Natsuki x suicidal reader

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Hope you like it lolzsloz
Warning talks of suicide and abuse

Today was one of those days where everything felt like a struggle. Even the most mundane tasks like showering felt like it was too much. You woke up late again and sat in bed contemplating if you should shower and eat or just throw your uniform on and go. You settled for the later. U brushed your teeth, tried to fix your hair, threw your uniform on and headed out the door. The walk to school seemed like it took forever, you snuck in through the back to avoid the office messing with you. After what felt like a eternity you made it to math class attempting to sneak to your seat during the teachers infamous lectures. It was unsuccessful like usual.

"(Y/n) this is the 5th time this month your late to class. I can't keep giving you a slap on the wrist about this. Next your late I have to give you a detention slip." Your teacher said as you went to your seat and pulled your books out.

"I understand sir. I was feeling bad today. It won't happen again." You responded in a low voice. He nodded and continued the lecture. You zoned out through the rest of class being suddenly snapped out of your thoughts by the bell. You walked to chemistry only to stop half way and decided you'd just skip till lunch. You sat in the bathroom for a while. Catching up on the manga natsuki gave you to read. You decided to try to sneak to the club room to hide out until lunch. Sitting on the toilet was really uncomfortable. You successfully get to the room seeing as the door was already open. You cautiously peeked in to see nobody there. You silently close the door and sit at your usual seat. Pulling the book back out.

(Time skip)

You sit in there for about an hour getting lost in the manga. It wasn't as bad as you had originally thought. You understood the appeal of these book, and the slice of life subject matter helped you escape your own thoughts. Your attention snapped away from the book. You heard what sounded like crying in the club room. You sat for a minute panicked trying to locate the sound. Then you realized the closet was closed. You gently walk over to it and stop in front of it. The sounds were definitely coming from here. You hated to intrude but you couldn't let them suffer alone. You cautiously put your hand on the handle and slowly open it. In front of you was natsuki with her head resting on her knees sobbing while her arms cradled her legs. It broke your heart to see her like this. You thought about closing the closet and giving her her privacy, but she was your friend. As much as she acted like she didn't like you, you knew she'd do the same for you. You softly took a seat next to her.

"N-natsuki?" You whispered. She jolted back. Staring at you in bewilderment. Tears stained her cheeks, her cheeks where red and eyes bloodshot.

"(Y/n)! The the hell are you doing here!" She snapped at you. You directed your attention to the floor.

"I-I was skipping class. And I was reading your manga." You held the book up as proof. "I heard you in here and wanted to help."

"Leave me alone! I don't need your pity! I don't need anyone! And... no one needs me.." She trails off. You look up at her in shock. Tears flood down her cheeks again unwillingly.

"Natsuki... you've got it wrong. I'm not here out of pity. I just wanted to be a good friend. I wanted to try and help. And I need my friend. I don't have many friends and out of all of them, I feel closest to you." You admitted turning your attention back to the floor. Silence filled the room.

"...what about sayori?" She said barely audible.

"Me and sayori used to be close. We drifted apart years ago. We've only just started trying to repair our friendship but in the short time I've been here... I feel like you get me I guess. You don't pry too hard. And even though sometimes we get off on the wrong foot, we get past that in less than an hour. You don't hold my actions against me anymore and... your the only person who knows me well enough to know when something's off about me." You still sat motionless waiting for natsuki's response. She didn't comment. A minute passed and you felt arms wrap around you. She let out a muffled 'thank you.' You turn your body to return the hug. Your shoulder started to get wet from tears. You sat for a couple minutes in comfortable silence before she pulled back. She had composed herself enough to look you in the eyes.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you... I'm just not used to people caring about me."

"It's ok, do you... do you wanna talk about it?" You asked. She shook her head.

"I-I don't know if I'm ready to talk to anyone about it. I've had this secret for so long..." silence took over. "Why were you skipping class...?" She changed the subject. You sighed and rested your head on the back of the closet wall looking up at the overhanging stool.

"I just feel like everything's too hard anymore. Like the smallest things just feel... overwhelming... constantly." You sighed again. Closing your eyes you hear her speak up.

