Damian's pov
Before leaving for my vengeance, I stopped by my beloved's grave "beloved," I began "I will avenge your death, I will have my revenge, I-I," my voice faltered 'maybe Father is right, justice not vengeance,' I thought 'justice not vengeance,' I looked at her grave again 'will the Lazarus Pit work?' I immediately headed back to the Batcave, I found Father suiting up for patrol "Damian, get ready for patrol," he ordered "I'll ask one thing before we go," I said "and what's that?" "can we bring Y/n back with the Lazarus Pit?" Father turned to face me "that's not a good idea, Damian," Father said "why?" I asked "look at Jason, his mind was broken when he was brought back by the Lazarus Pit," said Father "do you really want her to go through that too?" I shook my head "no, but I want her back," I said, Father placed a hand on my shoulder, "I understand you love you her very much but death is part of life," Father said "she died at the age of 16!" I growled "by the hands of my mother and the Heretic!" I added "justice not vengeance," Father said "what will Y/n want? If she finds out you've become a monster will she still love you?" asked Father, I didn't say anything and got suited up for patrol.
*time skip*
I got ready for bed, Titus curled up on my bed, he pawed the side of Y/n's bed and whined. I gave him a head rub, "I know, I miss her too," I said "we all do," I said and laid down for bed, soon, sleep claimed me.
I looked around to see that I'm somewhere in the country side and not the city.
"Damian!" I heard someone calling out, I turned to see her, alive and happy, "Y/n?" I said, she ran towards me and I caught her in my arms, she's alive, she's not hurt, my one and only love is alive.
I ran my fingers through her soft hair, but everything changed. I saw Y/n in a room, alone and injured horribly, "Damian?" she asked softly "is that you?" I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out, "if it is you, save me, please, your mother and Heretic faked my death. Please, rescue me, save me and break these chains," Y/n begged "you know where I am being held,"
I jerked up from the dream, my breathing hard and ragged. I heard whimpering, I reached over and ran my fingers through Titus' fur, "it's alright, Titus, just a nightmare," I said, I got out of bed and got dressed, if that dream wasn't a dream then..... she can still be alive. I rushed down to the Batcave "Father?" I said "what is it, Damian?" Father asked "Father, what if Y/n never died?" I asked "what if Mother and Heretic faked her death?" Father turned to face me "what are you suggesting?" he asked "Father, there is a slim possibility that Y/n can still be alive at the League Of Assassin's HQ, please, let me search for her there," I begged "and if you're wrong?" Father asked "you will be captured by your mother and become the monster they want you to be," "and so I shall," I said "love is more important than myself," I added and got suited up.
Hang on, beloved, I'm coming. Before heading to the League's HQ I need to get some help first.
Y/n's pov
I've lost track of how long I've been here, Talia had ordered several scientists to experiment on me and the experimentation caused me to receive the power to control dreams. Talia wanted that, she ordered me to send a dream to Damian that I'm still alive so she can lure him to where she wants him to be.
Damian knows how much his mother wants him back but he knows how much I mean to him.
Rescue Me By Eurielle
All alone inside
All alone each night
All alone I've cried
Thinking of you
Close my eyes and see
Close my eyes to sleep
Close my eyes to escape from this madness
Towers rise, with souls in their woes
The people cry for someone
Will you rescue me
You can set me free
Will you break these chains
Stop me falling
Will you rescue me
Give me air to breathe
Help these eyes to see
Will you come and rescue me
Every time I wait (time I wait)
Every hour I fade (hour I fade)
Every corner turned (corner turned)
Looking for you
In my heart I know
In my head I hope In my body I call
Waiting for you
Towers rise, with souls in their woes
The people cry for someone
Will you rescue me?
You can set me free
Will you break these chains?
Stop me falling
Will you rescue me?
Give me air to breathe
Help these eyes to see
Will you come and rescue me?
Will you rescue me?
You can set me free
Will you break these chains?
Stop me falling
Will you rescue me?
You can set me free
Will you break these chains?
Stop me falling
Will you rescue me?
Give me air to breathe
Help these eyes to see
Will you come and rescue me?
