Doctor's Orders

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News of Wei Wuxian's outburst had spread throughout the Cultivation World almost overnight, but most descriptions were heavily distorted. 

What Lan Wangji could gather from his brother's letter was that Wei Wuxian had lost his temper, thus effectively losing control over his powers and unwillingly summoning the forces of darkness. That also was used to explained why all of Yiling was cloudy that day (which was a coincidence, of course).

However, when Gusu Lan's Second Young Master Lan Wangji arrived at the spot, he was able to use his superior cultivation to bring the Yiling Patriarch's powers under control, thus saving everyone from impending doom.

While Wangji could not begin to fathom how such a far-fetched rumor was assumed to be reality, he did not feel a need to refute it. Since it justified his staying in the Burial Mounds, it bought him more time to find a solution, a way for him to be with Wei Wuxian without publicly leaving his Clan. 

Yes, Lan Wangji had already decided, the moment he walked back to the Burial Mounds with Wei Wuxian, that he would stay with the man forever, irrespective of whether he regretted it in the future or what his Clan would think. He would only leave when asked to by none other than Wei Wuxian himself. 

His thought process was interrupted by Wen Qing, who was looking at him expectantly. He folded his brother's letter and stored it into his sleeve, before returning the gaze. 

"Lady Wen."

"Hanguang Jun. Do you have a minute?"

Lan Wangji said nothing, only nodded calmly.

"We need your help. After speaking to Wei Wuxian about his, erm, loss of control and analyzing his behavior, I have found the source of his problems.”

She went silent. After a few breaths and no visible reaction from Lan Wangji she spoke again.

“His powers are mentally draining him. It seems the resentful spirits speak to him, drive him mad, straight into bloodlust. However, your music yesterday helped him a lot. Being out in the fresh air, being in the presence of people, and especially you, Second Young Master Lan, whose powers are so strong, helps him. The voices quiet down with you around.”

“Ceasing demonic cultivation should suffice.”

Wen Qing shook her head. “It is too late. He can’t go back, and not because he enjoys the power. At this point, the dark energy is the only thing holding him together.”

Even though Lan Wangji was as always non expressive, the look in his eyes was one of pure concern.

“Furthermore, since finding out about his sister’s wedding, he hasn’t been stable. The powers have an opening to take over, which makes this situation so dangerous, not just for him, but also for the entire Yiling region and maybe even for the whole Cultivation World.”

“What can I do?”

“Can you make it possible that Wei Wuxian can attend his sister’s wedding? The Lans are the second most influential Clan as of today, I’m sure you can do something. I hope that this can stabilize his state and prevent the dark energy from taking over.”

Lan Wangji’s shoulders eased.

“I have already promised Wei Ying that. I will take care of it immediately.”

Wen Qing breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s good then. I’d also like to request you to stay with him at all times, or at least till I find a permanent solution for his problem.”

Like he needed an invitation for that. It was his plan anyway.

“I will.”

After speaking about some more things, Wen Qing left. Lan Wangji decided to go seek out Wei Wuxian and tell him about how the doctor had ordered that they stay together. Of course, it was only for his health. Not like Lan Wangji wanted to spend every waking second with this beautiful, exciting man.

However, the man in question was nowhere to be found. Not in their cave, not with Granny Wen, not in the radish field, not near the stream, not even in the common eating area. Nor did anyone know where he was or where he went. Lan Wangji was just about to feel worried, when he heard a loud groan and  a loud argument from the gates of the Burial Mound.

“Wen Ning~ I promise I won’t leave you to sell the radish alone this time. Come, help me pick a present for my sister while we trade the vegetables! You don’t even have to lug me around.”

A usually complacent Wen Ning, however, refused to go with him.

“Jie said the two of us shouldn’t stay together, in case your powers act up. It’s dangerous.”

“Rubbish! I’m completely fine!” replied Wei Wuxian exasperated. 

Lan Wangji walked up from behind Wei Wuxian, declaring himself, “Not rubbish.”

When Wei Wuxian heard his voice, he perked up and turned around, his eyes lighting up. 

“Lan Zhan! Are you finally free? Then will you come with me?”


Wen Ning looked grateful as he scampered away from the two.

“So, Lan Zhan, what did Wen Qing say?”

“I must stay with you, at all times. Doctor’s orders.”

Wei Wuxian giggled. 

“I like the sound of that! Now, hurry, let’s go! Yiling has their annual fair tonight and I wouldn’t miss it for the world!”

So they set off, walking to the market. As Wei Wuxian spoke about anything and everything, Lan Wangji assumed the role of a silent admirer. The sharp lines of the man’s body, enhanced by his previous prolonged starvation, were now filling out, giving a familiar softness to the man. His smile, which was dimmed since killing Wen Chao, was now returning to its original splendor. Most of all, the man felt less like an unfamiliar thrill and more like home now.

“Lan Zhan? Lan Zhan!”

Abruptly pulled out of his thoughts, Lan Wangji focused on Wei Wuxian and the way the sun glinted in his eyes.

“I asked you what you’re giving Shi-jie for her wedding!”

“Brother will arrange for it.”

Wei Wuxian tutted. “No, no, no! It should feel more personal. Just because it’s expensive doesn’t mean it holds sentiments! It needs to be something special! Let me think about it.”

And then Wei Wuxian thought about it for a sum total of ten seconds.

“I have an idea! I’m going to make Jie a headdress with protection charms! Oh, and why not make the gems into spiritual power bombs which activate on command? And maybe the filigree could be used as a binding! Just in case she needs to tie up that stupid peacock!”


“For her enemies! It will protect her from the dangers that come with being Madam Jin. Will you help me make it?”

Lan Wangji stopped himself from rolling his eyes at the wild and uncontrollable mind of Wei Wuxian, before nodding defeatedly “Mn.”

“Ah, let’s first find some scrolls and paints. I’ll draw a design while we catch a meal and then we can buy what we need. Ooh, and then we can grab lunch, and attend the fair at night! But what do we do in the meantime?”

Lan Wangji looked to Wei Wuxian in reply, his eyebrows drawn together slightly as if wondering, before shaking his head slowly. 

“Of course you wouldn't know , you fuddy duddy! It’s okay, we’ll figure it out as we go. As we always do!”


Wei Wuxian started walking into the market, as driven by a strong force, Lan Wangji trailing behind him, an unusual fondness to his eyes. 

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