Chapter 7: anne-sterminator (new)

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We start by seeing Cloak-Bot doing repairs on himself when he gets a message from king Andrias

Andrias: what's good, Cloak-Bot? Checking in to see how things are going, did you get the book?

Cloak-Bot: book secured

Andrias: why that's great! Wait that's that's book 3, you rusty bucket I need book 2!

Cloak-Bot: book 2 out of stock "he said as andrias groans"

Andrias: olms, have mercy next, you're going to tell me Anne isn't dead yet?

Cloak-Bot: working on it

Andrias: well, looks like we'll have to up the stakes "he said pressing a button causing a 60 minute timer to appear on Cloak-Bot" you have one hour to destroy that kid or the bomb planted on your chest will destroy you

Cloak-Bot: but it's not my fault someone is with her

Andrias: oh who's with her?

Cloak-Bot: kamen rider decade "he said as king Andrias looked shocked"

Andrias: kill him first

Cloak-Bot: but sir-

Andrias: listen to me you bucket of bolts that rider will ruin everything destroy him NOW! "He said before ending the call as he looks nervous" (so the legends are true, he has returned)

Alexander pov

I was hanging out with the others watching tv while Anne was doing chores as her parents clap

Mrs. Boonchuy: you know, Anne it is really remarkable how much you have grown

Anne: aww thanks, mom

Mr. Boonchuy: I mean, you used to be so irresponsible like change the grade on your report card irresponsible

Anne: I didn't think you guys knew about that "she said chuckling nervously"

Mrs. Boonchuy: but you've really changed, and you have been so upfront and honest with us this whole time

Anne: right upfront and honest "she said nervous"

Mrs. Boonchuy: were just so proud of you come here, sweetie "she said as they hugged but Anne soon broke it"

Anne: hey um I'm gonna go and get some coffee ice cream! Anyone want any? Alex, Sprig?

Sprig: I'm good "he said but Anne dragged him into the kitchen while Alex follows" hey, what gives?

Anne: I can't do this anymore

Sprig: what? Eat coffee ice cream? I agree it's pretty risky after 5:00

Alexander: true that

Anne: no! My folks! I never told them about Andrias or the robot hunting us OR the honking invasion, they think I'm being up-front and honest but I'm not

Sprig: but you said this was the only way they'd be okay with any of this

Anne: I know, but it's not right, I'm going to tell them everything, right now

Alexander: were right behind you anne "he said smiling as sprig agrees before they walk out to the living room"

Anne: Mom, Dad there's something I have to tell you

Mrs. Boonchuy: what is it, sweetie?

Anne: well, the thing is- "she starts but the ground begins to shake" what the heck?

Alexander: uh guys "he said as Anne and the plantars look outside where they see Cloak-Bot"

Mrs. Boonchuy: Anne, what's going on?

Anne: get down! "She said as Cloak-Bot broke through the window" everyone upstairs "she said as they ran up stairs while Alex uses his gun to fend off Cloak-Bot"

Mrs. Boonchuy: quick Into my workout room! "She says as they all run in the room"

Anne: okay we can hide out here while we- "she stops when she sees many models, photos and illustrations of her" Mom, this is NOT a workout room!

Mrs. Boonchuy: yes it is when I thought you ran away, it's where I work out all my stress

Anne: wait why is this one dressed like a doctor? "She said pointing to a model"

Mrs. Boonchuy: a mom can dream, can't she?

Anne: why do I get the feeling I'm not living up to your expectations? "She said as Cloak-Bot busts the door down before seeing many Anne's"

Cloak-Bot: multiple Anne Boonchuy's confirmed

Mrs. Boonchuy: IT'S AFTER YOU?

Mr. Boonchuy: WHAT?

Cloak-Bot: eliminating "he says destroying multiple mannequins while Alex and the other escape in the car"

Mrs. Boonchuy: honey, why is there a robot chasing us?

Anne: well, the thing is, and I was totally gonna tell you, the King of Amphibia kinda has it out for us "she said smiling nervous"

Sprig: She punched him in the face

Mr. Boonchuy: WHAT?

Mrs. Boonchuy: you WHAT?!

Mr. Boonchuy: ANNE! "He said as they see Cloak-Bot following them"

Polly: can't this robo-snail go any faster?

Mr. Boonchuy: I'm sorry, I'm not use to running for my life from a crazy robot

Hop Pop: I know just how you feel, Mr. B why, the first time that robot attacked us-


Anne: YOU'RE NOT HELPING! "She yelled at hop pop as Cloak-Bot gets closer" Alex help me!

Alexander: right "he said putting his driver on" HENSHIN


After transforming Anne grabbed her tennis racket and starts to hit many tennis balls at it but it hits them back

Mr. Boonchuy: oof your backhand is looking pretty rusty

Anne: DAD!

Alexander: let me try "he said putting a card in his driver"


Many of the shots hit sending Cloak-Bot back

Alexander: okay hurry get us out of here!

Mr. Boonchuy: there's a split coming up! Which freeway should I take?

Mrs. Boonchuy: I don't know the 405?


Anne: DAD, TURN! "She tells as he does before pulling into the dump as they take a sigh of relief" okay guys, I think we're safe for now

Mrs. Boonchuy: ANNE SAVISA BOONCHUY! What is going on?! "She said angry"

Anne: what do you mean? There's a giant robot trying to kill us I thought that was clear

Mrs. Boonchuy: YES! But why Anne? Why? Is there something you want to tell us?

Anne: mom take it easy!

