#AlternateRealityTrip part 1

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[Birds chirping ] 

Girl: Aah! Aah! Somebody help me! Mr. Catsby! 

No Watch Ben: Hmm. 

Girl: Mr. Catsby can't climb down by himself? He's afraid of heights.

No Watch Ben: [ Sighs ] Of course he is. I'll have him down in a jiff. 

Catsby: [ Growls ] 

Ben: [ Grunting ] 

Catsby: [ Yowls ] [ Yowls ] 

Girl:  Ohh, if you promise to never, ever, ever do that again, you can has all the cheeseburgers you want.

 [ Meows ] 

 No Watch Ben: That was kind of fun Like being a superhero. [ Watch chirps ] The game! Man, I got to get a new watch.

 [ Whistle blows ] [ Cheers and applause ] [ Panting ] [ Grunts ] [ Cheers and applause ] 

Cash: Great game, man! - Sweet! Not too shabby, Tennyson! 

No Watch Ben: [ Grunts ] Sorry, dude. No hard Feelings? Hey! My watch! [ Chuckles ] Joke's on that guy. The stupid watch doesn't even work.

Max: You don't look very happy, Ben. Let me give you a hand with that.

Ben: I didn't even have to do anything. All their shots missed the net.

Max: You gave your team a chance to win. That's what's important.

Ben: Important? Come on, grandpa. It's just a game. Nothing in Bellwood is really very important.

Max: I don't know why you're always bad-mouthing Bellwood. It's a great little town. I've been here my entire life.

Ben: That's just it. Everybody stays in Bellwood their entire life. They're born here, grow up here, get old here, with all the exact same people. Max: Maybe people here are content.

Ben: Yeah. Well, I'm not. I wish there was something I don't know more. 

Max: Believe it or not, I know what you mean, Ben. But maybe what you're looking for will find you somehow. 

[ Sirens wailing ] 

Gwen: This is a blast from the past. 

Ben: Gwen. What are you doing here? 

Gwen: Oh, um, my mom wanted to talk to your mom and grandpa about the family reunion. 

Ben: Man, [Sighs] I hope they're not gonna have it at that same old campsite grandpa Max made us go to in summer. 

Gwen: Ugh. The start of the most boring road trip of all time. Don't remind me. 

Ben: Driving around with our grandpa in his junky old motor home.

Both: Worst summer ever. 

Ben: I, um I heard you were gonna go away to some private school. 

Gwen: Well, I was in this program, but, um, it didn't happen. - 

Ben: Bummer. - 

Gwen: Not really. I got cold feet, so I pulled my application. Maybe next year.

Ben: Yeah. Um, remember my friend Cash? He moved to a school across town. Then he somehow convinced Clem to go with him. And you really don't know any of these people, so [Sighs] I guess you wouldn't care. Sorry.

Gwen: It's okay, Ben. We don't have to talk. It's not like we're close or anything. [ Cellphone rings ] Hey, J. T. Yeah. Yeah, I can meet up with you.

No Watch Ben:  [ Slurping ] [ Footsteps approaching ] Strange things are afoot at the Mr. Smoothy's. Hey, if anybody's following me, I just spent my allowance on smoothies, and some dude already stole my watch today. And now I'm talking to myself. [ Grunts ] 

Bad Ben: No. Now you're talking to yourself.

No Watch Ben: [ Gasps ] 

Bad Ben: I wouldn't have believed it if I wasn't seeing it with my own eyes. It really is you. 

No Watch Ben: That smoothie must have been past its expiration date.

Bad Ben: [ Chuckles ] I knew you were going to say that. 

Ben: Hmm. 

Bad Ben: [ Chuckles ] Go ahead. Like looking into a mirror, right? [ Chuckles evilly ] 

Ben: You're you're me. 

Bad Ben: Don't bother stammering in confusion. I know exactly what you're thinking. But you have no idea what I'm thinking. 

Ben: [ Grunts ] What is the matter with you, dude? 

Bad Ben: You must be taking the same self-defense classes I did. I didn't give you enough credit. Then again, you are Ben Tennyson. You can do anything I can do Except this. [ Beep ] 

Ben: How did you what are you? 

Bad Heatblast: I've come a long way to find you, Ben Tennyson to find and end you. 

