyes, her heart aching with desire and fear. She loved zafeer. She knew that, deep in her heart.

But could she risk it all? She opened her eyes, meeting zafeer's gaze with a mix of determination and resignation. "Zafeer," she she said, her voice barely a whisper. "I.... I'll think about it.

"I need time. I need to be sure."

Zafeer's expression was one of believe and hope. "Thank you, Alisha," he whispered, his voice filled with gratitude.

"I'll wait for your answer, and I promise, I will never stop loving you."

As zafeer turned to leave the room, Lina reached out and touched his arm, her eyes shining with gratitude.

"Zafeer," she said, her voice soft and low." I know this isn't easy for you."

"But I appreciate your honesty and love for my daughter.

"You're a good man, zafeer. And I hope, with all my heart, that Alisha will give you a chance."

Zafeer smiled, his expression one of humility and gratitude.

"Thank you, Mrs Lina," he said, his voice filled with respect. "I will do anything in my power to show Alisha how much I love her.

"And I hope, one day, to call her my wife."

Fatima smiled, her eyes filled with tears. "I hope so too, zafeer," she whispered. "Alisha is lucky to have a man like you in her life."

Zafeer nodded, a mixture of love and determination in his eyes.

"Thank you, Mrs. Lina," he said, his voice thick with emotion.

With a final smile at Lina, zafeer turned and left the room, leaving Alisha, her sister, and her mother alone together.

Alisha closed her eyes, her mind and heart racing with thoughts of f zafeer and ikram, and the future.

Lina sat beside her, her arm resting gently on Alisha's arm. "Alisha," she said her voice soft and mertanal. "What are you thinking?"

Alisha sighed,  her eyes still closed. "I'm thinking about zafeer," she whispered." And about Ikram. "And about what's right. And what's wrong. And I don't know what to do, mama. I don't know what to choose."

Lina nodded, her expression sympathetic and understanding. "I know, Alisha," she murmured. "It's not an easy choice.

"But listen to your heart, my love. Listen to the voice inside you that tells you what's right.

"And trust in God. Trust that he will guard you to the right path. "

Alisha nodded, her heart filled with love for her mother. "Thank you, mama," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "I will do my best to listen to my heart."

Lina smiled, her face a mask of maternal pride. "You're strong, beautiful woman, Alisha," she said, her voice gentle and tender.

"And you deserve to be happy. You deserve to have a man who loves you and respects you.

"And I believe that, with zafeer, you have found that man.

Alisha smiled, her heart aching with love for her mother. "Thank you, mama," she whispered. "I love you."

Lina smiled, her eyes shining with tears. "I love you too, Alisha," she murmured, her voice thick with emotion.

Alisha closed her eyes, the room falling silent around them. And in that moment, surrounded by her mother's love and support, she knew what she had to do.

The following day, Alisha was discharged from the hospital, her body weak but her spirit strong.

"Hey readers, I'm here again"😁

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