Wario Vs Shadow (Nintendo Vs Sega)

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Wiz: Characters like Mario and Sonic are the heroes who whatever it takes to save the day.

Boomstick: But then they have to deal with their rivals who sometimes help and sometimes get in the way.

Wiz: Like wario the greedy tyrant from Super Mario.

Boomstick: And shadow the way past cool rival of sonic.

Wiz: I'm wizard and he's Boomstick.

Boomstick: And let's analyze their weapons armor and skills to find who wins a death battle.

Boomstick: Shadow should've fought broly or Homura instead.

Wiz: Hey! It was a request by the amazing Danvers-Kara so we had to do it. We can do those later.

Wario Stinks up death battle

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Boomstick: Mario, Nintendo's most beloved mascot who's first game has revolutionized the platorming genre, rivaled a certain blue hedgehog in the gaming market, and more.

Wiz: The man himself has always saved Princess Peach and protects The Mushroom Kingdom from a majority of threats, including Bowser.

Boomstick: That's what makes him most memorable video game characters to this day.

Wiz: Though since he is popular, he is bound to have clones (including those that are evil) that will try ways to imitate him as best as possible.

Boomstick: By that point, what if we imagine a clone of him, with the opposite traits, being larger and and having 100 pounds, and do the right thing, for the wrong reasons?

Wiz: That's where you get Wario, the yellow clone of the red plumber.

Boomstick: A.K.A the fat guy who's known for his absolute greed and love for money.

Wiz: Anyways, Wario is infamous for a majority of reasons, which include being Mario's rvial/enemy (as mentioned above) and for being a treasure hunter

Boomstick: Over the years, he's gone through multiple adventures, from treasure hunting while avoiding dangerous creatures, to being a businessmen inventing the idea of Microgames that last only a few seconds.

Wiz: Since his debut in the game Super Mario Land 2 6 Golden Coins, he took over Mario's castle and even the entire Mario Land population while the heroic red plumber was busy to saving Daisy instead of Peach (for some reason)

Obey Wario! Destroy Mario!

Boomstick: Did that message actually cause the entire Mario Land population to go against Mario?

Wiz: We'll never get to know, he probably was implied to.

Boomstick: While Wario was enjoying the fact that he got a castle, this unfortunately didn't last long when the red plumber came back and defeated him, thus losing ownership to the castle.

Wiz: What prompted Wario to take Mario's castle in the first place?

Boomstick: Either because he thought it was abandoned, or it's because of that comic where Wario wanted to attempt slaughter at the red plumber for feeling like he was "bullied during his childhood, Though let's say it, you wouldn't like it when your friend messes with you.

Wiz: That comic isn't really canon, since it doesn't revolve around Wario stealing Mario's castle without a legitimate reason.

Boomstick: Ok then, so after being defeated by the red plumber with only 8 hits and getting kicked out of Mario's castle, he would later play a role of being a treasure hunter, going on adventures and defeating as many enemies, bosses and any other creature possible ti who even dares to touch his money.

Wiz: He would also become the founder and CEO of the Microgame games, which is called the titular WarioWare, scamming the people he hired instead of treasure hunting usually, in an unknown timeline.

Boomstick: He has accomplished some impressive feats that we'll be counting on.

Wiz: He's one of the most iconic Mario villains aside from Bowser, fighting and challenging Mario and Co. for years.

Boomstick: He stole several treasures over the years and wouldn't hesitate to go on a adventure if there's money involved.

Wiz: He became the CEO of the microgames company WarioWario Inc. and successfuly made alot of money from his well designed minigames (or Microgames as you say)

Boomstick: He managed to defeat the Pirate the Shake King and got the infinite coin bag, atleast until that woman Captain Syrup takes it.

Wiz: All that hard work must've gone to waste.

Boomstick: Now despite his obese appearance, Wario is alot tougher than what anyone thinks, with superhuman strength said to be as powerful from the likes of Mario and rivaling the ones from Donkey Kong and Bowser.

Wiz: Starting off with his strength, he can pick up a enemy or object and use a typical Beat-Em-Up movement, He also has moves that he uses sometimes one or more during his treasure hunting adventures.

Boomstick: The first one being the Shoulder Dash, One of Wario's signature moves where he rams with his arm to produce great amounts of damage aswell as break bricks easily, he also uses his head to go faster.

Wiz: The next move mentioned is called The Piledriver, which is a move that has him pick up an enemy while spinning in the air to slam them to the ground headfirst. he can even lift a dinosaur larger than him peforming this move.

Boomstick: Dang, how long has he hit the gym before having those muscles that somehow is capable of lifting an entire Dinosaur?!

Wiz: Of course, Let's just get to the next move.

Boomstick: Alright, The Earthshake Punch has him punch the ground hard enough to create shockwaves that stuns enemies, cause unsteady blocks to fall, and activate Shake Pillars, it however requires his shake meter to be full, so he has to shake an opponent in order to peform this move.

