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"The more you hide your feelings, the more they show. The more you deny your feelings, the more they grow."

Chapter 11:

"Are you almost done?" Chris asked, barging into my room

I found out that he seduced the lady downstairs to give him a duplicate of my key card.

"What if I'm not decent, huh?" I snapped back at him

He just shrugged, "Then, I'm one lucky guy."

I met him halfway with my pulling my luggage behind me.

"Don't you know that a girl needs her time?" I told him

"I was just so excited, I can hardly wait." He pouted, making me roll my eyes.

I followed him outside the room almost struggling to pull my heavy luggage after me; Chris was already at the end of the hallway when he looked back on me.

Sighing, he made his way towards me and grabbed my luggage from my grasp.

"Wow, aren't you a gentleman." I sarcastically said

He looked at me, "Don't push it."

I just crossed my arms over my chest, when he tried to lift the luggage to see how much it weight.

"I didn't know that girls need a lot of clothes for a one week trip," he pointed out "I can use these clothes for months."

"We tend to avoid being filthy like guys." I said

"Hey!" he protested but I already walked ahead of him.

After a few minutes we finally found ourselves in the airport.

"There's a crowd outside, it's not that big but still." Chris informed

I just nodded at him as I gripped the strap of my shoulder bag tight.

"Just hold my hand." He said and with that we went out of the car.

We easily made our way in, Chris often tighten his grip on my hand and tug me close to him.

We waited for an hour before we board the plane. As we go inside, there was a very pretty flight attendant welcoming the passengers.

She smile at Chris flirtatiously and he returned it, which is no surprise he is Chris Jameson after all.

I rolled my eyes and went ahead of him, didn't people know that we're dating, didn't they got the message when we both came together. Do I look like I'm chaperoning Chris?

I went to go find my seat, checking the seat number on the aisle, purposely occupying the window seat, so I just need to look outside and ignore the fact that Chris is seating right next to me.

Chris appeared on the aisle maybe after most of the passengers made it to their seats. He was cheekily smiling as he was stuffing a piece of paper on his jean pocket.

I silently huffed in annoyance, I plugged in my earphones and played the music in the highest volume, blocking out every sound around me.

I tried hard to focus on the music and the book I decided to read. Acting like I'm completely oblivious of the fact that Chris and the flight attendant are flirting every time she passed our seats. I can't believe that they're so blunt about it, I mean I was sitting right here too y'know and I'm not that dense.

When it comes to the time they we're giving out drinks, I pretended to be asleep. I saw Chris place a cup of water on my tray when I peeked from my eyelids but I still continue pretending.

I still didn't utter a word to him until we got out of the plane and was already waiting for his dad on the waiting area.

"Is there a problem, Clary?" he asked, oh so now he noticed.

I just shook my head and looked away.

"Did I do something wrong? I swear I don't know what it is," he said "You haven't even talked to me, since we got on the plane and I talked—."

"Were you jealous?" he concluded, followed by an amused laugh.

Was I? Hell no, why would I be jealous?

"You're funny," I sarcastically laughed

"You we—," he started to say but he got cut off by somebody calling his name.

We turned to see a man that looks like an older version of Chris; he immediately made his way over to us and gave Chris a man hug.

"How are you, son?" the man asked

"I'm good, dad" Chris replied before turning to me, "Dad this is Clary, my girlfriend."

I smiled warmly and shook his outstretched hands, "Nice to meet you, Mr Jameson."

"Oh please, just call me Albert." His dad said, returning the smile.

Albert let the way to his car, Chris called shotgun so I was left seating on the back on my own.

Casually making a small conversation—mostly about football—with Albert as we made our way to a fast food for some late lunch, since Chris reckon that he is very hungry.

Chris and I are situated opposite his father on the booth. We started eating and Albert opened up a conversation.

"I can't believe that my son actually hide you from me for three months." Albert said in disbelief

Chris sighs, immediately making up an excuse "Because dad, I wasn't sure if we're serious yet."

Albert snorted, making me chuckle, "You should've told me, who knows this old man may have given you some advice."

Chris rolled his eyes, "Whatever dad"

Albert ignored him and looked at me, "Clary, you're Christopher's first girlfriend. Now can you blame me if I'm upset that my son didn't share some details?"

I shook my head, laughing "No, not at all."

"Stop, dad. You're starting to sound like mum." Chris pointed out

I smiled looking at them, wishing that I have the same relationship with my own father.

"You're the only girl he brought home," Albert continued, once again ignoring his son.

But then he ponders for a second and added, "With consent,"

"Dad, you don't need to tell Clary that." He protested.

He hid his face behind me, his whole face turning red in embarrassment. That's when it dawned to me that he is talking about his hook-ups.

"What?" Albert said, "Clary deserves to know that she's the only girl who met me fully clothed."

"She's the only one sober too, others are too hangover, clutching their clothes tightly while going down the stairs." Albert finished

I look at a very flustered Chris sitting beside me, ready to dig a hole and bury himself under.

"Aren't you proud of your sex-capades?" I teased

"Clary!" he whined

I averted my gaze back on Albert, "I'm actually glad that I could meet you, Clary, to personally know the girl who managed to endure my son." Albert said

"Wow dad, thanks." Chris said sarcastically.

"Is he treating you well?" Albert suddenly asked me, "Or is he still the cocky guy who flirts a lot?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Well, old habits die hard." I said, remembering him flirt with the flight attendant a while ago.

Albert narrowed his eyes on his son, "Just give me a call when my son needs to be taught a lesson."

I beamed at him, "Will do."

"You're actually teaming up against me." Chris stated the obvious.

As soon as we finished eating, we piled back into the car.

The neighbourhood started to become more familiar as we go, Chris' obnoxious ringtone interrupt the quiet atmosphere of the car.

"Yeah dude. I just arrived, okay." He said, before hanging up.

He looked at his dad who is driving, "Dad, can you drop me off at Riley's? They wanted to catch up."

His father stayed quiet, "And what? Leave your girlfriend alone? I need to get back to work, son."

Chris looked at me as if he just remembered that I came with him.

"No, no it's fine—I'm fine." I told them, "You can go, Chris. You can just drop me off at a park and then go pick me up later."

"Are you sure?" Chris tentatively asked.

"Yeah, sure." I said, it's not like I don't know the way around here but they don't need to find out about that.

They dropped me off the town's local park, which used to be close to our old home. I waited for their car to leave before I walked around inside.

I smiled as I scanned the surroundings. I would lie if I said that I didn't miss this at all, it may be one of the reason that I'm glad I came with Chris.

I looked around, mentally listing the places I can remember and looking for where it supposed to be. Like the pretzel stall just around the corner.

I was snapped out of my daze when I bumped into someone.

"Shit. I'm sorry," I said, helping her pick up the things that fell.

She scoffs, "Next time watch where you're going."

I snapped my head when I heard her voice, that's when I found myself face to face with the one and only, Sandy Adamson.

I checked the papers in my hand, which I was supposed to hand her to confirm it. Indeed, it's written at the top left of the paper the name 'Sandy Mae Adamson'.

"Sorry," I repeated, because that's the only thing I can manage.

Her eyes carefully studied me, "Have we met before?" she asked "You look extremely familiar."

"I don't think so." I lied smoothly.

Author's Note:

I hope you're not getting tired of my story, please enjoy!


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