I stopped singing and started humming it instead, the door unlocked and opened, Talia came in "هي أن أغنية لابني؟" (is that song for my son?) she asked "go to hell," I spat at her, she squatted down to my level, "my son will do anything to have you back home, Y/n, and I will have him back in my hands," Talia said "وقال انه سوف أبدا,"(he will never) I spat "كنت حبيبته، وقال انه سوف تفعل أي شيء لحمايتك، على قيد الحياة، والسعادة," (you're his beloved, he will do anything to keep you safe, alive, and happy) said Talia and she left, I crawled to the only window that was available, "داميان، لا تأتي، يرجى عدم," (Damian, don't come, please don't)
Damian's pov
Before knocking out another guard I held my katana at his throat "أين. هو. هي؟" (where. is. she?) I growled "أنا لا أعرف ما الذي نتحدث عنه," (I don't know what you're talking about) the guard said "اسمحوا لي أن أعيد صياغة ما," (let me rephrase that) I said, I dug my katana a bit deeper into his neck "أين. هل هي؟!" (where. is. she?!) I growled again "أبرج وأطول برج هنا ..... من فضلك، اسمحوا لي العيش" (tower, the tallest tower here..... please, please let me live) the guard said "ف الرجاء," (p-please) the guard begged "تشغيل، لا ننظر إلى الوراء، لا التحدث إلى أي شخص," (run, don't look back, don't speak to anyone) I said, he nodded and ran off.
Tower? what to-? oh, how am I so stupid? the tower is the tallest tower here. Very quickly I climbed up to the window only to find her gone and a note is there.
داميان، إذا كنت ترغب في العثور الحبيب ثم يجتمع لي في محكمة التدريب حيث سنقوم التجارة. تسلم نفسك وسيتم الافراج عن الحبيب، والتفكير بحكمة لأنه إذا كنت ترفض ذلك وقالت انها سوف يكون قد مات حقا هذه المرة.
(Damian, if you wish to find your beloved then meet me at the training court where we will trade. Turn yourself in and your beloved will be freed, think wisely because if you refuse then she will be dead truly this time.
I clenched my knuckles and hurried to the court, I found Mother holding Y/n by her hair and she had a katana pressed against her neck.
"Alright," I said "I'm here, release her," Mother smiled "how will you get her home, beloved?" asked Mother "did you actually think I'll come here alone?" I asked and the Titans jumped into action, I grabbed Y/n and I got her into cover.
The Batwing came into view, Nightwing and I helped Y/n inside "get her out of here," I said, Nightwing nodded, Y/n grabbed my arm, "be careful," she said "I will, beloved," I said kissing her and jumped into action.
*time skip*
Nightwing had taken Y/n to the Titans Tower since it's the closest place with an infirmary. Because of blood loss, Y/n slipped into a coma and I haven't left her side since. I have to be here, I have to be the first one that Y/n sees. Just when I was about to grab something to eat I heard the covers shifting, my head snapped to the direction.
She's awake. I held her hand as she woke up, "Damian? Is that you?" she asked, she had to blink several times, "yes, beloved, it's me," I said, I kissed her knuckles softly, "how long was I out?" she asked "several months," I said "beloved, how are you still alive?" I asked "they faked my death, your mother and Heretic I mean," Y/n said, she ran her thumb across my knuckles, "when I woke up, I was strapped onto a metal table and next to me was a tray with torture weapons," said Y/n "I was tortured for so long I didn't even know what day it was, my mind slipped and came back, sometimes I even forgot who I was. Not until your mother mentioned you, I kept thinking to myself that you'll save me like always and you did," Y/n said "thank you," she whispered, I kissed her gently, "I am so, so, sorry for letting this happen to you, beloved," I said "because of your knowledge of my...... extracurricular activities you're in danger, you nearly lost your life because of me," I said, I dunked my head into her neck, "I'm sorry," I whispered, tears poured down my cheeks.
Y/n wiped them away and held me.
Y/n's pov
I started singing again, the same song I sung before.
All alone inside
All alone each night
All alone I've cried
Thinking of you
Close my eyes and see
Close my eyes to sleep
Close my eyes to escape from this madness
Towers rise, with souls in their woes
The people cry for someone
Will you rescue me
You can set me free
Will you break these chains
Stop me falling
Will you rescue me
Give me air to breathe
Help these eyes to see
Will you come and rescue me
Every time I wait (time I wait)
Every hour I fade (hour I fade)
Every corner turned (corner turned)
Looking for you
In my heart I know
In my head I hope In my body I call
Waiting for you Towers rise, with souls in their woes
The people cry for someone
Will you rescue me?
You can set me free
Will you break these chains?
Stop me falling
Will you rescue me?
Give me air to breathe
Help these eyes to see
Will you come and rescue me?
Will you rescue me?
You can set me free
Will you break these chains?
Stop me falling
Will you rescue me?
You can set me free
Will you break these chains?
Stop me falling
Will you rescue me?
Give me air to breathe
Help these eyes to see
Will you come and rescue me?
"Damian, you did rescue me, and I am glad," I said, Damian looked up and kissed me hard, "I will never let you out of my sight again," Damian said "never again," he said "I will continue rescuing you, to the moon and back," Damian said "to the moon and back," I agreed.
I love Eurielle right now, I can't stop listening to her songs, not sure if she's a solo singer or not but I still love her. Vote, comment and request!
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