Akuma Vs Izanami (Street Fighter Vs BlazBlue)

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Hey guys sorry for the slow uploads. The thing is that its just a lot has been happening for me with work and school. I'll try to keep these going and I'm trying to not take any long long breaks. Anyway enjoy the fight.

Wiz: when it comes to two antagonists with godly powers none can compete with these two fighters with demonic powers

Boomstick: Like Hades Izanami, Blazblue's Goddess of Death, and Akuma, Street Fighter's Raging Demon.

Wiz: I'm Wiz and he's Boomstick and its out job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle...

Akuma is ready to murder Death Battle

Wiz: In a world of skilled and legendary fighters from across the globe, there exists none more deadlier than the mighty Street Fighter, Akuma.

Boomstick: Why? Because he's a master of the dark arts! Get yourself strapped in, ladies and gentlemen, because this guy is pretty cool!

Wiz: Akuma - or Gouki in Japan - is a powerful fighter, who was trained by Goutetsu with his brother, Gouken, in the ways of an unnamed martial art, crossing elements of Judo, Karate and Kempo. But Goutetsu also taught another dangerous technique which sacrificed the user's safety for sheer power.

Boomstick: As time went on, Akuma and Gouken naturally argued about the fighting style being taught and how to master it. They then went their own separate ways, with Gouken leaving to start his own dojo and teach the non-murder way of Goutetsu's art, while Akuma stayed and continue to practice it. Which was a good call for him in the long run!

Wiz: In order to master this dark technique, Akuma had to give in to a dark power called the Satsui no Hado, literally the Surge of Murderous Intent. Here, he closed off all compassion for others and realized that his capability could be expanded further. So, he left Goutetsu's guidance and trained on his own, gaining more power and a lust to fight to the death, courtesy of the Dark Hadou consuming him.

Boomstick: After what I can only assume is a lot of fighting and slaughtering, he finally came back to Goutetsu and challenged him to their own personal Death Battle to prove that he had surpassed his master. He even used the dark technique he wished to master to kill his... erm... master. But at least Goutie died happy to see Akuma at such a high level, and Akuma even got those beads around his neck!

Wiz: However, Gouken was... less than pleased. Years later, Akuma fought Gouken with the young Ryu and Ken Masters as spectators. After an intense battle and plenty of arguing, Gouken defeated him, but spared his life. Which would prove to be his undoing in the next encounter when Akuma used the same dark technique to supposedly kill his brother.

Boomstick: Oh, I remember now, he can finger-paint!

Wiz: Thanks to the Satsui no Hado, Akuma is a walking weapon, nearly ten times stronger than any other Street Fighter in the world.

Boomstick: And when you consider Street Fighter's line-up, that's an accomplishment in itself!

Wiz: Akuma has plenty of powerful moves at his disposal. Such as the Gou Hadouken, his own take on the iconic projectile attack, which can be amped up into the almighty Shinku Hadouken. He's also capable of firing multiple Gou Hadoukens at once, including in the air as the Zanku Hadouken.

Boomstick: Anyone who hasn't tried to fire a Kamehameha will likely have tried to fire a Hadouken. Don't lie - we've ALL tried it at least once!

Wiz: There's also the Goshoryuken uppercut attack, which is capable of launching the victim sky high. He also has a Hurricane Kick and the Hyakkishu, otherwise known as the Demon Flip.

Boomstick: He can teleport short distances, even passing through attacks along the way, and he also has a powerful special move known as the Kongou Kokuretsuzan... Hey Wiz, did I get it right this time?

Wiz: *Rummaging through some papers* Actually, that's pretty much spot on.

Boomstick: I knew I'd get there eventually! Well, in any sense, Akuma unleashes a ground attack that pretty much fucks anyone who gets caught in it up! It was even capable of destroying a friggin' mountain!

Wiz: But Akuma, being a master of the Dark Hadou, has one painful move in his already deadly arsenal.

Boomstick: When he really needs to finish his foe, he will utilise the dark technique taught by his master, the Shun Goku Satsu, or as it's known to us common folk, the Raging Demon!

Akuma demonstrates the ability on his unfortunate opponent.

Wiz: This attack is not a physical attack by Akuma, but rather an attack that turns the sins of his foes against them, destroying and outright eradicating their soul. It was this exact attack that Akuma used to kill his master and attempt to kill Gouken with.

Boomstick: Talk about a horrible, HORRIBLE way to die!

