DC Super Hero Boys part 2

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Ursa: People of Earth, this is General Zod, your new emperor. His planet, Krypton, is gone. He must find a new planet to rule. And well, this is it. So...

Zod: Kneel before Zod!

[all gasp]

Kara: Look, you guys, if we can't get these three clowns back through that portal before it closes, then we all better get used to kneeling.

Zod: Now, you miserable peons, all of Earth will suffer unless you bring me the heir to the House of El.

Jessica: Supergirl!

Zee: No!

Babs: What are you doing?

Kara: If it will save the people of Earth, I turn myself in.

Zod: And you are?

Kara: Are you-- Are you-- I'm Supergirl! Kara Zor-El? My mom sent you to the Phantom Zone!

Zod: Never heard of you. I want the son of Jor-El! Bring me Superman!

Kara: Kal? Why does this keep happening to me? Look, dude... Trust me, I'm just as good as Kal. So, zip your lip and take me prisoner. Or me and my gal pals plus boy with the watch are gonna kick your butts back through that portal!

Hal: No. We're gonna kick their butts back through that portal. InvinciBros!

InvinciBros: Yo, Bros!

Hal: Hike!

Hal: [yells and grunts] [groans]

Oliver: Ha! [exclaims and whimpers]

Garth: [grunting]

Non: [gulps]

Garth: Uh...

Carter: [grunts]

Garth: [exclaims]

Carter: [yelling]

Garth: [gasps]

InvinciBros: [all exclaim] [all groaning]

Ursa: Well, boys, that was just very embarrassing for you.

Zod: [neck cracking]

Kara: What do you say we show these superhero boys how it's done.

Zee: Yeah! How is it done?

Kara: You, um-- You know, just-- And-- Get 'em!

[all yell]

 [girls exclaiming] 

[girls grunting]

 [all groaning]

Ben: you guys took care of the super hero girls but let's see if you can defeat-

Wildvine: Wildvine, you guys i'll take it from here you get every one to safety 

( the action scene ended with Zod getting tied up)

Wildvine: guess we're evenly matched 

???: I could't agree more 

Wildvine: wait that voice it cant be

Vilgax: hello child

Wildvine: Vilgax

Karen: um Ben who is that

(the omnitrix times out)

Ben:  Vilgax, he's a evil alien who tried time and time again to get his slimy tenticales on the omnitrix

Ursa: wait, the most powerful device in the universe is in the possession of a child?

Zod: enough, If they will not bring Superman to us, then we must draw him out.
[people screaming]

Zod: The son of Jor-El has till the count of ten to kneel before me. One!

[people screaming]

Karen: Oh, no!

Zod: Two!
[people continue screaming]

Jessica: Supergirl, can't you just call your cousin or something?

Kara: Okay, okay, fine.
[dial pad beeping][line ringing]

Kara: It's ringing. He never picks up. He-- Hi, Kal! Kal, listen, you have to come home stat! Zod is back! Yeah, but the last time, I was joking. And this time, it's totally real! He's literally standing right in front of me!

[line clicks]

Kara: Kal, hello? Kal? Hello? Uh, bad connection?

Zod: Three!

[people screaming]

Babs: The portal is closing! What are we gonna do?

Zod: Four!

Ben: same as always put the hurt on the villains, but i'm not gonna need my heavy hitter just my big thinker 

Grey Matter: this time i'm going brains over brawn's all we need is Diana to focus on the bigger picture

Diana: [giggling]

Karen: Wonder Woman, you have to snap out of it! We need you!

Zod: Five!
[metal smashes][people screaming]

Hal: I know what to do. Steve!I got a hankering for some donuts.

Steve: I am on it. [whistling tune]

Hal: [blows]

Jessica: Donuts? Really?

Diana: [whispering indistinctly]

Karen: Wonder Woman?

Diana: We Must work together!

Hal: All right, Wonder Woman, let's see some of that courage-in-the-flame stuff! You call the play and we'll follow. Right, guys?

All: Yo, Bros!

Hal: And girls.

Grey Matter: so what's the plan

Diana: First order, we pair up. And then we send these demons back from whence they came.

Grey Matter: got it Batgirl and Flash Will take on Ursa, Zatana and Green Arrow you guys distract Non by doing what you do best preforming, Bumblebee, Hawkman and myself will get the kryptonite, the rest of you go after Zod and Vilgax and Aqualad just um stay there. 

All: Ready and Break

Oliver: Yoo-hoo!

Non: Hmm?

[rock music playing]

Oliver: [exclaims]


Oliver: [groaning]

Non: Ooh!

