wakey wakey

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Aphmau's POV~

Today is the day after laurance left 

I miss him

does he miss me?

Laurance's POV~

After aphmau had kicked me out I ran in the woods

I just had to get away 

my life was falling apart...I feel the depression washing any bit of happiness that I had left 

while I was running in the woods I fell of course I felt nothing (I was a ghost)

But I picked myself up and kept on running until I found a small open area of land which was surronded my trees and darkness 

I decided to rest there 

I felt my eye lids close deeper and deeper I was in the darkness until I saw nothing just black 

?????'s POV~

"heh...you never learn do you laurance" I said with a smirk walking closer and closer to his ghost like body

"but I got to admit you still look handsome" I said leaning closer to him "wakey wakey" I said quitly in his ear 

his eyes suddenly opened and I-



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