Ending some VS Debates Part 4

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Hey guys I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season. Shrek Vs Grinch is coming soon so don't worry I didn't forget.

But here are the difficulty levels as usual:
Negative Difficulty: An absolute huge stomp. It means a character wins by not trying at all. Basically a one shot victory. They win 11/10

Wins with No Difficulty: This means they win via stomp. Not as big as Negative difficulty, but a very easy win.  They win 10/10

Wins with Low Difficulty: It means the person winning has to put in a little bit of effort. Not a lot but some. They win 9/10

Wins with Mid Difficulty: They win by putting in a good amount of effort. Not 100% power but they have try. Not low enough to make it easy or high enough to challenge them. They win somewhat causally. They win 7-8/10.

Wins With High Difficulty: Here they pretty much have to go all out. A lot of effort has to be put in to win this one. The winner will leave pretty winded and badly injured. They win 6/10.

Wins with Extreme Difficulty: This one is Very Very close. If they win with extreme difficulty it means it can go either way or they only just won by one or two small things. It's basically a close draw. They win 5.1-5.9/10.

Batman Vs Spider-Man (Standard gear/arsenal)

Spider-Man wins low diff

Goku Vs Sonic (DBS Vs Game Sonic)

Sonic Wins Low to Mid Difficulty

Bowser Vs Ganondorf

Bowser Wins Mid Difficulty

Samus Aran Vs Master Chief

Samus wins Low Diff

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