Team RWBY Battle Royale Part 1

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Wiz: Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long. Together, they make up the huntress team of RWBY and together they are nigh-unstoppable.

Boomstick: But in a fight to the death, there can be only one huntress left. Man, the RWBY fan base is not going to be happy with us. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a death battle!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ruby Rises for a Death Battle

Wiz: In the world of Remnant, you can find many oddities wherever you look. The soulless creatures of Grimm, the academies that train students to fight these creatures-

Boomstick: -and weapons that turn into guns! There are swords, spears, nunchucks, heck, even guns that turn into guns! How does that work, and where do I get one?

Wiz: Well, the academy students that fight these monsters typically make them on their own. One of which made one of the most complex and deadliest weapons. The owner of this weapon is a young girl named Ruby Rose.

Boomstick: Wait, really!? I get this is an anime, kind of, but there has to be some kind of law against little kids owning gigantic weapons like that.

Wiz: Ruby was, like many others, training to be a huntress, and she was extremely devoted to doing so, following in her older sister Yang's footsteps so she could fight alongside her, training at Signal academy under her incredibly skilled uncle who taught her how to use her weapon.

Boomstick: Until she had a chance meeting with the headmaster of Bacon academy-

Wiz: -'Beacon' academy.

Boomstick: Professor Ozpin. After he saw her skill fighting off a group of robbers and the criminal Roman Torchwick, and seeing something in her eyes, literally, he offered her a chance to join his academy.

Wiz: This would actually play in her favor as this was the academy she yearned to join, making her the youngest student to graduate into this school.

Boomstick: Lucky bastard. The only reason I graduated early was because mama Boomstick pulled out her good ol' negotiator shotgun to "convince" them to let me move up.

Wiz: And you used this opportunity to study 'poultry science'? Sounds like wasted potential.

Boomstick: Sounds like you're just jealous that I'm the one with a PHD and not you.

Wiz: Ugh. Anyway, Ruby quickly and gladly took up this offer, and after completing the entrance exam, setting a forest on fire, meeting her team, and becoming the leader, she was finally ready to start her new life as a huntress. Well, huntress in training but that would change eventually.

Boomstick: And she's more than capable enough to pull it off. Her weapon of choice is called Crescent Rose, a beautiful combination of scythe and high-caliber sniper rifle. This baby has an incredibly sharp blade that can slash through nearly anything you swing it at, and the rifle half fires deadly rounds that can take the head off of nearly anyone, wether it be human or monster.

Wiz: She even carries dust rounds, or rounds that carry elemental properties, to use during particularly tough encounters. She can use fire dust rounds to set her targets ablaze, lightning dust rounds to shock her foes, and gravity dust rounds to send her opponents flying back or make a getaway.

Boomstick: How is gravity an element, and why can she shoot it? That doesn't sound like it should work.

Wiz: It shouldn't. She even uses her gun's absurdly powerful recoil to increase her swing's momentum, allow her to dart around the battlefield, or slow her descent should she fall from dangerous heights.

Boomstick: Imagine running out of ammo at a time like that. Just pulling the trigger and hearing nothing, realizing that you're about to find out what it's like to be Wile E. Coyote. Fortunately for her, she has something else to let her survive these kinds of hits.

Wiz: Students of Beacon are able to create a manifestation of their soul as a barrier around their bodies, better known as 'aura'.

Boomstick: This aura is basically a shield that protects her against deadly attacks, like being knocked into a pillar so hard it breaks and even a geyser of lava, but enough damage can break it and leave her vulnerable, which is why she's got another trick up her sleeve to make use of it, a superpower, or the actual name for it, semblance. A semblance is different for almost everyone so long as it isn't a heritage thing, and Ruby's lets her turn into a mass of rose petals and travel at super speeds.

Wiz: This power is incredibly useful for her as her main thing is speed. With it she can pass by obstacles like air and, while technically not really a speed oriented power, lets her move incredibly fast, so fast that she can even break the sound barrier! This means that she can travel at speeds over 770 mph.

Wiz: Her best speed feat is when she moved fast enough to create a vacuum. In order to this ruby must've been moving at speeds around Mach 20. Or 15,000 mph per hour.

