Itachi Uchiha VS Madoka Orimura: Fight and Conclusion

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Itachi Uchiha and Naruto Shippuden belongs to Masashi Kishimoto and Viz Media

Madoka Orimura and Infinite Stratos belongs to Izuru Yumizuru, Okiura and CHOCO

All soundtracks belongs to their respective owners

Requested by AngelJuarez063


Sara: All right, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all.

Sara: and Randy: It's time..... For a DEATH BATTLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Unknown City

(Silent Stare - Brandon Yates)

Itachi is seen walking through the the empty streets. Pain informed the Akatsuki that one of the Jinchurikis is hiding in this city and dispatched Kisame and him to retrieve him/her. Itachi suggets to split up to cover more ground.

???: Hey you.

The disgraced Uchiha stops upon hearing the voice/ He turned to see a feminine figure wearing a strange armor around her and visor covering her face. a giant laser sword pointed at his face.

Madoka: You're trespassing. Leave or suffer the consequences.

Itachi's eyes narrowed as he gazed at her, his Sharingan activating.

Itachi: I'm afraid I can't. I'm looking for someone and if I have to fight you, so be it.


Madoka flies towards Itachi

Itachi: Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!

Itachi spits out a giant fireball at Madoka, to which she easily flies away from. She quickly closes the gap between them and raised her sword.

Madoka: Take this!

She activates Fenrir Blow and seemingly bisects Itachi in half. But to her surprise, Itachis pops and it's revealed he used a clone. She didn't get a chance to recover from her shock before Itachi appears behind her and kicks her back.

Madoka growls as she fires her Gatling Cannon. Itachi managed, but some bullets still managed to pierce his cloak and get several

Itachi: Ngh.

Itachi then summons eight shadow clones and have them charge. Madoka easily cleaved through all eight of them, but the distraction left her open for Itachi to attack.

Itachi: Water Style: Water- 

Itachi is cut off by two Lancer BITS appears behind Madoka and blasts a barrage of laser, forcing him to duck under, but this costed him as Madoka rams into him full speed, sending him sprawling into the ground. The IS pilot huffs as she raises her sword again.

Madoka: You're tough to put down. I'll you that.

Itachi: *Thinking* She's persistent and I can't keep up forever with my sickness kicking in.

Itachi then made several hand gestures and multitudes of shadow clones pop into life.

Madoka: You're clones are seriously starting to annoy me!

She summons all her BITS and have them fire an onslaught of lasers at the clones who either evade, got struck or used shurikens and kunais. Madoka and Itachi then trade blows, from either hand to hand or sword to kunai. Itachi kicks Madoka in the face which staggers her back and prepares another jutsu.

Itachi: Fire Style: Dragon Fire Jutsu!

A flames in the shape of a dragon consumes Madoka completely as got too close. However, a mechanical claw grabs Itachi by the face, surprising him as Madoka and begins dragging his face along the ground before tossing him to a wall of a building. The clones dispersed as a result as Madoka's BITS are aimed at his direction. Madoka laughs as she's getting arrogant in the fight

Madoka: Any last words idiot?

Itachi's eyes closed and didn't answer her, but then opens his eyes, revealing the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Itachi: Amaterasu!

The BITS were then engulfed in flames, destroying them as the black flames converged on Madoka. However, Madsoka activates her shields and prevent the flames from consuming her, but her Gatling Cannon gets caught and burns which Madoka is forced to disposed as it burns into nothingness.

Madoka: *Enraged* My weapon. Curse you-

Itachi teleports in front of Madoka and clutches her neck, forcing her to meet his eyes.

Itachi: Tsukiyomi!

Itachi locks eyes with Madoka as he unleashes most devastating attack yet. After a few seconds passed however, Madoka remains unfazed which shocks the Akatsuki member.

ItachI: You can resist it?!

Madoka laughs as she punches Itachi in the face and delivers a diagonal slash across Itachi's chest, drawing blood. Itachi coughs up even more as he realizes his illness is beginning to catch up. Seeing her

Madoka: Sayonara!

Activating Ignition Boost, Madoka bursts full speed into Itachi and spears with with Fenrir Blow. Itachi hacked up blood as Madoka grins viciously. Suddenly, Itachi's body poofs into a cloud of smoke, revealing yet another substitution jutsu with a wood which shocks and angers the IS pilot.

Madoka: Another clone?!

The IS pilot soon heard chuckling, glancing to the right, she sees Itachi cloakless with an armor-like aura protecting him. Itachi summoned his final trump card, the Susano'o!