"I know that feeling very well. Like the world against you and no matter what you do nothing will get better. Like your slowly suffocating and nobodies jumping in to help, just standing around watching. After being beaten down so much you loose motivation and after a while just... stop trying. Even your hobbies become too much to do..." You look at natsuki surprised. She's fighting with the hem of her skirt.

"Yeah exactly... that was really poetic natsuki. Do you... do you ever feel like it's just not worth keeping it up. Like ending it would be so much easier.?" You say apprehensively. Now she's meeting your gaze.

"Yes... but then I think, what am I solving? I'm just gonna hurt the few friends I have as much as I'm hurting now. I'd rather take the blows than my friends... maybe that's why I lash out so much. Deep down I'm upset that the only reason I'm still here is because I care about them and they don't even realize it. It's not their fault though, I know that. They... they know somethings wrong but I refuse to tell them. I know if I tell them it'll just hurt them. I need to fight this alone. I have to protect my friends from him..." natsuki turned towards the boxes of manga whispering the last part but you still heard her.

"Him? Natsuki I know your scared of hurting me by telling me but I promise you, telling me will help me more than hurt me. Maybe us helping each other might give us a... sense of purpose. Something to rely on when there's nothing else. Something to motivate us." You gently try to grab her hand. But you accidentally grab her wrist. She jerks back wincing. You retract your hand and continue. "I'm here for you and I want to help you as much as I can but I need you to realize your not burdening me or putting me in harms way by telling me this." Natsuki sat unmoving looking up at you. Pink eyes searching you for any trace of negative emotions.

"Ok..." she finally whispered back. She takes her jacket and vest off getting a wordless answer. Brushes littered her body. Black, brown, red, purple, blue and green blotches littered her porcelain skin. The one around her wrist was shaped into a hand print. With her jacket and vest absent you see the white shirt that was tight on her. You could see natsuki's ribs. The spots where so dark they showed under the white shirt. You felt like you couldn't speak. So many emotions bombarded you. Anger, guilt and sadness were the most overwhelming ones. You finally worked up the nerve to speak.

"Did... did he do this to you?" You questioned timidly. She nods.

"My... my papa.... he gets out of hand sometimes. Since mom died he started drinking... a lot. He gets really upset easy. He doesn't keep food at the house a lot. That's why I normally have sayori or Monika but the cupcake ingredients for club meetings and cook at someone else's house. I get really angry too sometimes... I'm scared I'm becoming him. I don't want to be like him. He's a disgusting person. But... he used to be a good dad. But he's not my papa anymore. He became a monster." You lightly embrace her. She returns it silently.

"Why don't you leave or turn him in to the police...?" You feel Natsuki shake her head.

"He IS the police. And... deep down I wish he'd go back to being my papa. He was my best friend. When I had a rough day, he was there. When kids bullied me, I'd cry on his shoulder and he'd take care of it. When I was sad, he'd make me laugh and we'd go shopping for toys. He was a good dad..."

"Maybe... maybe you can stay with me? My parents won't have to know. They're rarely home anyways." You offered.

"No! It's too dangerous. It'll only get you hurt! I care to much about you, I-I can't let you get hurt because of me..." she quickly retorted. Look her in the eyes.

"Natsuki, I can't let you get hurt either.
Your special to me. He won't know. If he searches for you I've got plenty of places for you to hide. As for school... when's your birthday?" You ask.

"It's... it's in 2 months."

"You can stay there till then. when your 18, legally, he can't force you to come back. Once it's over you can make up your missing credits during summer school. We'll figure it out." She directs her eyes to the floor.

"I-I don't know. That's a lot to put on you... I don't want to put that much pressure on you. Your already going through a lot. I can hold out 2 more months..." she put her jacket and vest back on.

"Natsuki... you've suffered for so long. As your friend I need to do this for you. I want to do this for you. Please just let me help you." She finally looks back up at you. You look at her with pleading eyes. She sighs.

"I... I don't know if I'll ever be able to repay you for-" you cut her off.

