Vegeta Vs Vergil (Dragon ball Vs Devil May Cry)

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Boomstick: You know rivals are pretty awesome. They keep the main heroes on their toes and have some pretty badass moments.

Wiz: Yep like Vegeta the princess of all saiyans.

Boomstick: And Vergil the demon from devil may cry.

Boomstick: He's wiz and I'm Boomstick!

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who wins a Death Battle!

Will vegeta rise above 2nd place in death battle?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Wiz: In the Dragon Ball universe is filled with crazy things, there's men, women, and children.

Boomstick: And there's humanoid dogs, android, Gods, and even aliens! Man, this world have some weird species.

Wiz: But there's a alien far away from planet Earth, a species known as Saiyan, one Saiyan are the ruler of Saiyan, name King Vegeta, where Saiyan live at is.... planet Vegeta.

Boomstick: Planet Vegeta...? Really? Could he pick a name for that?

Wiz: Well, he most likely wants to let every being on every planets know who's in charge of this planet... perhaps.

Boomstick: Okay.... Anyway, King Vegeta is a king of the Saiyan, but they're not very friendly neighbor on this planet.

Wiz: Long story short: Planet Vegeta was originally called as Tuffle, they all live in happy life, until Saiyan appeared and conquer it.

Boomstick: Yeah, Saiyan is ruthless towards it, and pretty much saying, "Hey, I want to conquer this world, and kill all of you, so I can name this planet, Vegeta!"

Wiz: Of course, King Vegeta have a son, and his name..... Vegeta.

Boomstick: Vegeta...? He couldn't pick some names for his son, but yet he name his son, Vegeta, which his father's name, and the planet... That's really dumb...

Wiz: Well, I don't know what's going on with his head, I guess he likes to name his son as the same name at the planet... Maybe he likes the name of Vegeta...

Boomstick: Oookay, ummm... let's move on.

Wiz: Ahem. Anyway, as he grew up five years later, his father send him, and his companion to send out of their task, to eradicate every living being on every planet.

Boomstick: But, of course, some short guy name, Frieza decided to recuit every Saiyan, and work with him.

Wiz: Of course King Vegeta didn't like work with Frieza, but he doesn't have any choice, because how else would he did this?

Frieza blast every snipers

Boomstick: Whoa.... dang... Okay, if I were King Vegeta, and saw what Frieza did this to snipers, I'll definitley poop my pants.

Wiz: So then, Vegeta went on every planet, and he going on pretty well on his age.

Boomstick: Buuuut... What he didn't know about what's happening, Frieza just eradicate every Saiyan, including his father!

Wiz: Frieza fears that one day Saiyan will achive power of Super Saiyan which it'll most likely that they'll killed Frieza, and surpassed him.

Boomstick: What a wuss, but luckliy for Vegeta, he ignore Frieza's order to return his home, but Frieza have to lie about it. Poor guy, he lost his home, and his family.

Popup: There are few Saiyan surivors from eradication, name Kakarot renamed as Son Goku, Broly in canon, and his father Paragus but later was killed by Frieza in canon, Turles Goku's brother, though, this is non-canon, Nappa but later was killed by Vegeta, Raditz but later was killed by Goku, and Piccolo, and Tarble Vegeta's brother, yes that's his name.

Wiz: Years have passed, as he come acrossed with Earth where he battled with Goku, and Z Fighters, half of them were wipe out, but he lost to Goku in process.

Boomstick: But after that he went to Namek, where he discovered that Saiyan was not being wipe out by meteor, IT WAS FRIEZA! Then he pretty much ticked off, and quit the force where he joined with his new friends, and new family!

Wiz: Well, all he wants to join with Z-fighters is because he wants to surpassed Goku, but after all that he found his new family, and his kids.

Boomstick: Aww! That's touchy, he finally have a new life on Earth.

Wiz: And he have a first child, a son actually.

Boomstick: Let me guess: He called Vegeta Jr.?

Wiz: No, he called his son, Trunks.

Boomstick: Really? At least he'll name his kids Bulla, and---

Vegeta Jr., but this is non canon

Boomstick: Dang it... What is it with them about Vegeta??