Wiz: Indeed. Akuma lives for one thing - fighting. Akuma will wander the world endlessly looking for a worthy opponent to challenge him. He's fought and defeated many foes, only being defeated to the likes of Gouken in the first encounter, and later Ryu would prove to challenge him from time to time. However, it's important to understand that Akuma requires complete control over the fight to be effective - he is always attacking and always on the move, offering an offence-heavy fighting style. And because of his high power, he has to constantly hold back in order to give his opponent a fighting chance. However, the Dark Hadou can be taken one last step further into a further stage.

Akuma transforms into Shin Akuma.

Boomstick: Enter Shin Akuma, a badass-looking higher form with even more badass moves! His strength increases to its full extent in this form!

Wiz: As Akuma is at full power in this form, he does not hold back at all, making for a fighter with enormous power! ...The only downside to this deadly form is that Akuma would only consider going into this form if he is fighting a worthy enough opponent to not hold back on his power. Which most of the time, he doesn't get to fight.

Boomstick: But worthy or not, if you find yourself in a fight with Akuma, you'd better hope he doesn't unleash his dark skills on you! There's a reason he's called Master of the Fist!

Akuma: I am Akuma, and I will teach you the meaning of pain!

Izanami Is a threat to death battle

Wiz: The BlazBlue series has had a host of wonderful and powerful characters—yet very few of them are nearly as interesting and powerful as the former Imperator of the Novus Orbis Librarium, the harbinger of Death itself—Hades: Izanami.

Wiz: Izanami, like her name suggests, is the embodiment of Death itself, and is easily among the most powerful individuals in the series. Her power is terrifying, said by individuals to surpass that of even the mighty Black Beast that ravaged the world itself as we know it. She ravages her opponents with attacks that scream death and manipulate the flow of time, and as such she is a devastating opponent, even to such individuals as Azrael and Ragna the Bloodedge.

Boomstick: But perhaps the real reason for her terrifying power is the fact that she is actually the Drive of The Origin, the wielder of the all-powerful Amaterasu Unit, and is the manifestation of her soul and will. She wishes for naught but death and annihilation... and with her power and her schemes, she is getting closer to achieve her goals.

Wiz: She is almost completely devoid of emotion, save for her immense hubris and unbridled lust for destruction And Her ultimate goal is to bring true death to a world subjected to constant timeloops
Is fully confident in her power, believing that no one can kill her. Addresses everyone as if they are merely insects that are beneath her; this is because she truly thinks she is superior to all living beings. Despite her belief of being superior to all life, however, Izanami still ponders if she even has a soul. As Saya is a part of her, the Saya aspect of her personality can sometimes show or take over, leading her to call Ragna "Brother".

Gaihō no Geki (Ghost Peak Strike)
Summons a dragon's head to strike the foe

Tōrai no Hoko (Thunderbolt Lance)
Lunges towards the foe, coated in an electrical aura

Mujū no Tate (Shield of Dreams)
Projects an aura that can deflect almost any attack

Mujū no Gō (Bulwark)
Dispels Shield of Dreams, and uses that force to launch foe skyward

Arc Force
Izanami's Overdrive
Boosts Izanami's strength and speed
Enables her to block whilst Yasakani no Magatama is deployed

Hazen no Kui (Stake of Supremacy)
Izanami kicks her opponent skyward, and assails them with a series of blows mid-air before piledriving them into the ground and kicking them away
Kyomu no Koku (Hour of Nihility)
Izanami motions with her hand, then stops time, allowing for her to deal extra damage
Jintō no Koku (Moment of Benevolence)
100% Heat version of Hour of Nihility Izanami absorbs energy around her in a sphere, then releases it, stopping time Melancholy Death <Arc Drive> Izanami's Exceed Accel Izanami kicks her foe, and ensnares them in ghosts; she then stops time, impales her ensnared opponent through the chest, then withdraws; once time resumes, opponent collapses

Boomstick: Here's a list of her feats by the way.