 Ben: This isn't possible! - 

Bad Heatblast: Hardly. Though I realize none of this makes sense from your point of view. If I were a nice guy, I would explain why you must be destroyed. But I am not a nice guy. 

Ben: Aah! Help! Somebody help me! 

[ All gasp ] 

Bad Heatblast: Cleanup on aisle 10! 

[ All yelling indistinctly ] - 

Kevin: Hello, Ben. -

  Ben: Aah! -

 Benzarro: Boo. - 

Ben: Aah! Aah! 

Kevin: [ Chuckles ] I like this guy. I almost feel bad for what we have to do him Almost.

 Bashmouth: [ Roars ] 

Diamondzarro: This fun!

 [ All screaming ] 

No Watch Ben:  This is one cuckoo-crazy nightmare. I'm gonna wake up any second.[ Grunts ] Why are you doing this to me? 

Ben: What? Saving you? 

No Watch Ben: You you've got one of those weird watches to transform into some crazy monster and try to smash me. 

Ben: I'm not gonna try to smash you promise. 

No Watch Ben: Oh, that makes me feel so much safer. 

Ben : But as for the [beep] 

Overflow: Monster part

  No Watch Ben: Aah! Aah! Oh, if this is a dream, I'd just like to wake up now, please. 

Overflow: It's just way too complicated for me to explain, but, let's go until we find  someone who can.

Ben: Aah! [ Sighs ] How long do we have to wait? 

Ben : Hard to say. Time isn't easy to keep track of.

Professor Paradox: Nonsense. Hello, Ben Tennyson. Tennysons plural. We haven't met well, I have, but you haven't. Professor Paradox at your service. Amazing a universe without an Omnitrix. It boggles the mind.

Ben: Dude, this is not making me less confused.

Professor Paradox: Fair enough. But before I can answer any questions, you're going to need to brush up on quantum mechanics and string theory. There are many dimension, many Universes, many Earths, and thus many Ben Tennysons across those dimensions, dimensions which are not always in sync in time.

Ben: Is that all? [ Chuckles ] I totally get what's going on now. 

 Professor Paradox: Think of time and space as this tree. Down here is where we are. Right here is when you will be 16 years old. Up here is when you'll be 30 years old. The trunk is the main timeline. These branches represent alternate timelines, where reality literally branches off and becomes a different timeline, each containing its own Ben Tennyson.

Ben : Make sense now? 

Ben: Not even a little bit.

Professor Paradox: The problem is someone or something is working its way through the branches, kidnapping all the different Bens throughout space and time.

Ben: These guys weren't trying to kidnap me. They were trying to wipe me out. There is something unusual about you or, more specifically, something usual about your wrist.

Ben: The other Bens all had that freaky watch.

Professor Paradox: The Omnitrix. Every Ben Tennyson throughout space and time has had his fate intertwined with that of the Omnitrix. You, however, have not. Hence you are being targeted.

Ben: Why me? I haven't the foggiest, but I'm off to find out.

Ben prime: If someone's traveling in time to kidnap Bens, it has to be Eon. His tracks are covered too well. If Eon is involved, someone else is the mastermind. Keep Ben safe.

Ben prime: I'll protect him like he was my own me. Levity and humor Excellent. Get it out of your system now. If I'm right, there won't be any opportunity for it later.

Ben: I'm toast. What's the deal with these Omnitrix watches that can turn you into super-powered monsters? 

Ben : Aliens. I can't tell you too much, but it's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.

Ben: I always knew there was something more for me out there something special. But every Ben Tennyson in every dimension has an Omnitrix Except me. [ Beeping ] 

Ben: Get down! [ Grunts ] 

Forever knight: You're not the one I'm looking for, but you are the one without an Omnitrix. Difficult to find easy to finish off. 

Ben : I knew it had to be you, Forever knight. You're not getting him. Quick! Find somewhere safe! 

Ben: Y you're another me? 

Vilgax: [ Laughs evilly ] I'm sorry. You must not realize how ridiculous that sounds. For over a decade, that whelp has prevented me from arming a legion of Omnitrix-clad minions to conquer the universe.

Ben: You've been going after him for a decade? It seems like that whelp is a bit too much for you to handle. 

Vilgax: Ahh, as quippy as the other Tennysons, I see. [ Snarls ] Eon: Don't lump me in with them.

