Death Battle Season 1 Episode 1: Boba Fett Vs. Samus Aran

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Somewhere in a galaxy far far away, Boba Fett is flying around in his ship, the Slave I, around finding his current bounty: Deadpool. Until he gets a call from Samus.

Boba: "This is Boba Fett what do you want?"

Samus: "Hey Boba, I've found an old video file from the early days of Earth, it dates bacon 2010, that's very old, wanna watch it?"

Boba: "Alright, I'll postpone my bounty hunt for a hangout, meet me at Tatooine at my house."

Samus: "Alright."

Later on Tatooine, Samus and Boba found a hotel on Tatooine and setup for the movie night.

Samus: "Alright everything is set for movie night and we're ready to go, got the popcorn?"

Boba: "Yep, is the movie in?"

Samus: "You know it."

Boba: "Where did you get this?"

Samus: "I got it from my old job as a Federation Soldier."

Boba: "Okay then, lets get to watching."

Samus: "Alrighty then."

Samus then grab the remote and the video starts playing the video.


Wiz: The bounty hunter. Galactic pirates of living beings.

Boomstick: They blow shit up for cash.

Samus: "That's not the only thing we do."

Boba: "There's assassinations, getting important artifacts, and getting rewards from your kills."

Samus: "What do you mean by rewards?"

Boba then pull out a lightsaber and turn it on.

Boba: "I got this from a Jedi."

Samus: "Oh, neat, I have something like that, my paralyzer pistol can be a whip."

Boba: "Nice."

Wiz: A prime example is Boba Fett, the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy.

Boba: "I'm the best at what I do, and I get the best bounty and the best money."

Boomstick: But don't forget Samus Aran. She's so badass, whole planets explode when she's done with them. BOOM!

Boba then turn to Samus in shock.

Samus: "Okay okay, I was doing a mission and I did that by accident."

Boba: "You know what, I'm betting man, lets settle a bet, if I win: I get your next bounty."

Samus: "Okay and if I win: you have to take me the to the mall, buy me some clothing, and go out on a date with me."

Boba: "Deal."

Wiz: I'm Wizard.

Boomstick: And I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze the weapons, armor, and skills of these two beastly killers and answer the most important question of all: Which of these two warriors would win... a Death Battle.


Boba Fett

Wiz: Boba Fett is well known for his cunning, ruthlessness, and brute force. But his killer instinct relies on his diverse arsenal of death.

Boomstick: Plus, he wears the most badass spacesuit ever.

Wiz: That's no ordinary spacesuit, Boomstick; that's Fett's Mandalorian Armor, forged of nearly indestructible Duraplast, containing a micro-energy field for dispersing impacts.

Mandalorian Armor

-Nearly Indestructible

-Micro Energy Field

-Penetrating Radar

-Protection from Fire, Poison, Acid, Cold

-Retractable Drinking Straw

Boomstick: This guy can have a freaking bomb blow up in his face and still walk away.

Boba: "I got the armor from my dad, Jango Fett."

Samus: "Aww, how sweet."

Boba: "Yeah, I inherited the bounty hunting career."

Wiz: His gauntlets house a flamethrower with a reach of 5 meters, a fiberboard whip, and numerous concussion and stun missiles. His weapon of choice is his EE-3 Carbine Rifle, an extremely accurate and powerful weapon which Fett often cradles like a child.

Wrist Gauntlets

-Flame Projector

-Fibercord whip

-Wrist Laser

-Concussion Missiles

-Stun Missiles

Boomstick: Yeah, I do that with my guns too...

EE-3 Carbine Rifle

-Fires in Short Burst


-Shoulder Sling

-Rock-a-Bye Rifle...

Wiz: That's... not weird at all, Boomstick. Fill us in on Fett's heavy weaponry.

Boba: "Sometimes you have to care for your weapons."

Samus: "Awww, you know you might make a great dad."

Boba: "Yeah."

Boomstick: Well, everybody and their grandmother knows that Fett can zoom around on his badass jetpack, but that jetpack also has a single anti-vehicle homing rocket, and believe me, you don't want to see this thing heading your way.

