Peter Vs Homer (Family Guy Vs The Simpsons)

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Thanks to Captain-Valkyrie for the fight thumbnail

Death Battle track: Fight of the 20th Century
Wiz: Peter Griffin the family guy.

Boomstick: And Homer Simpson the donut lover of Springfield.

Wiz: Ever since the 90's people have always asked who was better between these two and today we'll find out.

Boomstick: He's wiz and I'm Boomstick!

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a death battle!

Bird is the word in Death Battle

Wiz: America. A country of wonder.

Boomstick: And a bunch of school shootings.

Wiz: Right. Anyways, one of the country's many states is Rhode Island where the city of Quahog takes place.

Boomstick: Within Quahog, you'll come across the ever iconic Griffin family with the father himself, Peter Griffin.

Wiz: After his biological father Mickey McFinnigan left Thelma Griffin, Peter ended up being born in Mexico instead of Ireland or Rhode Island. Not even his adoptive father, Francis Griffin wanted nothing to do with his child.

Boomstick: Wow. That's pretty messed up. Moving into his teen to adult years, he met the love of his life Lois Pewterschmidt who had a horrible dad who didn't like Peter either. God! Everyone has some grudge against this guy! He's hilarious!

Wiz: Regardless of Carter's hatred for Peter, the two finally got married and started a family which consisted of Megan-

Boomstick: Actually, it's Megatron Griffin. Yep! Megan was supposed to be Meg's full name but Peter still has that fair bit of intelligence to rename his oldest child something even better.

Wiz: There's also the middle child, Chris Griffin and of course we can't forget Stewart, or commonly known as Stewie Griffin.

Boomstick: Y'know. Despite being an obese alcoholic dad, Peter's got quite some crazy items to back him up.

Wiz: It true alright! Peter has some amazing superhuman strength, speed, agility, stamina and regeneration. He's also great when it comes to hand to hand combat experience thanks to his many battles against his arch rival, Ernie the Giant Chicken.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Boomstick: He's also equipped with many guns. Pistols, machine guns, SMGs, shotguns, rifles, you name it. He's got them all. He's also used many rides of his own such as the PeterCopter, the PeterDactyl, the Peter-Rang, the PeterMobile and many more to name. He even has a tank for crying out loud! A literal tank.

Wiz: Peter is also equipped with knight armour, grenades, baseball bats, a whip, an axe, rubbing alcohol, ipecac and a mech suit of his own. He can even use his farts to his advantage. Plus, if Peter's ever in trouble he can use his steroids that make him more powerful than he is, especially when it comes to strength.

Boomstick: I think we can all agree that his best ability is the Radioactive Superhuman form which was used during his fight against the cartoon icon he was inspired by, Homer Simpson himself.

Wiz: Wait a minute! Didn't that ware off.

Boomstick: Yeah but Seth and Matt never confirmed if it was completely gone or not.

Wiz: Fair enough. This radioactive superhuman form gives Peter the ability to fly and it increases his superhuman strength and speed.

Boomstick: So, does it mean he's equal to Superman in that form.

Wiz: Of course not!

Boomstick: That's all I needed to know. However it doesn't last forever.

Wiz: Peter is no stranger to pain. He's lost his fingers during a firework explosion, been crushed and flatten by a falling piano, has been run over, been burned and tons more.

Boomstick: He also has the strength to push a car off a cliff without trying. Not only that but Peter has great superhuman drinking abilities. As shown in his drink off against McFinnigan who was mentioned before as his biological dad, MicFinnigan himself noted that nobody has ever defeated him in a drink off yet Peter did. Not to mention he's a great pianist when he's drunk.

Wiz: Peter took 60 tranquillizer darts yet they didn't knock him out. He just kept going with his life. He's also been crushed by a bus, been shot in the head twice, been struck by lightning, had his head crushed by two logs and so much more. Yet he still lived to see another day.

Boomstick: Let's not forget that Peter has won most of his battles against Ernie the Giant Chicken. At some stage, he outran a falling UFO which crashed right on top of Homer who managed to survive it. Speaking of his superhuman speed, during his fight against Homer, Peter was smacked right into a tree which left Homer feeling safe while he was driving one of the bus. That is until Peter showed up out of nowhere and continued to fight. Back to Peter vs Ernie, Peter was able to survive an oil rig after one of his many victories over Ernie.

Wiz: This is evidence that Peter has some great superhuman abilities and not only that, he even has the skills to manipulate his victims. Unfortunately, Peter does have his fair share of faults. For starters, an IQ test proves that Peter's intelligence is below mentally r*tarded.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Wiz: As the father of the Griffin family, it's Peter's job to do what is right for his family.

Boomstick: And use his opportunities to abuse Meg in the funniest way possible. That overweight cartoon legend ain't going anywhere any time soon.

Peter: I may be an idiot but there's one thing I'm not sir, and that is an idiot.

Homer Simpson is um uh.... In Death Battle

First Appearance: April 19, 1987(The Tracey Ullman Show)

Height: 6'0

Weight: 239 lbs

Occupation: Safety inspector at Springfield Nuclear Power Plant.

