Damian Wayne x Reader Part 2!

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Y/n's pov

                                                     I sat up from my bed, memories of what happened yesterday repeated through my head. I blushed, that had to be a dream. I got out of bed and started getting ready for school, Damian said he'll meet me at the gates of the school.
                                                     I found Mom and Dad drinking again, Dad looked up. "Hhhhhellllllooooo Yyyyyy/nnnnn," he slurred. "Hey, Mom and Dad," I said, I started walking away when Mom grabbed me. "Where do you think you're going?" She asked, she's not as drunk as Dad. "Time for fun." I gulped.

Damian's pov

                                                       Hmm, Y/n still isn't here yet. Where is she? Just when I was about to head onto her place I saw her, Y/n is..... limping? She looked up, she gave me a weak smile before passing out. "Y/N!" I shouted.

                                                       I quickly ran to her side, I pulled her backpack off, her backpack is hiding bloodstains. I quickly ripped her uniform off to see whip marks. "Oh my God," I whispered, I whipped out my phone and called 911, after a quick explanation the ambulance arrived, students crowded around to see what's going on. "What happened?" Asked Tim. "I think her parents are abusive," I said, the headmaster made us return to school.
                                                         I picked up Y/n's backpack.

~time skip~

                                                          Dick, Tim, Jason and I headed to the hospital that Father owns. A nurse led us to Y/n's room, Commissioner Gordon is currently talking to Y/n.
                                                           Few minutes later Commissioner got up and left. We went inside. "Hey, Damian," Y/n greeted me. "Why?" I asked. "Why didn't you tell us?" I asked, Y/n sighed. "My parents are all I have left, Damian, I didn't want to go into foster care. I also thought I'll be fine, few years later when they started drinking my parents started whipping me," Y/n explained. "I don't want to foster care, what will to us?" Tim, Dick, and Jason left.
                                                              I slipped my hand into hers "we'll figure something out," I said "stay with me, please?" I nodded, I climbed into bed with her and we sat there for a while.

~time skip~

Y/n's pov

                                                                 I stood in front of the gates of Gotham Academy with Damian by my side. He slipped his hand into mine and we headed in, many students looked at us.
                                                                  Damian pulled me close and gave me a short yet sweet kiss, I giggled before kissing the tip of his nose. Lyla shrieked when she saw Damian holding me close to him, I rested my head against Damian's chest while he snaked an arm around my waist. "Come, beloved, time for school." Said Damian.
                                                                    The two of us headed to our first class, Lyla glared at me in 1st period but I paid no attention to her.

~time skip~

                                                                       Damian and I headed to my place. I hesitated but opened the door, we both entered, my parents are gone. A police officer was waiting for me. "Hello, Ms. L/n," he greeted me. "Mr. Wayne, I didn't expect you to be here," Damian readjusted his tie. "I wanted to make sure Y/n is alright," said Damian, the officer nodded before we got down to business since my parents are in jail and I have no other relatives I'll be placed in foster care. "Speaking of foster care, officer," Damian began. "My butler will take her in," we both looked at him. "Really?" I asked. "He's already agreed," said Damian. "He's willing to take as the role of godfather," my face brightened. "Is that fine with Commissioner Officer?" I asked. "Let me ask." He said.

                                                                        He got up and left, Damian wrapped his arms around me and pressed a kiss to the side of my head. The officer came back. "It's done, Mr. Wayne has already filled out the forms and is ready. All he's waiting for is you." Said the Officer, I nodded, we said goodbye to him and Damian and I started packing.
                                                                         Alfred pulled up to my old place and Damian and I heaved my suitcases inside the trunk, I guess my name isn't Y/n L/n anymore, it's Y/n Pennyworth.

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