Boomstick: Just do you know how fast that is, the fastest car in the world the SSC Tuatara hypercar
can reach speeds of only 331 mph.

Wiz: Meaning ruby at max can move at over 46 times faster than this. How does she not vomit? Better yet, that should be destroying her body as a man running at 400 mph would most definitely die to that kind of speed.

Boomstick: Well Wiz, she's not just fast, shes pretty tough. Quick enough to deflect and dodge bullets and missiles, tough enough to survive point blank explosions and a train crash that was over 7 tons of tnt, skilled enough to go toe to toe with the Ace Ops and the murderous scorpion psychopath Tyrian, and even strong enough to drag a huge Nevermore up a cliff and decapitate it! Damn!

Wiz: Well, this feat, while impressive, is not really as it seems. While you could take the weight of a Raven, the bird the Nevermore is based on, and upscale it to its size, there are several occasions that show that Nevermores are not as heavy as they seem to be. It's made abundantly clear that the creatures of Grimm are not made of the same flesh and bone material as their real life counterparts and Nevermores in particular just get dragged around... a lot.

Boomstick: Like when this Maria chick, better known as the Grimm Reaper, used her weapons to pull herself back on top of a Nevermore after she fell off of it, and her weight pulling down on it stopped it dead in the air. So dragging a giant bird up a cliff isn't as impressive as it looks, but it doesn't mean she's weak! She's still strong enough to shatter boulders being launched at her at high speeds, pierce the hull of a building sized mecha, and can even chop down a tree with a single swing from her scythe.

Boomstick: Damn, no wonder she's able to swing that huge scythe around like it's nothing. But when her back's against the wall against an army of Grimm monsters, she can activate her very own ultimate move, the Silver Eyes!

Wiz: The Silver Eyes are an incredibly rare trait that very few people are born with and an incredibly powerful weapon against the Grimm. Unleashing a wave of light that can turn a sea of Grimm into mere statues. Ruby was lucky enough to be born with this ability as it's the main reason Ozpin let her in his academy so early, and she has since used it to down incredibly powerful foes.

Boomstick: Like the half-Grimm maiden Cinder Fall, a giant Grimm dragon, and a Godzilla sized sea monster Grimm! While she used to have no control over it, she got training from Maria, remember her, who actually had Silver Eyes until this weird crocodile lady sliced them out, and now she can activate them at will so long as there are Grimm nearby and doesn't get knocked out whenever she uses it... Why did it knock her out, again?

Wiz: Since then, she and her team journeyed to Atlas after the destruction of Beacon and got even more huntsman training to further increase their skill, finally be promoted to official huntresses, and face off against an ever growing threat, the queen of Grimm, Salem. However, she is not without her downsides. Of the other RWBY members, Ruby is generally considered to be the least skilled and experienced, and she isn't the best at hand to hand combat despite formal training from Ozpin, meaning that should she be disarmed, she essentially becomes defenseless against more skilled combatants.

Boomstick: And as tough as her aura is, it doesn't last forever. Using her semblance drains her aura and if it takes enough damage it breaks all together. While it's down, she can't use her semblance either and it takes a while for it to come back, but it takes a lot, and I mean A LOT to get her to back down. With everything that she and her team has done, Ruby definitely earned her spot as the leader of team RWBY.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Weiss Is Too cold in Death Battle

Wiz: In the aftermath of the Great War, during which the four kingdoms of Remnant went to battle, a new corporate superpower rose up, based in the kingdom of Mantle, soon to be renamed Atlas; the Schnee Dust Company.

Boomstick: Bless you.

Wiz: Thanks. Anyway, founded by Nickolas Schnee, the Schnee Dust company was responsible for mining and distributing vast amounts of Dust around Remnant.

Boomstick: Wait a moment Wiz, you don't mine Dust, you find it on bookshelves and my old workout equipment.

Wiz: No, Dust, in the world of Remnant, refers to crystalized sources of power that can be harnessed for all sorts of purposes, from fuel or weapons usage. And since Dust was pretty much one of the three primary methods of fighting the hordes of Grimm, the fiscal and political power of the company skyrocketed.

