Tower Voice: Intruder alert on Level 42.
Future Animo: Do that Cyber voodoo that you do so well!
Humungoopsaur: Get away from that door, Animo!
Future Animo: That's Dr. Animo! My pets should keep you two busy. [ Laughs evilly ]
[Both growl and croak ]
Future Babs: What are those things? Your archenemies are seriously disgusting.
Humungoopsaur: Hey, it's not like I pick them!
Future Babs: Ugh! Here. Let me.
Humungoopsaur: Two more punches and I would have had it open.
Future Babs: Well, now you can punch him instead!
Future Animo: You're too late, Tennysons! Thanks to your Chronoporter, I shall travel back in time to retrieve the Arc, supplying myself with enough DNA to create an army of Mutant creatures! Say goodbye to your past and hello to Oblivion! [ Laughs evilly ]
[ Biomnitrix powers down ]
Chrono Spanner: Did you guys lose somebody?
Ben 10,000: Spanner? What are you -- Where
Future Babs: We haven't seen you in decades!
Chrono Spanner: Yeah. I've been really busy.
Ben 10,000: Okay. Uh, Well, thanks for the assist.
Future Babs: We're about to leave for Plumber Headquarters. We'll drop Animo off on the way.
Chrono Spanner: Oh, yeah, Grandpa Max is retiring today.
Future Babs: You know about that?
Chrono Spanner: Uh, Y-yeah. It's all over the Extranet.
Ben 10,000: And we're gonna be late if our son can't get his act together. Ken! Hurry up, buddy! What is with that kid?
Future Babs: (jokingly) Don't look at me. That's all your side of the family.
Ken Tennyson: I'm coming! I'm coming! I was looking for this.
Future Babs: The Omnitrix? Unh-unh. You're still grounded, kiddo.
Ken Tennyson: It's an official function, so one of us should wear it, for old times' sake.
Future Babs: For old times' sake? Wow. That is a real stretch, even for you.
Ken Tennyson: Aw, come on! What if there's an alien attack or something?
Ben 10,000: If there's an alien attack -- Hey, where'd Spanner go?
Future Babs: The man said he was busy. Now grab the mad doctor and let's get going.
Ben 10,000: Yes, dear. Ben to Plumber Base. Four the teleport.
Future Animo: I'm not mad.
(Plumber HQ)
Future Babs: Wow. There is some serious Political Power in this room.
Ken Tennyson: Tell me about it. Isn't that the guy from the HappySnax commercial?
Future Diana: Ben, you made it -- and on time.
Ben 10,000: You don't have to sound so surprised. Are you ready to fill Grandpa Max's shoes?
Future Diana: I do not believe an exchange of footwear will be required.
Ben 10,000: No, Diana. That's a figure of -- Oh, you got me again.
Future Diana: That comedic ruse never gets old. But it will be a challenge to perform the duties of Magistratus as well as your grandfather has.
Future Max Tennyson: Nonsense, Diana. You're gonna do just fine. Truth is you've been top man around here for years.
Future Diana: That is kind of you to say, Magis --
Future Max Tennyson: Ah. Call me Max. Might as well get used to it.
Ben 10,000: I know the invitation said no gifts, but I just couldn't show up empty-handed.
Future Animo: You're finally retiring, Maxwell? This place won't be the same without you.
Future Max Tennyson: We've kept your room just like you left it.
Future Hal: Tennyson.
Ben 10,000: Jordon. Ha, so you're taking over Diana's old job, huh?
Future Hal: Hey, somebody's got to keep the Rooters in line.
Future Babs: And, Jessica, I hear you finally completed your second doctorate.
Future Jessica: I know. I know. But seriously, I would have finished a year ago if I hadn't been named High Magus
[ Cheers and Applause ]
Future Zee: You guys are just in time. The President of Earth is arriving.
Ben 10,000: This I got to see.
Future Lois Lane : Lois Lane here, bringing you an exclusive Metropolis Network coverage of the President's speech.
Future Jimmy: Uh, can we do that again, Mrs. Lane? I, uh, forgot to put in a sim.
Future Lois Lane : Olsen! Remind me why I don't fire you.
Future Karen: Everyone your president has arrived !
Future Frightwig: Okay. I'm ready inside. I'm outside the vault.
Future Maltruant: Well done, Frightwig. You will wait for precisely 37.362 seconds and then proceed.
Future ThumbSkull: Hey, I know you're the evil mastermind and all, but, uh, this place is Plumber Central. What are we waiting around for?
Future Maltruant: A random event, a twist of fate, an occurrence no one could possibly foresee -- Unless, of course, you're a time traveler who's been there before.
Ben 10,000: Greetings, Madam President .
Future Karen : no need for Greetings Ben. Come on, you guys. Granted, I am the most powerful woman on the planet, but I'm still the same old Karen Beecher .