Took multiple hits by cannonballs at close range
Became a great boxer because he would not go down
Fallen down a canyon twice
His head once jammed a draw bridge and had cars running on it but it didn't die
Outrun a gold medalist
Effortlessly picked up a motorcycle and used it as a sword

Wiz: Homer Simpson was born May 12, 1955 to Abraham and Mona Simpson. His father was a war veteran and when his mom left his life he raised Homer. Now you would think that would make Homer and his dad close but the exact opposite happened. Homer and his dad share a love but yet a dislike for each other stemming from how Homer was raised. Homer was never supported by his dad and Homer was sometimes neglected by him.

Boomstick: So if you want to know why Homer is the way he is and why everything is crazy blame his dad.

Wiz: Homer is a alcoholic and loves to hang out at a local bar named Moe's. He tends to spend more time drinking then raising his kids.

Boomstick: He also works at a Power Plant which is as unsafe of a job you can get.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Wiz: Despite his obvious unhealthy habits he does happen to show amazing strength and more.

Took hits from trained boxers without falling down
Been hit multiple times by cannonballs
Has fought both George HW Bush and George W Bush
Picked up a motorcycle with ease
Outrunned a Olympic Athlete
Was on a football team in High School

Wiz: So despite being fat and lazy when he gets serious he can be a tough fighter.

Boomstick: He's definitely not a guy I would pick a bar fight with.

Wiz: Speaking of fights Homer has a moveset that needs to be gone over.

Strangle (Grabs person by the throat and starts choking them)
Regular Kick and Punches
Sumo Push (Uses both hands to push opponent)
Standing Headbutt(Uses Head to strike opponent)
Bite (Nothing more to be said)

Boomstick: So since neither one has no natural weapons lets skip to weaknesses.

Wiz: Let's see what Homer can't stand.

Isn't intelligent
Will do anything for a beer or a donut (Like trade his soul)
Has bouts of anger but normally something has to trigger it

Wiz: Homer's weakness is simply Homer himself.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Boomstick: Yes in many ways but his opponent isn't better by any means.

Alright the fighters are set and we've run the data through all possibilities. So it's time for a death battle!

31 Spooner Street Quahog, RI, late afternoon
It seemed like an average day on Spooner Street. Joe was on patrol, Brian was "writing" a book and Quagmire was having his way with three young blond women. Even the Griffins look like their having a rather average day. It looks like their having dinner. Lets look.

Lois: So Peter how things going at work?
Peter: Terrible. They fired a couple of Mexicans at my job so I have to takeover until they can replace them.

Cutaway Gag 1
Peter is mobbing the floors in Spanish maid outfit when a young Mexican man named Carlos comes up to him.

Carlos: You no do that good.

Peter: Oh yeah? Why is it that you guys think you run the place?

Older Mexican Man with Trowels in one hand and a brick in other comes in.

OMM: I build .

Consuela comes in with rag.

Consuela: I clean.

Peter: Oh well this is awkward.

Meg: Well dad have you ever thought of...
Peter: Shut up Meg.
Lois: Well hopefully things get better. *Passes out more food*
Chris: Yay!
Peter: I just tell you I haven't been this disappointed since I tried going to another bar.

Cutaway Gag 2
Moe's Bar, Springfield
Peter drinking Duff beer and looking around
Peter: This beer is awful.
Moe holds a gun to Peter
Moe: What you say?
Peter: Nothing. So how long you two been together?
Cut to Karl and Lenny.

Stewie: I can't wait till I conquer all of you idiots.
All of a sudden..
The door busted open from a thunderous kick.
A heavy set middle age man with white shirt and jeans comes into the house. It would be just a normal man but one thing made him different.
Yellow skin. It was Homer Simpson.
Homer: Make fun of me will you!
Peter stands up and looks at Homer with a deep stare.
Both men stare at each other knowing this will be a fight only one will walk away from.


Homer lunges at Peter full force and throws multiple punches but despite his size Peter is able to dodge out the way. Peter landed multiple punches on Homer. Homer was madder then ever being so easily dodged by a man that is practically a copy of himself. Homer let out a scream


Homer grabbed Peter by his waist. Both men locked up. They both knew a few sumo moves and they battled for control until one had to give.


Homer had lifted Peter up and slammed him hard on the table, breaking it in the process.
Forks were plunged into Peters back.

Brian: Think we should help Peter?
Stewie: Naw this is his thing.
Meg: Well I'm going to help!

Meg runs to her dad who stood up incredibly fast
Meg:I'm here to help. What you want me to do?
Homer sees Peter up and runs to him
Peter grabs Meg and puts her in front of him while Homer delivers a fury of shots on Meg. Her glasses are broke and her nose is broken.
Homer grabs Meg and throws her through the glass window of the kitchen.
Peter:Hey no one does that to my daughter but me!
Peter starts punching away at Homer and the brawl continues to the living room and already are destroying.


