Shiki's presents

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


With a bright black polka dotted yellow party hat sitting on top of her head, Shiki sat at the head of the table, the one where Law usually sits, and was presented a feast before her with a few gifts that was brightly wrapped in the Heart Pirates colours.

Leo stood beside her with a smile, watching over the gesture. 

Shachi, Penguin and the others all leaned in the tables, eager faces awaiting in anticipation for the girl's reaction. Law and Jambarl hung at the back, leaning against the walls with their arms comfortably crossed over their chest, watching as Shachi placed a medium sized yellow box with a black ribbon on it in front of her.

"Here, the guys and I put a lot of thought in this."  he grinned excitedly.

Shiki blinked at the bright box, staring at it for a moment before unwrapping it with her right hand in a lazy manner as natural as possible. She couldn't help but stare blankly inside the box as she reached into it and lifting it up to reveal a pair of five inch sand-coloured wedges.

A frown took over her face, alarming the men, as she critically stared at it, particularly the "heels".

The group of guys slightly sweated at the seemingly displeasure look she has on, "W-What's the matter, do you not like the shoes?" Shachi gulped. He was sure it was the right size-he made sure of it. They also thoroughly discussed it, a new type of footwear was something nice, a neutral colour and two inches taller for extra height.

Shiki didn't look at them as she turned her gift left and right, looking for some solutions as to how she could wear them, "I'm just wondering if I can carve out a heel." she casually voiced out, causing some to take a look of disappointment at their unsuccessful attempt.

"If you don't like the type, you could've just said it." Kyle grumbled under his breath from the end of the crew. His arms crossed and head turned away from her.

Ears catching what he said, Shiki placed the wedges down on the table, only to scratch at the cork-like material of the heel with a displeased frown, "These won't work out well." she inwardly sighed, "If I'm without my weapon, I usually stab someone with the heels... My mentor once told me to wear something that can put a hole in someone's body." 

Leo suddenly thumped his fist on top of his palm with his mouth opened in an 'o' shape, "Oh." was the sound he produced, now that he thought about it, he does recall Shiki using her heels to stab enemies back in their marines days, but that was when she was killing pirates before the higher ups told her to tone it down to just capturing pirates.

Both Law and Jambarl had their eyes shadowed at the truth, lips pressed tightly with sweat sliding down to their cheek. 

"S-So you don't wear heels j-just to be tall?" Penguin stuttered out with a nervous smile. Who knows how many people she had stabbed with her heels-the heels innocently sitting in her closet. 

"Why would I?" she questioned back like it was the most silliest thing. 

The Heart Pirates gulped, what else was used as a weapon? Her long ridiculous hair coated with haki?! But now that her hair was uneven... Would that even make a difference?!

Shiki was scary.

Not knowing that her revelation in wearing heels had frightened the Heart Pirates into a pale stillness, Shiki placed the shoes back in the box. Even if she were to carve out a sharp heel, it might not be as strong as a real one. She wondered if there was a way to attack someone with it besides throwing it. 

Onto the next gift, a more favorable one, Shiki stared a bag of fresh apples and a bottle of the fanciest red wine the island had to offer during the duration of the awkward silence. She gave a nod of thanks to whoever brought these before looking up when a big fluffy polar bear came up to her, looking very pride of himself.

"Here, Shiki-chan!" oblivious to their surroundings, Bepo presented the fish that he caught on a plate, "I caught this myself!" he grinned proudly, however, some drool could be seen hanging from his mouth.

Taking it and placing it on the table, Shiki stood up and gave the bear a big one-arm hug, leaning herself into his soft body, "Thank you, Bepo." she muffled from the patch of fur she was nuzzling.

Grinning at his successful achievement, unlike his human companions, Bepo returned the hug, even lifting her off the ground, "You're welcome!"

"Oi that's not fair!" Penguin snapped out of his shuddering thoughts when he notice the first mate was receiving a very affectionate hug for his gift and not theirs.

Shachi also snapped out of it as he also wanted a hug, "Yeah, what about us?"

"If you look like Bepo, Captain or is Reika, then I'll hug you." was Shiki's answer as she felt content with the giant white teddy bear hugging her like his own teddy bear.

The crew booed at the unfair discrimination.


"2 out of 3 are animals!"

"If you count Reika-chan, then your list are all animals!"

"Reika-chan is automatically in." one noticed.

"We want a hug too!"

As the whining continued, Ren picked this moment to come out, back first before slowly turning to reveal a large one layered cake, "Cake is ready!" he sang out, oblivious to what was happening as he presented a pale green cake, topped with apple slices, covered in a glaze, candles on top gave a sift glow to his face, "I made sure to make it apple flavor!" he announced with a grin.

Bepo placed her down, gently on her feet as, the Heart Pirates all made way for Ren to step forward, placing the cake in front of Shiki when her gifts was moved to make way.

Forgetting their previous whinging, everyone excitedly all gathered around the table of the pale green apple cake with twenty-five candles spelling out 25 in the middle. Even Law and Jambarl gathered around, joining them.

"Make a wish!" the chef grinned.

But before she could, one of the Heart Pirates let out a surprised assumption, "25? Oi, Ren, I think you got it wrong, she's 19."

"No no. Didn't you forget? She's older than that, she's like 21."

"Guys, stop joking," another let out an exasperated sigh, "She's those type that's old but looks young, she's 32."

As the Heart Pirates had forgotten what her age was, aside from a few, Shiki carried on, ignoring the outrageous assumptions and blew out her candle.

"Happy belated 25th birthday, Shiki/Shiki-chan." Leo, Ren and Bepo clapped, ignoring the others but also catching their attention.

"Wait! She's really 25 years old?!"