Wiz: I.... really don't know, I guess apples never falls far from the tree when it comes to the name....

Boomstick: Ooookay.... ummm.... Anyway, back to topic, Vegeta possess a superhuman. In surprising ways.

Wiz: Long story short: Saiyan have some classes, Goku in particular, he's a lower class Saiyan, and Vegeta, he's a higher class Saiyan than Goku's, which ironic considering that he lost his fight against Goku.

Popup: In truth, Goku have been trained by King Kai, and learned from Kaio-ken, if Goku haven't trained by King Kai, then he'll most likely lose.

Boomstick: Yeah, it's unfortune for Vegeta, and Goku (surprisingly), because both have been double k.o., he lost his tail, beaten by Goku, Krillin, and Gohan in join effort, and being blasted by Spirit bomb, and he's still alive! So then he went to training to perfected his ability.

Wiz: And then he had awaked his powers, and he transformed into the legendary form: Super Saiyan.

Boomstick: About time too. With super saiyan his stats such as strength and power get increased 50x times over.

Boomstick: He also has achieved super saiyan 2. Which increases his base power by 100x. Now vegeta hasn't been shown to do super saiyan 3 which is a multiplier of 400. But it's not a bad assumption that he can. Since he's has super saiyan god and all that.

Wiz: Speaking of With all arsenal, there's more transformations, or few actually, thanks to training with God, he have achived his new form, Super Saiyan God.

Wiz: This form completely puts the regular ssj forms to shame. He gets MUCH stronger and faster. Also it just looks awesome.

Popup: In order to achieve Super Saiyan God, they need 5 saiyans to give pure heart Saiyan, in Vegeta case, it's unknown how did he able to achive it without five Saiyans. He got it in broly. The god forms also have no official multipliers so if someone says they know they're not true.

Boomstick: He has an even stronger version of that with a form that he actually achieved before getting the red haired form. It's super saiyan god super saiyan.

Boomstick: this is basically going super saiyan while in god mode. So it's likely 50X stronger!

Wiz: And once again, Vegeta has another transformation, a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Evolved.

Boomstick: I've never heard of that kind abilities before. What's that? Some kind of Digi-evolve?

Wiz: Actually, it's not. Perfect Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan is powerful version of Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, however unlike Super Saiyan, Perfect Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan is basically on par with Goku Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan with Kaio-ken ×20 which grants him even more powerful than before, while it's not same level as Ultra Instinct, but it does have more power into it, as he's able to defeat Toppo who have same level as low level God of Destuction and with his feats, Vegeta might have suprass Goku's with all his strength, and speed not including ultra instinct. Since he can't do it anymore.

Boomstick: Holy s**t! Who knew Vegeta is so powerful! And he's able to pull some amazing feats!

Wiz: He's fast enough to catch up Goku. Who in Goku Vs Sonic could move at 45,000,000,000x light speed.

Boomstick: That was fast! Vegeta mopped the floor with Goku Black toppo and murdered the ginyu force.

Wiz: After all the pain and humiliation by the hands of frieza, vegeta finally got his revenge on the tyrant.
Pummeling him into oblivion and making him beg for mercy.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Wiz: And that's not even half of it, he held his own against Broly, Beerus, and even Jiren himself.

Boomstick: Who freaking shook the stage with a single step. He was also stated to be similar in power to the god of destruction! Man, with all that, Vegeta might be very powerful!


Wiz: And what's more he has been killed by Frieza.... Twice, he's also an arrogant, often underestimate his opponents.

Boomstick: Man, he couldn't catch the break.

Wiz: But thankfully, despite his weaknesses, he doesn't let his weakness, or pride slow him down, and with all that, he might strong enough to surpass his rival, Goku.

Wiz: He's now a respected z fighter and a defender of earth. Protecting it from anything that wishes to destroy it. He's even settled down with bulma and had a son. Aw look, he's on vacation with them.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Boomstick: Just remember, vegeta is always ready for a new challenge and won't let anything stand in his way.

Vergil Slashes and dashes into death battle.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Wiz: After heroically turning on the rest of his kind for the sake of humanity and sealing away the demonic world, the demon and Legendary Knight Sparda settled down with a human woman, Eva. Together, they had twin sons.

