Conner Kent x reader

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Again, no lovey dovey things, just a family thing so srry guys, this has been on my mind too.

Y/n's pov

       "Recognized, Superman 14, recognized, Supergirl, B33," the zeta tube announced, Dad and I stepped out of the zeta tubes, the cave stood in front of me. 

       "Wow," I whispered, Dad smiled and ruffled my hair, I laughed before pushing his hand away, "Dad," I whined "stop," Dad chuckled, one by one, everyone came in. 

       I spotted Superboy aka my clone brother, I gave him a smile but he rolled his eyes making me frown, "this is my daughter, Supergirl, she'll be joining the team," said Dad "please tell me you're not leaving," I said "sorry, kiddo, duty calls," said Dad, he ruffled my hair again and left. I sighed as he left "welcome to the team," said Nightwing "it's nice to be part of it," I said smiling.

*time skip*

       After a day of spending with the team I returned home, Superboy lives at the mountain so lucky him I guess. Superboy was pretty hesitant of talking to me but he eventually started talking to me more often, we ended up sharing more of our lives together in his bedroom. M'gann, Superboy's girlfriend, didn't mind, she was pleased to know that Superboy is opening up to me. 

       Since Superboy is my brother I told him I'm a clone, too, I was found some other time so yeah. I walked back home, I opened the door and went inside, I walked past Dad's office only to hear quiet arguing, "Clark, we have to tell her eventually," said Lois "she's not ready, Lois," Dad argued back "you mean you're not ready, Clark," Lois said "Clark, she's 15, it's about time she knows she's not a clone," not a clone? if I'm not a clone then what am I? "Clark, I know you're afraid that you'll lose Y/n, but you won't, talk to Diana about this," Lois said, Diana? what does Wonder Woman have to do with this? I listened even more, "Lois, she isn't ready," Dad said "no, you're not ready, Clark," Lois said "Clark, I understand your fear but she won't hate you, you raised her before I came into her life," Lois said gently "just tell her," "tell me what?" I asked walking into the room, Dad stiffened, "how much did you hear?" he asked "oh you know, that I'm not a clone, something about Wonder Woman, and a possibility that you're not my dad," I said "why did you lie to me?" I asked, Dad sighed, "Y/n, you are my daughter but you're not a clone," said Dad "your mother is Wonder Woman," my arms dropped "what?" I asked.

        Dad made me sit down and explained, he and Wonder Woman were dating before and they ended up having sex. Soon, they had me, Wonder Woman wasn't ready to be a mother and they both wiped out my childhood and placed me in a lab that made me look like I'm a clone, from there, Dad raised me and Lois was my mother figure. 

       "Why tell me now?" I asked "you weren't ready," said Dad "Dad, like what Lois said, I'm 15," I said "and I am mad but I don't hate you," I added "how can I? You raised me after doing all that," I went on "I'm mad at Wonder Woman though," I said softly, Dad cupped a hand against my cheek, "I'll get her to talk to you," he said "okay," I said softly, Lois hugged me, "I'm glad he told you," she said "it was about time," she added, I laughed softly and I helped her make dinner.

Clark's pov

       "Recognized, Superman, 14," the zeta tube droned and I stepped out, Batman was the only one there, "where's Diana?" I asked "she's in the gardens," Batman responded "you going to tell her?" "yeah, yeah I am," I said and headed to the gardens.

        I found Diana speaking with Dinah "Diana, may I speak to you alone?" I asked "of course," said Diana, Black Canary left us, "what is it you wish to speak about?" she asked "Y/n," I said, Diana looked away when I mentioned her, "Diana, she knows now," I said "you're gonna have to talk to her eventually," Diana sighed "I know," she said softly "will she be mad at me?" she asked "yes," I said "Diana, you deserve to at least see her once before she shuts you out completely, I know you don't want that," I said "I bet she's going to visit Conner at the cave,"

Conner's pov

       "Recognized, Supergirl, B33," the zeta tube announced, I raised an eyebrow since she was here a couple of hours ago.

        Y/n stepped out, she spotted me and walked over to me, "I need to talk to you," she said "alright," I said and we both left for the library, "what's wrong?" I asked "I'm not a clone," Y/n said "y-you're not a clone?" I repeated "no, I'm half Kryptonian and half Amazonian," she said "my mother is Wonder Woman," "that makes you a possibility of Wondergirl," I said "yes," she said "and I'm also a possibility of Supergirl," she added "Conner, I'm your half sister," Y/n said "do you still love me?" I pulled her in for a hug, "half sister or not, you're still my sister," I said, Y/n relaxed in my arms and rested her head on my shoulder.

Y/n's pov

       "Recognized, Wonder Woman 16, recognized, Superman 15," the zeta tube announced. Conner squeezed my hand while both members materialized.

        Dad gave me a small smile while Wonder Woman stared at me, my h/c hair is the same style as hers, my e/c eyes meeting her own, my smooth, soft s/c skin, "hello, Y/n," Wonder Woman said "hello," I said softly "Superboy, I'll like to speak to Y/n alone," said Wonder Woman, Conner nodded and left with Dad. 

       "I know you are angry with me Y/n and I'll like to ask for your forgiveness," said Wonder Woman "please, allow me to make it up," "how?" I asked "by coming with me back to Paradise Island," Wonder Woman responded "y-you want me to with you?" I asked "yes," said Wonder Woman "if, you want to go," she added "what is your answer child?"

Ha! yes I did do it guys! I left a cliffhanger for you, comment if you want a part 2 cause I think I might consider doing it. Hope you enjoyed!

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