Wiz: the Wild Swing-Ding ability has him grab a enemy by the legs and swing them around to chuck them away. nothing special, but still impressive for combat.

Boomstick: The last move to be included is the Mega Toss, also known as The Power Throw, with this move, Wario can charge up and flash a white blue color before defeating a enemy when it hits the nearest surface, basically being a powerful version of an average throw.

Boomstick: Now for the durability.

Wiz: Compared to almost any other Mario bosses like Bowser Jr and The Koopalings, it took Mario at least 8 hits to defeat him which causes him to shrink to his younger self.

Boomstick: He also survives being flattened like a total pancake and uses it as a ability to glide. (No seriously) aswell as be lit on fire to access through hidden rooms he normally wouldn't enter without said usages of injuries.

Wiz: On top of that, if a enemy hits him, he loses coins and almost not die by anything, that doesn't mean he's immortal than what the Wario Land 4 manual says.

Boomstick: Adding on to his durability, some enemies that hit him actually give him a variety of temporary transformations, which we'll be listing some below.

Wiz: Up first is the Bouncy ability, whenever he gets squashed by a hammer by some weird looking ape, he bounces and is prone to making higher jumps, it stops when he touches water.

Wiz: The next to be included is the Crazy (or Drunk) form, in this state, whenever he touches a orb or a piece of alcohol, he turns purple and can belch poisonous gas while being uncontrollable.

Boomstick: For the Zombie form, whenever he encounters whatever zombie hecomes in contact to, he will turn into one himself and be invulnerable by mostly anything, He can even go underground to access some specific places, it does lose Wario's ability to jump though, this form stops from exposure of light.

Wiz: With the Puffy ability, when he gets sting by a bee, his head well, puffs, allowing him to have limitles flight until he reaches the top of the forests for some reason.

Boomstick: With the Vampire Form, he can also 1 hit kill enemies and can turn himself into a bat to fly through things, it stops during exposure of light just like the Zombie form.

Boomstick: We'd like to show more, but some of them are don't serve as combat applicable and only rely on specific enemies.

Wiz: When it comes to speed, he isn't certainly the fastest of all characters but can still keep up with the Mario Bros in spite of being more slower than them.

Boomstick: For other stuff, He can outran a boulder trap in an ancient temple, use his Shoulder Bash to run into enemies and hit them & break the sound barrier, run fast enough to tackle through stone, aswell as other things.

Wiz: For his equipment, he wields a series of 3 different Pot items that count as power-ups on his hat, The Bull Pot boosts his strength and headbutt the opponent to knock them out easily, The Dragon Pot allows him to spew flames towards the opponent in a similar fashion to Mario's Fire Flower Power-up except with a longer duration, and The Jet Pot allows him to fly through mid-air, it's height decreases after a while.

Boomstick: He also has his signature Wario Bike, which has amazing speed and is used for ramming into enemies or use it as a projectile, he also has a hammerspace where he can summon another one incase his bike breaks.

Wiz: The last item to be covered is a garlic.

Boomstick: What am I looking at? A piece of garlic? How the heck is that useful in a combat?

Wiz: Well Boomstick, whenever he eats it, it not only restores his health, but also gives him a special form following by the name of Wario-Man.

Boomstick: With this form and the ridiculous pyjama outfit he has, Wario's strength and speed slightly increases and is very invulnerable for the most part, he can fly limitlessly and uses his bike to travel extremely fast.

Wiz: Now despite his feats, he still has some flaws.

Boomstick: Despite being said to be powerful as the Mario Bros, got beaten by them a few times and lost so many rounds of him playing tennis and even cheating wouldn't give him an advantage.

Wiz: He has limits with his Super Form when eating some form of garlic, as while eating a normal garlic boosts his strength and all that, it only lasts around 16 seconds, whereas eating a rotten garlic makes the form last longer but will have much more weaker strength than Wario has in his base form, an example would be him failing to stop a train.

Boomstick: He's not a complete strategist considering that he doesn't use his intelligence at his fullest extend and prefers to beat the crap out of people instead, which is the reason why we didn't include the intelligence part compared to the scammer he's about to fight today.

Wiz: And lastly, He is extremely lazy in most cases and would only do anything if there's money involved. Which explains most of his adventures he has gone through in the Wario Land series aswell as in Wario World.

Boomstick: Still, Wario should not be underestimated when it comes to a fight, he would try to do anything to take you down and steal your money.

(I'm a Wario, I'm a gonna win!)

Shadow hedgehogs the spotlight!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Wiz: The culmination of an ambitious research project, Shadow the Hedgehog was expected to be the key to potential immortality. Or at very least, his creator Gerald Robotnick, hoped Shadow could offer up a means of curing his granddaughter Maria and saving her from certain death.

Boomstick: My understanding is: Black/Red Hedgehog + Evil Alien Blood = Cure? That's one messed up equation.