Boomstick: Maybe as a way for Sparda to remember his rich and horrifying heritage, the two were named after the poets who descended through the Nine Circles of Hell in the Divine Comedy.

Wiz: One was Dante. But our focus is on his older twin, Vergil.

Age: 40s
Height: 6'4
AKA The Dark Slayer
Twin brother of Dante
Likes Edward Blake poetry
He is the storm that is approaching
Boomstick: Who kind of got the short end of the stick during their youth, and yes, there is always a stick's short end to find in any situation. Even an attack from demons.

Wiz: You see, whilst Eva was able to get Dante someplace safe, she was killed before she could get to Vergil. This led to Vergil going missing in the attack, and he soon believed that had been abandoned.

Boomstick: And that led to a whole load of emotional issues for the guy and that led to a conclusion.

Wiz: In all matters of the world, power is the one true thing you can rely on.

Boomstick: And since his dad was absolutely loaded with power, Vergil decided to get it for himself. But since Sparda went missing during his childhood and he probably didn't leave a will or something, Vergil had to really dedicate himself to getting that power for himself.

Wiz: And being a half-demon half-human hybrid meant that he was fully capable of getting that power for himself, through any means necessary.

Boomstick: Thanks to his demon side, Vergil is superhumanly strong and fast. He can move about so fast, most demons most realize he's even vanished before it hits them.

Wiz: His disappearance?

Boomstick: No, his attacks.

Powers and Abilities
Superhuman strength
Superhuman speed
Weapons prowess
Dark Slayer Style
Devil Trigger
Sin Devil Trigger
World of V
Wiz: Oh. Well, what's almost as fast as Vergil himself is his healing factor.

Boomstick: His brother Dante alone can survive getting stabbed and shot to no end, and the two can shred each other with no lasting damage.

Wiz: His healing factor is so potent, he was able to heal instantly after getting completely cut in half at the waist. In the same instant it happened.

Popup: There is a claim that Vergil once regenerated from nothing but his soul, but it took a long process and isn't applicable to combat.

Boomstick: Damn! And other demons are lucky to get in as much as a single hit on the guy with the way he fights.

Wiz: Specifically, that's his Dark Slayer Style. Acting similar to his brother Dante's Trickster Style, Vergil can attack with rapid moves all whilst moving throughout the battlefield.

Boomstick: That's not all it can do. Because he's a warrior fallen from grace, or something, the whole style actually enables Vergil is improve his skills and abilities.

Wiz: And last, but not least, from Vergil's demonic side is the ability to enter his Devil Trigger, which unleashes his full demonic power. His attacks get stronger, his speed is increased and he heals from any damage inflicted on him.

Boomstick: Devil Trigger is pretty much a game breaker on its own but there are still other limits it can soar straight by.

Wiz: But before we explain what these are, we must first take a quick look into Vergil's arsenal.

Boomstick: Like his sword. His beautiful, badass sword!

Wiz: One of several weapons once wielded by his father, the Yamato takes the form of a classic katana, yet is far more than just a simple blade.

Boomstick: It can literally cut through space. Not just for making portals, but to also slash his foes from far away.

Wiz: Not that he can't decimate them up close though, considering his Dark Slayer Styles and Iaido fighting styles. He draws and sheathes his sword so quickly, the blade barely appears to leave the scabbard at all. In fact, Yamato was the very weapon that Sparda used to seal the Demon World and the Human World apart.

Cuts through space
Gauntlet and feet bracers
Powerful physical strikes
Summoned Swords
Spiral Swords
Blistering Swords
Sword Storm
Heavy Rain
Boomstick: That's not all it was used to separate however.

Wiz: You see, long after a particular grueling defeat at the hands of Mundus and later Dante, Vergil was reduced to a mindless husk of himself. So much so that he ripped off his own son's arm to reclaim the missing Yamato.

Boomstick: In a bid for salvation that seemed more suicidal than ingenious, Vergil stabbed himself with the Yamato and separated himself into two beings embodying his mixed lineage. The human V and the Demon Urizen, who totally should have been called Ergil.

Wiz: After V successfully

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