Mostly Innacurate Death Battles that are actually stomps (Like Sonic vs Flash)

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Today we'll be going over death battles that are actually huge stomps. So what is a stomp exactly? It means a battle that results in an obvious outcome. So something like Goku vs Dora is a huge stomp. Dora can't do anything. Fights that are close are like my own Game Sonic vs Anime Goku. That's pretty close. Anyway It doesn't matter if the death battle has the right outcome or not. If it isn't right than the makes the death battle worse. Seeing how death battle managed to screw up an obvious outcome. Anyway here are why I think are the biggest stomps in death battle. Regardless of the outcome.

10. Leo Vs Red Ranger Jason

I love the ninja turtles and I was sad when Leo lost. But it made sense. Jason was much stronger and more durable. Leo was arguably faster and had more combat experience. But it wasn't that big of a deal because Jason was rather close in speed and experience was unimportant. So Jason takes this. But tmnt are cooler than the rangers.

Winner: Red Ranger low to mid difficulty

9. Pikachu Vs Blanka

I don't really get why this one is so controversial. It's not like Ben vs hal or sonic vs flash where it's wrong I think it's mainly because Pokémon is so popular it's so hated. This fight was one sided as heck. We're comparing a monster who kills small animals and battles island busters everyday to a small mouse Pokémon. I want to see pikachu again in death battle but not like this. I hope they won't be like versus battle wiki and make pikachu universe level. I mean come on.

Winner: Blanka low to mid-ish difficulty

8. Goro Vs Machamp

I liked this fight. It's one of like 2 or 3 that I enjoyed from season 7. It's one of the good stomp fights. I mean machamp is mountain level while they said that machamp was ship level. This wasn't close at all. Mk has been on a losing streak for years now. Pokémon got a free win in this one. Not even close.

Winner: Machamp low difficulty

7: Ultron Vs Sigma

I really need to update that list of death battles that I like. Because there's more that I enjoyed than I realized. Anyway this fight felt like ultron was toying with sigma the whole time. That's what people were saying in the comments. Ultron survived fighting hulk and Thor. While sigma could only survive planet level attacks. Not close and Ultron could take this without much difficulty.

Winner: Ultron low difficulty

6: Blake Vs Mikasa

So rwby in death battle gets a lot of hate. I believe this has the most dislikes all of the season 8 battles and I think that's because rwby gets a lot of hate. Mainly because of another death battle I'll be talking about later. Death battle does have a rwby biased. Anyway this fight wasn't close in the slightest. Mikasa had no advantages here. Even the range of their weapons Blake beat mikasa there. I do think that the titans are more deadly than the Grimm on average. We are comparing a superhuman with super powers to a normal peak human being.

Winner: Blake without trying

5. Ben 10 Vs Green lantern

Alien x would beat Hal. Time travel wouldn't work on him. It's not any higher because I don't know much about these series.

Winner: Ben 10. Alien x stomps

4. Sonic Vs Flash

Personally, this fight bothers me the most. It's not my most hated death battle but it's up there. They left out a lot. They said that Archie sonic wasn't durable because of a gag. Ignored his author feats and buffed wally by giving him no limit fallacy crap. On the prediction blog people said he could maybe phase through reality warping. Also just because he could control his molecules doesn't mean he can stop sonic from rewriting his atoms. Or use fate or rewriting on the speed force. Sonic would win. Wally can't steal his speed because Sonic's speed comes from himself and not the speed force. If his speed was stolen then it would kill wally because Sonic's speed is too much for him to handle. Plus sonic can't die. Overall sonic wins because very everything wally can do sonic can do better. Plus He literally can't lose. At least Animationrewind proved he beats every flash and can't lose along with the fact that this fight is super controversial so it'll always be looked down upon with some raised eyebrows. I mean if you look up a death battle and the results are debunked Reddit and alternate ending than that's a bad sign.

Winner: Sonic stomps with author hax. More ways to kill wally and counters to everything.

3. Mario Vs Sonic 2018

They downplayed sonic and the sonic series so much. Game sonic is only large building level? Super is not even light speed and is only planet? Wtf? Sonic would blitz Mario. He's so fast. Also super and hyper sonic are beyond anything Mario has in his arsenal or has faced. This is how the actual fight would go.

Winner: Sonic blitz Mario into oblivion

2. Mewtwo Vs Shadow and Shadow Vs Ryuko

Shadow can't resist mind control but they show a scene of him doing just that. Shadow stomps mewtwo. He's not a universe level threat. He does fight beings who can destroy timelines and space.

Winner: Shadow Rolf stomps

They got this one right actually. Shadow stomps Ryuko. Even with their own downplayed shadow he still beats kisaragi Ryuko in his base. If this was the REAL shadow than it would be an even bigger stomp. Base shadow is universe level while kisaragi Ryuko is only moon to planet.

Winner: Shadow. One shots

Honorable mentions
Mega man battle royale

Mega man.Exe stomps everyone except starforce.
Winner: Mega man.exe low to mid difficulty

Steven Vs Star

Steven is planet while star is potentially universe level. So.... star low to mid difficulty

They even said themselves this fight was a stomp. And it was done to get rid of Deadpool. I didn't like it. And just because you acknowledge some of your most controversial death battles doesn't make them any less controversial. Mask with Low to mid difficulty

So IF and only IF Superman is limitless than wouldn't that make this fight a stomp? He's not limitless. That's been debunked multiple times.
Winner: Superman. Doesn't have to try. Apparently.

1. Yang Vs Tifa

So this is one of those death battles where we have a clear winner but death battle says no. WE have a character that we want to win. The way yang won was undeserved. She got a free victory. They completely downplayed tifa and nerfed everyone of her feats and abilities. There's no excuse for this. How can you defend this? How did a building level being defeat someone who could survive planets being destroyed? It's because death battle lowballed everything including the supernova feat. It feels like they cheated. Even if you want to disagree with Ben vs green lantern Archie sonic vs wally west you can't deny this wasn't wrong. I know people like to defend death battle like Danvers-kara. Look if you enjoy death battle that's fine but you can't deny they don't make obvious mistakes and aren't flawed. Especially when they've been clearly debunked and proven wrong.

Winner: Tifa would probably one shot

Anyway those are some death battles that I think are huge stomps regardless of the outcome. So I hope you guys liked it. Im thinking about doing a list of the most controversial death battles of all time. Let me know if you want me to do that. Or any other ideas you have. I plan on uploading a new dbx and then finally link vs Lucina. I had my friend captain Valkyrie make a cover pic for it. Thanks again dude if you're reading this. You did a great job. Anyway I'm out. Anyway, this is how Archie sonic vs wally west would go if death battle wasn't biased or was made by normal people. Animationrewind's sonic vs wally was better. Hell they already did sonic vs flash. Screw you wally. You know what? No, screw you death battle

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