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Karma PoV-

  Hey, Nagi if I'm not the one who found the note would you find another man to be your partner?I asked out of curiosity, might be if I wasn't in the area I wouldn't met her after all.

   She put down her mug of coffee  the face my direction and answer me.

she a teacher now by the way.

and I'm in mafia organization here in japan, haahah just kidding I'm just a normal business man.
   "Yeah,maybe but I don't find another man attractive, rather then you"

I didn't expect you to say that.

   "Will if you did, I still gonna take you away from him, and if he do something to you I'm gonna mess with his organs".

  It might sound that I'm joking but no, I'm serious, you could always make some in out of a dead person's body.
that's rhyme.

but nah I prefer not dirtying my hands.

she chukles, I never stop appreciating her beauty.

  " hahaha, your still the crazy person I know"

  "The crazy hot person you know and marry"


"Hummm hah"*

shhhh... if we don't get more quite Kagi would wake up and would cry till morning.

let him be, it's Saturday anyways tomorrow.

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