Is one of the most powerful characters in BlazBlue, bar Takehaya Susano'o
Became the Imperator of the Novus Orbis Librarium
Manipulated Tsubaki Yayoi into doing her bidding, and put her under a spell to keep her in line
Curbstomped Kagura Mutsuki
Summoned the Nox Nyctores, Gigant: Take-Mikazuchi, and set it upon Jin and Noel in order to fight them
Later on lent her power to the weapon to fight against Ragna
Created the Embryo out of Take-Mikazuchi's remains
Battled the feared criminal Azrael
Impaled herself on Ragna's sword, asserting her inability to die as the Drive of Amaterasu
Battled Ragna for one last time, and while she put up a good fight, Izanami was unable to do anything as Mu-12 arrived to the scene and assimilated the Drive of the Origin into herself

Boomstick: Unlikely to unleash her full strength at the beginning of the fight. The Saya aspect of her personality can sometimes cause her to lose her composure. Can be absorbed by individuals who have fragments of the Origin's soul, such as Noel Vermillion.

Izanami: All citizens. Upon the name of 'Hades Izanami'... My last gift. Let me present to you Death.

Wiz: All right the combatants are set let's end this debate once and for all!

Boomstick: It's time for a death battle!


Seizing this opening, Izanami immediately leapt back before Akuma could swing a punch at her, kicking Him in the chest before he could react. Almost seamlessly, the Drive of the Origin followed through with a jab, then a high kick that launched Him into the air, before conjuring a purplish platform to stand upon. Upon doing so, Izanami immediately kicked the airborne Akuma in the face, before jabbing at him once more, and charging at him, forcing him back into the ground. Once he was on the ground, Izanami unleashed another jab, then another high kick, before headbutting him back into the ground, then conjuring another platform that allowed her to jab At him one last time, before ramming into him with the horn on her headdress. To conclude her combo, Izanami leapt back, and deployed the pieces of Yasakani no Magatama to strike her target, with Akuma teleporting out of the way just in the nick of time. His new location was right behind izanami. Before she can realize he used a leg sweep to get her in the air. He then used a strong uppercut to send her into the air further. Akuma punched so hard into a rocky wall that she bounced right off of it and caused a crater into it. Izanami tried to use her shield of dreams to block the onslaught. And it did work. But akuma's response was to grab her out of said shield and throw her down into the ground causing another giant crater. Akuma landed and After he regained his footing Akuma fired off a hadoken at her and in response to this izanami used her barrier of skulls to block off the attack. Akuma fired off more purple energy blasts at the death lady who used a ghost peak strike to eat and counter the blasts. The attack was so strong that it threw akuma off balance. She ran up on him and threw out a few punches and kick at akuma. He took damage and used his raging demon energy to knock her away. This power is strong said izanami. But it's nothing compared to me. This place will become your grave! Akuma punched the ground so hard with a single punch that it destroyed the mountain top they were standing on. Soon they were falling down along with the rocks and rubble. Izanami was using her shields to block the rocks. Akuma took this chance to attack her while she was at a disadvantage. He grabbed a giant Boulder and threw it at her. She didn't notice this so she deactivated her shield. Which caused her to be smack by the rock. WHAM! Akuma then followed it up with a beam of energy called the hadoken. Shinku
Hadoken! She used flaming dome. She conjured up a  blast of blue fire. You fool, this... is... nothing. Said izanami as she launched the attack at akuma's beam. Akuma used his might to push it back as much as her possibly could. I am akuma! I am unstoppable! He states to push it back but izanami simply added more fire blast and it easily overwhelmed the dark streetfighter. Then... BOOM! The explosion was so great that it easily out the forest they were falling above. It was a beautiful forest too. Izanami recovered from it all and landed on the ground. Viewing the destruction that was easily caused by their fight. This world will look just this forest. Dead. She began to walk away but suddenly she felt a dark aura of energy from behind her. Akuma had now became shin akuma. He now had red skin, a scarier aura, and white hair. You creature, what are you? Said izanami. I am akuma! The master of fists! I, am power made flesh! Izanami started to step forward. But before she even could do that akuma punched in the gut with his demon fist. Causing her to grab her stomach in pain and mainly shock. She stepped back and With a scoff, Izanami advanced towards the evil streetfighter, readying her foot and preparing to kick the man in the face. But to her own surprise the man blocked it completely by barely moving an inch. She tried getting away but akuma grabbed her and used his hurricane kick to gain speed and momentum and throw her and away at unbelievable speed and power levels. How strong and how fast? Well before Izanami knew it she was crashing through a tall building. The people of course were in shock and ran away in fear. Especially after seeing a man shrouded in dark aura make his way to the city. Izanami was honestly in shock. That someone could do this to her. What exactly makes you so strong? Said Izanami as she stood up from the destroyed building. My fists.. are forged from in the flames of murder! That's what makes

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