Mitrinomon Z-6 Jetpack


-Up to 1 Minute in Flight

-Max Speed: 145 kph

-Magnetic Grappling Hook

-Anti-Vehicle Homing Rocket

Samus: "So that's your best way to get around in the field?"

Boba: "Yep."

Samus: "So that is your best gear?"

Boba: "Yep, it gave me the reputation of an established bounty hunter."

Wiz: That's right, Boomstick. In short, Fett is a human Swiss army knife. He's killed hundreds of criminals, politicians and Jedi. He's even held his own against Darth Vader... twice.

Boomstick: Holy shit, that is hardcore!

Wiz: He became leader of the Mandalorian mercenaries after the Galactic Civil War, and battled Mace Windu to a draw when he was 12 years old.

Boomstick: Sam Jackson's got nothing on him.

Samus: "Wow, you are a dangerous foe, even to Jedi."

Boba: "Yep, it just came naturally to me and it sets my reputation as a bounty hunter."

Samus: "Nice."

Wiz: But with all his awesomeness, every so often Fett will totally blow it. He's fallen into the Sarlacc three times. Three! And the Sarlacc's not exactly running around looking for snacks.

Boomstick: Three times? How do you even do that once? It's a giant hole in the ground with teeth, and he's got a jet pack!

Samus: "Hahahahahaha, oh man that is so priceless!"

Boba: "It's a lot harder than it looks."

Samus: "Okay I believe you."

Boba: "But let see what kind of flaws you got."

Samus: "Alright."

Wiz: Still, even with his ridiculous flaws, Boba Fett is a whole new meaning of deadly.

Darth Vader: No disintegration.

Boba Fett: As you wish.


Samus Aran

Wiz: Samus Aran was infused with bird-like Chozo DNA at a young age, increasing her strength, speed, and athletic ability far beyond those of a normal human being.

Boomstick: How do they do that?! I want me some bird DNA!

Boba: "So what's the side effects of having bird genetics in your body?"

Samus: "I have an all worm diet and have a habit of pecking on things."

Boba: "Okay."

Wiz: She wears the Power Suit, typically in Varia Form, shielding her entire body without restricting any movement or flexibility.

Power Suit

-Shields Entire Body

-Environmental Protective

-Easy to Upgrade

-No restriction of Movement or Flexibility

Boomstick: Too bad it makes her look like a dude...

Samus: "Yep, and it's called female empowerment guys."

Boba: "Yep, so many girls are symbols of female empowerment these days."

Samus: "Just shows that us women can do things what men can do."

Boba: "Can't argue with that."

Wiz: Her primary weapon, the Arm Cannon, has acquired numerous awesome upgrades over the years. Though, the basic Power Beam is a pea shooter with a pathetic range.

Arm Cannon

-Easy to Upgrade

-Power Beam

-Charge Beam

-Ice Beam

-Grapple Beam


Boomstick: But when it's fully charged, it'll blow your face off. BAM! Shoop Da Whoop!

Wiz: The Arm Cannon can also use an Ice Beam, a Grapple Beam, and a plethora of seeking and super missles. Samus controls the skies with a powerful and speedy Screw Attack, and if there's trouble on the battlefield, she can curl up into Morph Ball mode and slip away unnoticed.

Screw Attack

-Powerful electric charge

-Temporary invinciblity

-Extremely Fast

-Namestake of an Awesome Website!

Morph Ball (Alt-Form)

-1 Meter Diameter

-Can Release Bombs

-Jumping Ability

-Also Called "Maru Mari"

-Can Access Small or Hard to Reach Places

Boomstick: What the f-?! How does she do that?

Wiz; Bird DNA, Boomstick. Bird DNA.

Boba: "Huh, not a bad supply of weapons Samus."

Samus: "Thanks, but you haven't seen anything yet."

Boomstick: Samus also has a freakin' huge supply of Power Bombs, which will destroy anything on the screen in seconds. Nothing survives!

Power Bombs

-Huge Blast Radius

-Deals Massive Damage

-Crystal Flash Healing Ability

-Deployed Only in Morph Ball Mode

Boba: "Nice explosives."

Samus: "Thanks, you should thank the Chozo for that."

Boba: "Well, guess I'll enjoy the fight even more."

Samus: "Alright."