Itachi: So you've resisted my Tsukiyomi. But can you deal with my Susano'o?

Madoka sends two Lancer BITS which fires barrages of lasers at the Susano'o, but the Susano'o is barely even scratched before it summons the Totsuka Blade and destroys the last BITS Madoka had

Madoka activates Ignition Boost to close the gaps and attempts to cut through, but even her Fenrir Blow proves ineffective. She quick

Itachi: Yasaka Magatama!

The Susano'o throws several projectiles at the IS pilot. Madoka uses her shields to protect herself, but to her horror, the moment it struck the shield, it shatters and hits her head on. She screams in pains as she is burned by the attack and falls to the ground.

Madoka struggles to get back to her feet before she found herself staring into Itachi's eyes in the midst of the Susano'o.

Itachi: It's over, Izanami.

This time, unlike Tsukiyomi, Madoka feels the full effect of the Izanami, forever trapped in an infinite loop. Her motionless body is left vulnerable to Itachi as his Susano'o crushed her body into bloody paste with the Totsuka Blade.

Itachi coughs up blood once more as Susano'o dissipates. Heavily injured, but victorious over the IS pilot.

Itachi: Sasuke would be pissed if a nobody like her managed to kill me.


* Several birds are seen pecking Madoka's crushed body.

* Itachi regroups with Kisame, who seems surprised how damaged his partner was.


(Silent Stare again)

Randy: In the end Madoka died as she lived; seen as a nobody in someone's eyes.

Sara: ..... wow that's cold Randy Back to the analysis. Surprisingly, Madoka had decent advantages over Itachi. Madoka has more experience fighting up close with her energy blades and her IS shields can block the devastating Amaterasu long enough for it to take a toll on him. 

Randy: She also held the speed advantage as she can react to lightspeed lasers from multiple directions while Itachi is at best a lightning timer. And given Itachi's illness, Madoka could outlast him long enough his disease would work against him.

Sara: And the thing that surprised us the most is that Madoka had the capability to resist the Tuskiyomi. Both Kurukagi and the Tsukiyomi have been stated to be capable of interfering with the opponent's mind and make them believe in their ideal world, and Madoka is considered superior to Chloe Chronicle who resisted it.

Randy: So given her advantages, Madoka could've been able to defeat Itachi right? WRONG! As useful as her advantages are, Itachi has the edge in every other way.

Sara: In terms of destructive capability, when comparing Sasuke's Kirin destroying the Uchiha Hideout to Houki's Akatsubaki dispersing clouds, Itachi is seven times stronger. No Infinite Stratos character is gonna walk away from that attack.

Randy: Plus his clones could confuse Madoka long enough to come up with a plan of attack.

Sara: Kurokishi's IS may protect Madoka and had the aerial superiority, but Itachi's Susano'o is a lot tougher with a better long range weaponry, and really, what's stopping Itachi from using the Totsuka Blade to seal Madoka away?

Randy: And while Madoka could potentially resists Tsukiyomi, there's still the likes of Izanami which traps the victim in an infinite loop. Just because you can resist your opponent's most powerful attack doesn't mean yours untouchable to their other abilities.

Sara: Madoka gave Itachi a run for his money with her speed, aerial advantage and potential resistance to the Tsukiyomi. But in the end, Itachi outclasses her in terms of power output, durability, vast arsenal and genjutsu illusions she had no counter.

Randy: It was a hard Task to accomplish, but Madoka ended up caught in a loop of Infinite darkness and is a Sharin-goner.

Sara: The winner is Itachi Uchiha.


* The connections between Itachi Uchiha and Madoka Orimura is that both are both are red-eyed siblings to the protagonists of the series (Sasuke Uchiha and Ichika Orimura respectively) in which they are promised a bright future but tragedy struck which forced them into villainous roles (Itachi was forced to kill the Uchiha clan as to prevent them from being killed during the coup by Danzo and Madoka joined the Phantom Task seeking revenge after she was left by her siblings Chifuyu and Ichika Orimura after the Mosaic Project was cancelled). They became a member of an antagonistic group (Akatsuki and Phantom Task).

* Both have been known to antagonize others and always show their superiority

* Both are also capable of resisting mental attacks

* This is the first time a Naruto character fought an Infinite Stratos character

* This is the first time a Naruto character wins a DEATH BATTLE

* This is the first time an Infinite Stratos character loses a DEATH BATTLE

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