This one is the season 1 of YJ Robin not Nightwing sooooo enjoy! a quick question before we start too, I just re watched the World Of Warcraft movie that came out last year and I've been having the urge to start a fan fiction about it sooooooo, anyone interested? most of you guys will be asking 'the heck is World Of Warcraft?' well, it's a good game and I absolutely love it though I am mad that I can't play it anymore unless I subscribe by paying more money to play it. I paid good money to just get the game!
Y/n's pov
I flapped my wings a bit so I can stretched them out a bit. I heard more wings flapping but they weren't birds. I peered over the tree trunk curiously only to see two people, a woman and a man, both are wearing something that are the same.
"You sure she's here?" asked the woman "yeah, I'm sure," said the man "I don't want to get my hopes up, Hawkeman," said the woman "I know, Hawkewoman," said Hawkeman, I slinked back silently but a small tree branch snapped underneath, both snapped their heads to my direction, I quickly took off.
Both quickly followed me. Both immediately caught up with me "stop! We're not here to hurt you!" said Hawkewoman "please! Calm down!" Hawkeman said, both quickly blocked me from escaping, "we're not here to hurt you, Y/n, we're just here to talk," Hawkewoman said softly "please? Will you talk?" I nodded and the three of us landed, I folded my wings, "may I?" asked Hawkeman gesturing to my wing, I hesitated but unfolded my wings.
Carefully, Hawkeman examined my wings "they're attached to you?" he asked, I nodded, "don't be afraid of speaking, Y/n," said Hawkewoman "I was experimented on when I was an infant," I said softly "I never met my parents," "how did you escape?" asked Hawkeman "I have stronger strength than humans," I said "how fast can you fly?" asked Hawkewoman "I don't know," I said "Y/n, will you come with us? you can help people," "will you come with us?"
*time skip*
Several years passed by and I got used to living with Shiera and Carter. I took the mantel Hawkegirl, Shiera and Carter both agreed that I should join the Young Justice League, right now, we're waiting for the team to return from a mission.
I already know who all of them are, I saw a blur of red and yellow, a boy with red hair and bright green eyes stood in front of me causing me to jump back a bit, "hey, babe, the name's Kid Flash," he said "Kid Flash, give her space, she's not used to being so close," Carter said, he placed his hands on my shoulders, "she doesn't like physical contact either," Shiera added "you're touching her right now," Kid Flash said "that's because we're her mentors," Shiera said "Batman needs us for a bit, are you going to be okay by yourself for a bit?" Shiera asked, I nodded, Carter and Shiera left.
I watched them leave and once they were gone I turned back to see the team to find all of them. Aqualad stepped forward "hello, Hawkegirl, it is a pleasure to meet you," he said offering me his hand, I shook it, "it's nice meeting you," I said softly "aw, she's shy," said M'gann, I dropped my arm and rubbed my left arm shyly, "I've been shy my entire life," I said "well, either you have a tragic backstory or parent issues," said Kid Flash, I didn't say anything and looked down at my feet, "okay we'll go with tragic backstory then," Kid Flash said.
Robin's pov
Really, Kid? you had to ask her that? Hawkegirl looked away from us, I can tell she's scared now, "hey, Hawkegirl, you look a bit traught," I said, that perked her interest, "traught?" she repeated "yeah, traught," I said smiling at her brightly "traught as in distraught?" she asked "yes!" I said, a smile appeared on Hawkegirl's face "that's..........actually kinda fun," she said "nobody seem to think like that," I said "well, at least Hawkegirl is comfortable with someone," Artemis said emphasizing 'someone' meaning Kid Flash, Hawkegirl started laughing, I have a feeling we're going to get along very well.
*time skip*
Hawkegirl and I did get along very well for the past 10 months, the only thing I hate about this year passing by is that we didn't celebrate her birthday, she doesn't know when it is because she's been an experiment for her entire life.
"Come with me," I said offering her my hand, "to where?" she asked "just trust me," I said, Hawkegirl took my hand and we left. She picked me up "hey!" I protested making her laugh, "just trust me, Robin," Hawkegirl said "great, using my words against me!" I said making her laugh again "where to?" she asked "the beach, it's beautiful at this time," I said, Hawkegirl dove, it's not the first time I've done this so I'm pretty much used to it.
Hawkegirl landed and let me go, I grabbed her hand and we walked on the beach shore line hand in hand.
"Thanks for taking me out here Robin," said Hawkegirl "no problem," I said, I turned to face her, "with all due to respect, I'll like to see the beautiful face of the girl I'm with now," I said, she blushed, "only if you do it too," she said , I hesitated but nodded, "on 3?" I suggested "on 3," she agreed "1," I said "2," she said "3," I said and we both pulled our masks off, my bright blue eyes met beautiful e/c ones, "you shouldn't wear your mask more often, you're beautiful," I said "right back at you," she said, I cupped a hand against her cheek, "can I kiss you?" I asked "you may," Hawkegirl said, I leaned in and pressed my lips against hers.
This one was inspired by the book series Maximum Ride by James Patterson, I really love that book series soooooo read it if you want to. Vote, comment and request!
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