Wiz: She is known to be the bounty hunter capable of taking on impossible missions, fighting massive beasts and even wiping out an entire species. However, she often makes mistakes. Somehow, she always seems to lose all her power ups and upgrades at the beginning of every mission.

Samus: "Hey, they took all of that gear away from me okay."

Boba: "Hope you have the next bounty on the line right now, cause you're gonna give it to me when I win."

Samus: "Okay."

Boomstick: Man, someone get this chick a purse.

Samus: Time to go.


Death Battle

Samus is shown flying through space in her spaceship. However, Boba Fett's ship, the Slave I, shoots at her ship, throwing it out of orbit and landing on Earth, where it crash lands somewhere in the middle of a futuristic city. Samus gets out of her ship and Fett hovers down to the where Samus landed.

Samus: "That was uncalled for!"

Boba: "Guess I have a better ship that yours."


Samus shoots her Power Beams, that fade out almost instantly, not even reaching her opponent. Fett counters with a few shots from his blaster, but Samus jumps in the air, firing a missle at Fett, which hits. When she lands, Fett hits her with his flamethrower. When Samus jumps back and shoots another missle, Fett flies up using his jet pack. However, Samus goes after him using her Screw Attack and eventually hits him, which forces him to the ground.

Samus: "Okay not the best range attack."

Boba: "The missile didn't do anything."

Samus: "Nice use of the fire."

When Samus lands, Fett shoots missiles at her. He then fires his anti-vehicle homing missile, which Samus escapes by going into Morph Ball mode and escaping through a doorway.

Samus: "Can't hit a small target."

Boba: "Alright that wasn't a good plan for me."

Fett cautiously creeps toward the doorway as Samus sneaks behind him in Morph Ball mode and plants a Power Bomb near his feet.

Samus: "Here comes the boom!"

The bomb explodes and it takes off a large chunk of Fett's health. His suit having withstood the blast, Fett sees Samus and fires a missile at her. Samus dodges by stepping to the side and then freezes Fett using her Ice Beam. She then moves toward the frozen bounty hunter and begins charging her arm cannon. With the charge at its apex and Boba Fett's body slightly moving as he tries to break free of the ice, Samus positions her arm cannon toward his head.

Samus: "Alright!"

Boba: "What?!"

Samus: You're mine.

Samus: "Aw yeah!"

With the charge at its maximum before Boba Fett could escape, Samus fires her Charge Beam point-blank, knocking his head clean from his body.


His head flies back downward, clanking on the ground.




Boomstick: Holy shit! Did you see that, Wiz? That was insane!

Wiz: Fett battled like a champ, but in the end, Samus' superior technology and athletic skill trumped him... hard. While her basic Power Beam failed miserably, Samus put her Chozo DNA to work by jumping and dodging around Fett's offenses. Boba Fett, who relies more on cunning and brute force, simply didn't have the means necessary to catch Samus.

Samus: "I am so frickin awesome!"

Boba: "Great."

Boomstick: He was shooting all over the place, but that space chick was just too quick for him. He even tried to use his homing rocket, but anybody whose blown up a lot of shit knows anti-vehicle rockets don't work too well with people.

Wiz: Exactly. Samus is about four times smaller than the average vehicle, so there's only about a one in four chance for a direct hit from Fett's rocket. Not to mention she kept moving, preventing Fett from getting a solid lock on her.

Samus: "I move quicker than girls dumping you on the first date!"

Boba: "Hey!"

Boomstick: After that screw up, Samus managed to sneak around Fett and left a little surprise at his feet.

Wiz: Fett's micro-energy field managed to minimize the damage he took from the power bomb, but by that point, it was all over. Samus froze Fett with her Ice Beam and finished him off with a Charge Beam to the face.

Boomstick: She sure stopped him cold.

Samus: "You know I like my men chilled to the bone."

Wiz: That's right Boomstick. The Winner is Samus Aran.


Later at the mall, Boba Fett is carrying all things that he bough for Samus as she place another package on top of the 9000 boxes.

Samus: "This is so much fun!"

Boba: "Not fun for me, I need to get 500 bounties to get my money back." 

Samus: "Chill out, the date is not over yet."

Boba: "That's what I'm afraid of."

Next: Death Battle Season 1 Episode 2: Akuma vs. Shang Tsung

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