"You don't need to. Ever. Having you with me, safe, is all I need in return." She drops into silence again. "Natsuki I've never been good at saying stuff like this and my timing is usually off but... I like you... more than a friend. And seeing someone you care about hurt like that... it's like a constant needle in the heart. And knowing your useless to stop it. I have a way to solve it but... I can't do it without you trusting me enough to do it. You don't have to accept my confession and I'm ok with just staying like we are. As friends. But I can't see like this. Hurt, starved, and in constant hell. Please just come home with me today. Ill buy you new clothes. We've got a guest room with a mattress in it. We can even make cupcakes, I've got the ingredients. I'll-" You we're cut off by natsuki's lips crashing into yours. You returned it with just as much fervor. You didn't know how long you where kidding for you felt light headed from the lack of oxygen. You heard someone clear there throat behind you. Both of you snapped out of it to see a clearly upset Monika. Her arms were crossed and her foot was impatiently tapping. Like a disapproving parent.

"So. You skip class to start a sapphic love story in the clubs closet... pretty ironic I have to say." Monika smirked. You didn't even realize your predicament from a 3rd person view. Natsuki was lost for words.

"Monika, I'm sorry it didn't start like this I... I was having a rough day and natsuki seen me in here and she comforted me. It just evolved into this." Monika laughed lightly.

"It's ok. Don't worry. You don't think your the only ones who have used the club room as a hide out or more importantly, a spot to keep there relationship a secret and make out in here." Now your both confused.

"Who?!" Natsuki perked up interested.

"Ah, it wouldn't be very President like to disclose that kind of secret information... but... since they were pretty much groping each other like depraved animals ON MY DESK!... I'll give you a hint. There names rhyme with cayori and curi..." both you and natsuki exchanged confused looks at the news... it seemed like a very unlikely relationship and something even more unlikely to walk in on... but maybe they were very different with each other like natsuki has been with you. Monika continued. "At least you both had the decency to be in the closet and keep it PG. I'll keep your secret ok. But if I ever catch you on my desk I'm calling a group meeting and full on telling them. That's just disrespectful."

"Don't worry Monika i don't think it will ever happen again!" You chimed in.

"Good. Now I'd hurry lunch is only going to be in for about 10 more minutes." She went to wipe her desk off with a sanitation wipe and set her lunch box down. You both looked at her. "What? I don't know if you guys were here and didn't tell me or the they were here on my desk again while I wasn't here like animals in heat?!" Almost on queue, sayori strolled in the club room with a cookie in her mouth and plate of cafeteria food. yuri Meekly followed behind clutching her lunchbox to her chest. "Right on time!" Monika laughed. Both stopped surprised. Realizing everyone was in the room.

"Is this an intervention?! I promise I don't have a cookie problem!" Sayori said out of nowhere earning a laugh from everyone except yuri who was completely red, and natsuki who seemed to be in deep thought. You heard natsuki's stomach growl loudly. You jump to your feet offering a hand to help her up. She takes it and you excuse you both to go get food.

"God, I can't believe that. Who would have guessed?" You said gently nudging natsuki who smiled back at you.

"I know! It's weird. I thought yuri was going to be a crazy cat lady with like a million books!" Natsuki laughed. You lightly smacked her shoulder.

"Hey, be nice." You smile at her. She catches you looking at her and blushes and turns away.

"I'll do it." She said plainly. "I'm going to wait until next week so it doesn't seem suspicious. I'm going to pretend to be really sick this week so for a bit they just think I'm sick." You looked at natsuki for a minute confused.

"For 2 months?" You questioned.

"Hey! It's the best I got right now." She retorted.

"Why not be honest with them. You don't have to be detailed about it but maybe the day before you go to my house, tell them things are bad at home and it's getting dangerous and your going to stay with some family until you turn 18? If your in trouble I'm sure they understand and if they alert the police your with family. Not me."

"That's a dumb idea, it'll just get you in trouble. I think it's better they don't know until it's over with. It'll just worry them. I'll come up with something better later."

"Thanks for trusting me."

"Well, of course, you dumby." She lightly shoved you.

"There's the natsuki I know!" You both laughed as you entered the lunch line.

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