The male above her winced in pain. (y/n) focused on the scraps and bruised he received from all of that. Though she couldn't get a good look of his face. He seem to be in too much pain. (y/n) just laid under him, with a completely shocked expression. She had no clue about this. It was just so fast. (y/n)'s earbuds were completely wrecked, her bag slid somewhere, though she tightly held her phone. Finally the male looked at her. His golden eyes were intense, more sighs escaped from his lips. He gritted his teeth some pain. There was a small scratch on his cheek.
(y/n) reached out to touch it, but they heard footsteps approach them. A female with purple hair was running towards them. She had a worried look on her face. The female then stopped in her tracks when she approached the two. The male got off of her, more winced came from him. (y/n) sat on her knees and looked down, she felt so bad. Yet again, (y/n) has no clue about what just happened. It was lightning fast, just BOOM, she was on the ground with a mysterious male over her. (y/n) looked at her own body, nothing to be worried about.
The female got down on her knees and looked at the male. She looked at his face, moved it side to side. The purpled haired female grabbed his wrists, though he took them back. A small groan came from him. Small noises of displeasure continued to pour out. (y/n) just sat there, no one is saying anything. What should she say? Is this entire thing her fault? No, no, no, it couldn't be. She was just waltzing down the sidewalk to school. School... those two, they're wearing her school's uniform. This all became bad for (y/n). She's going to make everyone late.
"You... you okay?" The male finally spoke.
(y/n) looked up and then looked away, tears built in her eyes as her cheeks went pink, "Ye-yeah... You?"
"I'm fine..." He tried to hold back his groan.
The female spoke, "Shun! You're not fine! Ugh, you should've stopped! You were going too fast! No wonder why you hit this poor girl!" She looked (y/n), "I'm so sorry! I should've shouted to get your attention! But I was in a state of shock!"
Shun got up and brushed himself off. He acted as if nothing happened to him. He looked tough and strong. Shun held out his hand, (y/n) took it. He helped her up and patted her back gently. Shun, took all of the pain and such. (y/n) had no idea what to say.
"I'm... so sorry." (y/n) spoke.
"It's not your fault," Shun replied, "You new? I don't recognize you."
"I'm (y/n) (l/n)... I just moved here from the USA." She smiled, "I'm a first year!"
"I'm a first year as well!" She smiled, though eyes focused onto the ground, "Your earbuds, damn..."
She looked down and picked them up, "Don't worry, it happens, I brought a spare anyways." (y/n) spoke with a smile.
"I'm Shun Kurosaki, and this is my sister, Ruri. I'm terribly sorry about that. I'm glad you didn't get hurt." Shun spoke with a serious tone.
(y/n)'s replied, "No, it's not okay, it's my fault. I'm sorry, you wouldn't be hurt if it wasn't for me."
Ruri waved her hands, "No, no, no, no! It's okay! We're just glad you're okay!"
"I mean, you shouldn't have your phone that loud. You should be more weary, but I was going fast. I should've shouted something." Shun sighed, "Don't worry about it, stuff happens all the time. When we go back, we should go to the nurse's office."
All of them agreed, Shun carried his skateboard with chit chatter with the new girl. She stated that she lived in Japan before, but when she was younger. She has memories of childhood friends, one named Yuya. Shun and Ruri jumped up a tad bit.
"He goes here!" Ruri smiled.
"R-really?! Wow, I can finally see him now! Ah, I wonder how he's doing!" She smiled.
"He's doing well, he's happy and all." Shun spoke, "He's nice, but his cousins... they're interesting. I only like one of them."
Ruri giggled, "Oh you... Anyways, we can totally hook you two up! You two can have a reunion!"
(y/n) and Ruri continued to talk and giggle. Shun smiled, it was nice that his little sister was getting along with the new girl. They finally arrived at the school. They went to the nurse's office and got fixed up. (y/n) only got one bandaid while Shun got many, (y/n) was then given a very small tour by Ruri. Ruri basically claimed (y/n) as her friend, which was nice. Ruri is a very nice person, but later on, she had to go to the faculty office. Her homeroom teacher showed her to the classroom she had to be in. Mr. Yuki was his name, he was quite nice. He also the Gym teacher.
(y/n) waited in front of the classroom, the bell rang and some students rushed in. The other's sat down. Everyone was still talking here and there. Ruri and a pink haired girl entered. Ruri gave an excited wave, (y/n) waved back. Everyone sat down.
"Listen up, this is our new student from California." Mr. Yuki spoke, "Why don't you introduce yourself?"
"Um... I'm (y/n) (l/n), pleasure to meet you all." She bowed with a smile, some people even said hello.
Mr. Yuki pointed towards a seat, next to a dual colored haired male, "You'll sit next to-"
Another kid ran in, "So sorry, I'm so late!"
"Sawatari, for the last time, stop procrastinating on coming to class!" Ruri shouted.
"Ugh screw you!" He focused on (y/n), "Are you the new kid?"
She nodded, "Yes..."
He smiled, "It's very nice to meet you."
"Uh... Um... you too?" She was a tad awkward.
Sawatari then sat down with a sigh.
(y/n) looked at the kid, what was his name?
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