Damian Wayne x reader part 2!

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??'s pov

       I continued sharpening my blade with a rock and watched the news as I did. 

       "Who is this mysterious assassin?" the reporter asked "Commissioner Gordon and GCPD had already announced for all of us to stay indoors unless there is daylight," the reporter went on "whoever this assassin is, we will catch her," said Gordon "we will capture Gotham's Assassin and bring her justice," I snorted and stopped sharpening the blade, "good luck catching me," I muttered, I got up and grabbed my mask, "time for the daily routine," I said and left. 

       With quick and very light movement I'm standing on top of a rooftop, I heard movement and I yanked out my katana, I saw Robin, he's holding something in his hand, "أنا أعرف من أنت،" (I know who you are) he said "ثم من أنا؟" (then who am I?) I asked "ص / ن م / ن م / ن،" (Y/n M/n L/n) Robin said, he stepped forward and I let him, when he got close to me he took my katana and he took his own off, "لماذا؟ لماذا لم تخبرني أنك لا تزال على قيد الحياة؟ وكيف أنت لا تزال على قيد الحياة؟" (why? why didn't you tell me you're still alive? and how are you still alive?) he asked "كذبت أمك لك، داميان، لسنوات عديدة كانت قد لي للتعذيب، بعد سنوات عديدة، وقالت انها كانت مقتنعة أنا محارب المثالي الذي كان من المفترض أن يكون. إنها ثم أرسلني في مهمة لقائي الاول،" (your mother lied to you, Damian, for many years she had me tortured, many years later, she was convinced I'm the perfect warrior you were supposed to be. She then sent me on my first mission) I said "إنما بعثت لقتلك، ولكن أنا لا يمكن أن يقتلك،" (I was sent to kill you, but I couldn't kill you) "كيف يمكن لي؟ كنت أفضل صديق لي، يا واحد والأصدقاء فقط،" (how could I? you're my best friend, my one and only friend) I said "لو مت، سأكون فقدت بذلك، كسر ذلك ومحطم، لن أكون قادرة على العمل," (if you died, I'll be so lost, so broken and shattered, I wouldn't be able to function) I went on, my voice cracked and I buried my face into his shoulder "أنا آسف," (I'm sorry) I sobbed "أنا آسف," (I'm sorry) Robin pulled me close.

        "لا بأس، أنت آمن، وأنا آمنة، ونحن آمنون، سأكون بجانبك مهما كانت. فقط لا تترك الألغام مرة أخرى،" (it's alright, you're safe, I'm safe, we're safe, I will be by your side no matter what. Just don't leave mine again) I sniffed "وعد مني ذلك، من فضلك؟" (promise me that, please?) Robin asked "أعدك،" (I promise) Robin hugged me again, "I missed you, so, so much," he murmured into my ear, I sniffed again, "I missed you, too," I said "come, I'm sure Father will like to meet you," said Robin "I promise you, he will not hurt you with me by your side," I nodded and we both left.

Bruce's pov

       I heard a faint sound of a bike coming in, I looked up to see Robin and...... Gotham's Assassin "are you insane!?" I shouted "she can be trusted, Father!" Damian snapped "she's my best friend, for many years I thought she was dead," Damian said "I'm not letting you kick her out," the girl's intelligent e/c eyes met my own blue ones, the way Damian is holding her hand is pure trust, "how long have you known each other?" I asked "ever since we were children," the girl said "I thought she was dead before and I'm not letting myself think like that again," said Damian "kick her out and I'm going with her," "you stubborn child," I sighed "very well, as long as she doesn't kill anybody anymore," I said "she'll be trained, be taught what I taught you, Damian," I said "and you're going to be her teacher," Damian and the girl shared a look, "fine with me," said the girl "I'm also fine with it," Damian said "your name," I said "what is it?" "Y/n, Y/n L/n," said the girl, Damian got changed and both headed upstairs. 

       Something about her is wrong, she may be playing us. Titus walked over to me, I hooked a microphone to his collar, "follow them, Titus, report back to me at night," I ordered, Titus barked and left.

Y/n's pov

       I kicked my katana underneath my bed and looked out the window, "enjoying the view?" Damian asked, he came in and stood next to me, "I am," I said softly, I felt something brushing against my leg, I looked down to see a grey bloodhound, "well hello there," I said, I dropped down and rubbed his head, "Titus, I thought you were with Ace," said Damian "Titus?" I asked "yes, that's his name," said Damian "Titus the bloodhound," I said "that's a good name," I said smiling at him, my finger slipped by his collar and I felt something odd, I pulled it off Titus' collar, "a microphone," I said handing it to Damian "Father must've put it there," said Damian "I thought you said I can trust him," I said "you can, obviously Father doesn't trust you," said Damian "you're gonna have to earn it," Damian said "and how am I supposed to do that?" I asked "save my life, take a hit, obey whatever he orders you to do, you get the gist," said Damian. 

       He dropped the microphone and crushed it with his foot, "I cannot believe Father will do something like this," he growled, Titus walked out of the room while I calmed Damian down, "Damian, I'm an assassin, I killed people before," I said "well so did I," Damian said "why can't he trust you?" Damian asked grabbing my shoulders, "Damian, maybe it's for the best," I said "it's better that way," I said softly "no, it's not better that way," said Damian his grip tightening on my shoulders, "Damian, Damian, you're hurting me," I said, Damian loosened his grip, "I'm sorry," he said, I hugged him gently, "it's okay, Damian," I said "I'll earn his trust," I said "one way or another," I said softly.  

                                                     *time skip* 

       5 years have passed by making Damian and me 17. Damian got in trouble again and Bruce forced him to stay behind while he and Red Robin went on patrol, I watched Damian curse very loudly in Arabic while I monitored the Batcomputer. 

       "Damian, calm down," I said turning to face him, "please?" Damian sighed "how am I supposed to calm down?" he asked, I walked over to the weapons cabinet, I grabbed a katana and threw it at him, he caught it and gave me a confused look, "you and I are going to train," I said and I lunged. 

       Our weapons clashed, and we continued to fight, the fight is a very dangerous dance of sword play. At one point I lost my katana, I ducked and knocked his katana out of his hands and pinned him down, Damian grabbed my and threw me back down and straddled my waist, "that went well," he said "I learned from the best," I said, Damian smiled, "I'm enjoying the view," he mumbled in my ear, my face turned red, "um, Damian, I feel very uncomfortable," I said, Damian got closer to me, "so?" he asked and his lips are on mine.

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