Ben: Wait. You're a me, also? 

Vilgax: Forever knight has merely been helping me collect Ben Tennysons from all throughout the multiverse, whisking them out of their timelines to mentor them mold them. Why settle for the Omnitrix when I could possess the watch and its wearer? Not just one I can control every Omnitrix by controlling every Ben who wields it.

Ben: So, what do you want with me? I don't have an Omnitrix. See? 

Forever knight: Yours is the only timeline without an Omnitrix, which makes it an unpredictable wild card.

Vilgax: And in my future, there is no room for wild cards. - 

Ben: So many evil me's. - 

Bad Ben: "Evil" is relative.

Kevin: Not to mention offensive.

Mad Ben: I don't care what he calls me.

Nega Ben: [ Scoffs ] Lame.

Forever knight: It was a long process, assembling Ben Tennysons from all over the multiverse, but we had plenty of time.

Vilgax: You, however, do not.

Benzarro: Bens smash. [ All yelling indistinctly ]

Ben (16 years old): Humungousaur! [ Roars ] 

Professor Paradox:  As an old friend used to say, "it's hero time!"

Ben 10: All right, Evil Dweebs, get ready to meet Ben Viktor! 

[ Beep ] 

[ Beeping ] 

[ Beep ]

Ben: Go! Run! Hide! 

No Watch Ben: I don't want to run. I want to help.

Ben : We got this. You can help by not being such an easy target. Now get clear and keep your head down. Aah! Aah. You know how weird it feels being rescued by aliens? You know how weird it feels rescuing myself?

No Watch Ben: [ Sighs ] I wish I had an Omnitrix. I want to be able to do something anything.

Ben: It's just a watch, Dude. Gadgets don't make the hero. 

No Watch Ben: Without a watch, I have to just watch? Well, that's one way of looking at it. [ Thudding ]

Forever knight: Vilgax, are you just going to stand there, or are you going to join the fight?

Vilgax: I'll do whatever I please, and you are in no position to ever demand otherwise. Now open the portal.

Forever knight:  We're partners in this endeavor. I should be in on every detail of your plans, especially if they suddenly involve a bomb.

Vilgax: Not just a bomb a Chronosapien time bomb. [ Bomb ticking ]

Forever knight: You're going to destroy this Ben 10 and his timeline? - Nice.

Vilgax: On the contrary, the detonation won't even touch this Ben Tennyson or his timeline. It's designed to wipe other timelines from existence.

Forever knight: Which one?

Vilgax: All of them. [ Laughs evilly ] Only this timeline will be left intact, while all others will cease to exist, so every Ben Tennyson not from this timeline will be destroyed.

Mad Ben: What is that? [ Growls ] [ Beep ]

Benzarro: What we do now?

Ben (16 Years old) : please give me Alien X! Aah!

Benzarro: Aah! -

Mad Ben: Aah!

Bad Ben: Aah!

 No Watch Ben: Paradox? What's happening now? Paradox? [ Beep ]

  Ben: Where's paradox?

No Watch Ben: I don't know! He was right here, and then he wasn't. Uh aah! -

Ben: Aah! -

No Watch Ben: Ben! [ Beep ]

Ben : It's just a gadget! Be the hero!

No watch Ben: [ Gasps ] [ Grunts ] What did you do?

Vilgax: What I had planned to do all along. The moment I discovered your universe, I knew I had found the means to rid the multiverse of any Ben Tennyson who had ever even heard of the Omnitrix. Now you are the only Ben left, and you're no threat to me.

Ben: Aah!

Vilgax: But that won't stop me from destroying you, too. Ahh, there you are. Run from me for the rest of your life, Ben Tennyson. For at long last, the Universe is once and truly mine. [ Laughing evilly ]

Ben: Whoa. - Where are - 

Professor Paradox: No need to ask where we are. This is not a place, so it's not a question I can answer. If you think of time and space as a tree with branches

Ben: [ Groans ] Not again. 

Professor Paradox:Then you and I are on a leaf that has fallen from it. Only now there is no longer any tree. Vilgax chopped it down.

Ben: Then he did it. Vilgax won. 

Professor Paradox: Yes. You are the last Ben Tennyson. - Ben: So, what do we do now? - The only thing we can do Go back 

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