Future Kara: That's Good to hear
Ken Tennyson: Hey, hey, hey! Auntie Karen !
Future Karen: Kenny! Look at you -- you've got'en so big ! Hey, uh, where's the, um, uh...
Ken Tennyson: Yeah, my parents won't let me wear it.
Future Karen : I'll take care of it. I mean, hello! President of Earth!
Future Diana: It appears a massive Solar Flare has released a stream of high-energy particles.
[ Murmuring Continues ]
Future Diana: There is no cause for alarm. This station is fully shielded from Ionizing Radiation. At the very worst, we might experience...
[ All Screaming ]
Future Zee: Hey, watch the jacket!
Future Diana: ...A complete shutdown of all electronic systems. Everyone, please -- do not panic!
[ All shouting ]
Future Kara: Hey, settle down or I'll start knocking heads together!
Future Jessica: Kara!
Ben 10,000: Your people skills have improved.
Future Lois Lane: In the absence of light or gravity, the wealthy and powerful of Earth float like, uh...
Future Jimmy: Very important balloons?
Future Lois Lane: [ Clears Throat ] You know, you can be replaced by a tripod and remote control.
Future Max Tennyson: Everyone, please. You are in no danger. The flare just knocked out the lights and the artificial gravity. We'll have everything back on in a moment.
Future Diana: You did not mention that life support is also shut down.
Future Kara: I'm thinking we should probably keep the "running out of Oxygen" part to ourselves.
Future Frightwig: 37 seconds. He may be crazy and evil, but the boss has a great sense of timing. There you are. Come to Mama, little Anihilaarg!
Future Max Tennyson: I'll go down to the power core and reset the breakers. That should bring gravity and life support back online.
Ben 10,000: I'll go with you.
Future Max Tennyson: No, Ben. I need all of you to keep everyone calm and start moving them down to the hangar deck. Be ready to launch the emergency pods just in case.
Frightwig: Hey, I got Anihilaarg, but this Star Core -- it's fake!
Future Maltruant: A fake?! Impossible! I know I sensed the Dwarf Star Core on this station. One moment.
[ Indistinct Conversations ]
Future Gwen Tennyson: This way! This way, please! [ Gasps ] It's Maltruant. He's on top of the station, looking for something.
Future Babs: Like what?
Future Gwen Tennyson: I don't know. But I just felt his mind searching.
Ben 10,000: Whatever he's looking for, he's gonna find a serious beatdown.
Future Gwen Tennyson: You guys head for the upper airlock. I'll tell Kara where we're going and meet you there.
Future Maltruant: Ah! I have located the Star Core. You will proceed to the Hangar level and wait for instructions.
Frightwig: [ Sighs ] Whatever you say, bossman. It's Max Tennyson. He's coming right this way
Acid Breath: Max Tennyson? Listen, I'll get the Star Core. You just stay put. I don't want you taking any chances with that guy.
Frightwig: [ Gasps ] Mm. Don't you worry about me. I just found an old friend to help me out.
Future Animo: Magistratus! What say we make your retirement permanent?!
Future Max Tennyson: [ Grunts ]
Future Frightwig: That should keep him busy.
Future Animo: Note to self -- Reinforce neck bolts
Future Max Tennyson: I still got it. Phew!
Ken Tennyson: Ladies and Gentlemen and others, please float in a calm and orderly fashion through the access tunnel to the hangar deck.
Future ThumbSkull: [ Grunts ]
[ All scream ]
Ken Tennyson: Okay. Everybody out. Thank you for flying the Plumber Express.
Future ThumbSkull: The Star Core -- Where is it?
Ken Tennyson: Well, DumbSkull, don't think it hasn't been a swell time had by all, 'cause it hasn't.
Future Maltruant: What are you doing, you hapless clod?! I told you the Star Core is on the Hangar Deck What part of that is so difficult to understand?!
Future ThumbSkull: Overgrown wind-up toy.
Future Karen: That should give us some breathing room.
Future Babs: Two Maltruants?
Future Maltruant: Or so it would appear to your primitive eyes. True -- I cannot be in two places at once, but if I time-shift rapidly enough, I appear to be everywhere!
Ben 10,000: One for each of us. How considerate. Okay. It's hero time! Oh, come on! What now?!
Future Babs: Maybe that Solar Flare knocked everything out.
Ben 10,000: He's a clock. How come he's still working?
Future Maltruant: Ah. You see? I skipped over that moment in time, so I still have power.
Future Zee: So do I!
Future Maltruant: Please! I travel back and fourth through time! You don't think I saw that coming?
Ben 10,000: Well, it's been a while since I've been a good, old-fashioned fistfight.
[ Both Grunt ]
Ben 10,000: Aaaaah! [ Biomnitrix recharges ] About time! (Ben 10,000 transforms into Atomic-X)
[ All screaming ]
Future Diana: Please board the escape vehicles in an orderly fashion, 10 to a ship.