Mr. Boonchuy: honey, maybe we should hear her out

Mrs. Boonchuy: NO! She's lying to us! You've done something haven't you?! That's why that thing is after us!

Anne: It's complicated!

Mrs. Boonchuy: I knew it! We were wrong about you, you're still the same irresponsible little girl who used to cut class, when are you going to grow up? When are you going to stop getting in trouble? When, Anne? When?

Anne: I DON'T KNOW, OKAY! "She says shocking everyone" I don't know when I'll be the daughter you want me to be and I'm sorry, It's true I did lie, but I did it to protect the people I really care about "she said as the boonchuy's look at the plantars and Alex"

Hop Pop: hey "he said nervous"

Anne: I've learned so much from you two in these past few weeks, I finally appreciate how much you've done me, now I'm asking for your help "she said grabbing her mom's hand" please, I can't do this without you "she says as her dad walks up to her"

Mr. Boonchuy: we're with you, Anne right, mom?

Mrs. Boonchuy: I don't know, Isn't all just too much? "She said as they heard footsteps from Cloak-Bot"

Alexander: listen I'll go and fight him you guys get out of here "he said as they look in shock"

Anne: WHAT NO!

Alexander: listen as the savior of worlds I have to protect the people who I care about

Mrs. Boonchuy: no way mister! "she said as he looked at her" were in this together! "She said as he smiled under his helmet"

Alexander: okay let's do this "he said as Cloak-Bot landed next to them"

Cloak-Bot: must kill anne and decade

Anne: now he wants to kill Alex! "She said as Mr. Boonchuy and the plantars try to attack it but they get kicked back while Alex and Anne charge at him Alex slashing him while Anne hits him with a mop"

Alexander: not bad anne "he said before being punched away by Cloak-Bot as he lifts up anne"

Anne: no no no no!

Mrs. Boonchuy: hey, robot! LEAVE MY DAUGHTER ALONE! "She said hitting the robot causing him to let anne go before hitting him away with a pipe"

Anne: wow, mom! Good arm!

Mrs. Boonchuy: you too

Sprig: whoa that was crazy, you guys

Polly: I like your style, Mrs. B

Hop Pop: were you surprise by that display of ferocity, Mr. Boonchuy?

Mr. Boonchuy: nope "he said as Cloak-Bot got back up"

Alexander: hey Anne lets end this "he said as Anne goes to her blue form while Alex puts a card in his driver"


Both Alex and Anne delivered a powerful kick destroying most of Cloak-Bot as Anne turns back to normal

Both: pound it "they said fist bumping before hearing a laugh"

Cloak-Bot: self destruct in T-minus ten seconds

Mr. Boonchuy: that thing's still loaded!

Hop Pop: what do we do?

Polly: all that and we're still toast?

Alexander: no...just me "he said as they all look at him while he puts a card in his driver"


Alex then jetted forward grabbing Cloak-Bot before flying into the sky

Cloak-Bot: "it said before finally exploding as everyone looks in shock"

Anne pov

All: ALEX NO! "they yelled before seeing something falling from the sky as it lands in a pile of trash causing them to run to that spot where they see Alex but he was missing his right arm causing everyone to burst into tears while mr. Boonchuy checked his pulse"

Polly: is he-

Mr. Boonchuy: he's still alive but let's hurry we need to get him to the hospital! "He yelled as they rush to the car"

Anne: (Alex please stay with me)

We now see everyone in the waiting room all waiting for the doctor to come out all of them were very worried that is until the doctor came out

Mr. Boonchuy: Is he okay mr. Um?

Doctor: emu the names emu hojo

Mrs. Boonchuy: how is he?

Emu: he lost a lot of blood and lost his right arm, but he's in a stable condition, how did he get like this?

Sprig: He uh fell down some stairs "he said as everyone gave him a seriously look"

Emu: oh okay then "he said like it was nothing"

Polly: wait seriously?

Emu: oh yes you'd be surprised how often this happens

Sprig: oh, well can we see him?

Emu: I only suggest one for now

Anne: me, please I need to see him "she said as he nods before she entered the room where she sees Alex connected to a bunch of machines and wires before she started to cry" Alex...I-I'm so sorry "she said laying her head on the side of his bed" t-this is all my fault if I never took that box then none of this would have ever happened, Alex please stay with me...I love you "she said crying before feeling a hand on her head causing her to look up as she sees Alex smiling at her" ALEX!

Alexander: don't blame yourself anne it was my decision

Anne: b-but you arm "she said still crying"

Alexander: look I still have one, I'm just glad you guys are okay your more important

Anne: but we could have lost you!

Alexander: at least I would have saved you, I would hate to lose the people I care about

Anne: but I care about you because-

Alexander: because what? "He said as she blushes"

Anne: because...I-I love you "she said as he looked in shock"

Alexander: wait really? "He said as she nodded" well I love you to "he said blushing before they kissed"

Both: wow

Anne: so we're dating now?

Alexander: on one condition

Anne: what?

Alexander: I get to be the boyfriend "he said as she laughs"

Anne: it's a deal you goof

Alexander: yeah but I'm your goof "he said smiling as emu enters"

Emu: sorry but visiting is done he need rest "he said before anne have Alex a quick kiss"

Anne: I'll be back soon okay?

Alexander: okay, bye sweetie

Anne: bye my little kamen rider "she said leaving while emu watches"

Emu: (so he's decade, well his journey has just started, I hope he's ready) "he thought as the episode ends"

New Dratini: yeah I'm gonna have some kamen riders cameo in this story

Dratini: yes this was my plan since the beginning I wanted to do this chapter so bad

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