Oliver flirts with you

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Short cause I have no ideas :/

Y/n POV me and Felicity were tracking the current threat Vertgo there was a new one out on the streets felicity asked "so how's slade" you look up from your work and smile thinking of your boyfriend always made you happy as he turned over a new leaf (joe dose not exist in this story) for me it was really sweet he and Oliver stop wanting to kill each other a couple months ago "he's a sweetheart really" you said and continued "he also really intelligent and funny" you look at her she smiled back at you seeing the love in your eyes when Oliver cam down slade walking behind him "hey y/n hey Felicity" you both exchanged hellos to him when slade came up to you and hugged you "hey darling" you turn in your chair and stand up "hey slade" and hugs him you feel his arms wrap around you in return


Third person POV y/n was under cover slade was out side Sense he drew to much attention with his resting face which was 'im killing all of you' but when your around it's more of a soften look with love in his eyes Oliver was with you acting as your boyfriend much to slades annoyance he reluctantly agreed a man approach you and Oliver "hey you to look adorable" you smiled at him a replied "thank you" the man was the second hand of vertigo so you two were gonna kidnap him Oliver said "yeah I'm so lucky she/he just lights up the whole room she/he is to amazing and adorable for her own good" you blushed and lightly shoved him playful "dear your making me blush stop it" you to eventually lead him away from every one and put him in the van drove off when you got back to the arrow cave slade had a murder look on his face you put a hand on his shoulder he looks at you "slade no murder" you said he huffed and pulled you into his lap "I did not like him flirting with you not one bit" you said softly "it was undercover mission we hand to and Believe me I did not like it either I just wanted to back into your arms" he sighed "fine but Felicity can do it next time or else I'll beat his ass" you nod while laughing "your protective" he huffed once more "only over you" you give him a light kiss and said "I would have it no other way"

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