Ken Tennyson: We've got trouble. ThumbSkull is on his way down to the hangar deck, and walls seem to be optional.
Future Hal: They're after me! They're after me, I tell ya!
Future Jessica: Why does everything always have to be about you?
Future Hal: Aah! Aah! Aah! Watch the face! Watch the face!
Future Kara: Wait. He's after your jewelry?
Future ThumbSkull: Oh, yeah. [ Laughs evilly ] That's the stuff.
Future Karen: Hal, what did you do?
Future Hal: I kind of, sort of took the Star Core and had it made into a necklace. The one in the Plumber Vault is a fake, but I swear I only wear it on special occasions. It brings out the colors of my eyes.
Future Karen: Look guys, I'd love to stay, but I have a responsibility to the people of Earth, you know? Re-elect Karen Beecher, 2032!
Future Lois Lane: And we've just seen the President make a heroic retreat from this Donnybrook --
Future Kara: Aah! Ugh!
Frightwig: Ohh. I missed all the fun
Acid Breath: Aw, don't worryI think the boss has some action topside. Shall we?
Atomic-X: Spanner, what are you -- Look out!
Chrono Spanner: Dad!
Ben 10,000: Wait. What did you call me? It was you all this time? Why didn't you tell me?
Ken Tennyson: After you took away my Omnitrix, I wanted to prove to you that I was ready to be a hero. When Paradox gave me this Time-Shifter Gizmo --
Ben 10,000: Paradox gave that to you? Then he must -- Listen, Ken, I need you to go get help.
Ken Tennyson: I'm not leaving you!
Ben 10,000: Ken, do what your dad tells you for once! There's only one person in the universe who can help us now.
Future Maltruant: Ben Tennyson, savior of the universe. [ Laughs ] It's really quite laughable, you know?
Ben 10,000: [ Grunting ]
Future Diana: [ Grunts ]
Future Maltruant: Honestly, you're just becoming tiresome. And now nothing can throw a Spanner into my devious clock workings! Ach! Me and my big mouth.
Ben Tennyson: Time's up, Maltruant.
Future Maltruant: Somehow I remember your quips being better.
Skurd: No. They're always this bad, believe me.
Ben Tennyson: Aw, who asked you? Don't you remember that I always win in these situations?
Future Maltruant: Yes, always. But not this time!
ThumbSkull: I got to tell you, boss, this Star Core is something else. [ Laughs ] I mean, the sheer power...
Future Maltruant: Of course! Did you think I wanted it just for grins and giggles?
Frightwig: And your Anihilaarg.
Everyone: The Anihilaarg?!
Skurd: Now how 'bout getting it away from the crazy villain and saving the universe, hmm?
Future Maltruant: Keep these three busy. My work must not be disturbed!
Chrono Spanner: Oh, we're gonna do some disturbing. Attack! Save them!
ThumbSkull: [ Growls ] Batter up!
Ben Tennyson: Come on, Omnitrix. Give me something that can fly.
(Ben transforms into Krypt-10-Nite)
Krypt-10-Nite: Yes! Thank you! Okay, big, bad, and brooding. Time for a Beatdown
Frightwig: [ Grunting ]
Wonder Woman: I would advise you not to use that.
Frightwig: I don't take advice! Aaaah!
Wonder Woman: A Positron blaster has quite a kick.
Chrono Spanner: Get them inside!
Frightwig : Let go of me, you!
Krypt-10-Nite: Batgirl, behind you! Attack!
Frightwig: Aah! [ Hisses ]
Krypt-10-Nite: It's like trying to stop a train with a wet cat
Skurd: Oh, for Pete's sake! If anyone cares to listen, I may have a solution.
Krypt-10-Nite: Fine. What do I do with this?
Skurd: Use your head, dear boy.
Krypt-10-Nite: I was afraid you were going to say that. Bumblebee, target Acid Breath. Release him.
[ Shatter! ]
ThumbSkull: [ Groaning ]
[ Omnitrix powers down ]
Ben Tennyson: Ow. I'm gonna feel that in the morning
Future Maltruant: Drop your weapons!
Chrono Spanner: No! Forget me! Save the u--
Future Maltruant: This has all been very amusing, but you now need to drop your weapons or I will turn little time teen here into dust, ja?
Ben Tennyson: What is it that you want?
Future Maltruant: Eh, nothing, really -- Just a little more time 3...2...1.
Eon: Whoa!
Future Maltruant: Oh, thank you, Eon. Your timing is impeccable, as always. And now back to your own dimension you go.
Eon: What are you doing? We had a deal!
Future Maltruant: We did. Oh, life can be so unfair. I wish I could say I will remember you all fondly, but when I'm finished, there will be no you to remember! [ Laughs evilly ]
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