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"Overcoming what frightens you the most strengthens you the most." - Matshona Dhliwayo

Chapter 9:

I visibly gulped, "Tell you about myself?"

"Well yeah, I told you about myself, it's only fair that you tell me about yourself." He shrugged

Well as long as I choose the right words he won't suspect anything right? I just need to be extra careful with my mouth and nothing will go wrong.

"So?" he prompted

"Why do you seem to be interested in me?" I tried to change the topic

He just rolled his eyes on me, "Because, you are my girlfriend. What if somebody asked about your family? I don't even know if you have a sibling or something."

I can't deny the fact that he does have a point.

Just watch your words, think before you speak. "Fine, ask away." I told him

A wide grin appeared on his face, making me wonder if I'll regret agreeing to this.

"Why don't we start with your family," he suggested

"I assure you, we're not interesting." I told him

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't mind."

"Oh well, my dad is named Robert, he works at a law firm while my mum is Lily, she's just a housewife." I said

"Any siblings?" he asked

I took a deep breath before saying, "Yes, I have a sister, Sabrina."

My family is pretty low profile so I doubt he'll recognize them, even though mum stays at home most of the time I can hardly see her socialize with our neighbours and even if my sister is at my age, nobody really knows about her.

"You have a very small family." He commented

"Man, you're an only child." I defended

There's a long silence that followed after that, I constantly look at his direction to see what he is up to. The gunshots from the show are the only thing that can be heard in the room.

"Is that all?" I asked after a while in attempt to break the silence.

"Ssh!" he said "I'm still thinking."

I stayed quiet after that, waiting for him to reciprocate his thoughts.

"So Clary, what were you like back in high school?" he finally asked

"You're just repeating my questions." I accused, narrowing my eyes on him

"You can't blame me," he said "I'm a curious guy."

"I bet you were popular" he added "I mean, you're pretty and all."

I laughed at him almost humourlessly, "I wasn't," I simply replied, my answer obviously shocking him "The only friends I had are Sarah and Kevin and that's a given since they're my cousins after all."

"I wasn't exactly a nerd but I wasn't popular too." I cleared out

Which is somehow true, I may be a nerd from freshman to junior year but when I move in LA for senior year I changed. Lucky for me, puberty already did its part and my cousins aren't really in the bottom of the food chain.

Plus, I really didn't make friend back in Penn, because let's face it, who wants to be friends with Chris Jameson's target for the whole high school life. No one. Nobody dared to get close to me afraid that they'll become a target too.

"I never pinned you down as that kind," he said in disbelief, "I thought you'll be someone in the popular crowd."

I shook my head, "I'm more like a drama geek." I said "Unlike you, Mr Quarterback."

I joined the drama guild when I transferred school, to be honest I pretty much did everything I can't do back in Penn, in LA.

I went to parties, the one that I couldn't get into because no one invites me and I never dared to crash one coz I know my fate will be humiliating.

I swear when you live with Sarah you'll get to do everything.

"How does it feels to-?" he started but he trailed off

"What? To be unpopular?" I finished for him, making me nod

"Well, for starters, I don't really know what popular people are, but I guess it's pretty nice being normal, just staying out of anybody's way." I told him

"I wonder what it feels to be a nerd?" he thought aloud

"Probably scared as hell to people like you." I spat

I would know, since I spent most of my school life as one and three years of it are hellish.

"Yeah, probably," he said

"Because, you consider making fun of them a daily entertainment." I muttered

Realizing that I hit a nerve, too late, I stay frozen on my seat, contemplating if I'll continue talking or it's best for me to just shut up.

Stupid Clary! You shouldn't have said that, that's what I mean with not being able to control my mouth. I say things I shouldn't have in spur of the moment.

Damn, I got impulsive; it just feels like the right thing to say. Like I've been holding it in for years and now I finally said it, it feels like a weight on my chest is being lifted.

"Why are you mad at me?" he asked

Because, you're the one who made my life a living hell

"I'm not mad at you." I defended

"It's just like you always snap at me since day one." He explained

"I told you, I'm not just used to your attitude." I said, unsure of my answer,

"I'm still warming up to you." I added "It's just all new to me" partly saying the truth

"What is?" he asked

"This, everything, this fake relationship." I told him

He snorted, "It's just like having a real relationship" he said "Nothing new, as if you don't have any exes."

"Wow, you talk as if you had a decent girlfriend" I said in bewilderment, "And for your information, this is my first relationship and hell it's even fake. You're my first boyfriend, you should've been flattered."

All of my expectations to my first relationship are ruined because of this stunt and much worse, Chris is my boyfriend, sure I fantasize 'bout this before but not anymore.

"Are you serious?" he asked "Don't tell me that the kiss we shared before was also your first, cause I'm not buying it, you're a damn good kisser."

I rolled my eyes but I can't deny the red tint that appeared on my cheeks, "No, that wasn't." I said

But it's not like he's not my first kiss though, he was still the one who stole it.

"When did you have your first kiss, then?" he asked

"Sophomore year," I said "It was an accident"

"I had mine at sophomore too," he laughed "I kinda kissed her out of panic; I think I scarred my teacher's soul."

I laughed along with him, now I know the reason why he kissed me, but wait-what? Does that mean I was also his first kiss?

Chris talked againsnapping me out of my thoughts, "I almost forgot, I got an e-mail a while agofrom my old high school friends, they're hosting a reunion back home. Wellsince you're my girlfriend," he said "Would you come with me, maybe?"

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