Leo looked at them like they lost their mind, "Of course she is." he said like it was the most obvious thing while Ren nonchalantly began slicing the cake with a smile on his face, giving Shiki the first slice.

"Didn't you think she was younger than you?!"

Leo tilted his head with a confused look, "But she's older than me."

Silence reined over to those who forgot before Shachi awkwardly cleared his throat, "Now, without further ado, let's party!"



With everyone digging into the food, Shiki stood up to leave, but just as she was about to leave, Leo grabbed her by the shoulder, stopping her.

The blonde offered her an encouraging smile, already knowing what she was going to do, "Shiki, stay and enjoy the party, I'll go look after Reika-san and bring Little Captain food, and get you immediately when she wakes. Okay?"

Shiki looked down, reluctantly agreeing and returned back to the party.

Grinning, Leo quickly gathered a small snack and rushed off to the infirmary, not sparing a second in order to lessen Shiki's concern.

While nobody of looking, Shiki grabbed her raw fish and headed to the kitchen.


As Bepo stared at the variety of food spread out, his mind kept wondering to the fish he caught, it looked very delicious. He wondered if he could catch another one.

With that thought in mind, he sneakily tried to head for the exit, only to be caught not even halfway out of the room.

"Bepo." a calm clear voice rang through his fluffy round ears.

He flinched at being caught and turned to see Shiki.

"Shi-Shiki-chan! I wasn-" 

"Here's something to eat." she handed him the steaming plated fish to him.

Already, he could feel his mouth salivating and humbly accepted it with sparkles in his eyes, forgetting the fact that this was the same fish he gave her but darker in colour.

As the bear went off to enjoy the delectable fish after thanking her profusely.

Just as she was about to find something to do, in the corner of her eyes, she saw Kyle coming up to her with a determined face.

He stopped in front of her, running his hand through his grey hair under his black bandanna, looking fidgety. All movement stopped as he took a deep breath and slowly let it out, "Happy... belated... birthday..." he slowly muttered, avoiding eye contact, each word getting quieter.


"Well... later." and awkwardly, he left.

What a weird guy. Its been a while since she had last properly talked with the man.

Shaking it off, Shiki grabbed her red wine and popped the cork off with her right hand, not even bothering for a glass.

She found a nice wall to lean against and it didn't take long for Law to join her.

"So how's the birthday girl?" he smirked, watching as she drank straight from the glass bottle.

"It's not my birthday." she replied after she took a gulp.

"So I guess you don't want my gift." he concluded, reaching for her bottle of red wine and taking a swing for himself.

She frowned, "You don't have one, and that's mine."

If possible, his smirk widened and he leaned down with his face leveled with hers, "Oh really?" with one quick glance to see if anyone was looking, Law dipped his head towards her, delivering a deep kiss.

It lasted a few seconds before he pulled back, his lips just brushing against hers in a caress.

He leaned back, giving her space to see her slightly wide eyes and a soft blush that was very faint, "My gift." he chuckled, while he was satisfied that he caught her off guard, he rather prefer that her cheeks be more redder like last time.

Shiki slowly blinked, looking up at a smirking Law before staring forward, "I would prefer a different gift." she mumbled, blush receding.

"Oh, and what's that?" he questioned with a playful grin, one arm crossed comfortably across his chest while he took another swing at her drink.

She stared at the man beside her, just taking him in for a moment with unreadable golden eyes, before looking down with her bangs shadowing her them.

Law blinked when he felt an added weight on his side, he looked to what was causing it and saw Shiki leaning her side against him.

"I want 2 weeks to do whatever I want without any punishment." she requested in a soft tone. 

The pirate captain rose a brow, "1 week." he offered.

"Deal." it was fine either way.

A comfortable silence fell between them as they watched the Heart Pirates devour most of the food and getting themselves drunk with no restraints.

A question suddenly popped in his mind, nagging his curiosity, "I would have expected your friend to make a big fuss with your birthday." Law started, letting her continue leaning on him.

Shiki closed her eyes, "She would have but I asked Reika to hold off celebrating my birthday, I didn't want her to stress with what she is going through. And since she can't celebrate my birthday, she told me we can't celebrate hers. A fair deal she said." and reached out for her bottle, she wasn't going to turn a blind eye that Law was drinking most of her present.

Nope, not a chance. Sure he was the Captain and Law, but no.


Gently pushing a loose strand of red hair off her cheek, he gently pushed it behind her ear. His hand lingered there before moving to take a strand of hair closer to him while he leaned his cheek on his fist on the edge of the bed.

On the chair that belonged to Law, Leo had pulled it besides him, placing Little Captain and his meal on it. Little Captain snacking on bits of various assorted meats that he took from the feast.

Absentmindedly twirling the soft hair between his thumb and index finger, Leo opened his mouth, "You know, it would be great if you woke up. Shiki has been very worried about you and haven't left your side unless necessary." he spoke softly to the red haired woman on the bed.

Unknowingly, he didn't notice the stirring on the bed until a pained groaned sounded in the air.

Leo shot out of his seat, hands up in the air as if he was caught doing something bad, a huge blush on his cheeks,"Re-Reika-san?!"

Blinking tiredly, her glazed eye turned to the blonde and purple blur, "... Where..." was her hoarse reply.

"In t-the infirmary of the heart Pirates." 

Once her gaze was focus, she rose a tired brow, "Are... you sick? Your face is red..." she hoarsely asked.

"A-Ahhh, I'll go get Shiki and Law for you!" he grinned bashfully, rushing out of the room, "Oh and a glass of water!" he yelled over his shoulder, cheeks burning.

He needed to tell the others that Reika has woken up.


Hey everyone, I think I might need a short break. A lot of assignments and quiz/test has sprung up so I'm not sure if my schedual allows it. But I'll write when I have time!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! :D

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