Boomstick: All the way to the broken moon I bet. So it was no wonder when a slime-ball called Jacques Frost married his way into the Schnee Family to attain it for himself.

Wiz: How eager was he for the company? So much that he changed his own name to Schnee.

Boomstick: When you have a last name like Gele, I can kind of see why, even if it does mean Frost. Anyway, underneath Jacques ownership, the Schnee Dust company turned to some very dodgy business practices, which threatened the good name of the company.

Wiz: But one member of the family was determined to uphold the family legacy through their former honorable means-the former heiress to the company, Weiss Schnee.

Boomstick: 'Former heiress'? Talk about spoilers

Wiz. But yeah, Weiss wanted to live up to her family's former roots as hard-working warriors, so she enrolled at Beacon Academy, eventually becoming a part of Team RWBY, led by a girl named Ruby. Yeah, it's pretty confusing.

Wiz: But it takes a lot in order to stand out in Beacon, and Weiss comes armed with the perfect weapon; Myrtenaster.

Rapier flintlock pistol rapier
Channels Dust blasts
Revolving raw Dust chamber
Fire Dust
Wind Dust
Water Dust
Lightning Dust
Hard-light Dust
Gravity Dust

Boomstick: Regardless of its really hard to spell name, Myrt is a classic combination of a sword and gun, perfect for shooting out Dust.

Wiz: And thanks to her family's Dust connections, Weiss is a verified expert in Dust usage, most notably in using both wind and water to generate ice attacks.

Popup: It is likely Weiss has access to and can use all Dust types in spite of not using it on-screen thanks to her knowledge and family connections to all types of the substance.

Boomstick: Oh, that's why she's called the Ice Queen. I thought it was because she's-

Wiz: Shush! Weiss can also use other Dust types such as lightning, hard-light and fire in battle. And if she wants to take her Dust options a few steps further, then she can use her Semblance, Glyphs, to channel them for new effects.

Enhances physical abilities
Can block deadly attacks
Heals minor wounds
Hereditary semblance
Propulsion abilities
Maximizes Dust effects
Can dilate time
Queen Lancer
Arma Gigas

Boomstick: Semblance is powered by Aura, the spiritual force field around her body, and unlike other Semblances, Weiss' Glyphs are hereditary, and come with all sorts of abilities. They can enhance her speed by running across them, alter time in specific areas and most significantly, can summon to her side the ghosts of defeated foes.

Wiz: These include a giant wasp, a rampaging boar, and most importantly, the Arma Gigas, a powerful suit of armor that assists Weiss in battle with an incredibly deadly sword.

Popup: Although Weiss should theoretically be capable of summoning any kind of Grimm that she has defeated, she has so far only shown the capability to summon the three previously mentioned ones, and not all at the same time unlike her sister.

Has mastered her Semblance
Survived smashing into a pillar
Moved around a sound attack
Escaped Atlas undetected
Fought her sister's own Semblance
Survived impalement
Created 2000 tons of ice
Defeated ABRN, Queen Lancer, Armour Gigas

Boomstick: With all those powers from just a couple of floating circles, Weiss has proved herself in battle time and time again. She's defeated all the special types of Grimm that she summons in battle, and taken on fellow students in battle tournaments.

Wiz: In one such battle, she was able to spam a whole load of Glyphs around this jazz musician, a feat that, when calculated showed Weiss was moving at Mach 6.

Wiz: But greatest of all: With a combination of Ice and her Aura, she survived riding atop of a speeding train crashing through concrete. By measuring the diameter of the resulting hole and applying the values of fragmentation, this means Weiss survived an impact equal to over seven tons of TNT.

Boomstick: But it's not just Weiss that's tough. Her Glyphs are strong enough to catapult the Arma Gigas. And with her ice powers, she's knocked around a giant mech built for fighting Godzilla-sized Grimm.

Wiz: Compared to the height of her teammate nearby, it appears she created over two thousand metric tons of ice. Obviously that much ice doesn't fit into two vials of Dust. She's likely using the ocean as a base to insert fusion energy and vaporization energy on the nitrogen in the air; thereby freezing it like so. At most, this would require over nine hundred billion joules of energy, equivalent to detonating around two hundred and thirty tons of TNT. That's almost enough to obliterate a small

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