[metal creaks][people exclaim]

Babs: Hey, Ursula! Is everything in the Phantom Zone made of trash bags or just your outfit?

Ursa: Huh?

Babs: Ursula! Hey, Ursula, who did your hair? Calendar Man? 'Cause it's dated!

Ursa: My name is Ursa!

Babs: Ha! Nice shot, Ursula! Your aim is just as on point as your boots. [laughs] Missed again!

Ursa: [growling]

Oliver: [groaning]

Non: [laughing gleefully]

[people screaming]

Diana: [yells, grunts] [groans] [yelling, grunting]

Kara: [yelling, grunting]

Diana: [yells]

Garth: Um, Ms. Woman?

Kara: [yells and grunts] [groans]

Garth: Ms. Girl? I'm ready to help, just let me know when you want me.

Kara: Ben said stay there, squirt. Do not move from that spot.

Garth: Aw.

Karen: Hey, wait up. So sorry. 

Grey Matter: [gasps] There's the Kryptonite!
[alarm beeping]

Karen: [gasps]

Carter: [grunting]

Karen: Oh, so, you want us to...

Carter: Hurry!

Karen: [exclaims] [grunting]

Carter: [continues grunting]

Karen: [continues grunting]

Barry: What's wrong, Wursa? This relationship moving too fast for you?

Babs: [blows raspberry]

Ursa: One the contrary. [inhales, blows]

Babs: Whoa!
Ursa: I find the pace glacial.


Zee: And now for the grand finale. [grunts]

Oliver: [groaning loudly] Oh, I am slain!

Non: [exclaims gleefully]

Zee: Ta-da!

Oliver: Not a scratch.

Non: [whines] [growls]

Zee: I think he expected some gore. Get back inside.

Oliver: Are you mad?

Non: [growling]

Zee: shinav ["vanish" backwards]

Diana: [yelling]

Zod: Enough!

Diana: [exclaims and groans]

Zod: [grunts]

Diana: [grunting, groaning]

Zod: You've lost, Kara Zor-El. All of Earth will kneel before Zod. Zod!

Kara: Oh, yeah?

Zod: Yeah. Now, kneel! [scoffs]

Ursa: Or run like a coward. That works, too.

[all laughing] 
[all coughing]

Zod: What? What's this? [gasps]

Karen: Oh, my gosh, you guys! I was all like, "Ah!" And he was all like, "Just go under the door." And I was all like, "Oh! Kryptonite! Whoa!" [laughs] Um...

Carter: [growling]

Grey Matter: Bumblebee Focus

Karen: Oh, sorry, sorry.

Carter: [grunts]

Vilgax: Tennyson I believe you have something of mine the omnitrix give it to me

Diana: Now!

Oliver: Ha! Huh?

Babs: [grunting] Hey, Ursula! You're looking a little green!

Ursa: [gasping and whimpering]

Non: Hmm? Grr!

Zee: Wait, what's that behind your ear?

Non: [groans]

Oliver: Thank you! You've been terrific. Ha!

Non: [yelping]

Diana: [yells]

Zod: [gasps] [grunting]

Hal: Dude!

Zod: Foolish children, even Superman knows that Zod is a force of nature. Only another force of nature stands a chance against me!

Kara: Good thing we got one of those! Hey, Aqualad! Heads up!

Garth: [yells]

Kara: Go for it, squirt!

Garth: [grunting]

Water Dragon: [snarling]

Zod: [yelling]

Kara: Ha! Take that, sucka!

Ben: I got Vilgax

Heatblast: (grunting)

 All: Ben!!

Vilgax: foolish of letting the most powerful device fall into the hands of a pitiful child

Heatblast:(grunting) (Screaming) I. A'M. NOT.  PITIFUL!!!!!!

(Vilgax was blasted into the portal)

Vilgax: NOOOOOO!!!!!

All: [cheering]

Batgirl: oh Ben that was so brave and noble

Ben: um thanks Babs

???: Ben

Ben: Gwen, Grandpa

Gwen: we saw a flash outside are you okay

Ben: yeah I'm fine

Kara: We did it, Mom. We got him

(the next day)

Steve: It was touch-and-go for a while I thought I was really gonna let you guys down coming back without sprinkles. But then the lady found some more in the back, and the day was saved.

Diana: [giggles] [giggles, sighs]

Barry: You know, when you really think about it, if Steve hadn't left to get those donuts, then Wonder Woman never would have had the idea to get the Kryptonite, and that "Kneel!" guy would have totally taken over the world.

Steve: Steve Trevor did it again!

Boys: Yo, Bros!

Girls and Ben: [groans]

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