mulled wine? maybe? [ ❥ ]

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At one stage in the night, you wander outside into the backyard of Luca and Street's house and away from the madness inside. Holiday music and drunken debates still reach your ears even as you stray out to the bench where Hondo and Deacon sit by the blazing fire pit.

When Hondo sees you coming, he excuses himself from their conversation and heads inside. You take his empty seat next to Deacon, balancing two steaming mugs in your hands and he extends an arm out to you, wrapping it around your shoulders as you cuddle up next to him.

"Hey." You smile, kissing him softly.

"Hey yourself." He smiles against your lips, before his eyes flit warily down to the mugs in your hands. "How's the mixology class going?"

You offer him one of the results of your, Bonnie and Luca's impromptu chemistry class with an expectant look. "You tell me."

He narrows his eyes with a shake of his head, taking the mug off you and very nearly recoiling at the pungent smell. "Remind me again, what's this meant to be?"

"Mulled wine, I think." You tell him unsurely, cuddling up to him as the eveningtime cold begins to get at you.

"You think?" He asks, with widened eyes.
His startled expression makes you laugh, but you're happy to answer him. "Does mulled wine normally use gas station wine, limes and Tito's?"

"Not to my knowledge." Comes his conceding reply. He cocks his head at the glass, then looks down at you apologetically. "How offended would you be if I tipped this into the grass?"

"Not half as much as I would be if you went inside to grab me a real drink."

"I feel like I'm on the losing side of this deal." He grumbles under his breath, but still he kisses your head as he stands up and heads back inside - tipping the mug of the distrustful concoction out onto the grass as he goes.

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