Tim Drake x reader

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This entire one shot is in Tim's pov so enjoy! 

Tim's pov

       "Y/N!" I shouted, I searched my surrounding quickly, hoping I can find my precious Y/n. I hear cold laughter "poor, poor Red Robin, can't find his beloved princess," Joker's voice echoed "what did you do to her?!" I demanded "WHERE IS SHE?!" "oh she's right there," said Joker, a spotlight turned on. 

       I saw Y/n, I couldn't see her face, "why did I fall in love with you?" she asked "you're just a broken boy who doesn't care about anyone but himself," I shook my head, "no, Y/n, you know I'm not that type of person," I said "but you are," she said "you're just like your father," a mirror appeared, I saw my father's reflection, "NO!" "TIM!" "TIM! WAKE UP!" 

       I jerked straight up, I'm covered in cold sweat. I looked around my surrounding to see I'm in the bedroom of my shared apartment with Y/n, "Tim?" Y/n's voice soft and filled with worry, I pulled her in for a tight hug, "don't leave me," I said "please?" Y/n wrapped her arms around my waist, "I will never leave you, Tim, I love you," she said leaning her against my chest. 

       My heavy breathing returned to normal, I kissed the top of her head and pressed my cheek on top of her head, "can you tell me what happened?" she asked, I took a shaky breath, "it's okay if you don't want to," she added, I took her hand and pressed my cheek against it, "no, it's fine," I said, "I was searching for you somewhere, I'm not sure where it was but I was looking for you. I heard a cold laughter, Joker's voice echoed the room or wherever I was, he kidnapped you, he turned you against me. You said you didn't love me anymore, you asked how you fell in love with me, and you also said that I'm just like my father," I said "then you woke me up," I went on, my blue eyes meeting her own e/c ones, "oh, Tim," she whispered, she hugged me again and I hugged her back tightly "it's okay, Tim, I would never say those things," she said "I love you too much to say that," "I know," I said softly, she rested her head against my chest and sighed, "Tim, get some sleep, you have a mission with Bruce later on today," she said, I looked at the clock to see it's nearly 4, "yeah, you're right," I said "aren't I always?" Y/n asked with a smirk "you've been spending way too much time with Dick," I said laughing "hey! He helps me be more confident and he told me to show my cocky side!" Y/n protested whacking me with her pillow, I laughed even harder and pulled her closer to me. 

       I kissed her hard and she kissed back, I laid her down and hovered over her, my elbows on both sides of her head. Y/n's hands went up and down my sides raising goose bumps, I pulled away and softly started kissing her neck, she moaned softly. I stopped and sighed, Y/n ran her fingers through my hair, "I don't care about your past, Timmy, I care about who you are now," said Y/n "the reasons why I fell in love with you is because your awkward rambling, your intelligence, your looks, your personality, and how protective you are for me," she said "I'll always be by your side," I kissed her neck again. 

       "Thank you," I murmured "you're welcome, Timmy, now, it's about time we go back to sleep," she said, I chuckled and laid down next to Y/n, "you're right," I said, Y/n hugged my waist and I wrapped my arms around her, "there, now you'll know I'm here, I'll always be here no matter what," she said "no matter what," 

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