Death battle

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Wiz: alright the combatants are set and we ran the data through all possibilities

Boomstick: it's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!

"lucas sits in a field full of flowers"

"mewtwo teleports their"

Lucas: huh?!

Mewtwo: foolish little boy, you will perish with the rest of my enemies

"mewtwo used shadow ball"

"Lucas uses psi shield"

"Lucas uses pk flash"

"Mewtwo gets knocked back"

Mewtwo: so, that's how it will be

"Mewtwo charges at Lucas and grabs him"

"Mewtwo used psycut but stops"

Mewtwo: wait, you look familiar

Lucas: pk, LOVE!!!

"Mewtwo gets knocked back"

"Lucas than runs at him with a stick"

Mewtwo: I will not surrender

"Mewtwo teleports to Lucas"

"mewtwo grabs again Lucas and throws him on the ground"

"Lucas than used pk love again which sends him and mewtwo headed in the air"

"Mewtwo stopped itself from going any further, mewtwo mega evolves to mega mewtwo x"

Mewtwo: this ends know

"Mewtwo rushes toward Lucas"

"Mewtwo then uses psystrike"

"Lucas proceed to use pk shield"

"But the psystrike over powers the shield and knocks back lucas"

"mewtwo then uses psycut to in pale lucas"

"Lucas then falls of on the ground"

Mewtwo: gone just like your brother

"mewtwo then flies away"

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