Wiz: Naturally, making a deal with an alien named Black Doom had a drawback; Shadow would be forced to serve the dark lord once the Day of Reckoning arrived.

Boomstick: The Day of Reckoning happened to be 50 years after Shadow was sent from the ARK. Shadow had been suffering from amnesia up until the jog of the memory, seeing Maria be gunned down again and watching the horrors of his past play out before him again.

Wiz: Luckily, Maria's pleading for Shadow to give humanity a chance, and her kindness in general, were enough for Shadow to put aside his grudge with the humans. Twice. Following Sonic X, he all but sacrificed himself to save the planet and in Shadow the Hedgehog, the game, he was willing to destroy the Black Arms' comet and live aboard the ARK.

Boomstick: Shadow has been a reoccurring character in Sonic's timeline. He had a feud with Mephiles the Dark, where his faith and loyalty to the humans was seriously tested...

Mephiles: You forgive humanity this folly then?

Shadow: I determine my own destiny!

Boomstick: Badass. He played his part in subduing Mephiles for the main parts of the Sonic 06 storyline. While Sonic... rescued the princess.

Wiz: Shadow then also reappeared in Sonic Forces, squaring off with Infinite prior to his transformation and really being the root of Infinite's motives. He then helped the resistance against the hordes of duplicates, eventually seeing the heroes conquer the swarm. But throughout these stories, Shadow has always kept up a rivalry with Sonic, even if it is more tame than before. But that should not be taken as Shadow going soft. When he gets serious, he'll show you exactly why he's called the Ultimate Lifeform.

Boomstick: Using his whole body as a weapon, Shadow can deliver deadly attacks called Homing Attacks, which are pretty much a "Does what it says on the tin" technique; Shadow homes in on foes, often using them in succession, pinballing from one enemy to another.

Wiz: He can also build momentum and speed up, charging up Spin Dashes, which can cut down a target with ease. Being Sonic's rival, Shadow can match the Blue Blur in speed on most occasions. These are massively thanks to the Air Shoes.

Boomstick: The motion appears more of a skate than Sonic's trademark figure eight style of running, but Shadow can glide across surfaces, and combines that speed with brutal, unrelenting beatings.

Wiz: It is even rumoured Shadow could well be faster than Sonic. Though, this is yet to be proven on a consistent basis.

Boomstick: That's about where the similarities between Shadow and Sonic end. From there on, Shadow is his own hedgehog.

Wiz: Emphasised in Shadow the Hedgehog, when the Ultimate Lifeform began using guns found on the floor. Not that he needed them.

Boomstick: No, but what puts an exclamation point on something more than a bullet hole?

Wiz: Shadow also displayed great physical strength in this game as well, being able to flip buses over with just his own body strength. Though, he often leaves these physical tasks to other characters such as E-123 Omega.

Boomstick: Hey! When you've got speed, guns, and an edge like his, you don't need strength!

Wiz: Especially considering Shadow's success against more physically powerful foes before. Shadow defeated Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic X in a few hits, bouncing off walls before flattening him with a Spin Dash. He was able to use Chaos Spear, an energy based attack that was powerful enough to punch through the metal walls of the facility he chased Tails and Cosmo through.

Boomstick: Shadow can also whip up a small storm in the form of the Black Tornado. Which... is pretty self explanatory; Shadow can create a black tornado to attack enemies from distances, and throw them even further.

Wiz: Shadow has gone up against some of the best that the Sonic universe has to offer, and he has always come out the other side swinging. He defeated Silver through intelligence and perseverance. And Silver was a foe Shadow had never seen before, so he also displayed a much better ability than Sonic to adapt to a new foe on the fly.

Boomstick: Hey, isn't that where he landed one of the sweetest kicks of all time?

Shadow: Chaos Control!

Shadow ducks Silver's attack, and kicks him in the back of the head.

Boomstick: Ahh, there we go!

Wiz: Before a time where every character with "the" in their name could do it, Shadow could manipulate time and space through a signature attack named Chaos Control! Through the power of a chaos emerald, he can manipulate the speed of time, slowing it down as and when he chooses to. It gives him a definitive edge over anyone not able to use the method. But Shadow can also use the method to teleport himself and other objects great distances. In the conclusion of Shadow the Hedgehog, he teleported the Black Comet into space, where the Eclipse Cannon destroyed it. Essentially, there is very little Shadow can not teleport when he sets his mind to it.

Boomstick: Shadow also has strength of will. Black Doom released a paralysing gas on Shadow, Sonic, Rouge, Tails, Amy and several other characters. Shadow was the only character who fought out before the paralysis could completely overtake him. Though, Shadow never even bothered to rescue the other characters from becoming dinner. Oh well.

Wiz: Luckily, Shadow pursued Black Doom throughout the Black Comet and defeated several waves of the Black Arms, before squaring off with Devil Doom. Throughout the entirety of the game, Shadow was challenged with picking good and bad. Through the culmination of

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