Another fist to Homer but Homer stayed up and continued fighting despite being little dazed. Nothing could keep him down.
Homer out of desperation bit down on Peters arm and blood started coming out.
AHHHH!!! Peter yelped

Homer capitalized on that pain and started delivering more punches, lastly adding a kick right to the gut. Peter was laid right by the window now.
Homer stood back and ran to do a football tackle but what he didn't know that when it came to that game Peter had it down.
Peter rammed Homer right back and knocked Homer off his feet. Peter then lifted Homer by his waist and with all of his might ran into the window.


Both men were lying down in the outside. Was this the end?

Of course not.

Both men got to their feet and the battle raged on.
They started landing more blows to each other, each connecting.

"Roadhouse!" Peter shouted as he did a spin kick right to Homer. That took Homer back.

"Roadhouse, Roadhouse,Roadhouse" Peter continued to say as he continued to lay in the kicks. Homer was real dizzy but wouldn't fall. Peter pushed Homer straight to the ground and left. Homer was still dizzy and tried to regain his composure but couldn't yet stand. Then there was a bright light. Homer got on his knees


Peter had his Red Station Wagon and he intended on ramming Homer and that he did.


It hit Homer full on.
Peter figured that was it. No man could survive a head on collision like that. Peter cooled down for a minute, stepped out to inspect the damage and was shocked.
The bottom front of the car had a dent in the shape of Homers head but Homer wasn't there.
Peter:Where he go?
Peter then started to see lights and it was coming from Homer's pink Sedan.
Peter gets in his car and the two engage in a high speed battle of the cars.


That was the sound of other cars getting into accidents because of this brawl. Multiple people have already fallen to their deaths as a result of this fight.
Peter and Homer were ramming into each other for miles on miles until they both after awhile ended up going into a large cornfield and lost each other. They could hear each others cars and went in a circle and made multiple crossings.
Eventually they found each other and they made one final ram into each other.
Both crashed into each other and flew out the windshields of their cars. Hurt and battered but not down they still punched each other on top of the hood of their car. All of a sudden a bright green light came and covered them completely. They stopped fighting as they found themselves being lifted. They were being abducted by a UFO! After a few seconds they were inside.

Kang: Greeting humans. You called us.
Homer and Peter: What?
Kodos: Look out the window.
Both Homer and Peter looked out and seen that their car drive in the cornfield made the perfect crop circle.
Kang: So who wants to be probed first?
Homer and Peter looked at each other and then stared back at them.
Kudos: Why are the Earthlings staring at us like that?

Cut to the outside of the UFO
Kang: Hey what are doing?
Kudos: Don't touch that!
Homer and Peter grabbed laser guns
ZAP!! ZAP!!!
Beams were coming out the UFO and all of a sudden it sped up.

The White House Washington,DC
Ernie The Giant Chicken is walking down the stairs and he looked happy.
Ernie: Yes! The interview went over well. I can now move on with my life and get away from THAT man.

*The sound of a reckless driving UFO coming out is heard*
Ernie let out a great chicken scream as the UFO came into view and crashed into him.


The UFO exploded, killing tons of people including some of the guards.
In the mist Homer and Peter come out and are fighting again.
Men in black suits come out to restrain them. One has a taser.
Peter grabs the taser and zaps Homer.

"DOH!!!" Homer yelped.

Homer and Peter headbutted the guards. They grabbed their guns and started firing at each other.

Homer and Peter run into the White House, still firing at each other but missing each other but hitting all the guards in the process.

Peter runs out of bullets and Homer pushes Peter into a big door. Homer aims the gun to Peters head and he pulls the trigger.

"Click" was heard from the gun. It to had run out.

Homer dropped the gun and tackled Peter through the door. They just entered the PRESIDENTS OFFICE!!
"WHAT IS GOING ON!" Obama yelled.
Peter and Homer stayed fighting.
"Stop this fighting men." Biden said
Peter was next to Obama now. Peter started throwing pens desk drawers at Homer.
"GO IMMEDIATELY!" Biden once again yelled
Homer managed to close any distance and started kicking Peter rapidly.
Peter grabbed Homer by the head and headbutted him only to knock himself back.
Homer went to land a punch but Peter still was able to duck and Homer's ended up PUNCHING BIDEN!
The shot landed right on the jaw and the current President Of The United States was knocked out.
Homer: Darn you. I actually liked him.
Homer went to grab Peter and put him through another table but this time it was reversed and Homer went crashing through the table.


All of sudden while Homer was on top of the broken table a computer voice activated. Homers body touched a button that was on the desk.
"Missile launch activated. Firing now."
Peter and Homer: Ah Oh.
All of a sudden Nuclear missiles were hitting targets all across the world, killing millions.
Homer started strangling Peter and Peter did the same to Homer.
They walked strangling each other all the way into Air Force One. The plane flied crazy as both men were rumbling around with their hands around each others necks.

Springfield Power Plant, Springfield

Air Force One crashed into the Plant

That had to be all. They couldn't have survived a plane crash to. But they did.
Both men were out on metal walkways

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